Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1695: Taboo love

Ruan Xingzhu returned to the room and changed into a snow-white dress of filial piety, which immediately made people's eyes bright. She was already fair skin, and she was set off by a white gauze, adding a little bit of pity and tenderness.

Many people in the family sighed secretly: Madam is so beautiful and beautiful, but the master has passed away, which is really a blessing.

Of course, there is no lack of good intentions: the master left like this, leaving behind a young and beautiful lady, and I don't know which man will be cheaper in the future.


Of course, although everyone has different thoughts, they all maintain a sad look on the surface. Ruan Xingzhu knelt in front of the mourning hall, while burning paper for her husband while weeping silently. The people around saw it and felt the same, and no one dared to go up and disturb her. .

Looking at the coffin not far away, Ruan Xingzhu secretly vowed: Zhenzhong, I will find out the truth and not let you die in vain!

It was almost evening when I entered Chengdu city today, and it took a while to return to Yang's house. Before I knew it, night fell, and the people around me gradually began to decrease.

After all, this was not the first day of Yang Zhenzhong’s death, nor was it the first seven days. People from other rooms in the Yang family came here to accompany for a while and then went back to do their own things. Even Yang Zhenzhong’s concubines had their own. Things have to be dealt with, taking turns to eat, wash and so on.

Coupled with Yang Juyuan's silent manipulation behind him, soon the people in the mourning hall left one by one, and in the end only Ruan Xingzhu and a few maids were left.

At midnight, several maids also started to doze off. Ruan Xingzhu thought for a while and ordered Pei'er to take the maids down. After all, if the news of the opening of the coffin is leaked, it will cause an uproar, so the less people know the more. it is good.

Pei'er nodded, and quickly found a reason to go out with a bunch of maids and servants, and Ruan Xingzhu was left sitting there silently in the hall.

It didn't take long before Yang Juyuan hurried over. Seeing her beautiful shadow, he couldn't help but stop and admire it for a while before he made a sound and walked over: "Sister-in-law, I have made arrangements."

"Okay, trouble you." Ruan Xingzhu nodded and was about to stand up, but he may have been kneeling for too long, and his feet were a little soft. In addition, he suddenly got up and felt dizzy. He shook his head. The appearance of falling down.

Yang Juyuan hurried to support him: "Sister-in-law, be careful."

"Thank you." Ruan Xingzhu's condition finally stabilized, and she withdrew her hand without showing a trace, but she didn't think much about it. After all, when she first joined the Yang family, this second uncle was only a half-year-old child, and just treated him as a younger brother. Generally speaking, the reason for keeping a distance with him is only because of the reserved nature of a woman and her ethical education since she was a child.

Yang Juyuan didn't show any special expressions, and said naturally: "I have removed all the people around here. No one will come here in a short time, so my sister-in-law can rest assured."

"Okay, let's open the coffin and check it quickly." Ruan Xingzhu suddenly hesitated, "Why didn't you see the work?"

Yang Juyuan explained: "Opening the coffin is no trivial matter. The fewer people involved, the better, otherwise we will not have to face big troubles once it is leaked. As for the inspection of the corpse, we are all half the people in the rivers and lakes, to see if there is any trauma or poisoning. It shouldn't be a big problem, and I have participated in many cases when I was in Xingzhou, and I also have experience in this area."

Ruan Xingzhu felt that what he said was reasonable, but he didn't go into the details anymore. The two came to the front of the coffin together. Yang Juyuan respectfully saluted: "Brother, we don't want to disturb your rest, just to make sure you are not harmed by an adulterer. , If you know anything about it, please blame me if you want to blame it, it's nothing to do with your sister-in-law."

Ruan Xingzhu hurriedly said: "This is my idea. Second Uncle, you are just to help me. Zhenzhong wants to blame and blame me."

Yang Juyuan smiled: "Okay, Sister-in-law, we don't have to fight, even if the older brother knows well, we won't blame us. Sister-in-law, you back a little bit and I will open the coffin."

"Well, be careful." Ruan Xingzhu took a few steps back while holding the skirt.

Yang Juyuan spent half a day fighting over there, and suddenly said: "Sister-in-law, come and help, hold this place!"

Ruan Xingzhu knew that it would be troublesome to open such a large coffin by himself, so he walked over and asked, "Is this this place?"

"Go a little bit further."

"Here? Ah~ what are you doing?"

Looking at Ruan Xingzhu with an angry face, Yang Juyuan sighed: "Sister-in-law, I accidentally touched your acupuncture point. I'll find out where I came across and solve it for you."

"Remove your dirty hands!" Ruan Xingzhu's wonderful eyes were full of anger. "It turns out that the murderer is you!" Now that she doesn't understand what happened, it's a pity that she suddenly heard about her husband's bad news today. Song Qingshu's incident caused her to be full of guilt, so that her reaction was a little slower than usual, and she ignored Yang Juyuan's several unreasonable words and deeds, which led to her being restrained.

"Sister-in-law, don't talk nonsense," Yang Juyuan shook his finger, "I don't understand the murderer at all."

How could Ruan Xingzhu believe his nonsense, biting his lips and glaring at him: "I wonder why Zhenzhong committed suicide. There must be a strange thing to come here, but I never thought that the murderer was you!"

