Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1673: I lost my wife and broke down again

"Huh?" Song Qingshu's enthusiastic expression suddenly turned into frosted eggplant, "You didn't come on this day last month."

Mrs. Ruan sipped in secret. How could he have expected him to be so attentive, to know which man in this world would remember the day when a woman came? Although she was caught off guard, she cleverly found a reason to prevaricate: "Women are not always so regular at this time. Sometimes they get disordered. Maybe there are too many things encountered this month. That's why. ...Just upset." She was blushing, but this time she didn't pretend, but because she wanted to explain this to a man, she was really shy.

"It may be that you are worried about too many things this month, and the fatigue of the journey has affected your body," Song Qingshu said with a look of chagrin, "I knew that I shouldn't have let you do those things."

"Those things..." Madam Ruan shook her heart, thinking that she didn't expect it, but it was a pity that she didn't mention it after the other party said something. She was afraid of revealing flaws, so she didn't dare to take the opportunity to ask questions.

How did she know that the things Song Qingshu was referring to meant that Ren Yingying was in charge of the Southern Song intelligence network, rather than Wu Xi who instigated Sichuan as she imagined.

Hearing her embarrassing, Song Qingshu changed her anxious appearance before carefully supporting her to bed, and taking care of her in a considerate manner.

Feeling his gentle and careful movements, Madam Ruan was in a trance. Nowhere did she meet such a gentle man, or it should be said that this world would never have such a gentle and careful man.

In view of the fact that most concepts in this world regard women as bad things, men avoid such things. Even with a few exceptions, it is difficult to really take care of women due to the lack of physiological knowledge, but Song Qingshu From later generations, the Internet taught ordinary people all kinds of information, so he even knew more about this than women in this world, so it gave Mrs. Ruan a strong sense of contrast.

Seeing him taking care of herself after busying on the bedside, Madam Ruan couldn't help but feel a little lost: "Is he really that majestic Golden Snake King? So gentle, it's no wonder that so many outstanding women can be so desperate..."

But she quickly realized that her mentality was wrong, and hurriedly stopped thinking about it, and asked instead: "By the way, what's the matter with you and Aju Azi?"

She knew that the topic in Sichuan was too sensitive, and was worried that the question would reveal flaws, so she asked another very interesting question instead.

Song Qingshu was startled: "Why do you suddenly ask this question?"

"I just want to know." Madam Ruan turned on the act of acting like a baby. It is really easy for Mrs. Ruan to start acting like a baby. This is indeed one of the biggest doubts in her heart these days. Take a look.

Who knows that Song Qingshu looked at her blankly without answering.

Madam Ruan turned away, "Why do you look at people like this?"

"I always think you are a bit strange today." Song Qingshu replied.

Madam Ruan chuckled in her heart and grinned reluctantly: "Why is it strange?"

"On weekdays, you rarely act like this." Song Qingshu exclaimed.

Mrs. Ruan then remembered that through this time of contact, Ren Yingying is a shy and face-saving arrogant character. It is indeed impossible to act like a baby, but she reacted quickly and quickly made up for it: "Huh, I almost got caught." You fool around, don't change the subject."

After being seen through the plan, Song Qingshu smiled awkwardly: "It doesn't matter, it's just a confidante, you were also there when you met Azi, as for Azhu, are you good friends with me?" Thinking of what happened in Liao. He actually didn't know if he and Azhu were friends now.

Madam Ruan was not very satisfied with this answer. She actually wanted to ask them to what extent, for example, did they roll the sheets, but she was afraid that Ren Yingying actually knew about it, so she asked what she exposed.

After struggling for a long time, she finally found a suitable method of probing: "Qing Shu, you are responsible for what people do, and you can't let her follow you so unclearly, you should think of a way to give her a place."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "After she completes this task, I should give her an explanation."

Hearing that the other party did not deny giving the status, Madam Ruan was not at all happy, but her heart sank. It seems that they have had a relationship with each other, and they don’t know whether it is Azi or Azhu...

Suddenly Mrs. Ruan became a little embarrassed, so that she should be his elder, but now she came to play his wife, it was really messed up...

The night was getting late, and Song Qingshu was about to go to bed. Madam Ruan could use Tiangui as an excuse to avoid having **** with him, but she couldn't prevent sharing the same bed with him. Of course, this was what she expected, but it was not too much. Panic.

However, after Song Qingshu went to bed, he clasped her skillfully in her arms. Her hands were dishonestly running around, which made her breath disorder and her heartbeat speeded up. This **** is really a demon in sex. He clearly said that Tiangui is here, but it is not so bad. honest.

