Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1698: Those who are sadly ecstasy are only sentimental

"This Mrs. Ruan is thoughtful, congratulations for adding another right-hand man." Ren Yingying said with a smile on the way to the King of Shu Mansion.

Song Qingshu said angrily: "Okay, now you are obviously worried about Linghu Chong, and you are pretending to be calm to tease me."

Ren Yingying hurriedly explained: "I..."

Song Qingshu pressed her lips: "People are ruthless, even if you raise a cat or a dog for a long time, you will have feelings, let alone being with people? Don't be too anxious, thinking you can't forget him, too. Don't blame yourself for this, all of this is human nature."

Ren Yingying took a deep look at him: "Song Lang, it is my greatest fortune to meet you in this life." She didn't tell lies. No other man in this world can do so calmly and magnanimously. After a period of time with Linghuchong, it will become a thorn in the hearts of the two of them. Only Song Qingshu will not only be relieved, but will come to comfort and relieve herself.

Song Qingshu couldn't help but laughed: "If you don't believe what you said two years ago, you would have wanted to kill me at that time."

When he evoked the past, Ren Yingying also couldn't help but laugh, blushing and yelling: "Who made you so rascal back then~"

In addition, Murong Fu, Sanqing Taoist Shen Xiaolong, and Yang Juyuan and their group of about 70 people directly rushed into the Shu Prince's Mansion. Because the accompanying Zhang Lin and Zhu Bangning were guards, they let them in without hindrance.

However, the guard system of the Shu Palace was not the only two of them. After reaching the inner level, they were stopped by another guard: "Who has the file to trespass into the Shu Palace?"

At this time Jinshi Yang Junyu went straight up and took out the imperial decree: "The emperor's edict said..." Wu Xi has counted a total of 20 counts of treason with the enemy, and Murong Fu was specially appointed as a soothing envoy to come to quell the rebellion. Don't pay attention to things like that.

It was the guards who looked at each other after listening to them, and finally disappeared without knowing who took the lead.

Shen Xiaolong and the others were even more surprised. He thought that he would have to fight hard when he got here, but who would have expected these guards to surrender without a fight? Could it be that everyone's heart is toward the court, and they don't want to be treasoned by Wu Xi, and now they all get out of chaos whenever they have a chance?

But at this time, he didn't have time to study this problem, but rushed into the inner house with a group of people.

"What are you doing?" The noise outside was like this, Wu Xi finally heard the movement and walked out of the bedroom, and saw a group of people rushing over menacingly, she couldn't help wondering.

"You collaborate with the enemy to treason and set up the King of Shu, let's kill the rebels together this time, and pay for our lives!" Murong Fu rebuked with a stern voice, and before the other party could reply, he drew his sword and stabbed Wu Xi.

Wu Xi opened her mouth. She wanted to say something. It could be seen that the opponent's move was a killer move. He didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly greeted him with a sword. It was almost a blink of an eye, and the two of them made seven or eight moves.

Yang Juyuan on the side shouted: "The rebel martial arts are powerful, everyone will go together. This is for the country to eliminate harm, there is no need to talk about the rules of the world!" After speaking, he swung his knife and rushed up.

A large group of people including Li Gui, the warrior in the army, and the righteous Shi Laifu rushed over at the same time. However, Wu Xi's swordsmanship is indeed very brilliant. I saw a group of sharp sword flowers drifting around, and then people screamed constantly, either blocking the ground for life or death, or holding the **** wrist back, or holding his eyes in pain. Rolling and wailing.

After several contacts, those who were the second-ranked in martial arts were hit hard and withdrew from the battlefield. In the end, only four people including Murong Fu, Yang Juyuan, Li Gui, and Lai Fu were besieging Wu Xi.

Shen Xiaolong frowned secretly. He always felt that today's things were weird. Whether it was the guard who had thought to be heavily guarded and scattered, or Wu Xi's expression just stopped saying something, it seemed that something was wrong.

However, the exclamation in the field awakened him. Although Wu Xi's swordsmanship was too advanced, he gradually gained the upper hand. Murong Fu was safe, but Yang Juyuan, Li Gui, and Laifu had already taken advantage of him. There were a few more wounds. If it wasn't for a few people who were not weak in martial arts, they had escaped the critical point, maybe they had just been lying on the ground.

