Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1688: I have never seen such a shameless person

"King Qi is surrounded by fairies and confidantes. Where can I get the sight of the pu willow in my concubine body." Although Ruan Xingzhu's mouth is free and easy, but his expression is still a bit embarrassed, he is rejected face-to-face when he takes the initiative to display beauty tricks, no matter which one he changes. It's hard for women to let go.

"Madam doesn't have to pretend to be pitiful there. You have been a spy for Han over the years, and you never forget to use your advantage." Song Qingshu was not moved at all.

Ruan Xingzhu pursed his mouth and smiled: "Professional habits, I hope the son can forgive me, I don't know how the son can agree to the concubine?" She still plays a trick here, knowing that a person often has the highest anger at the moment when he learns that he has been deceived. As long as this vent is passed, no matter how great the anger is, it will be resolved by time, and it will be much easier to deal with at that time, so she is now determined to delay the time of revenge at all costs.

"I just said that the Ruan family returns to the Golden Snake Camp." Song Qingshu said lightly.

Ruan Xingzhu frowned: "This is the only one who dare not follow his life. Please ask the son for another request."

Song Qingshu admired her loyalty a bit, and then said: "Madam, don't rush to refuse. It's better to add a condition. If Han Dongzhe can be very peaceful this time, this agreement will be invalidated; if Han Dongzhe collapses this time, the Ruan family will return. how do I?"

Ruan Xingzhu opened his mouth, instinctively wanting to refuse, but this condition made her a little excited.

Seeing her intentions, Song Qingshu continued to add fire: "The Ruan family has been doing things for Han Tong for these years. It has long been regarded as a thorn in the eyes by Jia Sidao, Shi Miyuan and others. If Han Tong falls, without his protection, you Ruan Do you still use me to tell the ending of the family?"

"Also let me remind you that it will be impossible even if you want to change the court when the time comes. The two major emperor merchants in the Southern Song Dynasty, Ruan Patriarch Zhongtu, and Xue Patriarch overseas, are indispensable for all kinds of competitions. When you want to surrender, Xue Jiarong will be able to surrender. you?"

Ruan Xingzhu, as a high-level aide by Han Tongxuan, naturally knows the close relationship between the Xue family and Jia, Shi, and the Wang family. Even if Jia Sidao is willing to accept them, he will give up because of the Xue family's relationship.

"Okay, I promise you." Ruan Xingzhu bit her lip. After all, this proposal was harmless to the Ruan family, and she had no reason to refuse.

"Let's wait and see." Song Qingshu showed a faint smile on his chest, and after speaking, he was about to turn around and leave.

"Wait a minute!" Ruan Xingzhu hurriedly called to him. In the other's puzzled eyes, his white cheeks gradually became flushed, "You just left?"

"Otherwise?" Song Qingshu asked naturally.

Ruan Xingzhu stomped her feet and said quietly and quickly: "You just took advantage of my great advantage, so forget it?" Because she had just reached an agreement, she was not as scared as she was at the beginning, and even regained her usual temperament. Naughty in.

"Take advantage?" Song Qingshu said irritably, "You deliberately seduce me-you raped me, I haven't even asked you to settle the account yet!"

"Temptation... rape?" This was the first time Ruan Xingzhu heard of the word, but it didn't prevent her from understanding its meaning literally, and almost fainted out of breath.

"Seeing that we have just reached an agreement. For the sake of happy cooperation in the future, I can temporarily not hold you accountable for your seduction-rape-me, but your bullying Yingying is not over yet." Song Qingshu left a sentence and quickly drifted away. go with.

Only Ruan Xingzhu stayed on the spot with hatred: "I have never seen such a shameless person!" However, she scolded and sneered, and hurriedly covered her face, feeling the warmth on her skin. Time couldn't help but get a little silly.

Let's say that Song Qingshu returned to the room, and the guard at the door had long been accustomed to him openly entering and leaving the mistress's bedroom. No one stopped him uninterestingly.

Ren Yingying was still lying quietly on the bed, and she could see that she was not worried about these days. She gently stroked her forehead, stretched her frowning brows, and hated in her heart: "Blame Ruan Xingzhu, the enchantress!"

However, in his mind he couldn't help but see the scene of just being turned into a red wave. The enthusiasm of the other party and the gentleness of the water can turn the steel-like man into a soft finger.

"It's a pity that I didn't know it was her..." Song Qingshu's heart jumped and couldn't help but brainstorm if she knew it was her...

"Crimes and sins..." Song Qingshu hurriedly dispelled the evil thoughts in his heart, kept the clarity in his heart, and quickly fell asleep.

Let’s say that the next day, Ren Yingying kept asking about what happened to the two of them during this period. Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: “Yingying, I know you are angry and I didn’t recognize the other person’s counterfeit you in the first place, but I didn’t just pay attention to Xia Ke Island. Are you attracted to the people? The energy is all on the treasures of Emperor Liang Yuan, so it is natural to be a little negligent."

"Oh, it turns out that I don't have treasure in your heart as important." Ren Yingying snorted, and her pouted mouth showed how unhappy she was. In fact, with her temperament, she doesn't mind this, and she doesn't mind being imprisoned for so long. What she minded was that the lover actually mistaken other women for herself, which made her feel a strong sense of frustration.