But I think of their husbands and wives who looked like glue before. Knowing that this is probably the norm. If they keep refusing, it is easy to reveal flaws.

"Forget it, let him bear it for a while. No one knows about it anyway. The other party just treats his wife." Madam Ruan gritted her teeth and sipped inwardly. For this mission, she really did. It’s a waste of money.

"Hey, it seems to be softer and bigger..." Song Qingshu's vague voice came from under the covers.

"I hate it~" Madam Ruan raised her heart, but when he saw that he just mentioned it casually, she didn't really doubt it, she relieved her heart.

However, although she can conceal it from others, she can't conceal her own heart, thinking that she has taken so much advantage by him, she will not be angry, but on the other hand, she is a mature woman with normal emotions and desires. Under the skilled but gentle skills of the man next to her, she was ashamed to find that she actually felt like it.

She was embarrassed when she thought that she had been provoked by this little man who was much younger than her. Especially when she thought of the unclear relationship between the other party and Aju Azi, there was a kind of morality. Taboo, but some things are just like this, the more depressed, the harder it will be to depress.

Suddenly Mrs. Ruan's body stiffened. When she was so close, she obviously felt the drastic changes in the man's body, and she couldn't help but spit inwardly: "It's really wrong to say that his little man is to blame him..."

Knowing that he could not be allowed to continue, otherwise it would really be possible to wipe the gun and mislead, so Madam Ruan stretched out her hand to push him: "Stop it~"

Who knew that Song Qingshu grabbed her hand, leaning to her ear, and her voice was a little hoarse: "I think..."

Mrs. Ruan was ashamed and anxious: "Everyone said that it's not convenient..." In order to be foolproof, she even took cotton cloth and dyed some "blood stains" on it, if the other party really wanted to untie her dress. , This is the last big killer when taken out.

She even looked forward to the scene a little, and wanted to hum, and see if you would be splashed with cold water.

It's a pity that Song Qingshu didn't mean to untie her dress. Instead, she pulled her into her arms, making Madam Ruan confused and destined to be unable to make affection. What's the point of this?

But she quickly understood what the other party was going to do, because a force came from her head, and she pressed her head into the bed.

Madam Ruan tried to get up, but she couldn't help but question the strength of the other party's hands. She couldn't help being ashamed and angry: What did these two people play all day long!

Looking at each other's level of proficiency, it is obvious that this is not the first time that the two of them have done this. She never expected that in the arena, respected and awed by thousands of people, the high-ranking Ren Yingying would actually do such a thing for him!

Thinking of the noble and elegant appearance in front of Ren Yingying people on weekdays, it is really impossible to combine the two pictures. I thought that Madam Ruan even angered her a little bit. If she didn’t play so crazy with her husband on weekdays, she could fall into this way. Is it embarrassing to be in a dilemma?

Seeing that the two of them play this kind of mouth-to-mouth game on weekdays, what kind of reason can I find to refuse now? She had counted everything, and was ready for everything, but she didn't expect such a crop.

But if you don’t refuse, do you really want to do it for him...

Madam Ruan trembled in her heart. She was here to check the information. As a result, there was no useful information so far. Instead, he was allowed to take such a big advantage first. It was really a steal.

"Yingying, what's wrong with you?" Song Qingshu couldn't help but began to urge when his wife hadn't acted.

Mrs. Ruan is really going crazy. She has experienced strong winds and waves, and has dealt with all kinds of difficult situations, but the combination of those before is not as difficult as the current situation.

"Do I really want to fold here today?" Madam Ruan was eager to cry without tears, and for the first time she had doubts about using disguise to snoop on news.

"Anyway, he doesn't know my true identity, it's better..." Madam Ruan struggled fiercely, "No, he has a relationship like Azhu Azi, how can I still be with him..."

"And Ren Yingying also knows about my disguise, if the two confessed afterwards..."

"Do you want to kill Ren Yingying? But the Sun Moon God Cult behind her, and Song Qingshu are not easy to provoke, how dare to kill her. But if you don't kill..."

When Mrs. Ruan was struggling, Song Qingshu might have waited impatiently. She stretched out her hand and pressed her head down. Her eyes opened wide. She was ashamed and indignant. When she was helpless to give in, the news suddenly spread outside. There was the sound of fighting.

"Huh?" Song Qingshu was obviously also a little distracted, and the strength in his hands was reduced.

Madam Ruan hurriedly broke free and stretched out her head from the bed: "What happened?"

Song Qingshu shook his head after listening for a while: "It's not for us anyway, go ahead."

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