Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1680: Siskin behind

"They should be busy carrying the treasures of Tianning Temple, I'm afraid no one wants to come back." Song Qingshu remembered that the treasures of Tianning Temple in the original work were painted with poison, but the group of people on Xia Ke Island is not the one in "Lian Cheng Jue". The crowd of mobs, this bit of poison must not be bothering them.

"Should they just let them take away the treasure like this?" Qi Fang didn't care about the treasure, but those people who treated their mother and daughter like that before naturally didn't want to see the treasure fall into their hands.

"Don't worry, just let them be porters." Song Qingshu smiled slightly. Now he is traveling alone, with no staff around, so many treasures can't be transported away. It's better to use the hands of these people to help the treasures move out, anyway. They will finally be transported away by Ruan's boat, and they are not afraid of their disappearance.

"Big Brother Song, you should go and take a look." Qi Fang still couldn't let go of worry. Of course, she was more willing to put the treasure in Song Qingshu's hands than the cheap group of people.

"No hurry, let me send you back to the countryside. It's not safe." Qi Fang is unwilling to leave her hometown. Song Qingshu will naturally not force her, but she won't let her stay here to take risks.

"Yeah." Qi Fang nodded. She also knew that this is not a place to stay for a long time. Even if she ignores herself, she cannot let her daughter take risks.

Next, Song Qingshu sent her back to her hometown in the country, and Qi Fang was also free and easy, only bringing some essential clothes and the like. Their hometown of Maxipu in the countryside is not too far from Jiangling City. Song Qingshu held their mother and daughter all the way to perform light work, and it was about an hour or so.

The feeling of being held in his arms all the way, Qi Fang was in a daze, and couldn't help but said with emotion: "Big Brother Song, your martial arts is like a fairy in the legend, my father, and my father...thousands of people. People's martial arts combined can't match you."

Seeing her face like a red apple, Song Qingshu couldn't help but want to take a bite: "You should practice the Nine Yang Gong of the Emei School. When the internal strength has been achieved, I will teach you some advanced martial arts."

"I will practice the exercises well," this time the incident sounded the alarm for her, knowing that in this troubled world, there must be enough force to protect herself and her daughter, "but we don't know when we see you next time. ." The tone was full of reluctance.

Song Qingshu couldn't help holding her hand and invited again: "Why don't you go with me."

Qi Fang hesitated, and shook his head after all, "No, this is the place where my brother and I have lived since childhood...If Song Brother passes by Jiangling in the future, don't forget to take a look at the small water spinach."

Song Qingshu looked weird: "Do you want to see the little water spinach or her mother?"

Qi Fang's face flushed, and he turned around directly: "You are her godfather, of course you are looking at her."

Song Qingshu hugged her from behind, feeling her plump and well-proportioned body: "Look at the little water spinach, and so does her mother."

The two stayed warm for a while, and when it came time to part with each other, after bidding farewell to Qi Fang, Song Qingshu moved lightly towards Tianning Temple. When they arrived at Tianning Temple, they found that the treasures inside were almost moved, only left. Under the pure gold Buddha, the people of Xia Ke Island are trying to pack and transport to the pier.

"It's no wonder that at this time, if you have such a big fanfare on weekdays, I am afraid it will be difficult to cover up the movement." Song Qingshu secretly sighed, only by acting during this turbulent time, no one would notice them.

He took a closer look and found that the number of people on Xia Ke Island was much less than before, and it was clear that most of them were caused by the poison on the treasure.

"How long will the Ruan family ship arrive?" Wu Liuqi asked.

Ling Tuisi on the side replied: "Send people to monitor along the way, and it is estimated that they will be there in two hours."

Wu Liuqi nodded: "The goal of this Buddha is too big. If it takes a long time to arrive at the pier, it will inevitably attract attention. So we must calculate the time. It is best that the ship we have just shipped to Ruan’s will arrive and ship as soon as possible. So as not to be discovered by the golden soldiers."

After a pause, he continued: "Is there still no news from Bei Haishi? I always feel that something is wrong."

"The martial arts of the people of Yi Bei Haishi should be no problem," Friday laughed on the side. "If you are not at ease, I will go to the dock to arrange it first."

Wu Liuqi nodded and left soon on Friday.

Song Qingshu knew that staying here was also a waste of time, so he quietly followed behind Friday. Even though Friday was a martial arts messenger who rewarded the good and punished the evil, how could he compare to Song Qingshu? Poor was vigilant enough along the way, but didn't know that there was an extra tail behind him.

Followed all the way to a warehouse on the wharf on Friday and saw a group of sailors busy packing boxes. Song Qingshu knew that these sailors were all pretending to be people from Xia Ke Island. He called one of them on Friday and asked him to pretend to be fishermen and row a boat. The boat went straight down to Ruan's big boat and asked about Bei Haishi's situation.

Song Qingshu was almost listening, so he quietly withdrew from the warehouse, and decided to return to the Jinghu ship to prepare.

