Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1694: Meet in the middle of the night

Song Qingshu was startled, and then reflected what she meant. It must have been that the two of them were in bed before...No, the wind and snow on the boat were nothing, but her husband died at this stall. She couldn't help feeling a little guilty, so instinctively I don't want to go with her by myself.

"The cargo on the Jinghu ship is temporarily safe. After dealing with the matter here, I will come to the son and will deliver the cargo to Yangzhou as agreed." After saying goodbye to him, Ruan Xingzhu got up and greeted the Ruan family to leave. .

Song Qingshu didn’t worry about anything, not to mention that Ruan Xingzhu had a life-and-death talisman on his body. Even some other key members of the Ruan family were controlled by him over the past few days, so even if Ruan Xingzhu tried his life, he couldn’t eat Emperor Liang Yuan’s. Treasure. At the same time, after entering Sichuan, he asked Ren Yingying to mobilize some Sun Moon God Sect staff to stare at the Jinghu ship, and he would get news whenever there was a change.

Of course, after the rapid development of the relationship during this period of time, Song Qingshu does not think that Ruan Xingzhu will take this opportunity to betray him. There is a saying, what is it, and the two are not in love now, but no matter what. It's a bit emotional.

Seeing the departure of Ruan's family, Ren Yingying couldn't help but said, "Song Lang, are you really going to help her?"

"When I went to her husband, her husband won't come back from the dead, so why bother to add to her sadness? I believe Madam Ruan can handle the affairs of the Yang family by herself." Song Qingshu took her hand and said softly, "I'm coming to Sichuan this time. It's for you, not for her."

Ren Yingying's face blushed, although she was a little shy, her heart was more sweet.

"I just asked about Lin Pingzhi's news by the way. I heard that he abandoned the officialdom. Most of the time he went to find Yu Cang's posters to hate him." A trace of worry flashed across Song Qingshu's face, and Lin Pingzhi got him to teach the Five Sacred Sword, although swordsmanship Significant improvement, but the training time is still short. This kind of decent martial arts emphasizes accumulation, and I am afraid that it will not be able to help him succeed in revenge in a short time like the evil swordsman.

Moreover, his internal strength cultivation has always been a weak point, and the Qingcheng faction has a sect that has been passed down for thousands of years.

"That girl Yue should be with him. Moreover, I don't think Lin Pingzhi is the kind of reckless person. Without absolute certainty, she would not make a move." Ren Yingying explained.

Song Qingshu nodded: "I hope so." There are so many things here, and it is impossible for him to visit Qingcheng Mountain specifically.

At this moment, Yilin and Tian Boguang in the far corner saw that the people at the table were talking about those things over and over, and they knew they couldn't hear any new news, so they got up and left.

Ren Yingying tugged at the sleeve of her lover next to her: "Let's follow up and see if Yilin and the others have any information."

Song Qingshu nodded: "Okay." He was also curious why these two people appeared here.

Let’s say that Ruan Xingzhu returned to the Yang family’s mansion eagerly all the way, still holding a glimmer of hope, but when he saw the white cloth hanging at the gate, his whole body suddenly became soft.

Pei'er hurriedly supported her: "Madame’s sorrow." Although the people in the Ruan family don’t have too much affection for this uncle, the uncle is the uncle after all, and she thought that her wife would become a widow from now on, one by one. All sympathize.

After a long time, Ruan Xingzhu calmed down and took a deep breath: "Let's go in first."

Walking all the way inside, there was a woof crying inside. At this time, the Yang family's subordinates found them and couldn't help but cried out in surprise: "Madam is back, madam..." Halfway through the call, I suddenly remembered that my master was gone. Now, where does hi come from?

Ruan Xingzhu was no longer in the mood to deal with these servants, and walked quickly towards the main hall with a straight face, only to see that it had been pretended to be a mourning hall with various Taoist priests and other practices on the side.

In front of the mourning hall, some female relatives knelt in tears. Ruan Xingzhu took a look and recognized these people as the husband’s concubines. You must know that the two are only political marriages and are separated for a long time. She can't fulfill her wife's responsibilities at all. I was also a little guilty, so I turned a blind eye to him about accepting a concubine.



When a group of Yingying Yanyan saw her, they rushed over and started crying. The sad atmosphere made Ruan Xingzhu's eyes turn red.

But after all, she is a woman who has experienced strong winds and waves, and quickly cleared up her emotions: "When did the master disappear?"

"About five days ago, I received Wu Xi's call-up document..." One of the little concubines couldn't cry before she finished speaking. Half of the reason why she was so sad was because of Yang Zhenzhong, and on the other hand, she was afraid of the future, a woman in this world. Their fate was already rough, and they lost their husbands as a backer, and their fate in the next half of their lives can be imagined.

"Lord's body, I want to take a look." Ruan Xingzhu suddenly said.

Another person next to me pointed to the coffin behind the mourning hall: "After the master’s accident, we hurriedly collected it and transported it back to Chengdu. We planned to bury it at the ancestral grave. We originally sent someone to inform the wife, but this is a mess, and we will find it soon and a half. I didn't expect my wife to come back so soon."

"I just came to Sichuan to do something." Ruan Xingzhu replied casually, walking to the back of the mourning hall and gently stroking the black coffin, thinking of the marriage union and marrying into Sichuan with anxiety, thinking of these years, although the sky is different, it can be regarded as respectful. ……Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect?

