Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1697: The widow’s right and wrong in front of the door

Song Qingshu didn't care about him, and asked Yilin directly. Yilin learned of their identities, especially after learning about Ren Yingying, she was overjoyed, and she knew everything she could say.

It turns out that even though Yilin is in Hengshan, she always pays attention to the news of Linghuchong. Because of the experience in Fujian, she also knows that Linghuchong is Wu Xi and Wu Tiande. Therefore, when she learned of the rumors of Wu Xi's treason, she was the first to not believe it, so she traveled all the way to Chengdu. If the monk had important things to do, Tian Boguang volunteered to protect her all the way.

Knowing that both sides had the same purpose, Song Qingshu and Ren Yingying didn't hesitate anymore and rushed directly to Wu Xi's mansion, intending to directly ask Linghu to ask for their understanding.

His martial arts are strong, and Tian Boguang, who is with him, is also known for his light work. There is no difficulty in bringing two women into Wu Xi's mansion.

No guards were alarmed along the way, but Song Qingshu was full of doubts: This is too smooth, and I feel that the guards in this mansion are really not good, not to mention him, even a second- and third-rate Jianghu person may not be able to stop it. .

Several people wandered around the mansion for half a day but couldn't find Linghu Chong. In desperation, they had to arrest a guard. After cross-examination, they realized that this was an official mansion arranged by the court for Wu Xi. He claimed to be the King of Shu not long ago and openly established a palace. , I stopped living here and moved over.

"Royal Shu Palace?" Song Qingshu frowned. They just entered Chengdu today and didn't understand the situation here. Yilin and Tian Boguang obviously did the same, so that a group of people came to rush.

After inquiring about the location of the Shu Palace, a group of people were about to rush there. Suddenly Song Qingshu's expression changed. Ren Yingying on the side was attentive and thoughtful. Seeing his abnormality, he asked, "What's wrong?"

Song Qingshu took out a bell from his arms, which was shaking quickly at this time.

"Is this the bell of Concentric Gu?" After all, Ren Yingying is a saint of the Sun Moon God Sect. With so much knowledge, he immediately recognized the stuff from the Five Immortals Sect.

"Yeah." Song Qingshu smiled awkwardly, and explained to her what was going on. At first, he thought Ruan Xingzhu was Ren Yingying, so he gave her a bell to defend herself, but later there were too many things and he took it for a while. I forgot about it.

"It seems that Mrs. Ruan is in danger right now." Ren Yingying said as she said, she was a little bit distasteful, "Huh, I didn't have this thing to defend myself when I was in danger before. As a result, you can immediately know if she is in danger."

Song Qingshu was also extremely embarrassed: "Didn't you mistake her for you before, and then forgot to ask the bell to come back."

He also understood that this kind of thing would be a little depressed on any woman, and said hurriedly: "Forget it, let's go to the Shu Palace."

Ren Yingying shook her head: "The bell rang so urgently. Obviously Mrs. Ruan is in great danger. If she is an ordinary person, it will be enough, but now she is related to the safety of your shipment, and it is also related to the future. The huge Ruan family has a problem with belongings, so I went to save her first."

"Yingying..." Song Qingshu was moved in her heart. Everything she did was based on the interests of her lover, no man could be moved.

Yilin's eyes flickered and flickered on the two of them. In fact, she was full of doubts, because she knew that Brother Linghu and Miss Ren were not a pair, what is the situation now?

But she was kind-hearted, and even though she had some questions, she was embarrassed to ask in person.

"Yilin, Tian Boguang, first go to the Shu Prince's Mansion to find Linghu to make a clear question. Song Lang and I will arrive later." Ren Yingying said to the two of them.

"Oh, good." Yilin nodded hurriedly, there was a noble attitude in the other party, which made her subconsciously obey.

Asked the location of the Yang family mansion from the guard, and found that it came from the same direction as the bell response, Song Qingshu stunned the guard, and then asked Tian Boguang to take good care of Yilin, and quickly rushed to Yang's mansion with Ren Yingying.

Although Chengdu is a big city, Song Qingshu was so light-hearted, and it didn't take long for him to fully carry out all the way before he came to the Yang Mansion.

Looking at the white elegiac couplets at the door, Song Qingshu couldn't help but wonder: "The Yang family is doing funerals now, why is she in danger?"

Ren Yingying said, "Go in and take a look."

The two sneaked in. Now the Yang family has lost its head, and the defense is much more slack than usual, but even if the defense is tight, it can't stop the two of them.

They followed Tongxin Gu Ling's instructions all the way to the mourning hall, Song Qingshu said strangely: "Why is this mourning hall empty?"

"Something abnormal is a demon, be careful." Ren Yingying reminded.

"The bell vibrates more frequently, it seems that we are getting closer to the target..." The two searched all the way, and finally found Mrs. Ruan who was tied to the bed in a secret room next to the mourning hall.

"Madam, this is..." With Ren Yingying present, Song Qingshu was inconvenient to help her untie herself, standing aside and asked suspiciously.

Seeing this familiar and unfamiliar man, Ruan Xingzhu had a mist in his eyes and almost cried. This time just now was the most difficult and darkest time for her.

She was afraid of hearing footsteps, afraid of the door being pushed open, afraid of Yang Juyuan's return, because she knew what destiny was waiting for her at that time. But she was arrogant and witty, and she couldn't think of a way to get out of trouble in this environment.

