Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1696: Good things are overwhelming

"What's the matter?" Yang Juyuan couldn't help but go wild, his dream from childhood to big can be put into action, but he was disturbed at this juncture. If it hadn't been ordered to die before, don't disturb him unless the most urgent matter. Guess his subordinates. There may indeed be something urgent, he might just drew a knife and slashed the person outside.

Feeling the anger in his voice, the person outside hurriedly said: "Xingzhou Army General Shen Xiaolong is going to see the master."

"Shen Xiaolong?" Yang Juyuan frowned. Both were officials in Xingzhou. He naturally knew who Shen Xiaolong was. He was considered a celebrity in Xingzhou. Although he was a military officer, he regarded himself as a literati, and he took a literary figure. What is the nickname "Sanqing Taoist", I chant a broken poem all day long, and what is "fate is like water, love is together, where can love go". His origins are somewhat mysterious, some say that he used to be a frustrated person in the world; some say that he used to be a shabby actor, and he abandoned his literary and martial arts after a long period of trial; some even said that he was a member of the Shen family of Shanyin. However, as far as he knows, there should not be such a person on the Shen family tree.

Yang Juyuan sometimes even speculates maliciously, this servant is thinking about being unsympathetic every day, wouldn't he be a flower picking thief back then?

However, this person can be regarded as an important person in the Xingzhou territorial military, second only to Yang Zhenzhong. He also said that he would come to him in the near future, but he did not dare to neglect, and ordered the outside men to say: "Let him wait for me in the study." Hesitated. He picked Ruan Xingzhu up and ran to a secret room next door, and then smiled and said, "Sister-in-law, wait for me to get rid of the people outside, and then come back to spend time with you."

Ruan Xingzhu was trembling with anger, but was helpless when the acupuncture points were controlled.

After walking a few steps, Yang Juyuan seemed to think of something again. He walked back and took out a handkerchief, wrapped it in a ball and stuffed it into her mouth: "Hey, lest you bark."

"Uuuuu~" Ruan Xingzhu struggled, the anger in his eyes seemed to melt the opponent.

Yang Juyuan laughed: "Sister-in-law, don’t be anxious, I will be back to serve you soon." Thinking of the gentle and touching touch when he hugged her just now, he couldn’t wait to pick up the gun right away, but it’s a pity that he understands the importance of business. .

There seemed to be a fire rising in the lower abdomen, Yang Juyuan also went faster and faster, and soon came to the study, and found that besides Shen Xiaolong, there were some people, some of whom knew and some did not, sitting there with solemn expressions. , There was a solemn atmosphere in the room.

"Brother Yang!" Shen Xiaolong saw him coming and hurriedly got up to salute.

"Brother Shen, this is..." Yang Juyuan looked suspicious.

Shen Xiaolong said quickly: "What I told you last time, I don't know what Brother Yang is thinking about, do you want to join?"

Yang Juyuan noticed that when he was speaking, other people next to him were staring at him with unkind expressions, faintly surrounding him, as if he would be attacked by a group as long as he said nothing.

Yang Juyuan hurriedly said: "It is incumbent to kill the traitor, not to mention that this traitor also killed my eldest brother. If this hatred is not a vow, of course I have to count me." Shen Xiaolong came to visit him before, you need to know. Suddenly, Wu Xi was treasonous, and the soldiers and civilians in Sichuan were caught off guard. Some chose to obey, some chose to stand on the sidelines, but there were still some passionate men who chose to eliminate traitors for the country despite the danger.

But Wu Xi, after all, is in charge of Sichuan’s military power and also controls the Sichuan government. Those who are interested in serving the country can only act very carefully.

"If you can get Brother Yang's help, why don't you worry about it." Shen Xiaolong was overjoyed. The reason why he came to Yang Juyuan was because the Yang family was very important in Sichuan, and the other was that his elder brother just died because of Wu Xi, and he would probably participate in this way. Of the action.