"Why Brother Shen didn't make a move?" Yang Juyuan exclaimed in the court, but he had just got distracted, and there was another blood hole in his body, and he hurriedly picked up his energy and focused on defense.

Seeing Wu Xi's tricks were severe and fatal, Shen Xiaolong felt that he was thinking too much, and hurriedly drew out his long sword and attacked it.

"Fate and fate are like water, love is together, where is love~" When he heard poems in his mouth, whether it was Yang Juyuan or Murongfu, both scolded his mother in his heart, thinking about when is the **** time, and still such a slapstick!

However, Shen Xiaolong's martial arts was really not covered. The swordsmanship was so smooth and flowing. As soon as he joined the crowd, the pressure was greatly reduced. Later, it was basically Murong Fuzhu defending, Shen Xiaolong attacking, Yang Juyuan and a few others waiting for the opportunity to swim and fight.

Wu Xi frowned secretly, these people are all masters, especially the Dou Zhuan Xing Yao of Murong Fu’s fake biography is best at taking advantage of strength, and if you don’t pay attention, he will move his long sword to the side; Shen Xiaolong’s swordsmanship is like flowing water for a while. For a while, it was like a cloud between the pine, with very few flaws, and occasionally one or two flaws were exposed, and they also flashed under the cover of a few other people, and there was no way to fight back.

There was also a group of soldiers staring at him. Wu Xi knew how fierce he would be if he continued like this. Unfortunately, although he understood it, he couldn't change it.

At this moment, two calls suddenly came from the gate of the courtyard: "Brother Linghu (Brother Linghu), I'll help you!"

When everyone looked back, they saw a little nun and an ascetic monk rushing over.

"Who are they?"

"Who is Linghu Brother in their mouth?"


After all, not everyone knows Wu Xi's true identity. The two of them took advantage of everyone's absent-mindedness at this moment, and the ascetic showed a sharp knife to brush the wind, and forced Yang Juyuan, Li Gui, and Laifu aside; Xiao The nun wielded a long sword and directly held the Taoist Taoist Shen Xiaolong. Although the internal strength was insufficient, the swordsmanship was tight and unprepared. For a while, he caught the opponent by surprise.

These two are naturally Tian Boguang and Yilin. In fact, in terms of martial arts, none of Yang Juyuan and others were under Tian Boguang. The reason why he was able to be one against three temporarily was largely because all of them were injured In addition, seeing that he is sharp and sharp, I can't figure out his details for a while and dare not dare to expand, all of which are based on the head.

As for Yilin's side, the reason why she was able to block Shen Xiaolong was because the other party saw such a pitiful little nun and couldn't help hurting her.

But this was a bitter for Murong Fu. Originally it was five-to-one, but now he was singled out against the opponent in an instant. Wu Xi also played angrily, recruiting mercilessly, and he had to score twelve points. Spirit, Shi Zhan can barely protect himself by what he has learned on weekdays, but in his heart he scolds Shen Xiaolong half to death.

Shen Xiaolong was also struggling to ride a tiger, frowning and saying: "Little nun, get out of the way, lest you hurt you."

Yilin wrinkled her nose and replied solemnly: "Old Taoist, you quickly get out of the way, lest you blame the Buddha for making evil." Although the opposite Shen Xiaolong is a general, he is dressed as a Taoist priest.

"Treason and rebel, everyone is punishable, what's the crime?" Shen Xiaolong said with a black thread, "Besides, I usually worship Sanqing and Siyu, even if I make a mistake, what does it have to do with the Buddha? "In fact, he still wants to complain, where is he getting old?

Yilin was startled and blinked a pair of big eyes: "Hey, that's right..."

Shen Xiaolong suddenly couldn't laugh or cry, the little nun in front of him looked so pitiful, it was neither a curse nor a scolding for him.

"Taoist molesting nuns, is it really a long time to see you?"

"Nonsense, obviously this little nun molested the old Taoist priest."

"I'm afraid it was the Taoist priest who moved the heart."

"Should a nun and a monk be a couple?"

