Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 167: The torment of ice and fire

Chapter 167 The Torment of Ice and Fire

"If you continue to linger like this, it's hard to guarantee that I won't change my mind." Dongfang Muxue touched the shallow teeth marks on her cheek, and suddenly felt a little funny, "Are you a dog?"

"I also wish I belonged to a cat," Song Qingshu rubbed his stomach, grinning with pain, "Nine lives are enough."

"Little cat, eat fish, I'm going to meditate and heal, don't disturb me." The hot fish belly, Dongfang Muxue only felt that there was a lot of heat in his body, and he felt much better than before, so he quickly sat down and started to slow down. Slowly gather the infuriating qi that is scattered in the body.

Song Qingshu picked up the black fish from the fire, fed it to his mouth after three times, and then began to heal the injuries in his body.

Nine Yin masters internal injuries, Shenzhao masters external injuries, the two cooperated. Song Qingshu thought that he would recover some points soon, but after a while, he opened his eyes in horror.

"What's wrong with you?" Dongfang Muxue opened his eyes and asked when he felt his abnormality.

"It's nothing, I'm healing." Song Qingshu grinned reluctantly, and closed his eyes again.

Dongfang Muxue opened her eyes when the morning sun was shining on her face. After a night of healing, she only felt refreshed. Although it is far away from recovering to the peak period, she encountered ordinary martial arts masters, but her self-preservation was nothing. More than enough. He looked up to see how Song Qingshu was recovering, but was shocked by his appearance.

The lawn on which Song Qingshu sits on one side is condensed with a layer of frost, while the other is scorched black. At this time, his face is blue and red, and his expression is extremely painful. Several naked-eye air currents under his skin are running around, Dongfang Muxue's expression is solemn. He hurriedly came to him and counted a lot of big holes. After a stick of incense, Dongfang Muxue retracted her palm, wiped the sweat from her temples, and frowned, "What did you do?"

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly and said: "At the beginning, I was greedy, and at the same time I practiced two kinds of internal strengths of opposite nature. Now I have finally suffered."

"I noticed that you not only have a true energy that is feminine to soft, but also a true energy that is strong to yang. Do you really consider yourself to be a martial arts wizard or other people in the martial arts? Is it an idiot who cultivates a kind of innocence? Who can do it by himself..." Dongfang Muxue didn't know why she was so angry.

"Of course I thought I was a martial arts genius. When the time comes, I will create a "Song of Ice and Fire" with cold ice in my left hand and fiery flames in my right hand. , Suddenly excited.

"When is it all, are you still in the mood to make a joke?" Dongfang Muxue sneered, "With my sister, I have such a high level of cultivation, I only dare to practice feminine and true Qi with all my heart, your grand master Zhang Sanfeng, the recognized Taishan Beidou in the martial arts, Not still practicing his pure Yang Wuji Gong with no distractions, but at best he dared to knead the feminine force in the external Taijiquan. You can let him practice two internal forces of opposite nature at the same time?"

"Could it be the 167th chapter of the torment of ice and fire in the martial arts

Can no one cultivate two types of zhenqi, one yin and one yang at the same time? "Song Qingshu asked in disbelief.

"Yes, in the end, they all died like you, practicing and exploding," Dongfang Muxue became more and more angry. "Throughout the ages, it has been said that only Bodhidharma back then can achieve the harmony of Yin and Yang by virtue of the Washing Marrow Sutra, but For thousands of years, no one has seen what the Washing Marrow Sutra looks like. People in the martial arts speculate that the Washing Marrow Sutra is nothing more than a myth made up by the shaolin temple group of bald donkeys in order to put gold on their faces. Anyway, I am. I have sneaked into the Shaolin Buddhist Scriptures Pavilion several times and have never found this book. Apart from Bodhidharma, I have never heard of anyone else..." Dongfang Muxue was stunned as if thinking of something.