The acupuncture points all over his body were restrained, and he was **** by five flowers. The cloth in his mouth was unable to make a sound. The only thing he could do was to wait for Yang Juyuan to come back and be lucky to her. But when she thinks that the coffin of her husband who was killed by the other party is still next door, instead of being humiliated by that kind of humiliation, she can't wait to die immediately, but it's hard for her to die.

I fought with fear many times in the middle, but I don’t know why Yang Juyuan never came back, which made her desperate rekindle hope. She kept hitting the acupuncture points with her continuous movement, but it could hit the acupoints for half a day. Only her hands were barely able to move, but her hands were tied back again. Behind.

Seeing to be desperate again, I suddenly touched the Concentric Gu bell on my wrist with my fingertips. I thought of what Song Qingshu had said to her before, and shook the bell with the thought of in case. I don’t know if this bell is so magical. Even if he can tell the other party, he is working for Miss Ren at this time, how can he waste time for an irrelevant woman?

When she was struggling with gains and losses, she did not expect to see the other party breaking in. At that moment, she couldn't help but feel a little dazed. She used to sneer at those daughters in Jiangnan who love to watch the heroes save the beauty plot in the ranger novels, but now she has a little heartbeat and gradually understand No wonder they like it so much...

"Madam, are you okay?" At this time, Ren Yingying untied the ropes and acupuncture points on her body, but she couldn't help but ask when seeing her sitting there in a daze.

"No... it's okay." Ruan Xingzhu flushed, and hurriedly retracted his gaze looking at Song Qingshu.

Song Qingshu smiled and said, "How does Mrs. Grace plan to repay it?"

Ruan Xingzhu looked straight: "If the son can kill Yang Juyuan for me, I can promise you anything!" The two had already had the closest relationship on the Jinghu ship before, so she subconsciously said it like this, but she never thought of it. What it means to be able to promise anything a woman says.

Ren Yingying on the side really looked weird, Song Qingshu's heart jumped, and hurriedly turned away: "Yang Juyuan seems to be your husband's younger brother, why..."

Only then did Ruan Xingzhu tell the story as it was, and Ren Yingying on the side heard angrily: "It's really shameless!"

Song Qingshu said solemnly: "Where is Yang Juyuan now, I'll avenge you." On the one hand, he really wants the allegiance of the Ruan family, and on the other hand, he cannot tolerate this kind of brother-in-law who kills his brothers and sisters.

"He just received a notice and went out to meet guests. I don't know where it is now." Although Ruan Xingzhu has a weak appearance, he has been in charge of the Ruan family all these years, and has never relied on her husband. She is a strong woman in her bones, but today she suffered a sudden Every time her husband died violently, and then she encountered things like my uncle, her heart seemed to rise and fall like a roller coaster for a long time, so that now she suddenly felt that it's nice to have a man to rely on...

"It should be in the mansion. Let's go out and look for it." Song Qingshu took the two women to the study, but there was no trace of Yang Juyuan. Finally, a guard was caught and asked him to follow Shen Xiaolong and his party. Leaving hastily for a while.

"Where did he go?" asked repeatedly, the guard didn't know Yang Juyuan's whereabouts, and several people suddenly fell into a stalemate.

At this moment, a firelight suddenly lit up a few miles away, and there was a vague sound of fighting. Ren Yingying's expression changed: "That's where the Shu Palace is!"

"It seems that something has happened over there," Song Qingshu said to Ruan Xingzhu, "We are going to the Shu Palace now. Maybe Yang Juyuan is there. Why don't you go there together?"

Who knows that Ruan Xingzhu shook his head: "I was too stunned just now, and now I calm down and realize that killing Yang Juyuan is not a good choice. After all, in the eyes of the uninformed, he is still the second master of the Yang family who is an upright gentleman, and he doesn't pay attention to us a little bit. People will be given a handle, and all kinds of rumours will spread, which will be bad for you or me."

Song Qingshu was taken aback, and soon understood her concerns. After all, Ruan Xingzhu is a beautiful woman, and now she is a widow. As the saying goes, widows have many rights and wrongs. With the help of a caring person, it is easy for people to think that she hooked up with her to murder her husband, and then killed the second young master of the Yang family who broke through the adultery. Compared with Yang Juyuan's murder of her brother, this rumor is easier for people to believe. .

"Thanks to the madam for reminding!" Song Qingshu let out a cold sweat. Now he wants to fight the world, and what he cares most is reputation. If he gets involved in this right and wrong, it will be a dead end.

Ruan Xingzhu quickly said: "I won't go over to the Shu Palace. If the son ran into him there, nothing happened. I need to make arrangements and contact the subordinates loyal to Zhenzhong to collect decisive evidence. Give Yang Juyuan a fatal blow."

"Madam stay here in case you encounter danger..." Song Qingshu frowned.

Hearing that he cared about himself, Ruan Xingzhu's heart warmed, and she smiled and said: "After all, the concubine has been running the Ruan family for so many years, and no big winds and waves have passed through. Before, I did not expect that Yang Juyuan would be the murderer. It's better to die."

Song Qingshu realized that this woman was still one of the best spies in the world. He immediately relieved his heart, and hurried to the Prince of Shu's Mansion after bidding farewell to her.

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