"The eyes of the ascetic monk over there seem to be red, and the knives in his hands are playing a bit faster."

"Bald donkey, don't want to fight for the teacher too from the poor road!"


There is no shortage of people who do good things, and many people watching the play can't help but laugh, and Shen Xiaolong and Yilin can't wait to find a place to get in.

Shen Xiaolong knew that dragging this way was not a way. Although he couldn't bear it, he decided to find a chance to stun her, but he hadn't taken any action yet. Suddenly, a dark shadow hit Yilin's heart like a big Peng spreading its wings. go with.

The opponent is still ten feet away from this side, but the strong wind that has set off has made Shen Xiaolong a little difficult to breathe. It can be seen how powerful this palm is, even if you are facing each other, you must avoid its edge, not to mention the weak nun on the other side. .

He wanted to save this little nun, but he thought of the purpose of his trip, and that the person who suddenly appeared was a friend but not an enemy. If he intervenes, it will inevitably cause infighting...

When Shen Xiaolong hesitated, Wu Xi on the other side saw the situation here, and was shocked. She hurriedly used two tricks to force Murong Fu back. She jumped into the air and stabbed behind the mysterious man. It was too late to run to stand in front of Yilin, and could only adopt this strategy of encircling Wei and saving Zhao.

Suddenly, the mysterious man seemed to have eyes behind his back, and he flashed directly to the side, and then hit Wu Xi's side rib with a palm.

Wu Xi didn't expect this change. At this moment, she understood that the other party's attack on Yilin was false, and the intention was to plot her own.

It's a pity that he is a master of swordsmanship, so how can he be the opponent's opponent in terms of his skills? I saw the man slammed his palm, causing him to slap his palm into the empty space, and a trace of blood could not help overflowing from the corner of his mouth, while the mysterious person took advantage of his blood tossing and the old power was dissipated, and the new power was slammed. On his chest.

Wu Xi's blood spurted down and flew back, but the mysterious person kept attacking him like a tarsal maggot. If he hadn't succeeded in returning to his sword and defending himself, he would have been photographed to death by the opponent.

The mysterious man seemed to be afraid of his swordsmanship, and hurried back several feet in a vertical leap, opening a sufficient safe distance.

"Wow..." Wu Xi half-kneeled on the ground, propped on the ground with a sword, and a few mouthfuls of blood spewed out wildly. If he hadn't learned the "Yi Jin Jing" a few days ago, a ray of true energy would protect his heart, I'm afraid that just now He was killed on the spot for a round of blows.

"Brother Linghu!"

"Brother Linghu!"

Yilin and Tian Boguang were shocked when they saw this, and rushed to him. Seeing that Wu Xi was seriously injured and dying, and worried about his dying counterattack, Yang Juyuan and others did not dare to pursue it. They let them return. By Wu Xi.

Wu Xi didn't have the time to respond to the two of them. Instead, she looked at the mysterious man bitterly: "Hanbing Zhenqi, Da Songyang Palm... Zuo Lengchan, you are a grand master, but you sneak attack on the juniors. It's too much. Shameless!" The blood he had just vomited on the ground had formed ice particles at this time, braving the slightest chill.

At this moment, the mysterious figure took off the mask on his face, and it was indeed Zuo Lengchan, the leader of the Wuyue Sword Sect!

I could only hear Zuo Lengchan snorting coldly: "For a traitor like you, everyone is punishable by it. This is called walking for the sky."

"You..." Wu Xi opened her mouth to say something, but it was a pity that a mouthful of blood poured out and blocked the rest of his words.

"Brother Linghu, what's wrong with you, quickly take this Baiyun Xiongdan pill." Yilin Huarong turned pale, and hurriedly shook out a few pills from the porcelain bottle in her arms, and delivered them to his mouth without counting the number of them. ?

Wu Xi smiled bitterly. Now he knows his injury best. It can be said that half of his body is in the coffin. Although the elixir of Hengshan Sect is famous for healing wounds, it can't cure mortal people.

Seeing what the person in love looks like at this time, Yilin’s tears kept sliding down like broken pearls. She was always weak and couldn’t help glaring at Zuo Lengchan: “Uncle Zuo, you are not doing this like a decent way. ."