"Originally, I used the Ren channel to run the Shenzhao Sutra, and the Governor channel to run the Jiuyin Zhenqi, and I had a good life without incident," Song Qingshu's face was dark and scary, "As a result, I was hit by Zhang Wuji's full palm yesterday, and I was taken by the Jiuyang Zhenqi. , I didn’t think there was anything at first, but later I discovered that the nine-yin zhenqi in my body had been eroded to pieces by his just-to-yang nine-yang zhenqi. The balance of yin and yang that I worked so hard to maintain was completely broken. Now the Jiuyin True Qi is scattered to the Eight Channels of the Qi Meridian, and the irritating Shenzhao True Qi is running around in the body. It is no longer under my control. Instead, it may explode and die at any time... Hehe, I really didn't expect it. Just a few days later, he became a waste person again." Song Qingshu laughed self-deprecatingly.

As Song Qingshu was talking, a quiet and soft sound suddenly came from his ears, like a flute or a flute, like a piano or a piano, as if he had been exposed to a fresh drizzle in the hot summer day, and his restless mood slowly calmed down.

Looking up, she saw Dongfang Muxue standing on a big tree, her red dress fluttering, blue silk flying, her hands were pinching a leaf on her lips.

"That tune must have been played by a girl from the East with leaves," Song Qingshu's heart moved, closing his eyes and listening carefully. The sound of the song is like a gossamer floating in the wind, uninterrupted, and like a person sighing softly, like the petals of the morning dew, and the dawn wind blowing the willows.

At the end of the song, Song Qingshu suddenly felt stunned. His feelings of disgust and nausea disappeared. Watching Dongfang Muxue fly down the tree leisurely, he asked in a daze, "What song was that just now?"

"This song is called "Clearing the Dust and Yaqin". It is calm and peaceful, and it is most suitable for cleaning up distracting thoughts." Dongfang Muxue looked at the slightly damaged leaves in her hand with a look of regret.

"Could you teach me?" Song Qingshu heard this song when he was in a daze, only thinking that Yaochi Xianle was nothing but that.

"How are your musical accomplishments?" Dongfang Muxue took a deep look at him, then replied after a while.

"The eight orifices pass through the seven orifices, like a high mountain beating a drum, and the sound is heard for hundreds of miles." Song Qingshu Gengyan said.

"Don't you know everything," Dongfang Muxue pulled a face down, "Then you know how to play with leaves and the technique of pitch shifting? Uh, looking at your expression, I guess you don't understand."

Song Qingshu's face blushed: "I want to talk to the girl Chapter 167 The Torment of Ice and Fire

Learning this advanced technique is really presumptuous. Please forgive me for being arrogant. "

"It's rare that you were so polite," Dongfang Muxue noticed that his tone was full of exhaustion and laziness, and suddenly said displeased: "Man, what is a temporary setback, why bother to be so discouraged. "

"Didn't you say that no one in the martial arts has been able to achieve the harmony of yin and yang for thousands of years. At the height of the girl, if you say no, then it is really gone..." Song Qingshu said sadly, having gone through a lot of hardships some time ago. The ambition and great cause that has been planned all the time is seen to be successful step by step, and the result is vanished overnight. How can it be done without any surprises?

"Maybe there is another way to cure you..." For some reason, Dongfang Muxue's voice was unnatural.

"What way?" Song Qingshu raised his head, a kind of light called hope rekindled in his eyes.

"The time is not yet ripe," Dongfang Muxue shook her head, "You accompany me to the Five Poison Sect in Yunnan first, and I will naturally tell you when the time comes." Chapter 168 The Plan to Capture Body and Mind

"The girl has to think about it clearly. Now I have lost all my skills. Not only can I not help the girl in retaking Heimuya in the future, but it is a burden. Is it worth the girl's help?" If it is normal, Song Qingshu has long been smooth. Climbing up, Song Qingshu has always believed that he and Dongfang Muxue are on equal terms with each other. Unexpectedly, now that he has lost his skills, instead he needs to rely on the other party for help. He suddenly feels inferior, and all kinds of negative emotions burst out immediately, under the self-destructive mentality. , Some said with guns and sticks.

"Do you think that I will be the kind of short-sighted person who is unbeaten in the East? I will help you when you are in danger, and you will return me thousands of times in the future. If you still have doubts in your heart, you will treat yourself as me. It’s just a political investment.” Dongfang Muxue said lightly, but thought in her heart: Just because you let me touch the clouds in the sky, it’s worth my help...

