Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1678: Kill two birds with one stone

Let’s say that Song Qingshu walked all the way through the water. By the time he arrived in Jiangling City, it was almost dark. Because of his proficiency, he was exhausted enough to run such a long distance.

"It's better to use the plane of the previous life." Song Qingshu couldn't help but miss the days when he could travel across most of the country in a leisurely two-hour flight in his previous life.

Observing from a hill outside the city, most of the Jinren’s camps were stationed outside the city, and I secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Although the golden soldiers must be stationed in the city, the large troops can still minimize the impact on the people outside the city. .

After adjusting his breath for a while, when his energy recovered, Song Qingshu touched into the city. It was not the first time he had come to Jiangling City, and he was embarrassed by the revisiting of the old place.

The last time I came here, I just crossed into this world, and it was the most desolate time. At that time, with the help of Bing Xueer, I met Ding Dian here and learned the "Shen Zhao Jing". It was also the first time I saw Ming Yan peerless. Huang Rong.

"I don't know if Rong'er has heard of Guo Jing's news. I hope it won't cause her to move her fetus." Thinking of her round belly, Song Qingshu's face flashed a gentle smile.

However, he quickly calmed his thoughts. Now Jiangling is in the chaos of war. It is fine during the day and there will be a curfew at night. If there is any delay, no one will be able to ask for directions.

Although he knows Qi Fang's current address, he is not very familiar with Jiangling City, and he may not be able to find a specific street.

I knocked on the doors of several houses in a row, and finally, under the lure of silver, asked the location of Qi Fang's residence. By night, he escaped the patrol of the gold soldiers and finally found Qi Fang's residence.

"I don't know how she was during this time." An image of a young woman with rain in pear blossoms appeared in her mind. Song Qingshu secretly sighed. Married to a "father and enemy" without knowing it, and the only brother in the world who loved her and pityed her also died unexpectedly...

"I hope that my appearance can change her destiny, and at least make her live happier for the rest of her life." Song Qingshu suddenly stopped, frowning and looking at the courtyard not far away.

Although this courtyard is not big, it is very unique. It has all the necessary facilities. After all, Qi Fang is the young wife of Wanjia, the granddaughter-in-law of the former prime minister's family, and Song Qingshu faction escorts her back and brought her a lot of investigations, so It is not surprising that she lives in such a yard.

The reason Song Qingshu frowned was because his inner breath sensed the presence of more than one person in this courtyard, as well as other men. Of course, he didn’t think about it. He knew Qi Fang’s character. She was quite a loyal and traditional woman. Of course, she had an accident with herself. It was impossible to lead a man in at midnight; and the men in this room did not. More than one or two!

"Is there something wrong with her?" Song Qingshu moved in, and quickly sneaked in. There were secret whistle at the gate of the yard. He was worried that Qi Fang would be dangerous to Qi Fang, so he did not rush, but slipped silently to the top of the house in the middle. On, I plan to look at the situation first.

"Say, where exactly is "Liancheng Jue"?" Suddenly a familiar voice came from below.

"Liancheng Jue?" Song Qingshu was startled. It turned out to be for "Liancheng Jue". Why is this person so familiar with his voice?

He was puzzled in his heart, untied the tiles, and saw a middle-aged man with bags under his eyes as big as old people standing there. It was Ling Tuisi, the prefect of Jiangling who had dealt with that year.

"It turned out to be this vicious stuff!" Song Qingshu didn't have the slightest affection for him. In the original book, he buried his daughter alive for the treasure. In this world, he was almost calculated by him.

"I really don't know what "Liancheng Jue" is~" At this time, there was a panicked and pitiful voice from the other side. Song Qingshu heard Qi Fang's voice and looked at it from a different angle. Seeing Qi Fang sitting on the ground and holding her daughter tightly, her face was full of tears.

Seeing her appearance, Song Qingshu's expression became cold, and he was about to rescue him, when he suddenly saw two people sitting on the other side: "Huh, why is it him?"

I saw a big man with a peculiar appearance, beard and eyebrows tilted to the left, flying horizontally, looking like a god, and he was the snow beggar Wu Liuqi who had a fate in Jiangling at the beginning!