Yang Juyuan smiled, and then asked: "What are these Xiongtai?"

Shen Xiaolong introduced: "This is Jinshi Yang Junyu, this is Li Kunchen, and this is Li Biao. Brother Yang should have heard of it."

Yang Juyuan arched his hands and said, "I have heard the name for a long time." He was not a simple compliment. These are all celebrities in Shuzhong, even if I have never seen them, I have heard them.

Shen Xiaolong took another group of people and introduced: "This is Wu Xi's generals Zhang Lin and Zhu Bangning. Brother Yang should know him."

"How many times have you drunk wine..." Yang Juyuan exclaimed again.

Shen Xiaolong went on to introduce: "This is Li Gui, a warrior in the army, and this is Laifu, a righteous man from the rivers and lakes. They are all powerful martial artists."

"Fortunately to meet you! The country has always been prosperous because of you loyal ministers and righteous people." Yang Juyuan was secretly surprised. He could also martial arts. Obviously he could perceive that these two martial arts stand out among this group of people. It was Shen Xiaolong, he couldn't see the details of the other party.

A group of people were courteous for a while, and Shen Xiaolong said: "Brother Yang, we plan to do it tonight."

Yang Juyuan was drinking tea, and he almost didn't spit out in surprise: "So anxious?"

Shen Xiaolong nodded: "As the saying goes, soldiers are expensive and fast. The longer you drag the time, the more likely you are to be guarded by Wu Xi's dog thief, so you have to catch him by surprise."

Yang Juyuan looked embarrassed: "This is the person, aren't we going to die?"

Shen Xiaolong replied: "We still have dozens of righteous men waiting for the signal outside, ready to set off."

Yang Juyuan still shook his head: "The number of people is still too small. Wu Xi's palace is heavily guarded. He is a top-notch player himself. The probability of our success is zero." Back then, everyone knows Wu Xi. Swordsmanship is outstanding.

"What if we can tell Gusu Murongfu to join?" said Yang Junyu, a Jinshi on the side.

"Murongfu?" Yang Juyuan was startled. "Didn't he accept Wu Xi's pseudo-official?"

Yang Junyu shook his head and said: "He may also be forced by the situation. After all, the Murong family has been loyal from generation to generation since Mr. Wang Yanzhao, Henan County, and Murong Fu has a reputation for doing so."

Li Zhenkun beside him also agreed: "Moreover, Murong Fu was defeated by Wu Xi in one move, and I didn't believe that he was willing to be Wu Xi's dog."

Shen Xiaolong said at this time: "Brother Yang, after all, we people are too small in official positions to convince the public. After killing Wu Xi, there must be a prestige to calm down. After thinking about it, the most suitable candidate now is Murong Fu. Moreover, he was only able to lose a single move against Wu Xi in the martial arts competition, and he would be more confident with his help against Wu Xi, who is a powerful martial artist."

Minister Zhang Lin said: "Now Murong Fu holds an important position in Wu Xi's pseudo-government and controls a considerable part of the power. As long as we instigate him against the tide, we will be sure of this."

Shen Xiaolong went on to say: "I heard that Juyuan brother and Murong have a good relationship, so it's better to let Juyuan brother come forward and talk about it."

"This..." Yang Juyuan hesitated. He wasn't worried about anything else. He was just going back to Fangze, who was a sister-in-law when he was ready to deal with the visitors. But if he left with them, he wouldn't be able to finish it in a while.

"Don't hesitate, if you miss today's opportunity, you will never find such a good opportunity next time." Shen Xiaolong subconsciously glanced at Zhang Lin and Zhu Bangning, who were not only Wu Xi's men, but also today. Wan is responsible for his guard in the second half of the night. This kind of rotation will probably take ten days and a half a month until the next time. It is very likely that something will happen after such a long time, and the identities of Zhang Lin and Zhu Bangning are also very easy to reveal.

"Okay, I'll try it." Yang Juyuan got up and took a group of people to Murong Fu's mansion. The other party's mansion was in the same direction as Wu Xi's current residence, so he didn't worry about wasting time.