"That's good, then I will feel more comfortable." Song Qingshu stretched out, and finally his mood slowly returned to normal. "Did your little apprentice say that the Five Poison Sect is rebelling last time? Why are you planning to go? There?"

Dongfang Muxue explained: "Although Zhang Wuji witnessed you and me fall into a cliff of ten thousand meters, knowing that we are bound to die, I am afraid that I will still send someone to investigate my news. The Sun Moon God Sect is too powerful in the Central Plains. , If I hide in the Central Plains, it is difficult to guarantee that I will not be exposed. As my injury is still unhealed, I really cannot cope with the next method of letting me go. What news, let alone the leader Lan Fenghuang has always been loyal to me, it is really a good place for peace of mind."

"Since Lan Fenghuang has always been loyal to you, he must know this even if I do it, wouldn't he send someone to investigate?" Song Qingshu asked.

"It will take me at least three to five years to fully integrate the elders in the church, the masters of the church, and the priests everywhere. During this time, he can't make any big moves. Moreover, the Five Poison Sect has always only submitted to Heimuya in name. Even if I know I am hiding here, there is nothing I can do."

Dongfang Muxue secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, she sent Qu Feiyan to Yunnan on a whim. Otherwise, as her own confidant, she would be harmed by whatever I did. As for the other elder hall masters who are loyal to her on weekdays, they are nothing but knowledge. Shiwu’s wall grass is nothing more than that. In the future, when they re-hold Heimuya, they will naturally stand on their side again. The only regret is Tong Baixiong. He is really loyal to his brother, no better than those wall grasses. It is a pity that he offended Yang Lianting. Killed by the Eastern Unbeaten...

"Unfortunately, it will take ten years for your skills to recover. By that time, the world may be settled, how can you get revenge." The two have a common enemy, and now they are almost a line of grasshoppers. Song Qingshu naturally worried about her. .

"That's why I need your help." Dongfang Muxue took it for granted.

"But now I have lost my martial arts..." Song Qingshu said sadly, Chapter 168, The Plan to Capture the Body and Mind

"The girl has to think about it clearly. Now I have lost all my skills. Not only can I not help the girl in retaking Heimuya in the future, but it is a burden. Is it worth the girl's help?" If it is normal, Song Qingshu has long been smooth. Climbing up, Song Qingshu has always believed that he and Dongfang Muxue are on equal terms with each other. Unexpectedly, now that he has lost his skills, instead he needs to rely on the other party for help. He suddenly feels inferior, and all kinds of negative emotions burst out immediately, under the self-destructive mentality. , Some said with guns and sticks.

"Do you think that I will be the kind of short-sighted person who is unbeaten in the East? I will help you when you are in danger, and you will return me thousands of times in the future. If you still have doubts in your heart, you will treat yourself as me. It’s just a political investment.” Dongfang Muxue said lightly, but thought in her heart: Just because you let me touch the clouds in the sky, it’s worth my help...

"That's good, then I will feel more comfortable." Song Qingshu stretched out, and finally his mood slowly returned to normal. "Did your little apprentice say that the Five Poison Sect is rebelling last time? Why are you planning to go? There?"

Dongfang Muxue explained: "Although Zhang Wuji witnessed you and me fall into a cliff of ten thousand meters, knowing that we are bound to die, I am afraid that I will still send someone to investigate my news. The Sun Moon God Sect is too powerful in the Central Plains. , If I hide in the Central Plains, it is difficult to guarantee that I will not be exposed. As my injury is still unhealed, I really cannot cope with the next method of letting me go. What news, let alone the leader Lan Fenghuang has always been loyal to me, it is really a good place for peace of mind."

"Since Lan Fenghuang has always been loyal to you, he must know this even if I do it, wouldn't he send someone to investigate?" Song Qingshu asked.

"It will take me at least three to five years to fully integrate the elders in the church, the masters of the church, and the priests everywhere. During this time, he can't make any big moves. Moreover, the Five Poison Sect has always only submitted to Heimuya in name. Even if I know I am hiding here, there is nothing I can do."

