Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1693: A prophecy

"Yang Zhenzhong...Why does this name sound familiar?" Song Qingshu suddenly thought of something, and subconsciously glanced at the woman on the other side.

I saw that Ruan Xingzhu also trembled, and stopped subconsciously. Although he could not see the changes in his face because of his disguise, he was obviously full of turbulent waves in his heart.

"Let's go in and sit down." Ren Yingying suggested understandingly, knowing that the other party wanted to figure out what was going on.

Ruan Xingzhu glanced at her gratefully, and then a group of people entered the restaurant and walked upstairs where the sound just made.

Although the entire city of Chengdu is blocked, the city is not too affected, it still maintains the same prosperity, and a wine shop on the side of the road is also very lively.

After going upstairs, a group of people gathered around a table while drinking and chatting. The sentence just now obviously came from among them.

"Da'an Army Yang Zhenzhong has a reputation in Sichuan, and it is normal for Wu Xi to try to win him over."

"General Yang is really a strong man. He would rather die than follow Wu Xi's traitor to treason."

"I think he died a bit worthless. The Yang family has such a deep heritage in Sichuan. Now that the national disaster is at the head of the country, he should stand up and lead everyone to fight against the dog thief Wu Xi. When he died, he was really hurt by his relatives and his enemies. ."


After reconfirming the news of her husband's death, Ruan Xingzhu shook his whole body. If it weren't for Song Qingshu, who was on the side, was holding her waist quickly and almost fell to the ground.

Although she said that she had no affection for each other, the two are husband and wife after all. In this era, the husband is the backbone of a woman. Although Ruan Xingzhu is not an ordinary person, he is also a woman after all.

Song Qingshu frowned when she heard it. If Wu Xi was really treason, why could these people openly discuss political affairs in the restaurant? Is it because Wu Xi's control over Sichuan is far from enough, or are these people not afraid of death?

However, no matter what the situation is, the people's aspirations can be seen. Although the Southern Song Dynasty government is mediocre and weak, it is still a positive reflection in the hearts of the majority of Han people. If there is a conflict with the Southern Song Dynasty in the future, you must not neglect this point, so as not to accidentally become The public enemy of the Han people in the world.

Ruan Xingzhu lifted a strand of hair that fell to his cheeks behind his ears, and was about to step forward to ask for more details, but there was a timid and stubborn voice next to him: "Nonsense, so... General Wu is a hero who stands up to the sky, why? Is it possible to do something like this?"

Everyone followed the prestige, their eyes suddenly brightened, and a little nun was sitting at the table beside the corner, but seeing her delicate and glamorous, she was really a stunning beauty. He is about sixteen or seventeen years old and has a graceful figure. Even though he is wrapped in a generous dress, he still can't conceal his slender and graceful attitude.

Sitting next to him was a majestic man with a fierce face, but he was dressed up as an ascetic monk, somewhat nondescript.

"A nun is worthy of a monk, what's the situation?" The same doubts arose in most of the hearts.

Song Qingshu roughly guessed the identities of the two. The majestic man was a famous flower picking thief in the rivers and lakes. Tian Boguang, a lone traveler for thousands of miles, had a relationship before, but he is now dressed as a monk, and most of them have been ruled by a monk who does not quit. Now, thinking that his appearance is still so masculine, in fact, he is no longer a real man, and he can't help but look very strange. It is really cruel not to be a monk.

As for this beautiful little nun, she is of course the Yilin who pityed the readers in "Swordsman".

"It's no wonder that Tian Boguang is so fascinated by a flower-picking thief like Tian Boguang. I really see pity." Although Song Qingshu recognized her appearance, he had no other thoughts. He had no interest in nuns, especially the little bald head, which was completely inconsistent with him. In my mind, a woman should have long hair like a waterfall.

"When I see a nun, I will lose every gambling!" It's no wonder that Linghu Chong had said this at the beginning. Most of him didn't appreciate the nun, so he knew Yilin's affection for him. Yingying fell in love with it all at once.

"It's miserable, I'm not going to be unlucky when I went out to see a nun this time." Song Qingshu's eyebrows jumped. You must know that a nun must lose every bet. Although it seems like a joke, it is in "Swordsman". But there is great magic in it.

In the original book, Master Ding Yi listened to Yilin’s narration at the Hengyang Conference, and said: “What'when you see a nun, you will lose every gambling', it is all nonsense, that is also trustworthy? There are many people here. I saw our master and apprentice, don't they all have bad luck?"

Then some netizens made a divine summary. The people who were present at the time and mentioned their names: First, the owner Liu Zhengfeng, who was wiped out in a short while; Taishan sent Tianmen Taoists on the spot in the Songshan meeting and died suddenly; Qingcheng sent He was almost destroyed by Lin Ping; the main figures present at the Huashan faction were Lin Pingzhi, Yue Lingshan, Lauderno, and Liang Fa. Lin Pingzhi was locked up at the bottom of the West Lake, and Lauderno was locked up with two horse monkeys. At the same time, Yue Lingshan was killed by Lin Pingzhi, and Liang Fa was cut off; Master Ding Yitai himself was killed by Yue Buqun, and Yilin suffered from Acacia alone; Ling Huchong was also killed in nine deaths in order to save her, and his fate was even more difficult since then. , Taste the bitterness of the world, if it were not for the protagonist's halo, most of it would have a miserable end...

