Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1684: flaw

"Huh~" Hearing Pei'er's strategy, "Ren Yingying" suddenly noticed some excitement. It seemed that the feasibility was not low.

However, she did not immediately express her position, but looked at Peer meaningfully: "You have been urging me to use beauty tricks during this period of time, not for revenge on me."

Peer's expression changed, she hurriedly lowered her head, unable to see her expression clearly, and whispered: "Peer dare not."

"Are you always worried about what happened back then? Ren Yingying" kept staring at her.

Peer replied with a surprised look: "Peer has forgotten what happened back then. I don't know what Madam is talking about?"

"Ren Yingying" snorted faintly: "Whether it is true or false, I hope you don't think of revenge."

Peier replied in a panic: "The slave girl dare not."

"Ren Yingying" looked at her for a long time before turning and leaving: "Go down and stare at it. Don't let the sailors discover what's in the box, lest you get trouble."

"Yes~" Peer bowed her head and bowed her away, with an inexplicable flame flashing deep in her eyes.

In the next few days, Mrs. Ruan has been planning how to safely obtain the treasures from Song Qingshu. Song Qingshu has been thinking about where the treasures will be transported. At the same time, they have changed the room near the treasure chest to supervise the treasures at any time. She has no way of starting.

During this period, Mrs. Ruan did not know why, several times she recovered her real body and invited Song Qingshu to his boudoir to discuss matters. She did not know whether she was trying to find out whether she could find out the relationship between the other party and Jin Guo, or she was really subconsciously admired. The influence of Er's proposal really moved the mind of using beautiful tricks.

It's just that she hasn't made up her mind. For the past two days, Song Qingshu's eyes have been feasted, because Madam Ruan would often lie down on the couch to summon him, dressed as a home, and didn't treat him as an outsider at all.

Song Qingshu is not the kind of moral guardian who can't change from the past. Naturally, he looks up and down at her little pity beauty with admiration, especially the mature curve between the waist and the hips, and the long skirt is looming. His legs, he was a little bloody.

However, thinking that she is Azhu Azi’s mother, he can only suppress the evil thoughts in his heart with great perseverance, and at the same time secretly marvels, if someone who doesn’t know sees the three of them together, they will most likely recognize them as sisters. And her delicate voice is more likely to be regarded as the youngest sister. It's really unreasonable, how can it be maintained so well?

This evening he chatted with "Ren Yingying" about this matter, and couldn't help saying: "You better be careful with the new girlfriend you met."

These days, "Ren Yingying" and "Mrs. Ruan" are like glue and paint, and they are naturally worthy of the word "girlfriend".

Hearing what he said, "Ren Yingying"'s heart jumped, and when there was a flaw in himself, he hurriedly asked: "Why do you say that?"

Song Qingshu hesitated, and finally replied: "I always feel that she seems to be seduce me these days."

"Ah~Ren Yingying" exclaimed. If she hadn't been covered by a mask at this time, she would have been so ashamed that she could not wait to get in. Is her actions so obvious?

"Of course it is also possible that I think too much," Song Qingshu wondered how to organize language. "After all, I and Azhu Azi are friends, and she is considered my elder. Maybe she treats me as a junior, so she didn't notice. Men and women defense." But he didn't have much confidence in what he said. After all, when the other party invited Ren Yingying alone before, it was because it was inconvenient for a man to enter the bedroom as a married woman.

At this time, "Ren Yingying" was ashamed and angry. She didn't expect to hear other people commenting on her in person. She was embarrassed and couldn't help muttering: "People are not counted as your elders, you are better than her. Not a few years younger."

Song Qingshu was startled and realized that he was no longer young in this world. In the original work, Song Qingshu was already almost thirty when he appeared on the stage, and then he bounced for a few years, and he also bounced for a few years after crossing. A year has passed since I got up.

And Azhu Azi is now a 16 or 7-year-old girl. In ancient times, women gave birth earlier. If Ruan Xingzhu gave birth to Azhu at the age of 16, he is now in his early thirties. Even if he is of the same generation as himself, it’s not much difference. year old.

Realizing this, Song Qingshu was a little dizzy. He originally thought that he was the leader of the younger generation, but he did not expect that he was already in the Mesozoic era. Subconsciously, he thought that she was the same age as Azhu Azi. In fact, the other party could call his uncle.

Looking at Ren Yingying next to her, she was also nineteen years old now, and thinking about the age difference between herself and her, it can be regarded as an old cow eating tender grass to some extent.

With this thought, Song Qingshu felt that there was enthusiasm all over his body and couldn't restrain it, and hugged "Ren Yingying".

Seeing him walking towards the bed holding himself in his arms, "Ren Yingying" couldn't help but faded, "You...what are you going to do?"

Song Qingshu smiled: "You reminded me of my age, I like to bully a little girl like you."

"Ren Yingying" almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood. She didn't expect this result from her counterattack. She had known that this way she would not speak.

"I...I'm not Tiangui here." In a panic, she finally found her life-saving weapon.

Song Qingshu hugged her and rolled directly onto the bed, and snorted: "How many days has it been since you first came to Tiangui? It's already over."

