Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1689: Deja vu

According to Ruan Xingzhu's account, Song Qingshu also understood the general situation of the Yang family. The current head of the Yang family is her husband Yang Zhenzhong. Then he has a second brother named Yang Juyuan, who is the supervisor of Hejiang Cang in Xingzhou. Most of the other tribes are in various parts of Sichuan. Being an official, although the official position is not considered prominent, and some are not even called officials, they can only be called officials, but they are all key departments with real power in various places, so they have integrated together to form a huge network of relationships.

At the same time, there are many people in the Yang family who are engaged in business. With this network of escorts, coupled with the strong alliance with the Ruan family, they can be regarded as strong in Sichuan, and they are well-deserved celebrities.

"The Yang family really deserves to be the richest family in Xishu second only to the Wu family." Song Qingshu was amazed. The reason why the Wu family was first was because Wu Ji and Wu Lin were in the town back then, and the Wu family managed it on their behalf. However, Sichuan was captured by Mongolia before. The Wu family’s power is already much worse than before. I’m afraid that it may not be as good as the Yang family now. Moreover, unlike the Wu family, which is very popular, the Yang family is a model of making a fortune in silence. After all, the official position of the patriarch is no more than a general sentence. The official position of the No. 2 person is just to supervise the Hejiang Cang of Xingzhou. In the eyes of the big figures in the temple, this is the little official of Sesame Mung Bean, which will not be taken seriously at all, and there will be less political blows.

Ruan Xingzhu was also a little proud, and smiled slightly and said: "If the son is interested, after I arrive in Sichuan, I will introduce the Yang family to visit you, I think Zhenzhong and the others are also very interested in cooperating with the son."

"Then trouble Madam." Song Qingshu has a headache at this time. If he can get the support of the Yang family, he can easily affect Sichuan. Although it is not as exaggerated as controlling Sichuan secretly, it affects a quarter or a third. One can still do it. However, the problem now is that the wife of the elder of the family had just been taken up yesterday. If this matter was known to the Yang family, then he would have had an enemy out of thin air.

Song Qingshu is too early to ignore the age for physical pleasure. He will think more about the impact behind it. If he knew in advance that it was Mrs. Ruan last night, he would not touch each other no matter how charming she was, it's a pity There is no regret medicine in this world.

"This woman was at that juncture yesterday, and she didn't reveal her identity, she wouldn't be deliberate." Song Qingshu looked suspiciously at the woman in front of her, dressed in an elegant and pure white dress, she even looked like a fairy. But who knows if she has a black belly...

Feeling his scrutiny gaze, Ruan Xingzhu's face turned red, and he turned his face slightly to one side unnaturally.

Ren Yingying frowned slightly and looked at the two of them back and forth, always feeling that their expressions were a little weird.

As if feeling her suspicion, Ruan Xingzhu changed the subject: "My son, fast forward to Sichuan, how will we sail by then, should we go to Emei first?"

Song Qingshu pondered for a while: "Does Madam have the ability to properly store this shipment?" Mount Emei is far away, and it will be very inconvenient to access it in the future, and now Emei does not have himself and Zhou Zhiruo sitting in town. Once the news leaks, the remaining disciples It may not be possible to keep this batch of treasures. If the Emei faction kills Chiyu, he will lose his face to see Zhiruo.

A hint of surprise flashed in Ruan Xingzhu's eyes, but he nodded quickly and said, "No problem."

Song Qingshu looked into her eyes and added a meaningful sentence: "I mean don't use the power of the Yang family." Because of the affairs between himself and Ruan Xingzhu, the Yang family is always like a regular bomb-bomb, he dare not use it. Bao pressed over there.

Ruan Xingzhu was taken aback, Bingxue, who was smart, quickly realized what the other party was worrying about. Her heart was beating and she pursed her lips and said, "After all, our Ruan family is a first-class imperial merchant. We don't know how much goods we have to deliver on weekdays. Although this batch of things is hot, it doesn't bother us."

"Well, let's put this batch of things with you first." Song Qingshu waved her hand and motioned to her to withdraw.

After Ruan Xingzhu left, Ren Yingying couldn't help but said, "Song Lang, do you really trust this woman?"

"This woman is half-truth, of course she can't believe it." Song Qingshu said with a slight smile.

Ren Yingying couldn't help but sighed: "Then you will leave the treasure to her for safekeeping? Isn't it because they look at others' beauty and use the treasure to smash them?"

Song Qingshu laughed blankly: "No matter how beautiful she is, is she as beautiful as you, let alone a married woman."

Ren Yingying curled her lips: "Who doesn't know that you like that tune... I love to "bully" those married women..."

Song Qingshu was drinking tea at first, and almost didn't spit out when he heard the words: "Who said that, this is slander!"

Ren Yingying looked at her jokingly: "The Ninth Princess, Miss Zhou, they all said so."

"Ahem, don't listen to their nonsense," Song Qingshu has a black line, his reputation is already so bad, "I just wait for Sichuan to make it easier to transport the treasure back to Jinsheying..."