Unknowingly, a layer of water mist appeared in her eye sockets, and a line of tears seemed to fall from her white cheeks like broken pearls: "Zhenzhong, I didn't expect that I didn't even see you the last time..."

She didn't know how long she had been in tears, and suddenly she said, "Is the coffin sealed? Find someone to open the coffin. I have to take a look at the master."

As soon as this sentence came out, except for those Ji concubines, even the people of the Yang family instantly exploded:

"Madam, this is absolutely impossible."

"There is no reason to open the coffin, isn't this disturbing the master to rest in peace."

"The opening of the coffin is so unclear!"


Ruan Xingzhu knows that this society is very taboo to open coffins. If she was in the Ruan family, she would be able to reject public opinion, but now she is in the Yang family, and many people in the Yang family have long criticized her behavior of showing her face outside. If her husband is dead, who will listen to her?

"What about the second uncle, where is the second uncle?" Ruan Xingzhu knew that he couldn't tell these people clearly, so he could only pin his hopes on the husband's brother. The entire Yang family is in charge of their brothers. Although the patriarch is her husband Yang Zhenzhong, Yang Juyuan also has tremendous energy. The two help each other in the officialdom. Many things in the family are also discussed and decided by the two brothers.

Yang Juyuan served as an official in the local government, and his knowledge was beyond the ordinary people of the tribe. Ruan Xingzhu now has some doubts in his heart, and believes that only his second uncle can stand by her side.

"The second master stayed here all night, and now I am resting in the study." Hearing her culture, someone immediately replied.

Ruan Xingzhu nodded, turned around and walked towards the study. When he was about to get there, Yang Juyuan had received a message to greet him: "Sister-in-law, you are finally back."

Yang Juyuan was about ten years younger than her husband, but she had the kind of officialdom-like calm in her body. Coupled with his handsome appearance, Yang Zhenzhong praised his capable younger brother during his lifetime, thinking that he was the hope of the family.

"If I came back a few days earlier, it might not be the result." Ruan Xingzhu was also full of guilt.

"It's no wonder Madam, I can only say that this is fate, but the eldest brother knows that you are back, he will definitely smile at Jiuquan." Yang Juyuan comforted her while inviting her into the study, and at the same time poured her a cup of tea himself.

"By the way, I want to ask you for help when talking about something my sister-in-law here." Ruan Xingzhu suddenly said.

Yang Juyuan sternly replied: "Now the eldest brother has passed away unfortunately, and my sister-in-law’s business is my business. If you have any instructions, it doesn’t matter if you have any instructions. As long as Juyuan can do it, you will never stop."

Ruan Xingzhu frowned slightly. He always felt that his words sounded weird, but I couldn’t say how strange it was. In addition to the fact that she was eager to open the coffin, she didn’t think about it, and continued: "I want to open the coffin and take a look. Your big brother."

Yang Juyuan frowned involuntarily: "Opening the coffin is not a trivial matter, why did my sister-in-law have this idea."

Ruan Xingzhu explained: "I know your eldest brother's character. Although a little dull, he is not such a reckless person. Even if he is unwilling to accept Wu Xi's appointment, he is unlikely to make such an extreme choice as suicide." There is another one. The reason she didn't say was that although the husband and wife had little gathering and more separation, she knew the affection of her husband for herself and knew that he would not be willing to leave herself just like that.

Yang Juyuan was surprised: "Sister-in-law, what do you mean?"

Ruan Xingzhu pondered the wording before he said: "I suspect that your eldest brother did not commit suicide."

"Who killed him then?" Yang Juyuan started filming the case, and he was obviously excited when he heard the news suddenly.

"I'm just skeptical, not very sure, so I need to open the coffin to check his body," Ruan Xingzhu suddenly remembered something, "By the way, I heard that you were the one who collected the funeral for your elder brother. Did you find anything unusual at the time? ?"

Yang Juyuan shook his head: "I didn't notice anything abnormal at the time, or maybe I was too sad at the time and didn't pay attention to other things."

"That's it..." Ruan Xingzhu was disappointed and began to think about it.

"But I also don't think I can let my elder brother die so unexplainedly," Yang Juyuan meditated for a while, and said categorically, "I support the opening of the coffin for an autopsy."

"That's great, but the people from the Yang family..." Ruan Xingzhu has mature experience and knows that it is difficult to deal with some old antiques in the family.

Yang Juyuan also frowned and said: "Those people are indeed a problem. You must know that people here for generations think that the opening of the coffin is unknown. If you open the coffin openly, it may cause an uproar, and it may not be successful. It is worse than this. Taking advantage of the silence of the night, secretly open the coffin for an autopsy, so as not to disturb the people in the family, it should be able to minimize the impact."

Ruan Xingzhu nodded: "It's so good." In fact, she had thought of a similar approach just now, but she couldn't do it alone. Now that Yang Juyuan helps, it is naturally different.

"Sister-in-law, I'm going to make arrangements first to see how to move the watchman away at night to make room for some time." Yang Juyuan said.

"Okay, I'll change into a filial dress first, and then go to the mourning hall to pay homage to your elder brother." Ruan Xingzhu showed a bitter smile, and quickly left with great anxiety.

Seeing her Ping Ting's back, her eyes fell on the swaying slender waist and hips, Yang Juyuan's originally clear eyes suddenly added an inexplicable fiery look. (https:)

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