Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1687: Passionate or unkind

"Another thing?" Song Qingshu felt that there was a great hidden secret in this, and suddenly became interested.

Ruan Xingzhu nodded and looked at the starry sky, as if lost in memory: "Although I didn't look up to Duan Zhengchun back then, but the task Han Xiang gave me must continue, so I have been imagining it with him. Who knows that something happened later... …"

"One day my sister came to me suddenly, and I had to leave for a while and could not accompany her, so she let her play in Xiaojing Lake. Who knows that Duan Zhengchun's servant came soon after I left. Because my sister looks a lot like me, he mistakenly regarded my sister as me, and my sister was playful and began to pretend to be me. Although I am close to Duan Zhengchun on weekdays, I have a sense of measure in my heart and have kept a sufficient distance with him. , But my sister has been raised in a deep boudoir since she was a child, where she could resist the tricks of the veteran flower bush, she fell physically and mentally soon.

Song Qingshu’s eyebrows jumped when she heard it. The women of the Ruan family really like to play cosplay tricks, but they often walk on the side of the road. There are no wet shoes. Almost all women will be planted on it, such as Azhu, such as Ruan Xingzhu. Another example is her sister...

"By the time I knew it was too late, she was already focused on Duan Zhengchun," Ruan Xingzhu sighed faintly, "I persuaded her, but she was still obsessed with it. I had no choice but to make mistakes. During that time, Zhengchun Keep pressing tight, just to let her replace me..."

Song Qingshu sneered: "Sex with him instead of you?" He knew that in order to gain the true trust of Duan Zhengchun, only the closest relationship between the two would do.

Ruan Xingzhu did not refute: "You can say that. Although I wanted to minimize the loss at the time, I didn't have this intention."

"My sister readily accepted my proposal. For the girl in love, as long as she can stay with her lover, she won't care about anything." Ruan Xingzhu changed his words next, "It's a pity that the good times don't last long, Duan. A few months later, Zhengchun had something to do in Dali, so she left Xiaojinghu. Although her sister was reluctant, she couldn't return to China with him."

"What's even more troublesome is that not long after the surname Duan left, my sister realized that she was pregnant," Ruan Xingzhu said bitterly. "The surname Duan left no news. My sister waited for nothing and refused to listen to me. The counsel decided to give birth to the child."

"Our Ruan family is also regarded as a prominent family in the south of the Yangtze River. If people know that the girl in the family has mismatched **** with a man and leads to unmarried pregnancy, neither our father nor the Ruan family can afford to lose this person."

Hearing Ruan Xingzhu's words, Song Qingshu secretly nodded his head. Southern Song Confucianism was prevalent. If this incident were to spread, it would be a scandal, and it would be difficult for a large family to tolerate such a thing.

Ruan Xingzhu continued: "There is no way, in order to conceal the sky, I can only let my sister continue to cultivate in Xiaojing Lake, to prevent the leakage of the news, after giving birth to the child, I quietly gave the child to a farmer."

Song Qingshu interrupted: "I'm afraid your sister disagrees with this matter."

Ruan Xingzhu's face was frosty: "She is young and ignorant, and she doesn't know the dangers in the world. Naturally, my sister must be cruel."

Song Qingshu can imagine how many times the sisters had quarreled about this matter at the beginning, and maybe they would turn back to each other. Of course, he also understood Ruan Xingzhu's approach. She did this to protect her sister to the greatest extent, but her sister might not appreciate it.

"My sister was very unhappy during that time, and she seemed to have lost her soul. I could only do nothing at the side. I don't know if it was luck or misfortune. Later, the surname came to Xiaojing Lake again," Ruan Xingzhu said of this. At that time, the nails were all embedded in the meat, "When my sister saw him, she didn't have any worries. The two had another few months of happy time..."

"Then Duan Zhengchun left again?" Without her, Song Qingshu guessed the story behind.

"Yes," said Ruan Xingzhu bitterly, "different from before, he never came back this time after he left, and it was a coincidence that my sister was pregnant again this time!"

Song Qingshu looked weird, thinking that Duan Zhengchun was quite capable of creating human beings, but his ability to give birth to sons was too poor, so it would be cheaper to give birth to some daughters.

"My sister's reaction this time is much more flat than before. After I sent my daughter away for her, she did not react too much. I know that she is all thinking about Duan Zhengchun, and I hope the other party will come back and take her away." In the past, Ruan Xingzhu’s tone was full of pity for his younger sister, “It’s a pity that she hopes for the stars and the moon, but she didn’t expect the family name to come back. She always thought that the other party was busy with national affairs and had no time to do so. He actually had a fierce fight with a woman in Manduo Villa in the Jiangnan area!"

Song Qingshu's expression moved, and she knew that the woman she was talking about was Li Qingluo. At that time, Li Qingluo was worried about being persecuted by Qin Hui. In order to dispel his doubts, she pretended to be close to Duan Zhengchun's playboy.

"I told my sister the result, but my sister didn't believe it, so she ran out to look for him secretly, but when her sister came back, she was totally devastated and died in depression after a short while." Ruan Xingzhu mentioned the past, with white cheeks. A ray of glittering tears crossed unconsciously.

"Passed?" Song Qingshu was shocked, unexpectedly Azhu Azi's mother was gone.

