Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1674: Applaud for love

Hearing the other party’s continued voice, Mrs. Ruan almost fainted. First, she thought she had a chance to escape. Who knew that the other party didn’t mean to stop. Secondly, she was the owner of this ship, fighting outside. The sound is obviously someone attacking, without his own seat, his own counterattack must be extremely chaotic.

"Are you really going to stand by and watch?" Madam Ruan bit her lip, regretting that she was not only taking advantage of Li Daitao's stiff action this time, but also being attacked by the culprits. It was a misfortune.

Song Qingshu faintly smiled: "This Ruan family has stood tall for so many years, and it is also the world's number one emperor merchant. How can this little trouble be too much to deal with?"

Mrs. Ruan was secretly complaining. If she didn’t worry about getting an idea from the culprits in the past, she would be dispatched in the game, and secondly, she had the backing of Han Tong, who could use the power of the government, but now the situation is quite different. Han Tong is now hard to protect himself, and according to reliable sources, those who attacked them are likely to have Jia Sidao standing behind their backs. Naturally, they are far from comparable to those in the past.

When Song Qingshu saw her in a trance, he couldn't help but laughed: "Why, after chatting with others a few times, I considered her a friend?"

Mrs. Ruan thought quickly, and she quickly thought of the words: "We have no boat to sit on. People invited us on the boat, and we were treated with good wine and food along the way. Now that people are killed, if we stand by and watch, would it be too unreasonable? ?"

Song Qingshu nodded slightly: "What you said makes sense." The reason why he stayed still was mainly because he wanted these thieves to test Mrs. Ruan, because his sixth sense told him that Mrs. Ruan was not that simple.

However, the sound of fighting from outside showed that the enemy had the upper hand, which was a bit unexpected.

While hesitating, the door was suddenly kicked open from the outside, and a scarred man rushed in holding a torch, and happened to see the two people on the bed.

When he saw Madam Ruan's blushing, shy and glamorous appearance at this time, the whole person immediately showed a state of **** and soul, and directly rushed over with his saliva. As for the little white face next to him, he didn't bother to look at it. , It was solved with a single stroke.

With a loud bang, Scarface flew out at a speed ten times faster than before. Song Qingshu got up on the bed and started to organize his clothes: "I didn't want to interfere with this stuff. These people insist Come to mess with me."

Madam Ruan was stunned. Although she knew that Song Qingshu's martial arts was very high, she only learned from intelligence and hadn't seen it with her own eyes. Until she saw his just shot, the shock was beyond words.

No, I said that seeing him make a move is not accurate. To be precise, it should be that she didn't see Song Qingshu's move. Then the man flew out upside down, and at that speed, even a cow would probably be scrapped.

"How did he do it?" Madam Ruan opened her mouth, and there was a silent question. She is considered a well-informed person. It's not that she has never seen a master. The masters we saw before compare with him. , It is not worth mentioning.

"What are you doing in a daze, don't you plan to get up?" Song Qingshu looked back and just saw her astonished and couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh, good!" Madam Ruan flushed, thinking about how she is like a little girl, whether his martial arts is high or not, what does it have to do with me.

After the two of them got dressed, Song Qingshu took her out and said in a deep voice as they walked: "Listening to the outside sounds, most of the dust is about to settle. It is a bit beyond my expectation. What is the defense force of the Ruan family? So vulnerable."

Madam Ruan gave a wry smile, but she couldn't say anything. At the same time, her heart was also suspended. Could it be that all the guards on the ship were destroyed?

When the two came to the edge of the deck, Madam Ruan subconsciously wanted to rush out, but was pulled down by Song Qingshu in the shadow at the corner: "Look at the situation first."

Madam Ruan also realized that it was too reckless to rush out, so there was no objection, and the two of them hid and looked over to the deck.

Many people have gathered in the center of the deck now. Many of the Ruan’s home in the Dinghuyuan are in a pool of blood, and the rest are basically kneeling on the ground with their hands holding their heads. Obviously they have been restrained, and there is a sturdy circle around them. One of the thieves, their temples bulged high, and they were all masters who had reached a certain level of hard work.

"The dog thief of the Changle Gang!" Madam Ruan suddenly gritted her teeth.

Song Qingshu was startled: "Do you know them?"

Mrs. Ruan’s heart jumped, and then she realized that she had revealed a flaw in her eagerness, but after another thought, Ren Yingying was originally a princess in the underworld, and it was fair to see that person, so she explained: "The goatee in the lead is Changle. Bei Haishi, the strategist of the gang, had met once by chance before and heard that he was the most cunning and cunning."

Song Qingshu looked in the direction she was pointing, and saw a lean middle-aged man. The goatee was particularly eye-catching: "Is this Bei Haishi? It feels familiar." He actually didn't know if he had seen it. The other party, after all, in his position, Bei Haishi can only be regarded as a small person, and it is not worth his effort to remember.

At this time, Bei Haishi was staring at the maid who was kneeling in front of him, and asked coldly: "Say, where is Madam Ruan?"

