Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1683: Red apricot out of the wall

Song Qingshu ignored his question, and asked himself: "Why is Wu Liu not here?"

"He... he is the Admiral of Guangdong Water... The navy commander, there was news from Guangdong not long ago, and he hurriedly left after learning about it." Friday, scratching his whole body desperately, his speech was intermittent in pain at first. In the back, the speed of speech was getting faster and faster, as if it could relieve a little pain.

The life and death talisman originally made people unable to survive, not to mention the cold conflict between the masculine internal force and the life and death talisman on Friday, which made the attack even more violent. Fortunately, he was accustomed to the wind and waves, and couldn't help but provoke it.

Song Qingshu secretly smacked his tongue: This life and death talisman is really a good way for people to tell the truth...

At this moment, he suddenly yelled on Friday, and hit the huge boulder next to him, and his brain burst suddenly, and he was not alive.

Song Qingshu frowned. There were still many questions to ask him. Who knew that the other party had committed suicide? Thinking back to the other party’s painful appearance, I secretly guessed that it was mostly the cold toxin of the life and death talisman that caused the heat toxin of the fiery pill he took in his daily life, so it was so painful that a top expert like Friday couldn’t help it. , Can only commit suicide in order to get relief as soon as possible.

"I knew I should stay with Ling Tuisi just now." Song Qingshu secretly frowned. He had no good feelings for Ling Tuisi. In the original book, burying his daughter alive for the treasure was extremely frantic. In this world, he also took refuge in Wan Tui Si and presented them with Jin Bo Xun Hua. , Causing his nine deaths, and now the seller is seeking glory to take refuge in Jia Sidao and make a lot of money in the country, no matter from which aspect, he has the right way to die.

"Forget it, even if you are alive, you probably won't be able to ask anything." Song Qingshu went to Friday's corpse to check, and found a ledger, and looked at the rough statistics on the treasures of Emperor Liang Yuan:

There are tens of thousands of gold ingots, 100,000 silver ingots, dozens of boxes of jewellery, dozens of boxes of gold and silverware, and a big Buddha of pure gold...

Time is urgent, and they have no time to count the specific quantities, so they can only record a rough estimate. Most of them wait until they are transported back to a safe place and then count them slowly.

Looking at this account book, Song Qingshu secretly smacked his tongue. There are really a lot of treasures. The gold and silver jewels in the boxes are very rich, not to mention the most important pure gold Buddha, which is more than ten tons.

At this time, the war at the dock had come to an end, and the golden soldiers came well prepared, and there was not a fish that slipped through the net in Xia Ke Island. Song Qingshu collected the books and returned to the dock.

Wan Yan Gang didn't know that there was still a batch of shocking treasures hidden in the warehouse of the dock, but only as a spy from the Southern Song Dynasty. After confirming that there was no survival, he said goodbye to Song Qingshu and took the army away quietly.

But just now there was such a tragic confrontation at the pier, even though they left, no one dared to approach here.

The Ruan’s boat had actually arrived for a while, but it stayed far in Jiangxin and didn't dare to approach it until it received Song Qingshu's signal before hesitating to land.

"Put all the boxes in the warehouse on the ship, and the big Buddha. Move fast." Song Qingshu pointed to the warehouse beside him.

"Mrs. Ruan" waved her hand to let her subordinates follow suit, and came to him, her face a little ugly: "What is your relationship with the Jin Ren?"

Song Qingshu knew that she might have seen the scene of the Golden State cavalry slaughtering everyone on Xia Ke Island, and replied indifferently: "Don't think too much, but misled them into thinking that the people on Xia Ke Island are Southern Song emissaries and are planning activities that are not good for them."

"Really?" "Mrs. Ruan" was skeptical of this explanation, but no matter how big her brain was, she would never think that Song Qingshu could command the soldiers of the Kingdom of Jin.

"Ren Yingying" winked, "Mrs. Ruan" nodded calmly, and then asked, "What are these boxes? Why are they so heavy?" They were originally imperial merchants, and they dealt with all kinds of goods on a daily basis. , Seeing that two or three of the sailors couldn't lift a box, I knew it was definitely not a normal cargo.

Song Qingshu said faintly: "I have helped you through the disaster as agreed. You only need to help me deliver the goods as agreed. As for what the goods are, I shouldn’t be obliged to tell you. Also, don’t try to open the box to view it. , Otherwise I don't mind killing people." As he said this, the surrounding temperature became a bit colder, as if there was a real murderous aura.

"Mrs. Ruan" had difficulty breathing, and was slightly angry, but thinking that the other party's unfathomable martial arts was more fearful, and was stunned there for a while and didn't know what to say.

"Ren Yingying" on the side came out to make a round: "Madam, don't be offended, Song Lang is also doing this for your own good. Sometimes the more secrets you know, the more dangerous they are."

"Mrs. Ruan"'s complexion only then eased a little: "In that case, I won't ask much, I'll go below and urge them to carry the box." After finishing speaking, he left as if he had escaped.

Seeing her disappearing back, "Ren Yingying" smiled and said, "When did our Song Da Young Master no longer take pity on Xiang Yu Yu? It scares the lady."

