Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1679: The embarrassing childhood sweetheart

As if to persuade the other two people, Ling Tuisi added: "This lady has seen our appearance, and when the time comes, it will be easy to burn the owner."

Wu Liuqi frowned, and only after a while said, "I haven't found the treasure yet. I won't say anything until I find the treasure. I won't be surprised. Just leave a few people here to watch her."

Song Qingshu on the roof just put down his hand and did not show up at this time. He planned to wait until the group of people found the treasure of Tianning Temple.

There are a total of several treasures in this world. He knows the location, but he has not taken it for various reasons. He waits for the time to come before taking it out. But now it seems that if the treasure of Tianning Temple continues to stay here, It's easy to be discovered, so it's better to use these people to hide the treasures and take advantage of it.

After discussing for a while, everyone in the room quickly filed out and headed for the Tianning Temple in the south of the city, leaving two people here to guard Qi Fang.

Song Qingshu didn't catch up, but after they had gone far, they landed quietly from the roof, and then the two guards hadn't reacted before they got rid of them.

Qi Fang was holding her daughter in sadness and fear, but when she saw him appear in front of him, she was surprised and happy for a while, rubbing her eyes in disbelief, "Big Brother Song, really you?"

Song Qingshu wiped away the tear marks on her face with pity on her face: "It made you suffer."

"Big Brother Song!" Qi Fang couldn't help it anymore, and threw her head into his arms, and began to cry.

"Okay, okay, no one will dare to bully you from now on." Holding her exquisite and convex body, Song Qingshu didn't have any desires, but only endless pity. This girl is really too hard, how can she let her She repeats the tragedy of the original in her life?

Qi Fang's mood finally stabilized. Only then did she realize that she was snuggling in the other's arms unknowingly, and hurriedly pushed him away with fright, her little face flushed, she was shy.

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly and said, "Why do you have to be like this?"

Qi Fang stretched out her fingers to tidy up some scattered hair in the temples, pursing her lips, and said in a low voice, "I am a married woman after all, so...it doesn't make sense."

Song Qingshu suddenly became dumb, thinking that the people of Wanjia treated her like that, and she actually regarded herself as Wanjia's daughter-in-law in her bones, but these are the three views that people have formed since childhood, and he can't say anything.

At this time, the little water spinach burst into tears. Song Qingshu hurriedly reached out and hugged her over to coax her, feeling the tender little life in his hands, a tenderness surged in his heart, thinking that he should have a child too, and he didn't know who's The stomach will move first.

It's strange to say that the little water spinach was crying, but when it was in Song Qingshu's hands, she stopped crying for an instant. Instead, she looked at him with big, jewel-like eyes.

Song Qingshu made a few grimacing faces, and she actually giggled, her eyes suddenly resembling crescent moons, and they were quite beautiful like a porcelain doll.

"Children's laughter is the purest and most beautiful music in the world," Song Qingshu couldn't help but exclaimed. "By the way, let her surname Song in the future, don't let her know that there is a father like Wan Kyu, let her be happy. Grow up and live a happy life."

"Huh?" Qi Fang was obviously a little surprised by his proposal, hesitatingly said, "I...I originally planned to let her be the surname of the brother..."

"Name Di..." Song Qingshu nodded, "Yes, let Brother Di pass the incense." He was also full of sympathy for Di Yun, so he didn't feel dissatisfied at all.

Qi Fang didn't know this, and worried that he was being refuted, and hurriedly added: "Why don't you wait for her to grow up and worship you as godfather."

"Godfather?" Song Qingshu looked a little weird when he thought of another meaning in later life. "That's fine."

However, Qi Fang showed a smile from the heart, and tenderly kissed her daughter: "Little water spinach, you will have a very capable godfather in the future, no one will dare to bully you in the future."

Song Qingshu also leaned over and scraped the nose of Little Convolvulus: "Little Convolvulus, no one would dare to bully your mother."

Qi Fang's face flushed, and for a while, he was so ashamed that he didn't know what to say.

Song Qingshu curiously said, "By the way, didn't Zhiruo teach you "Emei Nine Suns" last time?" Zhou Zhiruo taught her Emei martial arts to defend herself when she was on Xia Ke Island. I don't know why it was still like this. Get caught easily.

"Sister Zhou did teach me," Qi Fang subconsciously called Zhou Zhiruo to be her elder sister despite being married and having children. "But my qualifications are too dull, I can't learn well, and those people's martial arts are too high..."

Song Qingshu gently touched her hair, smiled and said: "They are the messengers of reward and punishment on Xia Ke Island. The whole arena is also discouraged. It is normal that you can't beat them."

While speaking, he grabbed her hand and started to release the restriction imposed on her body: "Now you can run your internal power... Well, yes, Emei Jiuyang Gong is also considered a trivial thing."

Of course, this Xiaocheng is still a bit exaggerated. After all, she is a single mother with children, and she doesn't have much energy to practice martial arts on weekdays. Now the internal strength cultivation is only higher than the average Emei disciple's martial arts.

Qi Fang naturally knew that he was taking care of his own face, so he lowered his head in embarrassment.