The fat man next to him looked kind, but he couldn't recognize who it was.

"Why did Wu Liuqi and Ling Tuisi get together?" Song Qingshu was a little puzzled, knowing that Wu Liuqi thought that his senior brother Mei Niansheng died at the hands of Ling Tuisi, and even assassinated him once.

But what makes him even more strange is that Wu Liuqi and the fat man next to him always have a familiar feeling. The fat man is wearing a golden robe and a pair of clothes outside of a rich family, which matches his own temperament quite well; Wu Liuqi It was a pair of blue-black clothes, which was in line with his own murderous air.

Song Qingshu thought about it for half a day, and finally realized: Isn't this dress the same as Zhang Sanlisi!

He was awe-inspiring and didn't think it was a coincidence, especially when he thought of the legendary envoy of the island of knights who rewarded good and punished evil. In addition to Zhang San and Li Si who often walked the rivers and lakes, they were also known as Zhao Da, Qian Er, Friday, Wu Liu, Zheng Qi and Wang Ba, among the eight people, Zhao Daqian is the only one. Whether it is identity or martial arts, it is extremely mysterious and unpredictable. So far, there is no information about the true identity of the two. The remaining Zhang San Li Si, Friday Wu Liu, Zheng Qi Wang Ba are in the first grade. The martial arts and status of these six people are almost the same in the Kia Ke Island. As for the envoys who reward the good and punish the evil, they are on the same level as these people. gap.

At the beginning, Song Qingshu met more than a dozen envoys from Xia Ke Island in that ruined temple. Although those envoys were highly skilled, they lacked the experience and talents of encountering the enemy. They were obviously quick products piled up by medicines and secret books. Less to more, easy to kill in seconds, obviously should be the messenger behind the ranking; if he is against Zhang Sanlisi, who are experienced in walking the rivers and lakes, and have been trained to reward good and punishing evil messengers, compared with the number of people on both sides at that time, I am afraid it is a fierce battle. .

"Zhang San Li Si, Friday Wu Liu, Wu Liu..." Song Qingshu thought that Wu Liuqi's name was so similar to this Wu Liu, and coupled with the appearance of the same as Zhang San and Li four times, it is almost certain that Wu Liuqi is now from Xia Ke Island and is still there. Ranked sixth among the messengers of rewarding good and punishing evil, the little fat guy next to him is probably Friday.

"Why did the people from Xia Ke Island get involved?" After discovering this, Song Qingshu decided to look at the situation first. Anyway, Qi Fang is not in any danger for the time being.

At this time, Wu Liuqi couldn't help but snorted when he heard Qi Fang's words: "You are Qi Changfa's daughter and Wan Zhenshan's daughter-in-law. How can you not know where Liancheng Art is?"

Feeling the abruptness in his tone, Song Qingshu frowned slightly. Although Wu Liuqi was an eagle claw of the Qing court in history, he was an upright man in the world of Jinshu. Such acts of bullying orphans and widows shouldn't be his. The style of work, is it because he changed his temper after entering Xia Ke Island, or because Qi Changfa Wan Zhenshan killed his senior brother Mei Niansheng, so that he hated the house and Wu?

"I really don't know what the "Liancheng Jue" you are talking about is. I have never heard my father or father-in-law mention it, and it was the first time I heard it from your mouth." Qi Fang explained in vain. The daughter of Zhong seemed to feel her mother's panic and couldn't help crying.

"It seems that you can't cry without seeing the coffin!" Ling Tuisi grinned grimly, and held up the baby who had taken her from her arms. "If you don't say anything, I will fall down."

"Don't!" Qi Fang exclaimed, struggling to rush over, but was restrained by the men next to him, and there was nothing he could do.

Song Qingshu felt cold. Ling Tuisi killed his own daughter without blinking his eyes. Killing someone else's daughter, even if it was an infant, would not be soft.

He raised his hand secretly, and when he was about to rush down to save him, he suddenly heard the following person yelling: "I found it, I found it." While talking, he held up a copy of "Selected Works of Tang Poems" and came out. It turned out that Ling Tuisi and others were interrogating. When Qi Fangshi, he also sent his subordinates to search through boxes and cabinets in the house.