"In order to prevent her from doing stupid things, I can only do this." Song Qingshu paused, and frowned suddenly, "I don't know why, I always think this Madam Ruan is a little weird."

"What's weird? Ren Yingying" her heart jumped, she knew that Peer was not herself after all, and it was inevitable that she would show some of her feet easily.

"It's nothing, maybe I think too much." Song Qingshu shook his head, and continued to condescendingly examine the sailors carrying on the dock. After all, the boxes were full of gold and silver jewelry, and he didn't want to reveal half of the news.

"Ren Yingying" a hint of worry flashed between her eyebrows, but now she is most concerned about something else: "By the way, Song Lang, what is in those boxes?"

Song Qingshu didn't lie to her, and replied casually: "The treasure of Emperor Liang Yuan."

"The treasure of Emperor Liang Yuan?" He didn't know how huge stormy waves he caused in "Ren Yingying" with his casual reply, "Is that legend true?"

The treasure of Emperor Liang Yuan has always been circulated among the people, and there are also rumors of Liancheng Jue in the rivers and lakes. As a top spy, Mrs. Ruan is very knowledgeable and naturally heard about it, but she has never known the truth.

Feeling her heartbeat speeding up, Song Qingshu said with a smile: "Why, I was scared? With these treasures, Jin Snake Camp will not worry about military expenses in the next few years."

"Ren Yingying" smiled and responded with a few words, but he began to calculate in his heart: During this period of time, the Han Dynasty mobilized the Northern Expedition, and the military expenditure was huge. Later, the war did not go smoothly. He even personally provided money to support the front line and the liquidity of the Ruan family. Most of it has been used in the past, and now it can be said that financial resources have been exhausted. If these treasures can be obtained, then Han Sang's current crisis can be solved at least half.

However, Song Qingshu's martial arts is unfathomable, how can he get the treasure from him, or wait until Sichuan uses the power of the Yang family to make a long-term plan?

Song Qingshu was also pondering at this time, where is the treasure hidden, Mount Emei, not to mention that the waterway is blocked, but it was transported to Emei, how can such a heavy box be transported to the golden top, the box is down, there is also the golden Buddha? ... and in the future, if you want to use this batch of treasures, how to transport them to Shandong, which is thousands of miles away, is a very headache.

Knowing that Song Qingshu was going to be staring here, "Ren Yingying" used the excuse to go back to the room to rest and leave, and then ran around directly to ask Pei'er to discuss the matter.

Pei'er was also taken aback when she heard that this batch of goods was Emperor Liang Yuan’s treasure, but she was even more shocked when she heard that she wanted to fight this batch of treasures: "Madam, are you crazy? Have you never seen it? He took action, and during the turn of the hand, Jin Guo soldiers eliminated many masters on Xia Ke Island. If he finds out your plan, we will definitely die without a place to be buried."

"Han Xiang treats our Ruan family as a mountain, even if it is dangerous, I will find a way to repay this kindness. Ren Yingying" said firmly.

Seeing that she had decided, Peier had to think of a way for her: "Why don't we poison him? His martial arts is too high to be positive. Over the years, we have traveled north and south, and collected several powerful poisons, many masters in the world. I can't hold it anymore."

"If you use poison, it will be completely endless...Ren Yingying" frowned.

Peer's eyes widened: "We kidnapped Miss Ren first, and now we are trying to kill him with the idea of ​​treasure. It's an endless situation, madam, do you like him?"

"Ren Yingying" flushed: "What nonsense! It's just that this method doesn't work. There was news from Yangzhou before that he was poisoned by Jinbo Xunhua. Everyone thought he was dead, but in the end he was unscathed. When the land returns, he also won Li Kexiu's foundation. Even the world's most strange poison can't deal with him, so what good is the poison we collected."

"Since poisoning can't work, what do we do? The drug is not the same as poison. He can prevent the poison but may not be able to prevent it. Of course, ordinary ** must not work, but we have gotten drunk from the Western Regions in the past. Xianlu, it is said that one drop can make an elephant sleepy for three days. No matter how good his body is, he can't beat an elephant?" Peier hummed, obviously comparing Song Qingshu and the elephant who is more powerful.

"Isn't an elephant as good as...Ren Yingying" some images of the two under the covers appeared in his mind, and he couldn't help touching his own cheeks. Looking back now, his cheeks are still a little sour.

At this time, Peer spoke again: "Of course there is another way besides **."

"What method? Ren Yingying" asked, she always felt that the medication plan was too risky.

Peer showed a weird smile: "This method also requires the wife to go out in person. It is said that since ancient times, the hero is sad for the beauty."

"Ren Yingying" finally got angry: "Is there a maid like you who encourages her mistress all the time?"

Peer hurriedly waved her hand: "Madam, listen to me. What I mean is that the lady can seduce her first, and then pretend to be discovered by Miss Ren, and then Miss Ren can leave her book in despair, Song Qingshu. Miss Irene must disembark and chase after her. But Miss Ren's departure is just an illusion. No matter how great he is, he will not find it for a while. We can calmly transport this batch of treasures back to Sichuan to our site. Naturally, he is not afraid to find him afterwards."

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