The group quickly came to Murong Fu's residence, and because of Yang Juyuan, the group met him smoothly.

Shen Xiaolong went straight to the point: "Is the son going to be the prime minister of the rebels?"

Murong Fu faced the same situation as Yang Juyuan just now, and felt that the other group of people was ready to go, as if nodding his head would cause a thunderous blow. Although he prides himself on martial arts high and powerful, but the opponents are many and powerful, and the leader Shen Xiaolong, the warrior Li Gui, and the Jianghu Yishi Laifu are all masters. It is impossible to say that it is really possible not to kill.

Murong Fu reacted quickly, and immediately started crying: "My Murong family has been loyal for generations, how can I be a rioter!" The Murong family has always concealed the thoughts of recovering Dayan very well. Except for a few people knowing it, The Murong family in most people's minds is the descendant of the Henan King who fought the world with Emperor Taizu, so no one doubts what he said.

He continued to cry and said, "It's a pity that I don't have a soldier in my hand, and I can't rise up. I must have a hero to destroy this thief." His remarks were truly heartfelt, and everyone was shocked and terrified in Wu Xi's rebellion. He alone is the happiest. He realizes that this is a great opportunity. He has never felt so close to the recovery of Dayan. If he operates properly, he may be able to obtain the rich and easy-to-defend Shu land. The time is ripe to raise the banner of Dayan, and it can be regarded as fulfilling the long-cherished wish of the ancestors for generations.

Jinshi Yang Junyu smiled and took out a roll of imperial silk: "Mr Murong takes the decree, and the emperor appoints you as an envoy to control the soldiers and horses of Sichuan, and punish the anti-thief Wu Xi!"

"The minister leads the order!" Murong Fu couldn't help being overjoyed. The ambassador was an official position temporarily established by the court during the war to control the military and administration of a place. Although it will be abolished after the war, this official position is extremely powerful and can be described as the military and political leader of the same place.

Yang Juyuan on the side frowned secretly. He had already taken refuge in Jia Sidao, and naturally knew that the court did not issue such a decree, so this imperial decree...

As a powerful family in Shuzhong, the Yang family had naturally seen the real imperial decree, and soon noticed that the "imperial decree" in Yang Junyu's hand was a bit shoddy, and immediately reacted: This imperial decree is forged!

But he immediately noticed the meaningful expressions of other people around him. Obviously they knew it too, and most of them participated in it together. The situation is critical now, and as long as Wu Xi can be eradicated, not only will the forgery of the imperial decree not be punished, but will be rewarded; if the eradication of Wu Xi fails, it will be a dead end, and the charge of forging the imperial decree will not matter.

"This Murong Fu is really old and cunning." Yang Juyuan sneered secretly, even he could see that this imperial decree was false, not to mention the descendants of the dignified Henan county king, their family did not know how many imperial decree had been kept.

Despite the defamation, he did not say anything after all, knowing that the first task now is to eradicate Wu Xi. After a group of people discussed a little bit, they rushed to the place where Wu Xi was.

Let’s also say that after Song Qingshu Ren Yingying and Ruan Xingzhu separated, they quietly followed Yilin and Tian Boguang. Tian Boguang had rich experience in the rivers and lakes, and soon discovered that someone was tracking him. He was about to fight a battle, but Song Qingshu revealed his true identity. Tian Boguang suddenly saw a ghost. Same, where is the courage to draw a knife.


Note: In history, Yang Juyuan was a loyal and righteous person. Because of the plot needs to be discredited here, readers are also expected to distinguish between novel and truth. In addition, all the characters mentioned in this chapter are historically Wu Xi’s loyal ministers and righteous men who joined forces to deal with him after treason. Of course, except for the three-love Taoist Shen Xiaolong, he was a guest star of an enthusiastic reader of this book and played a historical role. The Xingzhou Army is playing Li Haoyi's role.

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