Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1685: I lost my wife and broke down again

"Ren Yingying" originally lay there warm and comfortable, but when he heard his words, he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar. After being cautious for so long, did he fail?

"Song Lang, what are you talking about?" She is still making the last effort, but her heart has sunk to the bottom, because she feels that she is locked by the opponent's aura, as if being stared at by a predatory beast, and as if being restrained by Mount Tai. , I couldn't even move a finger all over the body, there was a trembling from the soul.

Song Qingshu stopped answering, and directly reached out and explored her face. He quickly found a clue and took off her mask directly.

Seeing her appearance clearly, Song Qingshu couldn't help but be surprised: "It's you?" Now that Yijiaoyi's face is not Madam Ruan and who is it?

Mrs. Ruan has no idea how to deal with this situation.

"It's no wonder that something is wrong..." Song Qingshu recalled the past few days, and finally felt a sense of realization. In fact, it is no wonder that Mrs. Ruan's disguise is impeccable, and the acting skills are really superb. Attention was focused on the people on Xia Ke Island and Emperor Liang Yuan’s treasure. Even if he noticed something was wrong, he didn’t think about it until he just planned to warm the meridians for his wife, and suddenly discovered that the other party’s meridians had not been burned. Only then did he realize the problem.

"Song...Song son." Madam Ruan said awkwardly, thinking quickly about how to explain it.

Song Qingshu's expression changed, and he asked coldly, "Where is Yingying?"

Mrs. Ruan also gradually recovered a bit of her usual calmness at this time, and said with a smile after hearing the words: "Don't you think that talking about other women in this kind of scene is too careless?"

After her reminder, Song Qingshu realized that her temples were scattered, her clothes half-concealed and her body was looming, especially a layer of flushing appeared on the skin. With those long legs, it was enough to make any man burst into blood.

However, Song Qingshu is not included, he is not in the mood to care about these at all, and his heart is full of Ren Yingying's safety.

"Don't pretend to be here anymore. This set is useless to me. Tell me where is Yingying now?" Song Qingshu said expressionlessly.

Madam Ruan shook her head and sighed faintly: "It's no wonder that the world says that what you can't get is the best. Men don't cherish after they get a woman. I didn't expect that I also experienced it personally. She is tender and sweet, but now she doesn’t recognize people.” She actually didn’t want to be like this, but now she can only delay time like this to see if she can think of a way to get out of trouble. Of course, if the other party has a feeling of pity and cherishment. It's better.

Song Qingshu was really evoked by her words in the scene just now, and couldn't help but look weird: "You really have enough money."

A flash of shame on Mrs. Ruan’s face: "You think I think, it's not that you are too beast, I was given by you... to..." She couldn't say anything afterwards. .

Song Qingshu showed a slight smile: "This is the right way to show the true feelings. It is not too tired to use that kind of pretentious tone all the time."

Madam Ruan snorted and turned her head: "Don't worry, Miss Ren is safe now." She planned to hold Song Qingshu first to see if she could use Ren Yingying's safety as a bargaining chip to negotiate with her.

Song Qingshu finally breathed a sigh of relief. Judging from his contact with Mrs. Ruan these days, she is not the kind of stupid woman, and she shouldn't do anything wrong and hurt Ren Yingying. Now that she hears this personally, she feels more relieved. .

But he continued to ask: "I don't want to hear other answers, I just want to know where Yingying is now?"

Mrs. Ruan grabbed the quilt and held it against her chest, and said, "You have to let me put on the clothes first."

Song Qingshu didn't eat her set, and immediately wrapped the quilt around her with a flick of his hand. His voice was as cold as ice: "I will ask for the last time, where is Yingying now. If you look at the other things, I will let you guys." The Ruan family disappeared today."

With his current cultivation base, the exposure of murderous aura is almost substantial, the air seems to have become thick, and the tea cup on the side also creaks, unknowingly a few more cracks.

Madam Ruan saw that her breathing became difficult and she opened her mouth. In the end, she didn't take any more risks: "Miss Ren is in the secret room of my room."

Knowing the whereabouts of his wife, Song Qingshu could no longer hold back. He got up and wanted to grab Madam Ruan and went to the secret room, only to hear the other's shy and anxious voice: "Hey, if Miss Ren sees me like this What do you think, you would never want to see that scene?"

Song Qingshu frowned and looked at what she looks like now. It is indeed inconvenient for Ren Yingying to see: "Hurry up and put on your clothes."

"Then you still don't turn around?" Madam Ruan bit her lip and stared at him.

Song Qingshu said lightly: "No, I want to stare at you, who knows what the **** you will do with me behind?"

"What the **** can I do with your martial arts so high?" Madam Ruan said angrily, "You stand here and watch how I wear clothes."

"Is there anything I can't wear," Song Qingshu didn't move at all. "I haven't seen it just now. Is it necessary to cover it?"

"Are you embarrassed to say?" Madam Ruan gritted her teeth. She couldn't help being angry when she talked about this. She was confused and took advantage of him. Then she was still immersed in the tenderness and sweetness before, but the other party suddenly turned her face and made her All of a sudden fell from heaven to hell.