"Your father died early. In the early years, your eldest brother raised you with one hand. It can be said that your eldest brother is like your father. Why do you want to do such a rebellious thing!" Ruan Xingzhu's chest kept rising and falling, and it was obvious that she was shocked by discovering the truth. It made her angry again.

Yang Juyuan was obviously stimulated too, the smile on his face disappeared, and he became a little excited: "I'm saving the Yang family! Big brother, he followed Han Tong, what did he get over the years? He is just a judge of Xingyuan Palace. , I, a small warehouse keeper! Although it is a real authority department, but in the eyes of those big men of the court, such an official fart is not! The dignified second youngster of the Yang family is actually just a warehouse keeper, every time he says I feel ashamed to go out!"

Ruan Xingzhu’s eyes were deeply disappointed: “That’s because Han Xiang is afraid that we will attract the wind. The Ruan family is already the number one emperor in the world, and the Yang family is also a first-class noble family in Shu. If you are to be appointed to high official positions, then It is flowers with brocade and burning fire cooking oil, which are envied by the world. I am afraid that it will not be long before the Yang family will be wiped out..."

Yang Juyuan waved her hand and interrupted her remarks: "Let’s talk about these and none. Their Han family is the first family of the Song Dynasty. Isn’t Han Dongzhe still in the same position? There are also the Jia family, the Shi family, the Wang family, and the Xue family. Isn't the family far ahead of our Yang family, don't they still be prime ministers and generals?"

Ruan Xingzhu was speechless when he asked, and for a while, he really didn't know how to answer him.

Yang Juyuan snorted and continued: "Moreover, now that Han Donglu was defeated in the Northern Expedition, Wu Xi has betrayed him again. Everyone knows that he is over. How can we as the Han faction end up? Lean, I naturally want to find another way out for the family."

Ruan Xingzhu's brain flashed, and finally understood: "You have taken refuge in Jia Sidao!"

Yang Juyuan said indifferently: "Everyone knows that Jia Xiang has won this power struggle. Why did the Yang family end up with the one surnamed Han? This is what a good bird chooses to live in.

"Compared with animals and animals, it is no wonder that you will kill your brothers." Ruan Xingzhu is full of regrets. He has rarely returned to the Yang family in recent years. As a result, he is not familiar with the Yang family at all, so that he has no idea about Yang Juyuan's mentality over the years. After such a big change, I failed to remind my husband in time.

"I'm for the family!" Yang Juyuan obviously also thinks that this kind of thing is a bit rebellious, so he tried to find a reason to convince himself, "Avoid the death of the Yang family, the ancestors and ancestors of the Yang family will understand me."

"Strong words are unreasonable!" Ruan Xingzhu thought quickly in his heart, how can we get out of this situation now, and delay time with him and wait for the rest of the Yang family to come over? But Peier and the others were distracted by themselves, the people of the Yang family...Since Yang Juyuan dared to be exposed here, he was obviously also fully prepared.

At this time, Yang Juyuan finally calmed down slightly, staring at her face and said softly: "In fact, I have another reason for doing this."

"What's the reason?" Ruan Xingzhu was anxious that he could say more, so that he would have plenty of time whether he was waiting for someone to come or trying to find a way.

Yang Juyuan did not answer immediately, but walked over to admire her face up close, as if looking at a piece of art: "Sister-in-law, do you know, when you married to the Yang family, I liked it the first time I saw you I'm on you, thinking about how there is such a beautiful woman in this world, secretly vowing to marry you, but unfortunately you are my sister-in-law."

Even though he realized something when he was just staring at him, Ruan Xingzhu was still shocked when he heard it personally: "How old were you at that time! Why did you have such a mind?"

"I am not young," Yang Juyuan interrupted her, "not to mention love can make a man mature early."

"You are not mature, you are abnormal!" Ruan Xingzhu was trembling with anger, but he was a little frightened in his heart. If the other party really had an intention against her, it would be quiet at this night.

"Whatever you say, anyway, I have fulfilled my long-cherished wish, and I finally want you," Yang Juyuan leaned in front of her and took a deep breath, "Sister-in-law, you are so fragrant."

"Shameless!" Ruan Xingzhu got goosebumps all over, but it was a pity that she could not resist now that her acupuncture points were controlled.

"Sister-in-law, do you know how many nights I have been dreaming of you, and I want to kiss Fangze in my dreams, but you will not come back several times throughout the year. I have difficulty even seeing you," said Yang Juyuan suddenly bitterly." Sometimes I wonder if the eldest brother is a man, and he actually put his charming wife outside to show his face! Since he is violent, then I'm not welcome." Yang Juyuan's expression became dark, his fingers gently picked up a corner of her clothes," You look so good in filial obedience."

Ruan Xingzhu really panicked: "What are you going to do? This is your elder brother's mourning hall. You will be struck by lightning!"

"What's wrong with my elder brother's mourning hall? This is more exciting." Yang Juyuan swallowed, but after all he couldn't hold it back, he rushed to her.

"Second master, second master!" At this moment, someone eagerly knocked on the door.

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