Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 166: You bite me

Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Six

"You don't take a mouthful of your seat, it sounds much more comfortable." Song Qingshu looked at her and smiled.

"You can barely count as a friend now. There is nothing wrong with you and me in private," Dongfang Muxue gave him a white look, "Don't get cheap and sell well."

"You continue..." Song Qingshu also found a stone beside him and sat down, with his hands behind him, lying half-recumbent with a plan to listen to the play.

"Speaking of the Sun Moon Sect is also a Mingjiao... the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty, and many of the founding heroes, were all born in Mingjiao. After the founding of the Ming Dynasty, the emperor was somewhat taboo against Mingjiao forces and formulated various suppression policies. Many people of Mingjiao returned to the general altar of Mingjiao-Kunlun Guangmingding in angrily, but a considerable number of people were reluctant to bear the prosperity of the Central Plains, so they moved to Heimuya, Pingding Prefecture, and changed their name to Sun Moon God Sect in order to avoid taboos..." Dongfang Muxue With a wave of his finger, a few embroidery needles were shot directly into the water, and there was a sudden hum.

"What are you doing?" Song Qingshu thought there was an enemy, and when he looked at it, he couldn't see anything except the sparkling water.

"I feel a little hungry. I was about to catch a few fish. I didn't expect to shoot any of them. After the injury, I was so unhelpful?" Dongfang Muxue looked at her fingers in a daze.

Song Qingshu thought about it and understood the reason: "At a glance, you know that you haven't caught a fish before. Did you shoot it directly at the head with a needle?"

"Naturally, stabbing the brain will also relieve them of pain." Dongfang Muxue nodded.

"Because of the water, the head you are aiming at is not actually where the head of the fish is. You can shoot them with their tails to try?" Song Qingshu suddenly felt a sense of superiority in IQ.

"Why is it so troublesome!" Dongfang Muxue always felt that Song Qingshu's smile was unkind. With a slight swing of her wrist, she made a loud bang. Several fish were directly sucked out of the water by her and threw them in front of Song Qingshu, "Go ahead." Clean them up, I want to eat grilled fish."

"Are you really not being polite to me? Haven't you heard a word? The gentleman went to the kitchen, just to avoid doing more killings." Song Qingshu kept muttering as he watched a few lively fatty fishes.

A cold light flashed, and a few embroidery needles had been shot into the fish’s brain. The fish that was still alive just now stopped moving. “How can you be a man so indecisive as you?” Dongfang Muxue’s tone was full of dissatisfaction, “Now the fish is caught I killed the head office, go get it!"

"I have a set of criteria for judgment in my heart." Song Qingshu smiled faintly and did not argue. He took the fish and broke his stomach by the water. After cleaning it, he knew in his heart that unless he felt it was necessary, he would rarely lead to murder.

Glancing at him with satisfaction, Dongfang Muxue continued to explain: "Because the Sun Moon God Sect was split from Ming Sect, the Ming Sect of Guangmingding often regards itself as the Zong Sect, and Sun Moon Sect believes that the other party is not qualified to intervene. My own internal affairs, two hundred years, the conflict between the two factions from the 166th chapter, you bite me

Never stopped. "

"Mingjiao has always wanted to gain direct control of the Sun-Moon Church, but after a century of development, the Sun-Moon Church has long become a sect that is no less powerful than the Mingjiao. Coupled with the selfishness of the previous leaders, it is naturally unwilling to merge into a Mingjiao vassal... This time Zhang Wuji appeared in Heimuya. It seems that Ren Woxing has reached an agreement with him. In order to regain the position of the leader, he actually betrayed the interests of the Sun Moon God Sect. It is really good..." Dongfang Muxue sneered again and again, obviously I am extremely dissatisfied that I am looking for outsiders to intervene.

Song Qingshu skewered the fish with a wooden stick, carefully grilled it on the fire, and kept turning it so that the flame could occasionally lick the fish to avoid being burned by the open fire. Watching the skin gradually golden, Song Qingshu secretly swallowed his saliva. , Asked suspiciously: "Zhang Wuji has hundreds of thousands of followers who are fighting in the Western Regions with Mongolia and the Huis for years, so he still has the mind to come up with the idea of ​​a martial art?"

"Jianghu School?" Dongfang Muxue sneered, "You too underestimate the energy of the Sun Moon God Sect. There are so many small sects under the God Sect. There are followers all over the world. There are three religions and nine streams, all-inclusive, and the world wants to discuss the right information. The degree of control of the beggars after the split is far inferior to my Sun Moon God Sect, and as long as I want to, I can gather a hundred thousand elite soldiers in Heimuya in a short time..."

"Such a cow fork?" Song Qingshu was dumbfounded, and a subtle smell came from the tip of his nose. It turned out that he was fascinated just now and forgot to flip the grilled fish. He hurriedly took it down and handed it to Dongfang Muxue.

Looking at the black fish skin disgustingly, Dongfang Muxue tore the carbonized side with her fingertips, stirred up the tender fish inside and delivered it to her mouth, and her eyebrows frowned: "It's a bit fishy, ​​not salty..."

"When this is your Chengde Hall, I will order it," Song Qingshu picked up another fish and continued to grill it. "When do you plan to return to Heimuya? I will count as me at that time, and I will help you... …"

"After all, isn't Zhang Wuji putting too much pressure on you?" Hearing his words, Dongfang Muxue's face was softened a lot, but her words were still very mean. "It's right to think about it. If I were Zhou Zhiruo, one side A man who holds thousands of troops in his hand and can make Fengyun change his face with a gesture of action. On the other side is just a sloppy court eagle dog with martial arts. I will naturally choose the former without hesitation, let alone that man is still the lover of the past..."

"It's enough to expose people without revealing shortcomings, and hit people without slapping faces." Song Qingshu looked at her depressed.

"I just want to continue talking about what you can do with me?" Dongfang Muxue looked at him with a smug expression, "You bit me?"

"Auntie can bear it, and uncle can't bear it!" Song Qingshu threw the fish in his hand and threw it directly over, pressing Dongfang Muxue's shoulders, and lightly biting the white greasy crystal face in her stunned eyes. .

Dongfang Muxue finally reacted, her face swelled red all at once, lifted her foot and kicked Song Qingshu ten feet away, and stood up. Chapter 166 You bit me.

His body was full of anger, his chest was ups and downs, and he looked at him with murderous eyes.

Song Qingshu slowly got up from the ground, vomited a mouthful of blood, wiped the corners of his mouth gently, and couldn't hide the smile on his face: "I've never heard such a request since I grew up so much. , How can I not satisfy you?"

"How are you?" Seeing the blood hanging on the corner of Song Qingshu's mouth, Dongfang Muxue also secretly regretted it. She didn't have any strength on the foot just now. If it weren't for her serious injury today, that foot would have caused Song Qingshu to die... …

"I can't die..." Song Qingshu coughed violently, and stood tremblingly, with a smug look on his face, "It seems that you still can't bear my death after all."

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