Dongfang Muxue secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, she sent Qu Feiyan to Yunnan on a whim. Otherwise, as her own confidant, she would be harmed by whatever I did. As for the other elder hall masters who are loyal to her on weekdays, they are nothing but knowledge. Shiwu’s wall grass is nothing more than that. In the future, when they re-hold Heimuya, they will naturally stand on their side again. The only regret is Tong Baixiong. He is really loyal to his brother, no better than those wall grasses. It is a pity that he offended Yang Lianting. Killed by the Eastern Unbeaten...

"Unfortunately, it will take ten years for your skills to recover. By that time, the world may be settled, how can you get revenge." The two have a common enemy, and now they are almost a line of grasshoppers. Song Qingshu naturally worried about her. .

"That's why I need your help." Dongfang Muxue took it for granted.

"But now I have lost my martial arts..." Song Qingshu said sadly, Chapter 168, The Plan to Capture the Body and Mind

"The girl has to think about it clearly. Now I have lost all my skills. Not only can I not help the girl in retaking Heimuya in the future, but it is a burden. Is it worth the girl's help?" If it is normal, Song Qingshu has long been smooth. Climbing up, Song Qingshu has always believed that he and Dongfang Muxue are on equal terms with each other. Unexpectedly, now that he has lost his skills, instead he needs to rely on the other party for help. He suddenly feels inferior, and all kinds of negative emotions burst out immediately, under the self-destructive mentality. , Some said with guns and sticks.

"Do you think that I will be the kind of short-sighted person who is unbeaten in the East? I will help you when you are in danger, and you will return me thousands of times in the future. If you still have doubts in your heart, you will treat yourself as me. It’s just a political investment.” Dongfang Muxue said lightly, but thought in her heart: Just because you let me touch the clouds in the sky, it’s worth my help...

"That's good, then I will feel more comfortable." Song Qingshu stretched out, and finally his mood slowly returned to normal. "Did your little apprentice say that the Five Poison Sect is rebelling last time? Why are you planning to go? There?"

Dongfang Muxue explained: "Although Zhang Wuji witnessed you and me fall into a cliff of ten thousand meters, knowing that we are bound to die, I am afraid that I will still send someone to investigate my news. The Sun Moon God Sect is too powerful in the Central Plains. , If I hide in the Central Plains, it is difficult to guarantee that I will not be exposed. As my injury is still unhealed, I really cannot cope with the next method of letting me go. What news, let alone the leader Lan Fenghuang has always been loyal to me, it is really a good place for peace of mind."

"Since Lan Fenghuang has always been loyal to you, he must know this even if I do it, wouldn't he send someone to investigate?" Song Qingshu asked.

"It will take me at least three to five years to fully integrate the elders in the church, the masters of the church, and the priests everywhere. During this time, he can't make any big moves. Moreover, the Five Poison Sect has always only submitted to Heimuya in name. Even if I know I am hiding here, there is nothing I can do."

Dongfang Muxue secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, she sent Qu Feiyan to Yunnan on a whim. Otherwise, as her own confidant, she would be harmed by whatever I did. As for the other elder hall masters who are loyal to her on weekdays, they are nothing but knowledge. Shiwu’s wall grass is nothing more than that. In the future, when they re-hold Heimuya, they will naturally stand on their side again. The only regret is Tong Baixiong. He is really loyal to his brother, no better than those wall grasses. It is a pity that he offended Yang Lianting. Killed by the Eastern Unbeaten...

"Unfortunately, it will take ten years for your skills to recover. By that time, the world may be settled, how can you get revenge." The two have a common enemy, and now they are almost a line of grasshoppers. Song Qingshu naturally worried about her. .

"That's why I need your help." Dongfang Muxue took it for granted.

"But now I have lost my martial arts..." Song Qingshu said sadly, Chapter 168, The Plan to Capture the Body and Mind

"The girl has to think about it clearly. Now I have lost all my skills. Not only can I not help the girl in retaking Heimuya in the future, but it is a burden. Is it worth the girl's help?" If it is normal, Song Qingshu has long been smooth. Climbing up, Song Qingshu has always believed that he and Dongfang Muxue are on equal terms with each other. Unexpectedly, now that he has lost his skills, instead he needs to rely on the other party for help. He suddenly feels inferior, and all kinds of negative emotions burst out immediately, under the self-destructive mentality. , Some said with guns and sticks.

