Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1692: Unexpected news

Ruan Xingzhu didn't understand why she suddenly said such words. Could it be that her feelings last night made her unforgettable and felt something she had never felt before? Of course, this idea was suppressed by her as soon as she passed by. She quickly found an upright reason, everything was for the benefit of the Ruan family, and the advantages of closing the relationship with the other party outweigh the disadvantages.

"The son can be understood as an invitation." Ruan Xingzhu also felt that the two words seduce were too harsh, so he changed to a more euphemistic one.

Looking at the looming mermaid in the water, the arms like jade lotus roots, the delicate collar bones, and the white skin like milk... Song Qingshu had to admit that she was very attractive, but he still shook his head and refused: "I don't like to sell her color for the purpose. The woman." The other party is the most successful and top spy in the world. Thinking of the famous spies in the past, which one does not often use the body as a weapon.

Ruan Xingzhu's body trembled, how could Bingxue's smart she couldn't hear the meaning of his words, thinking that she had been misunderstood by the other party for the first time she took the initiative to a man, and she couldn't be more wronged for a while.

Perhaps it was the unwillingness in her heart, or the misunderstood anger. She did not let go of the other party's hand, but bit her lip and said: "Believe it or not, I will never sacrifice hue for the task, because I have easy Rong Shu's trump card, this is my pride and dignity!"

Song Qingshu said silently, "Madam, there is no need to explain this to me."

Ruan Xingzhu ignored him and continued: "You are the only man in this world who has ever touched me besides my husband. Moreover, my husband and I have not met me a few times in the past few years..." She blushed suddenly and whispered secretly, how did she say these things.

Song Qingshu was also stunned. After reading countless people, he can naturally tell whether the average person is telling the truth or the lie. Of course, a top spy like Ruan Xingzhu may not be as easy to judge as ordinary people, but the two have had skin-to-skin relatives before. The joyful meditation he practiced is most sensitive to the two qi of Yin and Yang. The pure yin qi of the other party is extremely strong. If his private life is not proper, he will definitely not be able to accumulate such a mellow pure yin qi, so he knows that the other party has not told lies.

"I'm sorry, my concubine is out of state, and forgive me for the inconvenience to get up and send it off." In this situation, the natural restraint of a woman made Ruan Xingzhu a little embarrassed and said lonely.

Who knows that Song Qingshu turned around and said, "How rude a while ago, that made the lady's clothes wet all the time, in order to make amends, please hug your lady and return to the bed."

Ruan Xingzhu's pale cheeks suddenly seemed to be stained with blood, and he gave an inaudible mumble, and at the same time he secretly cursed himself for uselessness. It was obvious that he had invited him on the initiative. Why was he so embarrassed when something happened?

Hearing her promise, Song Qingshu smiled slightly, bent down and hugged her from the barrel, starting with soft as boneless hands, and had to sigh that her body showed the femininity of a woman to the extreme.

Ruan Xingzhu is also in a complicated mood at this time. Although she is mature enough, how can she be as calm as usual when she is held in the arms of a man like this. Reason told her that this was playing with fire, but her heart throbbing constantly impacted her, and she couldn't help but have a kind of presumptuous thoughts and expectations.

He came to the couch holding her and was about to put her on, but Ruan Xingzhu stopped him: "No, I am wet. Putting it on will make the bed dirty. Take a towel and wipe it for me."

Song Qingshu couldn't help showing a playful look: "Madam, you are playing with fire."

Ruan Xingzhu lowered her head and couldn't see her expression clearly, but she could only hear her quietly saying: "I am not afraid of a woman, but what a big man is afraid of."

"Since Madam ordered it, Song must take her own life." Song Qingshu smiled, stretched out her hand and sucked on a clean towel placed nearby, gently wiped off the water marks on her body just after bathing, and let her go. When I arrived on the couch, the Jinbei who pulled aside wanted to cover her, but I didn't know why it was a little bit reluctant.

"Does it look good?" Ruan Xingzhu looked at her with a mist of mist in his eyes, looking at her with some expectation and a little nervousness.

She has delicate skin that is unmatched by a girl, her body is as delicate and smooth as milk, and her eyes are as bright and charming as stars. The years have not left a trace on her body.

The waist is slender and soft, as if it can be held by one hand, and the plump and slender thighs are so graceful that they make people dry...

"It looks good." Song Qingshu replied truthfully, and at the same time couldn't help but sigh secretly that her husband could actually live separated from such a stunner wife for many years, and he didn't know what he thought, really a bit violent.

"It's a pity that you couldn't serve the son with a true appearance last night..." Ruan Xingzhu's attractive red lips opened, and he stopped talking.

Song Qing's books are not the kind of old scholars who are pure-hearted and low-spirited. In this situation, the woman has expressed enough things. If he pretends to be stupid, he will despise himself.

