Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1681: Riding a tiger

Hearing his words, Madam Ruan and Ren Yingying's expressions all changed, but Ren Yingying was behind Song Qingshu at this time, and he couldn't see it.

"I don't know where the son got the news?" Madam Ruan asked.

"Where I got the news is not important, what matters is whether the lady can cope with the coming crisis." Song Qingshu put down the teacup and said lightly.

Madam Ruan was silent. The previous attack almost caused the Jinghu ship to change ownership. What's more, after that attack, the guards are not as strong as before, and the result is obvious when facing a stronger enemy.

"I also hope that Young Master Song will help, and the Ruan family will be rewarded." After a long time, Mrs. Ruan looked at him expectantly.

Song Qingshu replied calmly, "Why should I help?"

"Huh?" Madam Ruan was dumbfounded for an instant, her mouth opened wide, and she didn't know what to do for a while.

Song Qingshu frowned slightly, always feeling that today's Mrs. Ruan did not have the agility that she had in normal days, and she did not lack a bit of maturity for accidents. Such a reaction should not appear to her.

Ren Yingying on the side cleared the siege and said: "Song Lang, Mrs. Ruan is so considerate to us, why do you deliberately tease her like this."

Song Qingshu was also depressed. Today, Ren Yingying dismantled him several times, but he always pityed each other, only when she was getting along with Madam Ruan these days, the two had a friendship.

"The friendship between women is really hard to understand." Song Qingshu secretly shook his head.

Mrs. Ruan finally got over after receiving the prompt: "What do you want to tell the son from now on, but please be frank, the Ruan family must take the son's head as his head."

"The horse head is looking forward?" Song Qingshu chuckled, but remained unmoved, "It would be great if these words were passed to Han Xiang."

As soon as this remark came out, even Ren Yingying on the side suddenly changed color, and Madam Ruan smiled wryly: "What the son said, the concubine doesn't understand it."

"Why do you have to quibble, Madam, you are Han Xiang's person, this time you are sent to Sichuan as an emissary to investigate and deal with Wu Xi's rebellion." Song Qingshu said slowly.

At this point, there is no point in denying anymore. Madam Ruan glanced at Ren Yingying subconsciously, and then said, "I don't know how the son knows all this."

At this time, "Ren Yingying" was also depressed. He tried all his best to approach him at the expense of hue. Not only did he not find anything useful, but he first found out his own side. It was an unprecedented defeat.

Song Qingshu smiled faintly: "How to know all this is not important, what matters is whether we are enemies or friends."

Mrs. Ruan also smiled sweetly at this time: "Since the son already knows our details, dare you to ask the son, are we friends or enemies?"

Song Qingshu looked at her up and down, as if admiring her graceful posture, until she saw her look away, then he replied, "Friend, of course it is a friend."

He continued: "Since Mrs. Han is a reliant general, she is obviously not a fool. It is estimated that we have already guessed our identity during this time."

Ren Yingying nodded imperceptibly, and Mrs. Ruan on the opposite side just said, "Dare to ask Prince Qi, but King Qi?"

"Since I know my identity, it should be clear that I have a personal relationship with Han Xiang, we are naturally friends." Song Qingshu laughed.

Mrs. Ruan kept her lips secretly, she was indeed a friend, but Jin Snake Camp's actions were weird some time ago, making the Koreans suspect his intentions, and even suspect that Sichuan Wu Xi's rebellion was related to him.

However, she didn't show any signs on her face, but smiled like a flower: "It turned out to be King Qi for half a day. I was really negligent before."

"Madam, you are polite." Song Qingshu also replied.

Who knows at this moment Madam Ruan suddenly said: "I have a question to ask King Qi, I don't know whether to ask it or not."

Song Qingshu said in his heart that these people in ancient times obviously wanted to ask, but they said so deliberately, but he could only follow these rules: "Madam, but it's okay to ask."

Madam Ruan straightened her face and looked at him faintly: "I don't know what King Qi is going to Sichuan at this critical moment?"

Song Qingshu thought that there was nothing shameful about it, so he directly called: "I'm going to see what happened to Wu Xi."

Hearing his outspoken words, both Mrs. Ruan and "Ren Yingying" both jumped in their hearts.

Song Qingshu pointed to his wife and said: "The lady is well informed about going north and south. We should know that Yingying and Wu Xi are old acquaintances. We all know his character and know that he is definitely not the kind of treason and seek glory, so I want to see what happened to him. whats the matter."

Madam Ruan and Ren Yingying looked at each other, and obviously saw the shock in each other's eyes, because they had been speculating about each other's motives, but they didn't expect the other party to tell each other so frankly.

"Let’s talk about the other things, the time is urgent, so it’s better to change her face into a sea stone." Song Qingshu counted the time. Most of the people sent on Friday will arrive soon, but I didn’t notice the two of them. eye contact.

"Huh?" Madam Ruan was confused.