Upon seeing this, Ling Tuisi was overjoyed and threw the water spinach back into Qi Fang's arms: "You bitch, don't you even know "Liancheng Jue"?"

Qi Fang hugged her daughter in his arms in a hurry, looked at the "Selected Works of Tang Poems" in his hand and asked in a daze, "Isn't this "Selected Works of Tang Poems"?"

"Pretend to be crazy and sell stupid?" Ling Tuisi's face was cold.

Wu Liuqi on the side stopped her: "I don't know what she looks like."

Ling Tuisi nodded: "It is indeed possible that Qi Changfa and Wan Zhenshan's old treacherous cunning have not told him, but can't we know the secret of "Liancheng Jue"?" After speaking, he became a little frustrated and even looked viciously. Qi Fang was so scared that she hugged her daughter tightly.

"That's not necessarily," Wu Liuqi pointed to the man in yellow clothes aside, "My brother is an expert in this field."

Ling Tuisi's eyes flickered. The "Selected Works of Tang Poems" had already reached the hands of the man named Friday, and he couldn't help but stunned in his heart: The martial arts of these knight islanders are really unpredictable.

Song Qingshu on the roof just nodded secretly. This Friday's work was indeed okay, but there was nothing fuss about.

I saw on Friday that while reading and checking the "Selected Works of Tang Poems", he said: "If you want to hide the secret, you can use mezzanine, special potion, or use some code words to mix in the plain text..."

He flipped through it and shook his head quickly: "There is no mezzanine."

Immediately afterwards, he took each page of the book and baked it on the candle, and then shook his head: "The fire is useless."

Then he took the book paper to the tip of his nose and sniffed it: "Well, in addition to the smell of ink, there is also a faint strange smell..."

While talking, spread the book paper flat on the table, then took out a chopstick and dipped it with a little water, and gently scratched it on the page.

Ling Tuisi and Wu Liuqi had already been attracted to the past, and suddenly Ling Tuisi shouted in surprise, "There are numbers!"

Through the gaps between several people, Song Qingshu vaguely saw a "four" appearing in the blank space next to the page, and could not help but sighed secretly: "The secret of "Liancheng Jue" seems to be irresistible after all."

I continued to sort out the following Friday, and soon the hidden numbers of the entire book were found.

Ling Tuisi frowned and said, "It's useless to know these numbers. There are so many words in the entire Tang poem, I don't know where to use it, and I don't know the order."

Wu Liuqi laughed: "I know this. Since it is called "Liancheng Sword Art", it is obviously hidden in the Liancheng Sword Technique, and every move of the Liancheng Sword Technique is derived from a Tang poem. I happen to know the Liancheng Sword Technique again."

He said as he came to the desk: "The first move of Liancheng swordsmanship comes from Du Fu's "Spring Return"... Well, here, it is the word'four'! Okay,'Moss Path Linjiang Bamboo', fourth The word is'Jiang', you wrote it down. The second trick is still Du Fu's poem, from the "Chongjing Zhaoling". Well, it's'Fifty One'!" He counted it word by word: " One, five, ten, fifteen, twenty...'The mausoleum is tangled up, Xiong Feng guards Cuiwei', the fifty-first character, that is the character'tomb'."

Ling Tuisi on the side murmured to himself: "'Jiangling','Jiangling', wonderful, it turned out to be in Jingzhou, it seems that half of my life's hard work has not been wasted." But then he thought that all this now belongs to Xia Ke Island, then Most of the excitement was lost.

Friday on the side seemed to see his thoughts, and said lightly: "If you can find the treasure of Emperor Liang Yuan this time, your credit will be indispensable, and your benefits will be indispensable at that time."

"Thank you Saint Envoy." Ling Tuisi turned from worry to joy, and hurriedly saluted.

Wu Liuqi on the side ignored him, and continued to study: "The third trick of swordsmanship, from the silent "Shengguo Temple", thirty-three, thirty-third characters, "below the city is near, Zhongqing miscellaneous Shengge" "City", "Jiangling City", yes, yes! What else is suspicious? This fourth trick is twenty-eight, um, one five, ten, fifteen...20 The eight characters are the "South", "Jiangling Chengnan"."