"It's true that there are many regrets. It just happens that today is a beautiful day, so let me have a good taste." Feeling the other party holding his hand, Song Qingshu smiled slightly and lay down...

On the second day, Ruan Xingzhu did not get up early to deal with business as usual. He slept until the sun was three poles before waking up quietly. He touched his side subconsciously and found that someone had gone to the building. , What a conscience."

She was a little bit worried about the decision yesterday, but now she is satisfied and has no regrets. After all, sometimes reason works most of the time, but the impulse of whim is even more irresistible.

"It's no wonder that he is the perfect lover in Jiangnan's boudoirs, he is handsome, and his skill is beyond good...no matter what kind of skill it is, she is blushing like a little girl." Rolling around holding the brocade, as if some terrible secret has been known.

While she was dressing, the maid Pei'er, holding a basin of clear water, knocked on the door and walked in: "Madam is awake, huh, what's this smell?"

The words of the other party made Ruan Xingzhu's face flushed. Of course she knew what was going on. It was the smell of a night of fighting and hurriedly ordered: "Open the windows to let you breathe."

"Okay." Peer put the toilet water on the dressing table, ran over to open the window, and said in surprise, "Hey, how come Madam looks so good today? Peer is envious of her white skin."

"Really?" Ruan Xingzhu ran to the mirror and began to take photos. Unlike the vague bronze mirrors most people use in this era, she used a glass mirror obtained from a Venetian merchant. After all, it is an imperial merchant who is waiting for the world. Although it is not the main overseas route, there are still channels to get some Western things.

It's just that this kind of mirror is too difficult to make and very precious, and she only has this side.

Looking at the charming and charming woman in the mirror, Ruan Xingzhu was also a little surprised. He thought that he would have dark circles when he woke up so late yesterday. He didn't expect that his complexion was so good. Is that man's thing a great tonic?

As soon as this thought came out, Ruan Xingzhu hurriedly pucked, thought about what he was thinking about.

Peer heard the movement and looked back: "What's wrong with Madam?"

"Nothing," I don't know if I thought of some scenes last night, Ruan Xingzhu only felt that his whole body was a little soft, worried that Peier would see something abnormal, and hurriedly changed the subject, "By the way, how about Song Gongzi and Miss Ren?"

"They got up early in the morning and played the piano on the other side of the deck." Peer said, couldn't help but sighed with envy. "They both play the piano and dance the sword. They are really a pair of gods and goddesses made in heaven and earth."

Ruan Xingzhu doesn’t rarely sigh like this on weekdays, but he couldn’t help being a little depressed when he heard this. After all, no matter which woman experienced such a thing, the man went to another woman the next day and would eat a little bit. Smell it.

In the next few days, during the day, nothing happened to the few people. There were various chats. Ruan Xingzhu was the number one emperor in the world and went south and north. Ren Yingying was a saint of the Sun and Moon God. He was very knowledgeable. Song Qingshu had two things. The memory of the world, no matter what topic it is, can catch it.

As for after nightfall, even though Ruan Xingzhu did not take the initiative to express anything, he silently concealed the window. Song Qingshu heard Xiange to know his elegance. In order to avoid gossip, he no longer came to the door openly.

Often there was no dialogue between the two of them all night, only the most primitive and intense exchanges. Later, Ruan Xingzhu couldn't figure out whether he was doing the task or for his own selfishness.

Day by day like this, the Jinghu ship went all the way up the river and entered the territory of Sichuan. The few people in the middle disembarked to the towns along the way to inquire about the news, but unfortunately the whole city of Chengdu was not allowed to enter, and no news could be sent. , So that the current situation in Chengdu is divided, no one knows what is going on.

Under normal circumstances, with the power of the Ruan family and the Yang family in Sichuan, Ruan Xingzhu could freely drag the Liang Yuan Emperor’s treasure to Chengdu and then come out again. However, given that the situation in Chengdu is now unknown, she dare not take any risks.

In the end, after a few people discussed, the Jinghu ship stopped in a small city dozens of miles away from Chengdu. There is a stronghold of the Ruan family here, so there is no need to worry about the safety of the Jinghu ship in a short time.

Immediately afterwards, Ruan Xingzhu brought a few carefully selected henchmen into Chengdu City with Song Qingshu and Ren Yingying. In order to avoid being seen through, they changed their attire in advance. Both Ruan Xingzhu and Song Qingshu are masters of Yi Rong. Class-level people, even people who are familiar now, I am afraid that they will not be recognized.

A group of people passed by a restaurant, and suddenly a voice came from the building: "You heard no. A few days ago, Wu Xi summoned Yang Zhenzhong from the Da'an Army, but Yang Zhenzhong refused to rebel and committed suicide by taking poison."

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