Song Qingshu explained the reason again, and then continued: "I heard that Mrs. Ruan is a master of disguise, and today I just showed her a hand to let Song know, I wonder if?"

"This..." Madam Ruan looked at Ren Yingying aside with some guilty conscience.

"Ren Yingying" thought that he really had a good grasp of himself. Seeing "Mrs. Ruan" looked over and said at the right time: "Madam, don't worry, if time is urgent, I can help."

Song Qingshu was startled and wondered how she could help, but when she saw her winking at herself, she finally realized that she was going to be a spy to spy on each other's disguise. This is just right, and she will learn from each other's strengths in the future.

Madam Ruan showed a look of embarrassment at the right time, and finally seemed to have made a determination with difficulty: "Then... In that case, the concubine will show her ugliness, and the son should avoid it."

Song Qingshu deliberately said: "Actually, after hearing about the miracle of Madam, I want to see it with my own eyes."

Mrs. Ruan said, "Sir, forgive me, this is a secret that our Ruan family does not pass on. Only the Patriarch of each generation can learn..."

Ren Yingying on the side also glared at him: "Pretending to be Bei Haishi, a woman pretending to be a man must change her clothes for a while, wouldn't you be detrimental to the reputation of the lady?"

Song Qingshu only regarded her as his wife giving herself a step down, but didn't think too much: "If this is the case, I will go outside and wait for my wife." Anyway, Yingying was watching, and she was asked to come back and say the same.

In addition, Mrs. Ruan took off the mask on her face in the room, and she was indeed Mrs. Ruan’s personal maid, Pei’er. She lowered her voice and said to Ren Yingying, “Madam, since the other party is now a friend and not an enemy, we might as well Tell me frankly, release Miss Ren, and apologize more. I will certainly not blame us."

"No!" Madam Ruan subconsciously denied. Seeing the other's puzzled eyes, her face turned red and hurriedly explained, "You forgot that Bei Haishi and his party offended Miss Ren that night, how did Song Qingshu get angry? Obviously, Miss Ren is his negative scale. If we tell the truth, in case he gets angry, who on our side can stop him? After everything is over in Sichuan, we will return to our territory and then make a fuss."

Pei Er frowned and said, "But after being in contact these days, Song Gongzi is a modest gentleman, so he shouldn't be able to kill us."

Mrs. Ruan had the situation of the previous nights in her mind, thinking that he was a gentle gentleman from woolen yarn: "Who knows if what he said is true? What if he lied to us? Is Wu Xi the man behind Wu Xi's betrayal? "

"This..." Peer also hesitated.

Mrs. Ruan then said: "The consequences are unpredictable, so be careful."

"But in this way, doesn't Madam still have to pretend to be Miss Ren to accompany him?" Peer's eyes widened and looked at her very surprised.

Madam Ruan smiled bitterly: "Me too, take one step as one step."

Peer's face suddenly became weird: "I don't think Madam is not, but you are enjoying it."

Madam Ruan's face changed, and she stretched out her hand to pinch her: "You bastard, dare you even make a joke of me?"

Pear dodges, smiling and telling Rao repeatedly: "Madam, please spare me, Madam spare my life..."

"Sit down, I'll disguise you!" Madam Ruan snorted, but she was a little dazed in her heart: Why on earth did I choose this way...

After talking for a while, the two women opened the door. Song Qingshu was looking at the situation in the direction of Jiangling on the distant deck. He turned around when he heard the movement, and couldn't help but show shock: "Ma'am really has a magical skill, exactly the same as Bei Haishi." This is a sincere compliment to him, knowing that he himself is also a master of disguise, but now that he knows that the other party is disguised, he still can't see the slightest flaw, it is really amazing.

Hearing his praise, Ren Yingying on the side was secretly proud, while Peier raised his chin, stroked the beard of his chin, and imitated Bei Haishi's voice and said: "Song son, we meet again."

"Okay, not bad!" Song Qingshu circled her and nodded in satisfaction, "Wait later, you will go to pick up the people sent on Friday, stabilize Jiangling, and then we will catch them all at once."

At this time, Peer asked according to what his wife taught her: "But now with the armed forces on board, I am afraid that there are so many masters on Xia Ke Island. Even if the son takes action, so many people can hardly guarantee any accident..."

Song Qingshu smiled faintly: "Don't worry about this, I have my own arrangements."

Peer still intends to ask. At this time, a sailor said: "A small boat is coming over here."

"Madam just dismissed him as just discussed, don't make him suspicious, don't be afraid, I will pick you up nearby." After Song Qingshu finished taking Ren Yingying's hand and hid in the corner shadow.

Pell had to swallow the full stomach problem, and walked to the front of the deck in a good mood.

"Ren Yingying" looked at her nervously, and suddenly her waist was tight, and Song Qingshu was already in her arms: "When did the relationship between you two become so good? It made me a little jealous."

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