"Do you think that I will be the kind of short-sighted person who is unbeaten in the East? I will help you when you are in danger, and you will return me thousands of times in the future. If you still have doubts in your heart, you will treat yourself as me. It’s just a political investment.” Dongfang Muxue said lightly, but thought in her heart: Just because you let me touch the clouds in the sky, it’s worth my help...

"That's good, then I will feel more comfortable." Song Qingshu stretched out, and finally his mood slowly returned to normal. "Did your little apprentice say that the Five Poison Sect is rebelling last time? Why are you planning to go? There?"

Dongfang Muxue explained: "Although Zhang Wuji witnessed you and me fall into a cliff of ten thousand meters, knowing that we are bound to die, I am afraid that I will still send someone to investigate my news. The Sun Moon God Sect is too powerful in the Central Plains. , If I hide in the Central Plains, it is difficult to guarantee that I will not be exposed. As my injury is still unhealed, I really cannot cope with the next method of letting me go. What news, let alone the leader Lan Fenghuang has always been loyal to me, it is really a good place for peace of mind."

"Since Lan Fenghuang has always been loyal to you, he must know this even if I do it, wouldn't he send someone to investigate?" Song Qingshu asked.

"It will take me at least three to five years to fully integrate the elders in the church, the masters of the church, and the priests everywhere. During this time, he can't make any big moves. Moreover, the Five Poison Sect has always only submitted to Heimuya in name. Even if I know I am hiding here, there is nothing I can do."

Dongfang Muxue secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, she sent Qu Feiyan to Yunnan on a whim. Otherwise, as her own confidant, she would be harmed by whatever I did. As for the other elder hall masters who are loyal to her on weekdays, they are nothing but knowledge. Shiwu’s wall grass is nothing more than that. In the future, when they re-hold Heimuya, they will naturally stand on their side again. The only regret is Tong Baixiong. He is really loyal to his brother, no better than those wall grasses. It is a pity that he offended Yang Lianting. Killed by the Eastern Unbeaten...

"Unfortunately, it will take ten years for your skills to recover. By that time, the world may be settled, how can you get revenge." The two have a common enemy, and now they are almost a line of grasshoppers. Song Qingshu naturally worried about her. .

"That's why I need your help." Dongfang Muxue took it for granted.

"But now I have lost my martial arts..." Song Qingshu said sadly, Chapter 168, The Plan to Capture the Body and Mind

"The girl has to think about it clearly. Now I have lost all my skills. Not only can I not help the girl in retaking Heimuya in the future, but it is a burden. Is it worth the girl's help?" If it is normal, Song Qingshu has long been smooth. Climbing up, Song Qingshu has always believed that he and Dongfang Muxue are on equal terms with each other. Unexpectedly, now that he has lost his skills, instead he needs to rely on the other party for help. He suddenly feels inferior, and all kinds of negative emotions burst out immediately, under the self-destructive mentality. , Some said with guns and sticks.

"Do you think that I will be the kind of short-sighted person who is unbeaten in the East? I will help you when you are in danger, and you will return me thousands of times in the future. If you still have doubts in your heart, you will treat yourself as me. It’s just a political investment.” Dongfang Muxue said lightly, but thought in her heart: Just because you let me touch the clouds in the sky, it’s worth my help...

"That's good, then I will feel more comfortable." Song Qingshu stretched out, and finally his mood slowly returned to normal. "Did your little apprentice say that the Five Poison Sect is rebelling last time? Why are you planning to go? There?"

Dongfang Muxue explained: "Although Zhang Wuji witnessed you and me fall into a cliff of ten thousand meters, knowing that we are bound to die, I am afraid that I will still send someone to investigate my news. The Sun Moon God Sect is too powerful in the Central Plains. , If I hide in the Central Plains, it is difficult to guarantee that I will not be exposed. As my injury is still unhealed, I really cannot cope with the next method of letting me go. What news, let alone the leader Lan Fenghuang has always been loyal to me, it is really a good place for peace of mind."

