Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1691: What you want must be given first

Who knows that Song Qingshu is indifferent, just standing like that: "You have changed, I'll wait for you."

Ruan Xingzhu reluctantly smiled and said, "The son is joking, how can I change this?"

Song Qingshu walked to the edge of the wooden barrel, reached out to hook her delicate and smooth chin, and looked at her condescendingly: "Does Madam think I am talking and laughing?"

Ruan Xingzhu's face changed, and he opened his mouth but didn't know what to say.

Song Qingshu then continued: "Madame forgot what happened that night? Is there no trace of me on Madam's body, do I still need to avoid it?"

Ruan Xingzhu hurriedly explained: "What happened that day was just an accident. I... I was Ren Yingying's identity at the time..."

"When will the lady deceive herself?" Song Qingshu snorted and interrupted her, "No matter if you are unintentionally or deliberately seduce, in fact I don't care. I came here this time to confirm one thing with you. "

"My son, but please tell me, as long as my concubine can do it, I will die without hesitation." Ruan Xingzhu said hurriedly.

"You don't have to deal with me with these beautiful words," Song Qingshu was indifferent, "Could it be that you will die if you let you sleep in?"

Ruan Xingzhu's face changed slightly, but he quickly recovered his composure, and chuckled: "If the son doesn't dislike the posture of the concubine, the concubine is willing to serve the son."

In the face of the ace spy who played the role of the Oscar queen, Song Qingshu did not know how many of her words were true or false. Of course, she would not take her "servicing" to heart, and went straight to the subject: " Madam no longer has to use beauty tricks. I came here this time to make sure that your Ruan family will not betray me."

"How come, the son has a great kindness to the Ruan family, how can we avenge our grudges?" Ruan Xingzhu Huarong said with shame.

"As the saying goes, Jinbo touches people's hearts, such a large number of treasures, if you say that you will not be moved, who will believe it?" Song Qingshu quietly looked at her after speaking.

Ruan Xingzhu hurriedly wanted to explain: "The son..."

Song Qingshu reached out to stop her from continuing: "Those idioms are no longer necessary. What I want to hear is a specific method. How can you ensure that you will not betray me?"

Ruan Xingzhu opened her mouth and didn't speak for a long time. She knew that her usual methods couldn't perfuse the man in front of her, but if she wanted to make sure she couldn't betray, she could only use some methods. She didn't want to use those methods on herself anyway.

"Looking at Madam's expression, I should have thought of it. On weekdays, Madam must have various checks and balances to control his retainers. Then I am wronged Madam now." After Song Qingshu finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and sucked into the wooden barrel, and was sucked up by the water line. When he reached his hand, Ruan Xingzhu was startled, but before he could react, the other hand raised his hand, and several crystal clear ice flakes instantly shot into several large holes in her body.

All this is just a momentary matter. If Tianshan Tongmao watched him aside, he would admire his skill. You must know that the barrel is obviously hot water, but it can be transformed into thin ice. This skill is really true. It's breathtaking.

Ruan Xingzhu didn't know all of this. She just felt a cold feeling in the acupuncture path, and then she felt as if there were thousands of ants biting her all over her body. The feeling that life is not as good as death made her couldn't help it. Exclaimed: "What the **** is this?"

Her exclamation was particularly eye-catching in the silence of the night. The guards outside the door looked at each other, and one of them couldn't help muttering: "I didn't expect the lady to be so cute and clever to scream so loudly on weekdays."

Another said: "I'm even more surprised that Song Gongzi is gentle and gentle. I didn't expect to toss like this."

The third guard next to him smiled slyly: "Isn't it, it's not that my wife doesn't feel distressed when using it, so why don't you try hard."


Ruan Xingzhu in the house couldn't hear these talks, otherwise she might be **** to death, but even if she heard it now, she might not have the strength to pursue it.

"Madam goes north and south, you should have heard the life and death talisman?" Song Qingshu looked at Ruan Xingzhu and asked with a smile.

Ruan Xingzhu was in the hot water at this time, but he felt a cold air, and his teeth trembled and replied, "The life and death talisman of the Lingjiu Palace?"

A hint of astonishment flashed in Song Qingshu's eyes: "Madam is really knowledgeable." As she said, she grabbed her hands: "Madam, don't scratch the delicate skin like an egg."

"Please, let me die!" Ruan Xingzhu's voice no longer had the usual calmness and routine, only the weakest pleading.

Song Qingshu pinched her mouth, stuffed a medicine in, and gently lifted her chin. After Ruan Xingzhu swallowed it, the terrifying itching sensation in her body gradually disappeared, but the fear still remained on her face. .

"This one is not an antidote. It can only temporarily suppress the life and death talisman in your body." Song Qingshu loosened her mouth.

"The son is so cruel." Ruan Xingzhu's previously flushed face is now pale, and the whole person is a little more pitiful, different from the usual disguise, now she is in everything Naturally, it is more attractive than usual.