"You know I didn't mean that," Song Qingshu hurriedly started to coax her, "The ten treasures in my heart are not as good as your hair."

Ren Yingying snorted: "That's not okay. Now that the heroes are competing, the soldiers and horses need money. If there are really ten treasures, I will cut all my hair and become a nun and exchange it for you."

Song Qingshu laughed blankly, but his heart was warm and warm: "Then there will definitely be many people who believe in Buddhism."

"Why?" Ren Yingying was startled, not knowing why.

Song Qingshu stroked her green silk and said, "Because people pretend to go to the temple to offer incense in order to see a beautiful nun."

"Bah, greasy mouth." Ren Yingying blushed and sipped, "Don't think I forgive you. I know you didn't recognize Mrs. Ruan on purpose, just to take advantage of her righteously."

"It's really wrong..." Song Qingshu yelled, but thinking that he really took advantage of Madam Ruan, he couldn't help but feel a little guilty, and his tone became weaker.

"Really? Then you are going to talk about it, you want to warm and nourish meridians every day, with your cultivation base, let alone change the individual, you will not be able to detect it?" Ren Yingying said angrily, suddenly flushed. Not to mention that our physical characteristics are completely different..."

"Uh, she is Master Yi Rong, she had planned well a long time ago. She told me that she had come to Tiangui, so it was naturally inconvenient for me to have physical contact with her..." Song Qingshu explained.

"Really?" Ren Yingying's eyes lit up, and the grievances in her heart eased slightly, "Have you really not touched her during this period of time?"

"No... right." Song Qingshu was a little guilty, and the last word was almost inaudible.

There was a knock on the door, and after getting permission, Ruan Xingzhu came in, with her skirt fluttering and her body crystal clear, her swan-like neck looked smooth and beautiful, and her face had a charming and confusing smile, but The most attractive thing is her round and soft waist. It seems like a beauty snake is slowly twisting while gently swaying, making people can't help but speed up their heartbeat.

Song Qingshu's mind could not help but appear the soft and moving waist last night, that kind of energetic and feminine feeling, it is hard to forget, he did not hide his gaze, but just admired the body curve of the young woman in front of him. .

Feeling the other person’s gaze, Ruan Xingzhu did not show the slightest sense of shyness. Instead, she showed it openly in front of him. She is the top spy. She knows the sense of measure. She shows the temptation of the body without letting him. People felt that she was scratching her head and posing, creating a sense of contempt and cheapness.

"Miss Ren, I am here to make amends to you this time." Showing the beauty of the mature charm of the young woman without leaving a trace, Ruan Xingzhu did not forget the original intention of this trip. The gorgeous clothes made of Shu embroidery, and the other wooden disc contained a few exquisite jewelry. It was not the kind of blindly expensive, but very compatible with Ren Yingying's temperament.

As expected, Ren Yingying was a little overjoyed when she saw it, but how could her dignified Sun Moon God Cult saint be bought by this little thing? She turned her face and said coldly, "I don't dare to ask for things from Madam. Who knows the other day?” She was very speculative in chatting with the other party the other day, thinking of her as half a friend in her heart, but now that she knows she has other plans, she naturally becomes flustered.

"Ms. Ren doesn't know something. The main reason why I did that is that I have always admired Young Master Song’s name and wanted to take refuge, but I was worried that the rumors were wrong. I wanted to get a closer look at his true side. After all, I want to know the whole thing. The hundreds of people in the Ruan family are responsible for the future and lives.” Ruan Xingzhu is a smart woman. She knows that no matter how much she apologizes to Ren Yingying, I’m afraid the other party will not forgive her, but she can see that the other party is very Concerned about the lover's career, so she started with Song Qingshu and guided all of this to business. Ren Yingying was deeply concerned about her lover, and when she learned that he had received a strong boost, the little unhappiness when he was happy naturally disappeared.

"Oh, is this really the case?" Ren Yingying was really distracted.

Song Qingshu naturally guessed what little trick Ruan Xingzhu was playing. He glanced at her deeply, but did not reveal her: "Yes, Madam Ruan has decided to join the Golden Snake Camp."

Ruan Xingzhu silently lip-synched, reminding him that this is conditional, and it is not certain whether he will take refuge in the end.

Song Qingshu directly ignored the situation and began to inquire about the situation of Ruan's family. Ruan Xingzhu knew that he had to show sincerity, so he did not hide it, but she did not conceal the most core secrets.

Song Qingshu knew that he shouldn't be rushed, so he didn't mind, and after asking about it, he started about the Sichuan Yang family: "By the way, you seem to be married to the Sichuan Yang family. What is your husband's name."

"My husband's surname is Yang Zhenzhong. It is the sentence of Xingyuan Mansion, and the Da'an Army knows the army." Ruan Xingzhu's ghost envoy added, "Our Ruan family and Yang family are just political marriages. We have separate affairs on weekdays. He is busy with government affairs. I'm busy with royal business affairs, and I rarely see each other several times throughout the year."

Hearing the last words from her, Song Qingshu was startled and couldn't help but glanced at her, just to meet her gaze, the two of them trembled and looked away subconsciously.

Thinking of applauding for love with her for most of the night last night, now they are talking about her husband's situation, which always feels weird.

Song Qingshu coughed, dispelling the seductiveness in his mind, and continued to ask: "Let's talk more about the situation of the others in the Yang family."

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