Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1690: Eat inside and out

Hearing what she said, Song Qingshu almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood: "God, don't you play me like this?"

Then he suddenly stretched out his hand and began to pinch Ren Yingying's face: "Aren't you pretending to be someone else again?"

Ren Yingying was ashamed and angry, and pushed his hand away: "Don't be fooling around, it's really here."

Song Qingshu recalled the time of last month, and finally sighed dejectedly: "It seems to be this time..."

Ren Yingying was also a little embarrassed, blushing and murmured: "I don't know how your body is doing. I think about this all day long. Other people are like you, even if the iron-struck body is useless..."

Song Qingshu sneered and said, "Most of it is the joy of Zen, which makes my whole person anxious every day, making it like a personal-shaped pile driver."

Ren Yingying's eyes couldn't help but feel a little worried: "This will not harm your body, will it?"

Song Qingshu patted his chest: "Don't worry, I am in very good health now, not to mention that this kind of thing is a mutual aid of Yin and Yang, following the principle of the universe, the Huangdi imperial daughter has three thousand, not only lacks the essence. Soaring."

"Nonsense, no seriousness." Ren Yingying blushed and took a sip, suddenly remembering something, her face changed slightly, "You have to...how can you not have happened to Mrs. Ruan these days?"

"Nothing really happened..." Song Qingshu explained with a guilty conscience.

Ren Yingying looked at him quietly, then smiled slightly after a long time: "Song Lang, do you know what I like about you very much?"

Song Qingshu was startled, and couldn't help holding her slightly in his arms: "A good man like me, shouldn't you like everything?"

"Shameless~" Ren Yingying pinched his waist secretly, and then said, "Any talented men in this world are mostly three wives and four concubines. When defeated, there were groups of concubines. They wanted to accept it. They never hesitated, did not ask for the consent of women, and did not take care of women’s feelings. But you are different, you will have a guilty conscience, you will feel sorry for us , Will panic and explain to us... I feel like you treat our women as equals from the bottom of your heart, completely different from other men in this world."

Song Qingshu secretly cried out ashamed. After all, he comes from a later generation who pays attention to equality between men and women. Some habits will be revealed instinctively, but he didn't expect to make the other person look at him differently: "Yingying, you are ashamed of me by saying this."

"What's so embarrassing about this," Ren Yingying pursed her lips and smiled. "You are now a prince, with 100,000 elite soldiers, and a fertile area of ​​thousands of miles. In terms of martial arts status, I don't know where it is higher than my father and Uncle Dongfang. Now, what are three wives and four concubines? What's more, if you are in the world, you should learn from such powerful characters as Emperor Guangwu Emperor Ming Taizu, and rely on marriage to win over the power of the wealthy family. Now the Ruan family is the world’s first emperor merchant, if you I can get the heart of Madam Ruan and win over Ruan's house. I am too happy to have time. How can I be jealous?"

Song Qingshu was stunned. He didn't expect Ren Yingying to be so enlightened, and she understood that her enlightenment is different from Shuang'er's enlightenment. Shuang'er is really the kind of woman who is in the bones of tradition, gentle and kind, and everything depends on her husband. Happy, she is happy. However, Ren Yingying is standing on a higher level, directly analyzing the pros and cons, and proceeding from the benefit of the overall situation. To some extent, she is somewhat similar to Zhao Min. Therefore, this kind of woman who is in a high position has her vision and mind. It's not the same-of course, this is also divided into people, many of them are also the proud daughters of heaven, but they are far from this kind of tolerance.

"You don't have to hide it from me. During the daytime, when you two eyebrows, something must have happened." A wise light flashed in Ren Yingying's eyes, "It just so happens that I am very tired now, you go to Mrs. Ruan. Well, no matter what method you use, you must completely conquer her and bring the Ruan family to our side."

Song Qing looked at her messily in the book style: "Yingying, are you talking and laughing?" He from later generations naturally knew the routine of these women. This is not a multiple-choice question at all, but the most classic proposition.

"Don't think about it, I'm serious," Ren Yingying smiled slyly, "but I also have another mindset. She treated me so badly before. In the future, after she gets started, it depends on how I treat her."

Song Qingshu heard a black line: "People are married, so if you don't get started, you can't get started."

"Oh, in today's troubled times, the queen and the princess are precarious, let alone the family of a wealthy family," Ren Yingying said as he pushed him out, "not to mention looking at her situation, the two are mostly political marriages and get together all year round. Not a few times, how can there be any feelings."

A hint of surprise flashed in Song Qingshu's eyes. Ren Yingying in the previous reading was all glorious, so that everyone forgot that she was a saint who came from the demon sect. How can she not have a dark side after more than ten years of ears? However, she liked this more, because she was more three-dimensional and more like a woman, rather than like a phantom illusion.