"Ren Yingying" was shocked. The time passed safely made her careless. She forgot that there was a time limit for her defense reason, and her mind was completely blank. For a while, she couldn't think of how to resolve the current crisis.

"Don't~" Feeling a cold body, "Ren Yingying" finally awake a bit, she randomly found a reason, "Don't touch me, you must be thinking of Madam Ruan in your mind now, you just think of me as She, I don’t want this!"

After she hurriedly said this paragraph, her face blushed and she didn't know what to do, but there was no way, at the moment of crisis, she could only use her "self" to block the knife.

Song Qingshu didn't deny it, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Don't tell me, Madam Ruan has been dangling in front of me every day these days, it really made me angry, and I can't wait to press her under her and beat her severely."

Hearing him say this, "Ren Yingying" was embarrassed and suddenly felt a little more proud, and couldn't help but ask: "Then why don't you go to her? Let's not talk about how easy it is to get her with your martial arts, just look at her. Two days' posture, obviously won't refuse you, right?"

Song Qingshu gave her an angry look: "Oh, you Yingying, you know I can't do anything to her, so I deliberately said that."

"Ren Yingying" was startled, and asked unclearly, "Why?"

Song Qingshu said embarrassingly: "You don't know the relationship between me and Azi. If there is something unclear about her, wouldn't you be cast aside by etiquette and morality?"

Ren Yingying was also there when she first saw A Zi. She knew that Zi had become her slave, so she didn't need to hide it from her.

"Ren Yingying" heard his heart jump: between him and Azi...

While she was thinking, the man on her body moved abnormally and quickly, and she untied the shackles of the two sides and directly pressed her up.

"Ah! Ren Yingying" almost fainted by the sudden impact, she couldn't help staring at the man in front of her with wide-eyed eyes, her lips trembled for a while, and she was so embarrassed that she couldn't speak.

Song Qingshu stretched her body comfortably, and said contentedly: "I'll just say that your Tiangui is over."

"Do you know I am...Ren Yingying" almost fainted out of breath, thinking that you just said that you can't have a relationship with me, but the next moment...

"What are you?" Song Qingshu asked with a smile while holding the sweat-drenched hair on her temples.

"I...Ren Yingying" hesitated to speak again. At this time, the raw rice has already been cooked. Does it make sense to reveal his identity? And wouldn't that be more embarrassing? What's more, if the other party knows the truth, it is difficult to guarantee that they will anger the Ruan family...

"Ren Yingying" was a little dizzy thinking about the beauty plan mentioned by Pei Er. Now, she can only adopt this plan. She is not the kind of innocent girl, but a mature woman. What's more, she has been operating the Ruan family for many years, and she knows how to weigh the pros and cons. Now, she can only stop losses in time and maximize the benefits...

But interest is one thing, but emotion is another. When she thinks of letting the other party take advantage this time, she feels panicked, and suddenly she opens her mouth, biting her teeth on the shoulder of the man in front of her.

"Why, why are you biting me?" Song Qingshu took a deep breath.

"Ren Yingying" didn't say a word, just biting him like that. On the one hand, he vented the depression in his heart, and on the other hand, he suppressed the emotion that was surging in his heart.

Song Qingshu has always felt sorry for her since she was weakened by using blood-burning **, but he didn't dare to use strong means to let her speak, but he has another good way. Even if he used all the methods, he wondered if you have any. Can't open your mouth?

"Ren Yingying" has experienced such violent storms, and I don't know when Tankou will loosen, and his body is getting softer and softer, turning into a warm flame entwining the man in front of him...

In the second half of the night, Song Qingshu stroked her soft skin and couldn't help but said with emotion: "It's been a long time since you have been so exhausted. How do you feel that Yingying, your body seems to be much better today."

"Yeah~Ren Yingying" At this time, she had lost half of her strength, and she just responded softly.

Song Qingshu recollected it, but couldn't help but said: "And today there is a very strange illusion."

"What illusion?" Feeling the man's broad and thick chest, "Ren Yingying" couldn't help but feel a strange feeling.

"I always feel that I am making out with another woman." Song Qingshu pondered for a long time, and finally came to a conclusion.

"Ren Yingying" heard her heart beating wildly, but she was also anxious, and she quickly found the reason: "Hmph, you always think of Mrs. Ruan in your heart, of course you feel that you are making love with another woman."

Song Qingshu smiled awkwardly. For a while, Mrs. Ruan really appeared in his mind, and he hurriedly changed the subject with a guilty conscience: "Oh, I just forgot to heal you."

"Today is too tired, don't let it go." Hearing his words, "Ren Yingying" finally panicked.

Song Qingshu said with a solemn expression: "Yingying, don't be self-willed. I just felt that your body has obviously improved. Obviously, the previous healing has been effective. A few days ago, you have not warmed meridians for a while since Tiangui came. Up."

After speaking, he didn’t wait for the opponent’s objection, and he held her in his arms and transferred his internal force into her body to start the previous healing process. Suddenly his expression changed and his voice instantly became cold: "Who are you?" (https:)

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