Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1686: Chaos and abandonment

The two women glanced at each other, and they both saw the anxiety in each other's heart. Song Qingshu was staring at them, as if they were being stared at by a giant beast, so scared that they didn't dare to come out.

Song Qingshu popped a wisp of wind and clicked on Pei’er’s sleeping acupoint, and then looked at Ruan Xingzhu: "Let’s say, when did you use your hand?" The reason why you clicked Pei’er’s acupoint was mainly in accordance with the principle of isolation and interrogation of later generations. Lest they collude with each other.

Ruan Xingzhu opened his mouth, after all, he didn't play any cleverness anymore, but honestly said the whole process again.

"No wonder you wanted to change rooms for us at that time." Song Qingshu snorted, "Why do you want to attack us?"

Ruan Xingzhu sighed. It's useless to quibble the matter up to now. He can only move people with sincerity and see if he can get a chance to survive: "Because Jin Sheying did not attack the Kingdom of Jin during the Northern Expedition of the Song Dynasty as agreed not long ago, Han Xiang doubted You are unpredictable. In addition, there is a problem with the Linghu conflict in Sichuan..."

"Wait!" Song Qingshu interrupted her, "Do you know his true identity?"

"Han Xiang is the head of a hundred officials, so what is it difficult to find out the details of a person." Speaking of his defiant lord, Ruan Xingzhu's tone was full of respect and pride.

"Since you know his identity, why should you let him go to Sichuan?" Song Qingshu was puzzled.

Ruan Xingzhu replied: "After finding out that his true identity was after a match-up and winning command, if the demolition had too much influence at that time, it would easily become Jia Sidao's side to attack Han Xiang, and it would be easy to be accused of teasing the king, so Han He decided to make a mistake. Anyway, the Wu family endorsed him and took measures to deal with the aftermath. It is not afraid of his identity being revealed afterwards. I originally thought that Linghu Chong would be grateful for Dade, who knew he would still eat inside and out..."

Song Qingshu snorted, "I'm afraid Han Xiang thinks he has a simple background and better control." Although he and Linghu Chong are not friends, he knows that his character is noble, and he is naturally a little dissatisfied when he hears others slander him in this way.

Ruan Xingzhu remained silent, and after a long time he continued the topic just now: "Han Xiang originally suspected you, and now there is a problem in Sichuan, you are going to Sichuan secretly. Think of the relationship between Miss Ren and Linghu Chong, it is hard not to let him. I have the doubt that you are behind the Sichuan change."

Song Qingshu said angrily: "What is the relationship between Yingying and Linghuchong? Do you think I will do whatever you can to achieve my goals and let my wife use my beauty?"

Ruan Xingzhu's face turned pale. She knew that the other party was ridiculing her behavior, and smiled sadly: "I know you look down on me, but before I die, I have a question. I hope you read it for the sake of our husband and wife, and let me die clearly. ."

"Say!" Song Qing wrote expressionlessly.

"What on earth did you do when you went to Sichuan on this trip? Did you make a ghost behind Linghuchong's rebellion?" Ruan Xingzhu stared closely at his eyes.

Song Qingshu said lightly: "I can only tell you that Linghu Chong's rebellion has nothing to do with us."

Ruan Xingzhu’s breathing was instantaneous, and after a long time, the whole person seemed to be discouraged: “After half a day, I’m just wasting my efforts, and I provoke a big enemy to the Ruan family out of thin air.

"You're so dead now, right?" Song Qing raised his hand, and Ruan Xingzhu felt that his eyes were dark.

"Did you die like this..." Ruan Xingzhu didn't know if he regretted it or was unwilling, or it was a different kind of emotion, but he quickly lost consciousness.

It seemed that after a long time, she suddenly opened her eyes, as if the drowning man had been rescued ashore, breathing heavily, and she had never felt the air so fresh.

I looked around and found that he was still in the house. Song Qingshu was standing by the window not far away, looking at the bright moon on the river.

"I'm not dead yet?" Ruan Xingzhu muttered to himself in disbelief.

"Do you really want to die?" Song Qingshu just tapped her sleeping acupuncture point, and then interrogated Pei'er, and found that there was not much difference between the two confessions, so she was rescued again.

"The ants still survive, let alone people." Ruan Xingzhu sighed quietly.

Song Qingshu's brows were frowned at this time, with a hesitant expression, looking back at Ren Yingying who was sleeping on the bed, and beckoning to Ruan Xingzhu: "You follow me outside."

Ruan Xingzhu didn't dare to resist and followed him silently. During this period, she felt a sense of absurdity. It was obvious that the two were still tender and sweet when they were together not long ago, but now she is frightened, and the other party will kill her at any time.

After arriving on the deck, feeling the cold wind on the river, Song Qingshu finally spoke: "Madam put me into an embarrassing situation."

Ruan Xingzhu was startled, wondering who is embarrassing now?

Fortunately, the other party's next words solved her doubts: "Azi and I are... good friends. We just had a relationship like that with you. It will be spread out in the future. It will be a huge scandal."