Ruan Xingzhu nodded: "After my sister was gone, I secretly took care of her two daughters. I even secretly passed on Azhu Yirong Shu by concealing my identity."

Song Qingshu nodded secretly. He had always wondered how A Zhu learned the disguise technique since he was an orphan since he was a child, and now he understands what is going on.

"It's a pity that the girl Azi has disappeared," Ruan Xingzhu frowned. "At that time, I was busy with my sister's affairs. When I went to see Azi later, I found that the family who adopted Azi had gone to the building. After many years of investigation, her whereabouts were not found."

"Azi went to the Stars Sect later," Song Qingshu suddenly thought of something, "Hey, didn't Azi and Azhu recognize you in Xiaojing Lake before? At that time, you seemed to be with Duan Zhengchun?"

"Yes," Ruan Xingzhu sighed. "We who are spies can't help but hate Duan Zhengchun in our hearts, but we still can only approach him with a strong smile and continue to spy on intelligence, and at the same time, we are preparing for Han Xiang to use me in the future. Nails."

"Being a spy has been the most dangerous and painful thing since ancient times." Song Qingshu was full of emotion, of course the guy named Bond was an exception.

"Because of this, Pei'er has been dissatisfied with me..." Ruan Xingzhu moved his eyes to his room.

Song Qingshu was startled: "Why?"

Ruan Xingzhu smiled bitterly: "Although Pei'er is my maid, she wants to be closer to my sister, so she can't understand that Duan Zhengchun killed my sister. Not only did I not avenge her, but I continued to be the enemy's lover. '. Because I was worried about what she would do to Duan Zhengchun on impulse, I saw Duan Zhengchun since then and never dared to take her."

Song Qingshu said lightly: "Your approach is correct. Although Duan Zhengchun's martial arts is not worth mentioning in front of real masters, it is far from a maid's ability to deal with it, and it is easy to expose your identity, leading to the previous years. Efforts were lost."

Ruan Xingzhu's eyes showed a hint of surprise: "I didn't expect you to understand me. My heart has been full of suffering for so many years."

Song Qingshu shook his head: "I just understand your way of preventing Pei Er from contacting Duan Zhengchun, and I don't agree with you not to avenge your sister."

"I can't help it. Our Ruan family has received great favor from the Han family for generations, and we have to report it." Ruan Xingzhu bit his lip, a stubborn color flashed across his face.

"Although I can't agree, in some respects, I also admire you a bit, you are quite old-fashioned." Song Qingshu said.

Ruan Xingzhu smiled sadly: "You can't even avenge your sister's grudges. What kind of person is Ren Xia."

"With all due respect, although Duan Zhengchun has some scumbags, it is also your sister's wishful thinking. It's a bit wrong to blame Duan Zhengchun." Although Song Qingshu didn't like Duan Zhengchun, he didn't approve of letting Duan Zhengchun. The practice of one life pays one's life.

"I don't want to talk about the past anymore," Ruan Xingzhu shifted the subject, "Go ahead, since you know that I am not Azi's mother, you have no worries, what do you plan to do with me?"

The river breeze is slow, the skirt flutters, and the green silk on his head is as soft and smooth as water waves, a little shiny under the moonlight, Ruan Xingzhu looks hazy and delicate, but Song Qingshu has no time to appreciate her beauty at this moment, but is thinking about how to deal with it. She: "From now on, the Ruan family will seek refuge in the Golden Snake Camp. I can leave the blame for the incident this time, otherwise I will remove the entire Ruan family from Jiangnan!"

Ruan Xingzhu's pupils shrank, but he shook his head firmly: "This is impossible. Although I am a female stream, I will not do anything to betray my master and seek glory."

"You are loyal to Han Dongzhe," her reaction was expected. Song Qingshu didn't care at all. "Do you know that Han Dongzhe might not be able to pass this hurdle? When the tree falls, where will your Ruan family go?"

"The Han family is the first in the Song Dynasty. Now that Han Xiang is the head of a hundred officials, and there are so many students and officials, there is nothing wrong with it." Ruan Xingzhu totally disagrees with his reasoning.

"The Northern Expedition suffered heavy losses. Wu Xi, who he pushed for, rebelled and Sichuan may become independent. How could Jia Sidao and Shi Miyuan miss such a good opportunity? At this time, they only need a light push, and the building will fall." Song Qingshu vaguely remembered that in history, Han Tongzhe lost power after the Northern Expedition failed. As for the specifics, he can't remember exactly what it is, but now he is in this world and has sufficient intelligence in all aspects to judge Han Tongzhan is over.

"So this time I entered Sichuan to turn things around and give Han Xiang a chance to breathe." Ruan Xingzhu stretched his hand to the sleeve of the man beside him, "I beg you, for the sake of your friendship with Han in the past, even if you want Retaliation also waits until Sichuan’s incidents before retaliating, let me do the last thing for Han Xiang first."

"What are the benefits of promising you?" Song Qingshu looked at her playfully.

Feeling the scorching gaze of the other party, Ruan Xingzhu couldn't help but feel dizzy. He lowered his head and said in a low voice, "As long as you agree, you can do anything you want me to..." She didn't expect that she would say such a shame. In the end, it's just that as an ace spy, she was good at using everything as a weapon, but this time she didn't know how true or false she was.

Song Qingshu laughed and said, "Madam, you look down upon me too much. You have never seen someone like Song, so how can they be bought by your little beauty?"

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