"Since Lan Fenghuang has always been loyal to you, he must know this even if I do it, wouldn't he send someone to investigate?" Song Qingshu asked.

"It will take me at least three to five years to fully integrate the elders in the church, the masters of the church, and the priests everywhere. During this time, he can't make any big moves. Moreover, the Five Poison Sect has always only submitted to Heimuya in name. Even if I know I am hiding here, there is nothing I can do."

Dongfang Muxue secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, she sent Qu Feiyan to Yunnan on a whim. Otherwise, as her own confidant, she would be harmed by whatever I did. As for the other elder hall masters who are loyal to her on weekdays, they are nothing but knowledge. Shiwu’s wall grass is nothing more than that. In the future, when they re-hold Heimuya, they will naturally stand on their side again. The only regret is Tong Baixiong. He is really loyal to his brother, no better than those wall grasses. It is a pity that he offended Yang Lianting. Killed by the Eastern Unbeaten...

"Unfortunately, it will take ten years for your skills to recover. By that time, the world may be settled, how can you get revenge." The two have a common enemy, and now they are almost a line of grasshoppers. Song Qingshu naturally worried about her. .

"That's why I need your help." Dongfang Muxue took it for granted.

"But now I have lost my martial arts..." Song Qingshu said sadly, Chapter 168, The Plan to Capture the Body and Mind

"The girl has to think about it clearly. Now I have lost all my skills. Not only can I not help the girl in retaking Heimuya in the future, but it is a burden. Is it worth the girl's help?" If it is normal, Song Qingshu has long been smooth. Climbing up, Song Qingshu has always believed that he and Dongfang Muxue are on equal terms with each other. Unexpectedly, now that he has lost his skills, instead he needs to rely on the other party for help. He suddenly feels inferior, and all kinds of negative emotions burst out immediately, under the self-destructive mentality. , Some said with guns and sticks.

"Do you think that I will be the kind of short-sighted person who is unbeaten in the East? I will help you when you are in danger, and you will return me thousands of times in the future. If you still have doubts in your heart, you will treat yourself as me. It’s just a political investment.” Dongfang Muxue said lightly, but thought in her heart: Just because you let me touch the clouds in the sky, it’s worth my help...

"That's good, then I will feel more comfortable." Song Qingshu stretched out, and finally his mood slowly returned to normal. "Did your little apprentice say that the Five Poison Sect is rebelling last time? Why are you planning to go? There?"

Dongfang Muxue explained: "Although Zhang Wuji witnessed you and me fall into a cliff of ten thousand meters, knowing that we are bound to die, I am afraid that I will still send someone to investigate my news. The Sun Moon God Sect is too powerful in the Central Plains. , If I hide in the Central Plains, it is difficult to guarantee that I will not be exposed. As my injury is still unhealed, I really cannot cope with the next method of letting me go. What news, let alone the leader Lan Fenghuang has always been loyal to me, it is really a good place for peace of mind."

"Since Lan Fenghuang has always been loyal to you, he must know this even if I do it, wouldn't he send someone to investigate?" Song Qingshu asked.

"It will take me at least three to five years to fully integrate the elders in the church, the masters of the church, and the priests everywhere. During this time, he can't make any big moves. Moreover, the Five Poison Sect has always only submitted to Heimuya in name. Even if I know I am hiding here, there is nothing I can do."

Dongfang Muxue secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, she sent Qu Feiyan to Yunnan on a whim. Otherwise, as her own confidant, she would be harmed by whatever I did. As for the other elder hall masters who are loyal to her on weekdays, they are nothing but knowledge. Shiwu’s wall grass is nothing more than that. In the future, when they re-hold Heimuya, they will naturally stand on their side again. The only regret is Tong Baixiong. He is really loyal to his brother, no better than those wall grasses. It is a pity that he offended Yang Lianting. Killed by the Eastern Unbeaten...

"Unfortunately, it will take ten years for your skills to recover. By that time, the world may be settled, how can you get revenge." The two have a common enemy, and now they are almost a line of grasshoppers. Song Qingshu naturally worried about her. .

"That's why I need your help." Dongfang Muxue took it for granted.

"But now I have lost my martial arts..." Song Qingshu said sadly

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