In this era, it takes a long time to walk on land and roads, and it is not safe. Therefore, whether it is marching or fighting or transporting goods, the waterway will follow the waterway. Song Qingshu has not yet covered Sichuan's sphere of influence. , Unable to transport these treasures back to Jinsheying on his own, the best way now is to use the merchant ship of the Ruan family. After all, the Ruan family is the No. 1 imperial merchant in Tianzi. The checkpoints along the Yangtze River will be released all the way. Directly transported to Yangzhou, to Yangzhou's own site, these treasures are really safe.

Hearing his explanation, Ren Yingying was relieved, but she was still a little worried: "What if Mrs. Ruan becomes greedy and wants to take the treasure as her own?"

"Creedy will definitely arise. The key is whether there are effective checks and balances," Song Qingshu patted her little hand, "Don't worry, I have a way to control her."

Ren Yingying opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she still didn't say it.

"By the way, you Sun Moon God Sect should have a sub-rudder in Sichuan, right." Song Qingshu was perfecting all the details in his mind, so he didn't notice her reaction.

Ren Yingying recovered and nodded: "Yes, but these people are okay. If you want to use it in the temple, I'm afraid..."

Song Qingshu smiled and said, "Don't worry, they don't need to be skilled. I just need to mobilize some people to help stare at the place where Ruan Xingzhu keeps the treasure, and notify us whenever there is a change." Although he is confident to control Ruan Xingzhu, he wants to Just in case, you still have to stare at you to rest assured.

Ren Yingying couldn't help but laughed: "That's okay. If you can't even follow, the Sun Moon God Sect doesn't need to be in the rivers and lakes."

"It's been a long time since I taught me to play the piano. Let's continue to teach me to play "Swordsman" today." Song Qingshu brought a piano over.

"Hmph, I can hear you and Mrs. Ruan playing the piano in the secret room these days, you can go find her." Ren Yingying couldn't help but said sourly, and she still feels sad when she thinks about it.

Song Qingshu chuckled twice: "You see that Mrs. Ruan is ready to even teach me to play the piano. It's really lonely. I really don't blame me for not recognizing it for a while."

Ren Yingying snorted: "Forget it, I don't care about you for saving me in the end. By the way, it's always bad for us to live in Mrs. Ruan's bedroom. Let's move back first." In fact, she is not a jealous woman in essence. Even if her lover has a concubine or something, she will not have the slightest objection, but this time it is really weird. The key is to think that the other party has been pretending to be her these days. Being with the lover makes people unbearable, so I can't help but complain for a while, but now it has gradually calmed down.

Song Qingshu also felt that it was inappropriate to enter and leave Ruan Xingzhu's bedroom in such a blatant manner. He also wanted to cooperate with the Sichuan Yang family. If there is any news about her husband, it will only add to the variables.

The two quickly returned to their room, and then began to play the piano on the deck again, living the life of the gods and family members before.

Standing in the distance, Ruan Xingzhu silently watched the various shows of affection between the two of them there, thinking that the woman next to Song Qingshu was still himself not long ago, and couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

Peer on the side smiled and said, "Madam is jealous, right?"

Ruan Xingzhu took a sip: "What jealous I was, but I was still a little shocked. I didn't get out of my identity for a while."

The reason why she pretends to be someone else has no disadvantages is that besides being brilliant in disguise, acting is also a very important reason. She hypnotizes herself and allows herself to fully substitute the mentality of the goal, so that even if she thinks she is the target person, she naturally does not It is easy to reveal any flaws.

Of course, this also has sequelae, that is, she is easily immersed in the life of the target and can't get out for a while, and every time she needs to spend some time to adapt afterwards.

This time fake Ren Yingying, it can be said that she did her best. She has never been so involved in acting. She subconsciously regarded herself as Ren Yingying, and even reproduced Ren Yingying's love for her lover. Unfortunately, she still fell short in the end.

That's fine. The biggest problem is that she usually takes the initiative to restore her identity, so she can quickly get out of the disguised state with the mental preparations, but this time she was indeed seen through by the other party and passively jumped out of her disguised identity, leading to Many of the mentalities and emotions of Ren Yingying's identity are still in her memory.

For example, she even felt that she had an inexplicable affection for Song Qingshu. In the dead of night, she would recall the glue-like scenes of the two of them that night, and her heartbeat speeded up and she couldn't sleep.

Of course she knew that this was not love, but she knew that she would fall in love with each other again if she was immersed in such emotions... Thinking of her identity as a married woman, she couldn't help but sigh: "Injustice..."

"Madam, we don't really want to take refuge in him?" Peer continued to ask.

Ruan Xingzhu snorted, "Of course not, but it's okay to deal with him with this excuse first."

"Did the madam think of how to get the treasure?" Peer smiled weirdly, "Why don't you consider my suggestion, use the beauty trick..."

"Miss Ren is already by his side now, still using beauty tricks, don't you think we died fast enough!" Ruan Xingzhu grabbed the maid by the ear, but didn't know what was thinking in his heart, feeling a little bit weak.

Speaking of the night, Song Qingshu and Ren Yingying returned to the house, as the so-called Xiaobie wins the newly-weds, he hurriedly untied his wife’s clothes, who knew that Ren Yingying hurriedly held his hand, blushing in his doubtful eyes He whispered: "No today, I just came to Tiangui..." (https:)

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