Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1677: Lost money

As soon as Madam Ruan spoke, she was shocked. She really couldn't figure out how she could say such a thing. Could it be that he had asked this before and wanted to know his true thoughts.

Song Qingshu was also startled when she heard her words, and then showed a thoughtful expression: "Well, Madam Ruan is white and beautiful, with a big chest and a thin buttocks, and a pair of big long legs. The key is the delicate and awkward doll. Sound...If you really agree with your body, there shouldn't be a man who can refuse it."

"See if you can." Madam Ruan gave a bitter blush, but for some reason, he was so happy to hear that he was so attractive in his heart?

"Well, I was joking with you." Song Qingshu hugged her in his arms, "How can she compare to my Yingying."

Who knew that the other party didn't look happy when he heard what he said, but his face became cold, and Song Qingshu was in the mist, and he didn't know where to offend her.

"Yingying, please take a look at this hairpin?" Song Qingshu only thought that he had made a joke before, and hurriedly diverted her attention and moved her to the mirror.

"I don't want other women's things." Madam Ruan felt annoyed, and she reached out to take the hosta off her head.

"Hey," Song Qingshu hurriedly stopped, and said with a wry smile, "this is your husband's ability to make money, how can it be counted as other women's things."

Mrs. Ruan also realized that her emotions were not right at this time, so she took advantage of the downward trend and snorted, "It's pretty much the same."

"Your temperament is a bit weird these past two days," Song Qingshu suddenly frightened Madam Ruan with a sentence. Fortunately, he said again, "It looks like this aunt is really annoying."

"Auntie?" Madam Ruan looked at him suspiciously.

"It's Tiangui, haven't I told you before." Song Qingshu frowned.

Madam Ruan shuddered in her heart and hurriedly smiled and said, "There was no reaction for a while."

Song Qingshu nodded, agreeing with her explanation: "By the way, why didn't Mrs. Ruan talk to you over the past few days."

"Maybe there was an attack on the ship yesterday. She is busy with the aftermath." After Madam Ruan explained, she thought that this is not a solution. It is best to find a chance to let "Mrs. Ruan" and "Ren Yingying" be on the same scene. Appear, lest he think of anything, but also take the opportunity to leave him and act alone.

"That's true," Song Qingshu waved his hand, "Forget it, don't care about them, you should continue to teach me how to play the piano."

Madam Ruan pursed her lips and said, "Okay." Before chatting with Ren Yingying, I already knew that she was teaching each other to practice the piano, and she was already good at playing the piano.

In the next two days, Song Qingshu held Madam Ruan every day to drink and play the piano on the edge of the deck, and occasionally went fishing together. In the eyes of uninformed people, they only felt that the two were really a couple of gods and relatives, which made people enviable, but like this in Pei'er. In the eyes of the insider, the more we look at it, the more weird her face becomes.

"Madam is so affectionate with him, and I can see that it was not forced by the other party. Madam, she won't really fall..." Peer secretly squeezed her sweat for her.

Finally found a private opportunity to ask her: "Madam, did that person take advantage of you?"

Madam Ruan was full of peach blossoms and gave her an angry look: "Did you not see him hugging and hugging me?"

Pell lowered his voice: "I mean tonight..."

Madam Ruan sipped: "Is this something you should care about?"

Peer murmured: "I'm just worried that Madam will get in. After all, you're already married, and you're going to the Yang family..."

"Shut up!" Madam Ruan said with a cold face, "I have my own measure! Find an opportunity to change you into me. During the next period of time, you will handle daily affairs as me, so as not to be seen by others. "

"Yes." Seeing that the lady was angry, Peer didn't dare to speak any more.

After another two days, Song Qingshu learned that there was still one day away from Jiangling, and suddenly thought of Qi Fang. When Qi Fang escorted Di Yun's coffin back to his hometown for burial, their hometown was near Jiangling.

After Di Yun entered the land for security, Qi Fang originally planned to stay with him nearby, but the water spinach was too small and living in the country was all inconvenient. She had to take her daughter back to live in Jiangling City and visit Di Yun from time to time.

Song Qingshu knew this because he had sent someone to **** her back to Jiangling, and he reported it after returning.

"The Jin Army broke Jiangling not long ago, and I don't know if she was affected." Looking at the green mountains and waters in the distance, Song Qingshu couldn't help but worry, even though he ordered all the golden soldiers not to burn, kill, looting, or bully the local people. But the order is one thing, the following execution is another thing.

Thinking of her as a single mother with a daughter who was waiting to be fed, she didn't know how many difficulties she would encounter in this war. Before he was too far apart, even though he thought about it, he was too weak to do so. Now he is about to pass by. If he still doesn't pay attention to it, he will probably have a conscience in the future.

He could no longer hold back the thought of going to see if she was safe, and finally ran back to talk about it to Ren Yingying.

Mrs. Ruan was taken aback: "I won't be in Jiangling until tomorrow night."

Song Qingshu nodded: "So I plan to leave first. I should be there within a few hours with my light work. After I finish my work in Jiangling, I will wait there, and you should be almost there."

Madam Ruan was still a little dazed: "But this is on the river, do you want to find them first?"

Song Qingshu took her hand and smiled and said, "Yingying, have you forgotten my light work? How dare I be afraid that Bodhidharma can cross the river with one reed."

"Okay, then." Madam Ruan didn't dare to say anything, worried that the more he said, the more flaws would be exposed, and he was also infected by his pride at this time.

"You are weak, so it’s not convenient to take you to the wind," Song Qingshu took out a copper bell and stuffed it into her hand. "These are a pair of concentric bells. Each contains the concentric gu carefully cultivated by the Five Poisons. Just shake it. One of the bells and the Gu worm in the other bell will react and shake the bell, so if something happens to you after I leave, just shake this bell, and I will be back right away."

This bell was handed over to him by Blue Phoenix not long ago. Although it can be sensed from thousands of miles away, the distance of a hundred miles is still okay. Sometimes he has to feel that although the technology of this world is far behind the previous life , But some aspects of the magical science of later generations cannot be explained, such as internal force, such as this concentric gu.

"Such a precious thing..." Madam Ruan was startled, thinking that if Ren Yingying had this before, how could her plan succeed.

"In my heart, you are countless times more precious than Yingying. I almost forgot about this before, but it's not too late to give it to you." Song Qingshu smiled at her, but did not expect that the other party was not his wife at all.

"Thank you." Mrs. Ruan took it and lowered her head, concealing some red eye circles. She had never seen such a gentle and considerate man during this period of time. Sometimes she was even a little jealous of Ren Yingying, with a beautiful appearance and a noble status. , There is such a perfect lover, her life is simply dreamy.

"What are you polite with me?" Song Qingshu kissed her on the forehead, and unknowingly, the two of them had arrived on an unmanned deck, "I'm leaving now, and you have a good rest by yourself." Said that the whole person jumped into the river. .

Mrs. Ruan was taken aback. She hurriedly looked down on the side of the ship, and saw that the other party was standing on the billowing river like that, stepping on the water and walking away step by step, as if she was aware of it. With her gaze, Song Qingshu even had free time to turn around and waved to her.

His warm smile appeared in her mind. Madam Ruan suddenly felt her heartbeat speed up a bit. She couldn't help but caress her cheek. She felt the hot feeling, and she couldn't help but be stunned for a while: "If what I had encountered was He...this mission seems to have lost money..."

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