He performed light work all the way down the river, of course, much faster than the boat under his hand on Friday. When he returned to the Jinghu ship, he found that Ren Yingying was not in the house. This shock was not trivial. You must know ten Emperor Liang Yuan. Treasure is not comparable to Ren Yingying in his heart. If something happens to her, she will probably spend her life in guilt.

But he quickly calmed down, thinking that he had given Ren Yingying the Concentric Gu Bell, and if something really happened, she would notify him as soon as possible.

I hurried to find a maid to inquire, only to realize that Mrs. Ruan called Ren Yingying to chat. Song Qingshu thought that there was something to look for Mrs. Ruan, so he went straight over there.

"I didn't make an appointment when I was there. I will make an appointment as soon as I leave. This Mrs. Ruan is not a lesbian, right?" Song Qing was slanderous, but the thought was only fleeting.

"Stop!" Before he arrived, he was stopped by the guards of the Ruan family.

Song Qingshu didn't think it was too much either. Madam Ruan was already married, and it was indeed inconvenient for men to get in and out of the boudoir: "Go and tell your wife, just say I have something to see."

The guards also recognized him at this moment. When they saw him show off that night, it was him who wanted to stop them. They trembled with fright, and hurriedly said with a smile: "So it's Master Song, please Wait a moment, we'll go and notify Madam right away."

Song Qingshu smiled slightly, but did not show any dissatisfaction, so that the guards of the Ruan family secretly admired the martial arts so high that it is so approachable, it is really rare.

Not long after, a maid came to greet him: "Master Song, please."

Song Qingshu followed her to Madam Ruan's room and saw that she and Ren Yingying were chatting there, one mature and charming, the other beautiful and charming, forming a quite beautiful picture.

"Master Song is back?" Madam Ruan said hello with a smile.

Song Qingshu was startled, only when Ren Yingying told her about his going out, thinking that the two of them were really good friends, but didn't care: "I have met Madam." After that, he came to Ren Yingying and held her. Catkin: "Are you okay?"

Ren Yingying smiled slightly: "I'm chatting with Madam, what can I do."

"Oh, I'm afraid I will sell Madam Zun." Madam Ruan joked.

Song Qingshu smiled awkwardly. He did have this kind of worry. He always felt that Mrs. Ruan was hiding too many secrets.

"By the way, why didn't you see Peier today?" Song Qingshu took the opportunity to turn the subject away when a maid came over for tea.

His original intention was only to change the subject, but when Madam Ruan on the opposite side heard his words, her discoloration changed slightly, and she subconsciously looked at the opposite Ren Yingying. Ren Yingying shook her head before she calmed down.

"I sent Pei'er to do something when I was docking." Madam Ruan replied.

Everyone has their own secrets. Song Qingshu didn't follow up. Ren Yingying on the side spoke at the right time: "You are in such a hurry to find Madam, is there something urgent?"

"There is indeed something I want to ask Madam for help," Song Qingshu pondered for a long time, organizing words in his heart, "I have a shipment in Jiangling, and I want to take it by Madam's ship."

In fact, in his opinion, it is easy to grab the treasure, and things only get a headache after the grab. Now that he is alone, there is definitely no way for a person to carry his wealth, and the forces of the Golden Snake Camp will not be able to reach Jiangling. Tang Kuobian's identity can be used to mobilize Jin Guo's soldiers to carry them, but he does not fully control Jin Guo now. If Jin Bing is used, these treasures will definitely be concealed. When the time comes, they will enter Jin Guo's treasury and want to take them out for his own use. trouble.

After much deliberation, the only people who can use the Ruan family's manpower now are to use the Ruan family's ship to transport the treasure away. As for where to transport the treasure, he has not yet determined for the time being. The current alternative is Mount Emei!

Mount Emei can be regarded as the base camp for himself and Zhou Zhiruo. There is no safer place in Sichuan than to put it there. However, there is also a problem. It is not convenient to pick up when it is going to be used in the future. After all, Sichuan and the Golden Snake Camp are more than half separated. China...

Of course, these are all things to do. The most important thing is to **** the treasure from the knight islanders.

"Goods, I don't know what kind of goods it is?" Madam Ruan and Ren Yingying looked at each other and asked hurriedly.

Song Qingshu did not rush to answer her question. Instead, he said meaningfully: "Madam, do you know that the Ruan family is about to face disaster?"

Madam Ruan's face changed, and Ren Yingying beside her also jumped in her heart, and said hurriedly: "Oh, don't you want to sell it, let's scare the lady."

Hearing Ren Yingying speaking for Madam Ruan, Song Qingshu couldn’t help frowning slightly. He always felt something was wrong, but he couldn’t tell after thinking about it. At this time Madam Ruan also asked him. He had to answer: "Madam knows that Bei Hai Shi's group still has accomplices."

Madam Ruan nodded: "It's weird to say that they have no accomplices. Did Song Gongzi get any news?"

Song Qingshu picked up a cup of tea and tasted it slowly: "This group of accomplices is much higher than Bei Haishi's group in terms of number and martial arts. They will attack the Ruan family in a few hours. Does the madam feel able to stop it? "

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