Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1676: Promise by body

Mrs. Ruan never expected that he would say such a sentence. She was a little embarrassed about yesterday's affairs. Her face turned red when she heard this sentence.

She hasn't figured out how to respond, Song Qingshu has already laughed: "Just kidding with Madam, don't mind Madam."

Mrs. Ruan was frightened to death, and said angrily: "I hope my son will respect himself."

Song Qingshu smiled slightly, obviously not taking her words to heart, and directly moved away from the topic: "I don't know why the madam was not on the boat at such a dangerous moment last night."

"I went into the city to do some private affairs, but I didn't expect these people to come in." Madam Ruan was also depressed, and the other party attacked the door just as soon as the baggage was planned to replace Tao Zheng.

Seeing that she didn't say what she meant to do, Song Qingshu was not easy to follow up, so she said: "The enemy has caught the timing so accurately. Madam, be careful that there is an insider on the ship."

Madam Ruan nodded: "Thank you for the reminder, I will pay attention." When the other party reminded her, she also felt that there was a possibility of an insider. She decided to ask Pei'er to check it out later and strengthen the room. The security measures to prevent Ren Yingying from making any mistakes.

"By the way, I think those people yesterday are extraordinary, unlike ordinary robbers who kill people and overtake goods. Does the madam know why they come at you?" Song Qingshu asked while staring at her, trying to get something from her expression. Intelligence, he has always suspected that Mrs. Ruan is not simple, but unfortunately there is too little effective intelligence, and he has no way to judge.

Madam Ruan saw him staring at her, and her heart jumped, as if she could detect his scorching gaze scanning her skin, causing her to shudder all over her body, and finally noticed that his gaze fell on her. Above the red lips, I subconsciously thought of the situation last night.

Song Qingshu on the side was inexplicable, why suddenly this Madam Ruan showed a shy and infinite expression, of course, no matter how narcissistic he would not think that a mature woman who has only seen a few sides will fall in love with him, after all, how Seeing that she is not the kind of watery woman.

But let’s not say, this Madam Ruan’s shy appearance is really pretty, white and beautiful, the waist looks thin and soft, and the red lips are small and moving. At first glance, she is a wonderful explanation. Her husband is really so Yanfu.

"If you go back to the son, the concubine doesn't know what's going on, and doesn't know where these demon heads have been provoked." Madam Ruan finally picked up her mood and hurriedly replied.

"Oh," Song Qingshu couldn't ask anything, so he could only start from another aspect. "By the way, I don't know what Mrs.'s husband is?" This is also his most curious. He was introduced before that she seemed to be with Shuzhong. What happened to Zhengchun when the wealthy Yang family was married, how about Azi and Azhu?

This is not a secret, and Mrs. Ruan doesn't mind answering: "The concubine's husband's family is the Yang family in Shuzhong, Yang Zhenzhong, at the time Xingyuan Mansion passed the sentence, and the Da'an Army knew the army."

"It turned out to be General Yang..." Song Qing said in a written letter that he had heard that the Yang family in Sichuan was a rich family. There was no concept at that time, but now you can understand it immediately. Xingyuan Mansion is also known as Hanzhong and Da'an in history. The army is also the first state of Western Shu, in charge of the gateway to the north of Sichuan. These two places, the controller of Yang Zhenzhong, are absolutely pivotal figures in the officialdom of Shuzhong.

"It seems that Shuzhong is not peaceful recently." Song Qingshu intends to test her again.

Madam Ruan Zhengchou couldn't find an excuse to inquire about the connection between him and Linghu Chong, and said: "Yes, there are rumors everywhere that Wu Xi in Shuzhong intends to treason, and now there are some people in the entire Song Dynasty who are worried."

"Since this is the case, the lady is still entering Shu at this time, isn't she afraid that the sheep will enter the tiger's mouth?" Song Qingshu asked.

Mrs. Ruan sighed secretly. It was obvious that she wanted to ask him, but he turned away from the guest, but she couldn’t help but answer: “Who left the concubine and the husband in the middle of Shu? It’s been a long time since the middle of Shu has been disconnected from the outside world. I want to see if he is safe."

Song Qingshu said strangely: "I heard that Madam is doing business with the imperial merchant this time. There should be a large amount of goods to be shipped to the middle of Shu."

"Of course there must be a guise." Madam Ruan has recovered her natural time now, "Otherwise, it would be easy to attract people's attention if she swaggered into Sichuan like this."

"But the facts have proved that it has attracted people's attention." Song Qingshu thought that you were acting low-key in such a big way.

"Who would have expected it," Madam Ruan sighed quietly, and asked immediately, "The son is well-informed, but does he know the origins of these people?"

Song Qing's book stall spread his hands: "Madam, as the world's number one emperor merchant, she can only be well-informed when she travels north and south. How dare I make a fool of myself."

"I hate it, why bother to tease others~" Mrs. Ruan blurted out subconsciously, and then she was stunned. The meaning of acting like a baby is too strong. In fact, her natural temperament was a bit naughty, and it was normal to use some methods like this, but the two of them yesterday...so that she always feels ashamed of this because of a guilty conscience.

Song Qingshu's heart was stunned when she heard her. Her voice was originally delicate and somewhat baby-like, and if she deliberately acted like this, a really iron-clad man would also melt into juice.