Song Qingshu liked this little young woman's shy face the most, and she moved her heart when she saw it, and couldn't help but move her face to the side.

Perceiving his movements, Qi Fang was shocked and instinctively retracted back, but his waist was hugged, and the whole person couldn't retreat even if he wanted to back down. After all, the position of his lips was still not defended.

Qi Fang's mind was confused. She originally planned to break up with Song Qingshu since the last time she was separated from Lin'an. She has since lived the life of a husband and a son. Of course, this husband must have failed.

But she didn't expect to meet Song Qingshu again in this situation, and she couldn't even think of rejecting him.

"Are I a bad woman in my bones..." Qi Fang was a bit at a loss. After all, she did not experience the open baptism of later life. They are now happy with each other, and it is normal for them to remarry women in this world. There are too many harsh eyes on things that make her subconsciously deny herself.

"Wow~" At this moment, the little water spinach in his arms cried. I don't know why, this time Song Qingshu tried his best to make her laugh.

Seeing the madness of the man who has always been calm and calm, Qi Fang couldn't help but chuckle: "Who told you to bully her mother, hum." As he said, he broke away from the other's arms and took his daughter over.

"What's the matter with the little water spinach?" Song Qingshu has no experience with children after all, and she can't help but feel a little flustered when she is worried about what's going on with her.

"Nothing, just hungry." A blush flashed across Qi Fang's goose egg's face.

"I'm hungry, what is she eating? Now that the soldiers are out there, let me get it?" Song Qingshu didn't react for a while, and replied subconsciously.

Qi Fang snorted in shame: "How can you do that..."

Song Qingshu finally reacted, couldn't help but pat his forehead, and laughed stupidly: "I'm so stupid, hehe..."

At this time, the little water spinach cried louder, and Qi Fang patted her distressedly. He wanted to undress but hesitated: "Can you go out first?"

Song Qingshu is not the kind of stupid scholar who is so obedient: "It's not that I haven't read it before, so why bother to be so obedient."

Qi Fang's face flushed suddenly, and she didn't know what to do for a while, standing there as if she was going to cry.

Song Qingshu hurriedly raised his hands: "Alright, I'm afraid of you. I'm most afraid of seeing a woman crying. I will turn my back and go to the head office."

Qi Fang bit her lip: "Then you are not allowed to peek."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "Don't look at it..." In his heart, he didn't agree. The brain circuits of these women are really hard to understand. They all have the closest relationship, but at this time they are defensive and defensive.

After a while, Song Qingshu frowned and turned his head instinctively after hearing Xisuo Suo's voice from behind, mixed with a few weird sounds.

"It turned out to be the sound of the little water spinach eating..." Song Qingshu had no previous experience in this area, so he thought the sound was a bit weird.

However, Song Qingshu couldn't remove his eyes for a while. You should know that "Ren Yingying" is not feeling well these days. He has been a vegetarian monk for many days. When he suddenly saw such a scene, he couldn't help but feel angry. Chung, hormones surge.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Qi Fang suddenly noticed that she was being hugged from behind, and Hua Rong was so scared that she was so frightened that she only breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that it was Song Qingshu.

"Didn't you agree not to take a peek?" Qi Fang asked angrily.

"I'm not taking a peek, am I being upright and looking down?" Song Qingshu said confidently.

Qi Fang was immediately at a loss for words, but he had already hugged him before he could react.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Qi Fang was startled when he saw him walking towards the bed.

Song Qingshu leaned in her ear and whispered a few words, and her face instantly turned red: "How can this work? The little water spinach hasn't been finished yet."

"It's all right if you feed it." Song Qingshu smelled the fresh scent of her body, feeling that the whole person was a little addicted.

Qi Fang almost didn't faint: "How do you feed this?"

Song Qingshu put her sideways on the bed, and then pasted her from behind: "Is this all right?"

Qi Fang bit her lip. At this time, her apricot eyes were shining brightly, and she sipped softly: "I'm really afraid of you..."


In the early morning of the next day, Song Qingshu was awakened by a burst of baby crying. Qi Fang said to him apologetically: "Water spinach wakes up very early every morning, I'm sorry to disturb you."

Seeing her cloud temples scattered like a waterfall, Song Qingshu caressed her face with pity, "In our relationship, why speak so politely."

Qi Fang pursed her lips and found that her clothes were not neat at this time, and she turned her back a little embarrassed to sort out her clothes.

Song Qingshu said: "I'm afraid it's not safe here, and there are golden soldiers looting, or you can go with me."

Who knows that Qi Fang shook his head: "I don't want to leave my hometown, and my brother is too lonely alone. If I leave without him, he will be lonely."

Feeling the pure childhood love between them, Song Qingshu sighed secretly, but it was a pity that good luck made people, the two were not married, but they were separated from each other.

"But what about your safety?" Song Qingshu was still a little worried.

"Don't worry, I plan to move back to the country to live in the country. I will avoid the limelight..." Qi Fang suddenly remembered something and said in a panic, "Oh, what if those people came back yesterday?"

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