Finally, under the urging of Ren Yingying, Song Qingshu walked out of the room, and at the same time secretly wondered: I have seen a movie before, what is it called a girl by order, is this counted today, how does it feel weird...

Of course, he will not be dazzled by the female sex, knowing that his purpose is to control Ruan Xingzhu and the Ruan family.

Unknowingly, he came to the bedroom of Ruan Xingzhu on the top floor of the ship. Who knew the guards looked at each other, and turned aside without asking.

This made Song Qingshu a little dumbfounded, what's the situation? Originally, he planned to wait here for a while and let them go to report. Who knew that he would let him go directly?

But he didn't want to be deceived, and went straight up the stairs. The guard behind hesitated and said to his companion: "Will it be bad for us?"

"You have no eyesight. Did you forget that Young Master Song spent the night in your wife's room two days ago? Our wife is a married woman. Naturally, this kind of thing is not publicized. You even went to ask her to ask her what to do. Responding to you?" The elder companion educates him earnestly.

The guard nodded: "Or third brother, you think it is thoughtful."

The older guard flashed a smug look: "Besides, you haven't seen Song Gongzi's martial arts. He really wants to go up, where can we stop it? He is willing to stop to give us face, we naturally want You can't push your nose on your face."

Another guard couldn't help but said, "But if this matter is spread out and the uncle knows about it, it will inevitably be vented by us."

The elder guard snorted, "We haven't received any favor from our uncle. On the contrary, Song Gongzi has a life-saving grace to us, and of course he is going to him. Besides, if you don't tell me about this kind of thing, I won't tell my wife, naturally. , How does my uncle know..."

Although the few people deliberately lowered their voices, their whispers did not hide from Song Qingshu's eyes and ears. They couldn't help but laugh. They thought that their deliberate release was Madam Ruan's instructions, but the impression of her in their hearts was a little discounted, but they turned out to be a few people. Make your own opinion in private.

People at the bottom like to figure out the meaning of the above, Song Qingshu also got up from the bottom back then, knowing that this is their survival wisdom and philosophy, it is understandable.

Song Qingshu came to the door and found that the door was locked from the inside, but it didn't make him difficult, so he lifted the door bolt behind the door with a light gust of invigoration, pushed the door and walked in.

When he came this time, he originally wanted to give Ruan Xingzhu enough shock, so that he didn't dare to be surprised, and naturally he wouldn't knock on the door like normal.

He didn't deliberately conceal the sound of footsteps, but now his cultivation has reached the realm, there is almost no sound when he walks, so Mrs. Ruan has not noticed an abnormality.

Suddenly there was the sound of pattering water in front, and there was a faint mist. Song Qingshu was startled, thinking it was not so coincidental, right?

Around a vermilion pillar, a semi-transparent screen appeared in front of his eyes. How could the screen block his sight with his eyesight, I saw that Mrs. Ruan was bathing now!

The mist in the room made her hazy and magnificent, making her heart trembling.

There seems to be no trace of the years on her body. Her body is as smooth and delicate as a newborn baby, white and crystal clear, her slim figure is amazing, and her slender waist makes many little girls feel ashamed.

The slender legs are straight and light, looming in the water, and the beauty that sets off her proud posture while swaying makes Wanhua lose its color.

The whole person is youthful and vigorous like a girl, but mixed with a touch of maturity, there is a strange beauty of charm.

At this time, most of her body was soaked in the hot water, and she seemed extremely comfortable and relaxed, and she was still humming the small tunes of Jiangnan Water Village, which together with the lingering mist and rippling water constitute a picture full of art.

"Peer, why are you back again, hey, didn't I lock the door?" Song Qingshu walked so close, Ruan Xingzhu finally heard the movement and asked subconsciously.

"This Jiangnan minor... I can hear that Madam is in a good mood now." Song Qingshu said lightly.

"Ah~" Hearing his voice, Ruan Xingzhu finally woke up, exclaiming in surprise, and instinctively tore off a veil on the screen to block his chest.

Song Qingshu walked to the tub and said sarcastically, "It's not that I haven't read it. Isn't the madam hiding her ears and stealing the bell?"

I don’t know if it’s because of the embarrassment or the steaming heat. Ruan Xingzhu’s skin was smeared with a rouge-like blush at this time, and he bit his lip and said: "The son broke into the female family’s dormitory without notification in the middle of the night. I’m afraid it’s not a gentleman. ?"

Song Qingshu shrugged: "I notified, but the guard at the door let me in directly. Look, even the people under your hands know our relationship, so why bother to pretend to be."

Ruan Xingzhu took a sip and said bitterly: "This group of people eat what is inside and out, and this time they will be sent to the farm!" After a pause, he said to him embarrassingly, "Yu Xia Wufang, let the son laugh, and hope The son evaded him first, and waited until his concubine changed clothes before welcoming the son."

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