"I only know that the leader among them is Bei Haishi, a military teacher of the Changle Gang. As for the others, I still need his wife to investigate." Song Qingshu still decided to reveal something to her. After all, he and Yingying will still be on the ship for a while. It is still useful to let her improve security and defense in a targeted manner.

"Thank you, son." Madam Ruan felt disappointed. She knew that it was Bei Haishi yesterday.

Seeing her elegant and dignified appearance, Song Qingshu's heart moved, and suddenly asked: "By the way, I wonder if Madam knows a person named Duan Zhengchun?"

Madam Ruan's heart jumped, but a smile appeared on her face: "Dali Zhennan King, knowing this person, why did the son mention him suddenly?"

"It's nothing, I just thought of it suddenly." Without seeing any flaws on her face, Song Qingshu secretly sighed that this woman is not simple.

The next two people were like a pair of foxes, tentatively tentatively chatting with each other, but unfortunately neither of them got any useful information.

When Song Qingshu got up to say goodbye, Mrs. Ruan also got up and asked Pei'er to send him away: "It is not convenient for a married woman to send her away. I hope the son will forgive me. Pei'er, send him off."

Song Qingshu nodded slightly and followed Pei'er out, but after walking for a while, he couldn't help but ask: "Peer, did you go wrong?"

Peer pursed her mouth and smiled: "Nothing went wrong, please come with me, son."

Song Qingshu was puzzled, but he was bold and daring, and he didn't worry about ambushing. He followed her all the way and quickly came to a well-guarded house.

Peier raised the token in his hand, and the guard at the gate let them in. After entering, Peier said: "My son, our Ruan family is an emperor. Although we dare not call it rich, we have collected a lot over the years. Treasure, the Ruan family didn’t repay the son’s rescue yesterday, and his wife asked Pei’er to bring the son here. Just take whatever you like, and talk to the Ruan family to express gratitude.”

Song Qingshu was startled, unexpectedly this would be the case, and said lightly: "For me, it's just a matter of effort, don't have to be so polite."

Pei Er hurriedly said: "Although it is a simple effort to the son, it is a life-saving grace to us. The son must choose a few things and give them to Mrs. Zun." The main reason why she brought Song Qingshu here was the main reason. It was to make time for Madam to change back to Ren Yingying. If he left so quickly, it would be a bad thing to go back and break Madam's identity.

Song Qingshu was moved by her words and nodded: "That's good, then I will choose a hairpin."

There are indeed a lot of gold and silver jewelry in the Ruan family's treasury. Song Qingshu didn't even look at it. He only chose a crystal-clear hosta from a pile of jewelry. It was very expensive, but compared to a life-saving grace. Not worth mentioning.

Moreover, with Song Qingshu's current status, I really don't care about its value. I chose it just because it looks pleasing to the eye.

"This hairpin will do. Thank you for my wife." Song Qingshu raised the hosta to Pei'er and walked out on his own. He was anxious to give it to his wife, but he didn't bother to follow Pei's slowly and carefully.

"Hey~" Pei'er originally wanted to find an excuse to delay him, but it was a pity that the other party took a step at will and went several feet away.

"I just hope Madam is ready." Pell stomped her feet, praying nervously.

When Song Qingshu returned to the room happily, he found that Ren Yingying was sitting in front of the dressing table and dressed up. He couldn't help showing a pitiful smile: "Where did you go, Yingying."

Madam Ruan looked back at her and smiled slightly: "I just went out to get some breath, and when I came back I saw that you weren't there. I heard them say that Madam Ruan invited you over, so I didn't bother to bother." The chatting man now pretends to be his wife, and that moment made her feel ridiculously dizzy.

"What's to bother me?" Song Qingshu held her cold little hand in the past, "you are not feeling well these days, so don't go outside to blow the air."

Mrs. Ruan then remembered the excuse she had asked for Tiangui, and while pulling back her hands, she moved away from the subject: "Mrs. Ruan, why do you ask you to go for it?"

"It's just to express the feeling of saving lives." Song Qingshu replied.

"Does Mrs. Ruan have promised you personally?" Mrs. Ruan asked demonstrably.

Song Qingshu was startled and couldn't help laughing: "Listening to you asking like this, I almost thought you were there just now."

Mrs. Ruan secretly stuck out her tongue, pretending to be calm and said: "She really promises her body?"

Song Qingshu squeezed her cheek unhappily: "What do you think of melon seeds, huh? Why is the skin tender not before? It seems that Tiangui still has a lot of influence on a woman's body."

Madam Ruan's heart jumped, and when he found something flawed on his face, he only relaxed when he heard the words behind him, secretly thanking that he was good at disguise, and of course his disguise face was not as good as the face of a real girl. Fortunately, there is an excuse for Tiangui this time.

"Why don't you think about it? Of course, Mrs. Ruan can't do it. To express her gratitude, she asked me to choose from the treasure house, but I only picked this." Song Qingshu took out the hosta in his hand and shook it, and left. In the past, "I'll plug it in for you."

Seeing that he only picked a hosta, and turned around and returned to the original owner at the end, Madam Ruan was complicated and difficult to understand. Suddenly, the ghost asked me: "What if Madam Ruan really promised you? Https:)

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