"Her heart?" Song Qingshu smiled, "Actually, I have other means to control you, such as the Three Corpse Brain Pill of the Sun Moon God Sect. When you plant a corpse insect in your head, the corpse worm will break out of its shell during an attack. , Will eat your brain; in addition, there is the Leopard Tire Yijing Pill of the Shenlong Sect. Once the attack occurs, the body shape will be greatly changed. The lady is now tall and beautiful. If it happens, it will probably become short and ugly, like a big one. Like winter melon..."

Ruan Xingzhu had heard of these two poisons before, and when he described them in this way, he suddenly felt a little horrified. Whether it is a corpse gnawing on the brain or turning from a beauty into a freak, it is an extremely scary thing.

"I don't know what the son wants to do," after all, Ruan Xingzhu has experienced strong winds and waves, and slowly calmed down. He is no longer as scared as he was at the beginning. After a pause, he suddenly blushed and said, "Can the son let go of my hand."

The life and death talisman had just happened. In order to prevent her from scratching the skin on her body, the other party grabbed her hand, but because of the constant struggle before, the clothes covering her chest no longer knew where to fly.

Song Qingshu was startled, and then noticed that the eyes were greasy, and she couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. He let go of her hand with a smirk, feeling the slippery remaining on his fingertips. He even regretted that he swallowed too much last night. Who didn't know her true identity at that time.

A fascinating flash in his heart, Song Qingshu restored Qingming, and said in a deep voice: "Since Madam is a businessman, then we are in business. Madam will keep these treasures in a safe place and send them to my designated place in the future. I will Untie the poison of life and death talisman for your wife, and then take out half of this batch of treasures as a reward."

The reason why he wants to pay half of the money as a reward is not because he has too much money to burn, but because he understands that if you want a horse to run, you have to graze the horse. The blindly high-pressure policy can easily cause rebellious psychology, which leads to Ruan Jiayang's behavior. , Maybe there are more troubles. Only when the interests of both parties are completely tied together, is the long-term solution to win and disgrace.

Ruan Xingzhu shrank under the water, showing only one head. He couldn't help but change his expression. You must know that she thought at first that she would be enslaved by him in the future, and was thinking about how to get rid of him, but Hearing that the other party is willing to provide half-percent treasures... Emperor Liang Yuan's batch of treasures is huge, and half-percent is already quite rich.

"No, half of it is too little, at least 10%!" Ruan Xingzhu is a businessman after all, even though her life is still between the other side's thoughts, she still stubbornly began to make conditions.

Song Qingshu's face sank: "Madam, don't have to take it an inch. It's already a special kindness for me to give you half of it."

Ruan Xingzhu raised his head stubbornly: "The Ruan family also took a lot of risk in this matter. The key is that this matter can't be done without our son, so I think we are worth 10% of the reward."

Song Qingshu looked at her deeply, and Ruan Xingzhu glared back at her unwillingly. "If the son disagrees, we will die."

After a long time, Song Qingshu showed a smile: "I admire Madam's integrity very much. I must be a reliable partner in the future, okay! 10% will be 10%." In fact, he had made plans to make profits from the beginning. Saying that on purpose is to prevent the other lion from speaking out. As for the lost 10% of the treasure, he didn’t take it too seriously. After all, a Ruan family could far outweigh the value of the 10% treasure, and he had other plans. If the Ruan family can be completely conquered, this 10% treasure is nothing but a treasure. With the left hand inverted the right hand, the entire Ruan family will eventually come back.

Ruan Xingzhu didn't expect him to be so refreshed, and he was overjoyed and said, "A gentleman!"

"It's hard to chase a horse." Song Qingshu also showed a smile on his face.

Ruan Xingzhu took a deep look at him, and suddenly stretched out his hand: "No, we have to make a contract, um, there is no pen and paper now, then we will pull the hook as proof."

"Retracting?" Song Qingshu couldn't laugh or cry, "You dignified Patriarch Ruan, actually used such naive means?"

"Who said it is naive, this is the oldest contract method. After pulling the hook, I believe that the well-known King Qi will not break the trust of my little girl." Ruan Xingzhu replied plausibly.

Seeing her exposed water mist, white and tender like a jade lotus root arm, Song Qingshu's heart jumped, and he looked away unnaturally: "Never mind, draw the hook as proof."

The two of them touched their fingers and felt her soft little hands. Song Qingshu secretly sighed: My dear, what a fairy, it seems that I have to leave quickly, otherwise I really can't stand it.

He came here to ensure the reliability of Ruan Xingzhu, not for other purposes. Now that things are done, he is naturally ready to leave.

Who knew that he had just turned around and wanted to leave, but Ruan Xingzhu held his hand, and couldn't help looking back and staring at her suspiciously, "Madam, what does this mean?"

Ruan Xingzhu's eyes drifted a little, and he whispered like a dragonfly, "Just now because of the son's life and death symbol, all the clothes on the screen fell into the water and got wet. Now my concubine can't get up. You can trouble the son to hug me back to the couch. Huh?"

Song Qingshu suddenly smiled: "Can I understand that Madam is seduce me?" (https:)

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