With sharp eyes, Song Qingshu recognized that the maid was Pei'er, but saw her look away and did not respond.

"Madam Ruan isn't there?" Song Qingshu couldn't help but feel a little strange, and then suddenly, it is no wonder that the Ruan family hardly organized any effective resistance. It turned out that the group of dragons had no leader.

At this moment, when Bei Haishi saw that Pei'er didn't answer, he slapped her face with a slap in the face: "Ah, shameless face."

"Peer!" Madam Ruan exclaimed subconsciously. Although she and Peer were both masters and servants in name, they were actually like friends. Seeing her being bullied in this way, she was naturally surprised and angry.

"Who is there?" The group of Bei Haishi suddenly turned around and looked at their hiding place.

Song Qingshu had no choice but to bring Ren Yingying out of the shadow to flash out, but he didn't get close to those people. He didn't want Ren Yingying to commit any risk.

Peer saw Madam Ruan with surprise in her eyes, and subconsciously wanted to call Madam. Fortunately, she reacted quickly enough and swallowed it abruptly.

"Who are you?" Bei Haishi asked with a frown. He always felt that the men and women in front of him were familiar, but it was a pity that he couldn't remember where he had met.

While questioning, he greeted his subordinates and leaned in quietly, faintly surrounding the two of them.

Song Qingshu faintly replied: "It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that you disturbed my Yaxing. I am very angry." He does have reason to be angry. Any man is interrupted at that critical moment. It is hard not to be angry. .

When Mrs. Ruan on the side heard the word Yaxing, her face blushed, but now she is more concerned about how things will develop next. Although Song Qingshu has a high martial arts skill, there are a large number of opponents, and each of them is a master. You must know this time. When I went to Sichuan, I was accompanied by good players in the family. They were defeated so quickly. In addition to not presiding over them, the enemy was too strong.

She even suspected that these people were not Changle gangs, but some evil sect masters disguised and hid inside.

"Are you angry?" A group of people seemed to have heard a great joke, and many people yelled, "How the **** are you, come over and kneel here, otherwise you won't blame the little master for having no eyes."

"Oh, the little lady next to you is still pretty handsome, let her come and serve the uncle, if you serve the uncle well, maybe you can spare you a dog's life."

"Lao Yun, such a beautiful lady, if you want to eat alone, your heart is too dark."

"That is, if serving you alone is enough, no matter how we have to serve all of us comfortably, then we can forgive him."

"Such a charming little girl, so many of us, aren't we afraid of breaking her play? It doesn't matter if the play is broken, what should I do if the people behind can't play?"

"This is easy to handle. Anyway, everything is available on this boat. It's a big deal, let's stay on this boat and play slowly, hahahaha~"

Even though Mrs. Ruan was not Ren Yingying, she was still trembling with anger when she was molested by this group of people. Originally, she thought Song Qingshu was lustful, but compared with these villains, he was even more gentleman than a gentleman. .

Song Qingshu's face has completely sunk, and his voice is even colder than Bing: "I am an easygoing person, and I have never liked killing, but you offended her so much today..."

He was interrupted before he finished speaking, and the man sneered provocatively: "What can I do if I offend you, Xiao Bailian."

Madam Ruan glanced at the man next to him with some worry, and saw his solemn expression: "If you people dig out your eyes and tongue, I can spare you."

Hearing his words, a group of people suddenly heard a big joke: "Which idiot came out of the mountain, we are here, want our lives, and have the ability to take it by ourselves?" They are indeed confident enough. , After all, the people who were traveling with him this time were all famous masters on the road. Even the well-known Ruan family instantly collapsed under their attack. The little white face in front of him was nothing.

There are no lack of cautious people among them, but they can't detect any signs of infuriating energy from the person in front of them. They are obviously a foolish person who reads.

"I want to fetch it? Good! Good! Good!" Song Qingshu walked forward slowly, clapping his hands every time he said a good word.

When he patted his hand for the first time, the faces of those masters who were still proud and proud before changed one after another, because an invisible wave of air scattered around him. This wave of air was so terrifying and terrifying. When it was so desperate, the group of masters vomited blood and staggered.

At the first good word, most of this group of mysterious bandits fell down, and only a few highly skilled mouths stood there to support them with blood; the second good word exited, only Bei Haishi remained standing; After the third good word, Bei Haishi spouted blood, and his whole body fell to the ground like a puddle of mud like bones all broken. At the last moment of his life, his mind was awake like never before. He had this ability in the world. Xi killed so many master young people, I am afraid that there is only one person: "You...you are..."

It's a pity that he died of anger before he finished speaking. As for the other people who were with him, they had already stopped their anger in the first two rounds of shock waves, and each of them had their eyes burst and the corners of their mouths bleeding, and they died miserably.

Song Qingshu glanced at Bei Haishi lightly: "I actually practiced Yi Jin Jing, so it's no wonder that I can insist on three breaths."


It seems that applause for love in online language now means sex... But the name of this chapter should be very appropriate.

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