"Since you decided to seduce me, why bother to make such a gesture now." Song Qingshu learned that Ren Yingying did not know where to suffer during this period, and of course he didn't have a good tone for the initiator.

"I told you it was just an accident!" Madam Ruan couldn't help but feel annoyed. Now this situation is really reasonable and unclear. This time I really lost my wife and broke down, and I was treated as a kind of woman by the other party. I really want to cry without tears.

"Don't say that you found me in your room two days ago. It was also an accident to show your body in various postures." Song Qingshu naturally didn't believe it.

Mrs. Ruan was speechless for a while, and she said after a long time: "At that time, you did move your mind to seduce you, but before you finally made up your mind, who knew you would be pounced on you like a little wolf dog at night..."

Song Qingshu's face was hot. Looking back, she did resist at first, but didn't she soon cooperate after the deal was done... Of course, she was concerned about her face, and she didn't say this after all.

"Have you dressed well?" Song Qingshu didn't want to continue this topic with her.

"It's ready." Seeing that he didn't turn around, Mrs. Ruan had no choice but to quickly tidy up the clothes, but she was sulking in her heart.

Song Qingshu stopped talking, grabbed her by the shoulder, and soon came out of her bedroom with Qing Gong, but was stopped by the guards of the Ruan family.

"Get out of the way!" Song Qingshu is in a bad mood now, with an urge to kill.

Those guards recognized him, all of them numbed their scalp, but the responsibility was, they still mustered up the courage to say: "Master Song, will it be too convenient to come to our wife in the middle of the night..."

At this time, Madam Ruan came out and gave them an angry look: "Let you let it go, wherever there is so much nonsense." He has taken advantage of what he should or shouldn't take, and there is nothing wrong with it. convenient.

Seeing their mistress with him, a group of guards opened their eyes wide, and hurriedly stepped aside: "Please, please."

After the two entered, several guards whispered secretly: "They enter the same room so late, will they..."

"You are stupid, when does the madam do not dress beautifully on weekdays, but she didn't even comb her hair just now. Obviously what happened to the two of them just now?"

"Yes, I also noticed that Mrs.'s clothes were disheveled, and the buttons were all buttoned wrong."

"But would you be sorry to Grandpa Yang?"

"Stupid, we are from the Ruan family, and not from the Yang family. This son of Song is much better than Uncle Yang."


Although several people deliberately lowered their voices, it was still in the middle of the night, and Song Qingshu and Madam Ruan were both masters, and they listened to them almost exactly.

"You guards are loyal, and they are all about you." Song Qingshu said with a smile.

Madam Ruan blushed to the extreme: "When I'm free, I will drive these people back to my hometown to farm!"

Song Qingshu snorted: "You may not have this opportunity. Let Yingying go out first."

At this time, the "Mrs. Ruan" who had lived there also woke up and ran out to take a look. When they saw the appearance of the two, they couldn't help being shocked on the spot.

Song Qingshu's figure flashed, directly restrained her, pulled off her mask, and naturally it was Pei'er.

"You two deceived me so hard." Song Qing said blankly in writing.

Madam Ruan gave a bitter smile, and walked directly to the bed without answering, opened a secret compartment and twisted the mechanism, the wall next to the bed slid aside, revealing the entrance to a secret room.

"You go in first." Song Qingshu untied Pei'er's acupuncture points smoothly, wondering why I didn't notice anything abnormal. After all, this is Madam Ruan's bedroom, and the entrance is beside the bed. Of course it was not convenient for him to go here before Observe.

Following the two of them, Song Qingshu hadn't entered yet, only heard Ren Yingying's voice from inside: "You don't have to waste your time, I won't say it."

Hearing her voice was just a little tired and weak, and there was nothing serious, Song Qingshu was relieved, and couldn't help rushing in: "Yingying, I'll save you."

Ren Yingying was sitting at the table at this time, and seeing him also walk in, her lips could not help but the boss opened, and then a mist filled his eyes, and he threw directly into his arms: "Song Lang!"

"Yingying~" Song Qingshu hugged her slightly trembling body, scolding herself to be confused, Yingying was slender and beautiful, Ruan Xingzhu was obviously plump, and she didn't notice the abnormality earlier.

After crying for a while, Ren Yingying suddenly bit him severely: "I thought you would come to rescue me soon, who knew it took so long to find out!"

Ruan Xingzhu, who was on the side, added a sentence, fearing that the world would not be chaotic: "When I pretended to be a son, Miss Ren could see the flaw at a glance."

Song Qingshu was even more embarrassed, glared at her fiercely, and hurriedly comforted his wife.

Perhaps it was due to excessive mental stress during this period. Now that he saw her lover, Ren Yingying finally relaxed, and after a while, she fell into a deep sleep in his arms.

Song Qingshu walked out of the secret room with his wife in his arms, but did not return to his room. After all, there had just been a big battle there, and I was really embarrassed to let her sleep there.

Put her directly on Ruan Xingzhu's usual bed, and after covering the quilt, she turned her head and stared coldly at the two women who were standing aside nervously.

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