So this sentence is really poisonous, and some FLAGs should not stand upright.

While Song Qingshu was thinking wildly, the group of people had already begun to retort: ​​"Little Master, you are from a different place. Who does this native of Sichuan know that Wu Xi is a traitor."

When everyone heard someone say good things for Wu Xi, when they were about to get angry, they found that the other party was a very poor little nun. They couldn't help but feel good, and their anger naturally dropped a bit.

Tears rolled in Yilin's wonderful eyes, and she cried when she saw her: "Although I'm from a foreign country, I know that General Wu is definitely not a traitor, not a traitor!"

Song Qingshu was puzzled when she heard it. Looking at Yilin's appearance, she clearly knew that Wu Xi was Linghu Chong, but shouldn't this matter be extremely secretive? Suddenly he suddenly realized that according to the plot, the Hengshan faction was robbed and killed by the Songshan faction pretending to be a demon. Wu Tiande of Linghuchong came to the rescue. At that time, the Hengshan faction should have known the identity of Linghuchong.

"Forget it, if it wasn't for you to be an ignorant little nun, and you speak for the traitor like this, we must not forgive you." The group of people saw her look pitiful and cute, but they couldn't bear to scold her, but they didn't. Pay attention to her again and continue to chat.

Yilin opened her mouth and wanted to argue for her sweetheart, but Tian Boguang, who was on the side, pulled the corner of her clothes, lowered her voice to stop and said, "We just came here and don't know anything. Let's listen to the situation first."

Ren Yingying on the other side couldn't help sighing: "Yilin really likes Linghu Chong."

Song Qingshu deliberately sighed: "Unfortunately, it is Miss Ren from Heimuya who Linghuchong likes."

Ren Yingying pinched him with embarrassment, and then said: "Such jokes are not funny, and he likes his younger sister."

Song Qingshu nodded, obviously agreeing with her statement. In the original book, although Linghuchong was surprised at Ren Yingying at first and was also moved by her behavior, she still loved the younger sister Yue Lingshan. It was only after the two experienced a series of things. It was in the middle and late stages that he loved Ren Yingying more and more, but whether he preferred Ren Yingying or Yue Lingshan more, even in the end, it was still controversial.

Nowadays, because of Song Qingshu's cross-cutting in the world, the relationship between the two of them has not had time to develop to such a complete level as in the original book, so he has given him a chance to take advantage of it. Before the Yangzhou city, Song Qingshu stated that when Jin Bo Xunhua was unable to resist, it was through Yue Lingshan that Linghu Chong was touched, which can also explain some problems.

At this time, the people at the table started talking again, filled with indignation: "Wu Xi, this dog thief betrayed the country for glory, but besides Yang Zhenzhong, there are still a lot of passionate men in the officialdom."

"Yes, Chen Xian, who is in charge of Ji Yiwen, shaved off his hair and refused to submit to the Jin Dynasty."

"I also heard that Shi Ciqin, the official in charge of writing on Lizhou Road, blinded him and refused to be a pseudo-office appointed by Wu Xi."


Song Qingshu listened to it for a while, and couldn't help but secretly startled. Wu Xi had secretly communicated with the Jin Dynasty before. This matter should be extremely confidential and impossible to disclose. Why do all these people know that he is going to rely on the Kingdom of Jin and stand on his own as King of Shu? No wonder Chengdu is closed. Xu Jin is not allowed to leave. Most of the other prefectures and counties in Sichuan are also on the sidelines. Many people who did not want to obey Wu Xi this time heard about the defeat of the Southern Song Dynasty. Sichuan has more than half of its military power, so the situation is out of control.

At this time, the people at the other table also took the case: "These are all loyal martyrs. I am a greedy person who is afraid of death."

Song Qingshu's heart jumped when he heard it. He wasn't talking about Lin Pingzhi. You must know that this time he used the relationship to send him here. It is not good for him to make a traitor.

"Gusu Murong, his ancestor is Taizu's brother-in-law, Henan Jun Wang Murong Yanzhao, loyal and loyal through the ages, and also has a big name in the rivers and lakes, North Qiaofeng, South Murong, so great and prestige, this time Murong is back. As a transport agent with the army, everyone expected him to stand up and lead everyone to resist. As a result, he was the first to accept Wu Xi's hypocritical order and serve as the Prime Minister, I am!" The man said indignantly.

Song Qingshu thought that it was indeed easy to participate in Wu Xi's treason with Murongfu's determination to restore the country. Now the only thing that is not clear is why Linghu Chong had treasoned.

After looking at Ruan Xingzhu, seeing her lack of gods, Song Qingshu secretly sighed, walked to the side and asked about Yang Zhenzhong for her, and finally confirmed his death. After returning, he could only say to her: "The deceased It's over, and I hope my wife will be sad.

Ruan Xingzhu shook his head: "How could he commit suicide, I don't believe it, I have to go back to the Yang family to see." Although Yang Zhenzhong worked in Xingyuan Mansion, the Yang family was in Chengdu.

Song Qingshu said embarrassedly: "I also want to see what's going on with Wu Xi. I may not be able to accompany his wife back to Yang's house." The reason why he came to Sichuan this time is for this, and Ren Yingying has always been worried about it. This, at this time, it is impossible to change the plan for another woman.

Ruan Xingzhu reluctantly smiled: "Naturally dare not to bother the son, and if the situation is true, the son should not go."

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