Although a lot of men will be YY about that, YY is one thing, and the actual operation is another. Such a thing is not only for later generations, even in ancient times, it is also a taboo existence. If Song Qingshu only wants to be a gangster Or rich people, it doesn't matter that this kind of thing, after all, it's not that no one plays like this. But if he is committed to the world, such a thing will never be done. Once it spreads out, it will be a devastating blow to his reputation.

At that time, his enemies can use this reason to slander the people. You must know that teachers are famous in ancient times. If such a thing causes him to be on the side of public opinion, it will be endless disasters.

So from the very beginning, Song Qingshu has been in endless distress, not knowing how to deal with this matter.

Hearing what he said, Ruan Xingzhu was startled at first, and then he understood what he was talking about. A layer of faint blush appeared on his white cheeks: "You thought I wanted to do this. Who told you to just talk about it..."

Song Qingshu was also so depressed that he couldn't be more depressed, and he was even more annoyed when he heard the words: "You know the relationship between me and Zi, you still come to show me beauty, and you come to pretend to be my wife and sleep with me?"

Ruan Xingzhu was also surprised: "Have you really slept with Azi...?"

Song Qingshu gave her an angry look: "What do you think?"

Ruan Xingzhu pursed his mouth and smiled, and suddenly his eyes flowed: "Then which one of us is better...better?"

Song Qingshu's heart swayed when he heard it, and instinctively began to compare the two of them. Each had its own advantages. For a while, it was really hard to tell which one was better...

Shaking his head, and hurriedly expelling these undesirable thoughts, Song Qingshu couldn't help being shocked and angry: "Is this what a mother of you said?"

"Who said I am her mother?" Ruan Xingzhu's nervousness has been relieved, and now he smiled extremely happily.

Song Qingshu was surprised: "Azi isn't your daughter?"

Ruan Xingzhu nodded: "Of course she is my daughter."

Song Qingshu instantly sank his face: "Are you kidding me?"

The corners of Ruan Xingzhu’s lips rose slightly and began to explain: "Azhu Azi thought they were my daughters, and I also admitted that they were my daughters, but in fact I was not their biological mother."

Then Ruan Xingzhu also sighed: "Although I know it's easier to save my life if I don't say this, I don't want to bear the reputation of...salted."

"Ah, what the **** is going on?" Song Qingshu was a little messy, and the relationship was a bit messy.

"This involves a secret period of the year, I don't want to say, you only need to know that we are not our biological mother and daughter." Ruan Xingzhu bit his lip and moved his face to the side.

Song Qingshu sneered: "Do you have any other choice at this time?" Seeing her still a little stubborn expression, she decided to change it: "Then you first answer me and their father is Duan Zhengchun?"

"Yes," Ruan Xingzhu replied instinctively, and then showed a surprised expression, "Do you even know this? But that's right, since you all know the nursery rhymes on their body bronze medals, knowing this is normal."

"Then talk about your relationship with Duan Zhengchun." Song Qingshu continued to ask.

Ruan Xingzhu frowned, apparently still hesitating, but Song Qingshu was impatient: "Don't challenge my patience. The safety of this boatman and the Ruan family are all within your mind."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if I tell you," Ruan Xingzhu said slowly. "Han Xiang has always been ambitious and has a heart to recover the Central Plains, so he sent a lot of spies to various countries in advance. I was sent at that time. Go close to Duan Zhengchun, the southern king of Dali."

"Duan Zhengchun in Dali can be said to be under one person and above 10,000, and Baoding Emperor has no children. According to reliable information, he has always wanted to avoid the throne as a monk. In the future, the throne will most likely fall into the hands of Duan Zhengchun. I approach him."

Song Qingshu was secretly surprised when he heard this. This Han Tongxuan is really far-sighted. He was also sent to Jin Guo for more than ten years ago by Han Qianye, and now he learns that Ruan Xingzhu has also been sent to Dali to approach Duan Zhengchun... This layout is not unpredictable. It's a pity that people are not as good as heaven...

"Duan Zhengchun is a playboy. I did some tricks to gain his trust, but I also know that although he likes me, he never wanted to marry me. To put it mildly, he has a deep affection for me. To make it harder to hear, what he loves most in his heart is the power of their brothers. In the Dali civil strife, the reason why Baoding emperor ascended to the throne was to rely on the help of the most powerful Baiyi clan in the country in return for the daughter of the patriarch of the Baiyi clan Dao Baifeng became the princess of Zhennan, so no matter how Duan Zhengchun swears with other women outside, he would not dare to bring his lover back, otherwise he would anger the Baiyi tribe, and their brothers might not sit securely on the throne." Ruan Xingzhu talked about this incident with contempt in his tone, obviously disdain for Duan Zhengchun's affectionate reputation.

Song Qingshu frowned, "Are you jealous? It feels like a resentful woman who was abandoned by the beginning and the end."

"I'm jealous?" Ruan Xingzhu snorted. "I started running the Ruan family very early. Which one I saw was not a grandson or a giant. What is an indigenous prince in a small area? How would I like her? The reason I am dissatisfied with him is because of another thing that happened later..."

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