Song Qingshu naturally knew that the treasure was in Tianning Temple, and did not show the slightest surprise. On the contrary, he was even more puzzled: "Now that the Jinmen have captured Jiangling, why did they choose this time to collect the treasure?"

At this moment, Wu Liuqi of Kung Fu has already deciphered the remaining words: "...The Buddha statues in the main hall of Xitianning Temple worshipped the spirits and blessed the Tathagata to bless the bliss..."

Ling Tuisi on the side could not help being shocked: "What's'revealing to him, psychic blessings', and what's'Tathagata blessing, rebirth bliss'! His grandma's,'rebirth bliss', isn't this asking people to see the Lord of Ten Hall ?"

Thinking that he had worked so hard for most of his life, spent most of his life, even sacrificed his daughter, and got such a result, he couldn't help getting a little crazy.

The Friday on the side was calm enough: "Presumably, I can't write too clearly here. Most of the treasures are hidden in Tianning Temple."

When he was reminded, Ling Tuisi finally recovered from the mania: "Yes, yes, Tianning Temple has existed for hundreds of years. It has existed during the Emperor Liang Yuan period, and it is indeed possible to hide treasures in it."

Wu Liuqi closed the page and said, "Let's go to Tianning Temple to take out the treasure first. By the way, is there no news from Bei Haishi?"

Song Qingshu on the roof couldn't help being surprised when he heard the three characters Beihaishi. It turned out that they were in the same group.

There was also doubt on Friday: "He took someone to deal with the Ruan family, but unfortunately he has lost the news since then. However, I have already sent someone to investigate. The ship of the Ruan family is still more than a hundred miles away from here. It should be there tomorrow. I can get there."

Ling Tuisi couldn't help but said, "Doctor Bei has been without news, could something happen?"

On Friday, he shook his head: "Impossible. Those people led by Bei Haishi have many masters. The guards of the Ruan family have long been investigated. Even if the number of people doubled is not their opponents, the reason why there is no news. Come here, there must be other reasons, and I will ask him tomorrow."

Wu Liuqi also said: "We must hurry up and take out the treasures of Tianning Temple today and tomorrow and transport them to the pier, and we will take them away when the Ruan family's ship arrives tomorrow."

Song Qingshu on the roof finally understood what was going on. It turned out that Bei Haishi led people to attack Madam Ruan's fleet, mainly because of their big ship.

Ling Tuisi couldn't help but exclaimed: "The master is really brilliant. Not only did he break Han Tong's arm this time, he could also use the boat of the Ruan family to let the guards all the way go. High, it's really high."

Friday couldn’t help but laugh: “Han Zhang is now the leader of the hundred officials, and the strength of his subordinates should not be underestimated. Many people along the river are his direct descendants and do not buy the owner’s account. Now he has the ship of the Ruan family. , It is equivalent to having an amulet, the ship that the owner and Han Xiang are working together to protect, who dares to stop along the road and who dares to check?"

Song Qingshu suddenly realized that Madam Ruan was a member of Han Tongxuan. She must have gone to Sichuan this time to target Wu Xi's rebellion. However, Jia Sidao got the news and sent someone to do her in advance, and then used her ship to transport the treasure away. The guards along the way, whether they are from the Han school or the Jia school, will not stop them, so that they will be able to transport the treasure away unconsciously.

And he also understood that the opponent chose to take action during the Golden Soldier's capture of Jiangling, which was to cover up the stealing of treasures with the help of the army.

"It's really tricky. It's a pity that people are not as good as the heavens, and they met me." Song Qingshu secretly rejoiced, if he hadn't come to see Qi Fang on a whim, how would he know such a big secret?

"Do you want to kill this lady first?" Several people discussed going to Tianning Temple to fetch treasures. Ling Tuisi suddenly turned around to look at Qi Fang, with a fierce light in his eyes.


(Because of the update error yesterday, some people who read the update first may have missed a part, so this chapter makes up for the missing part, and no money is charged for the number of repeated words. This chapter was originally 5000 words, but deliberately reduced a few Words are less than 5,000, so only 4,000 words will be charged)

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