Zuo Lengchan sneered and said, "What kind of thing are you qualified to criticize this seat?"

"I..." Yilin's temperament is inherently soft, and her face flushed in this situation, but for a while, she didn't know how to deal with it.

Zuo Lengchan was right and unforgiving: "Everyone in the world knows that Wu Xi is a treason with the enemy and is destined to be a stinking figure. You Hengshan faction, as a famous school, does not want to kill demons and demons but come to help such a traitor? Did your Hengshan faction participate in Wu Xi's rebellion?"

"No, it's not," Yilin hurriedly waved her hand, "I'm just here this time, it doesn't mean the Hengshan School...No, I mean Linghu...General Wu is not that kind of person." Zuo Lengchan has always been. Strong, and as the leader of the Five Sacred Sword Sect, how can a little girl in Yilin tell him? Was quickly taken astray.

"Since it was not instructed by the Hengshan School, it means that you are the little nun who is willing to fall," Zuo Lengchan said categorically, as if in the next sentence. I really don't know how to be ashamed, and I'm willing to fall for it!"

At this time, everyone in the field looked at the ascetic monk next to her, pointing one by one:

"He is the famous Tian Boguang?"

"No wonder that the knife is so fast, Tian Boguang is famous for his light work and quick knife."

"Isn't he famous for his lewd-thief?"

"This little nun looked at Wenwen quietly, and she was walking with Tian Boguang all the way, and she didn't know if her chastity could be kept."

"You are stupid, you, Tian Boguang, Tian Boguang, doesn't it mean stripping all naked? This little nun has a pure appearance and I don't know how sorrowful she is in private."

"Along the way with Tian Boguang and reluctant to separate, most of them were conquered by his bed-kung fu."


Listening to the people around her talking more and more nasty, Yilin almost burst into tears: "I don't have..." It's a pity that her voice was soon drowned out by the ridicule, and people would only believe what they wanted to believe. No one cares what she said.

"Shut up all!" Tian Boguang jumped out and shouted, "Yilin is now my master, and we are a teacher-apprentice relationship. How can it be so dirty as I think?" Speaking of which he worshiped Yilin as a teacher or because of Linghuchong. For the sake of teasing, he was naturally unhappy at first, but later he was rather happy with this identity.

"What's wrong with the relationship between master and apprentice? Master and apprentice during the day, brother and sister at night.

"In the past few years, there seemed to be an open relationship between master and disciple. What's your name?"

"Yang Guo and Xiaolongnu from the Tomb School."


Tian Boguang didn't expect that his explanation was not only useless. On the contrary, the description became darker and darker. He saw that Yilin's grievance made teardrops fall all the time, and a rush of heat surged in his chest, not wanting him to suffer a little grievance.

I saw him leaping up a step and pulling his pants down directly: "Keep your dog eyes wide and see clearly, grandpa, I am now a rootless person, where are the nasty things you think of! Master, she is pure and clean, how can she? Contaminated by your gossip?"

You must know that palace torture is an incomparable shame to a man. He usually cares about it the most, but now that he sees his sweetheart inexplicably wrong, especially when she sees her eager tears, he can't care about anything when he gets hot.

"Gosh, he was really castrated."

"This is his reward for plucking flowers."

"It turned out to be castrated like this."

"It looks disgusting."


No one cared what he said, a group of people just pointed at him.

Zuo Lengchan snorted: "You are shameless and shameless!"

"I'm fighting with you!" Tian Boguang was on the verge of collapse in shame, and when he heard him say this, he was instantly detonated.

Putting on his pants and waving a knife, he rushed towards the left Lengchan, Zuo Lengchan coldly hummed, "I can't help myself!"

Although Tian Boguang's martial arts is good, it is only second-rate, at best between Yu Canghai of Qingcheng School, and Yu Canghai's martial arts is far worse than Zuo Lengchan.

As soon as the two played against each other, Tian Boguang vomited blood and flew back, and everyone who looked aside was stunned: "The Songshan faction left leader is indeed well-deserved."

Among them, Murong Fu and Shen Xiaolong were the most shocked. After all, both of them boasted that martial arts were good, but seeing Zuo Lengchan's shots, their hearts were completely lost.

"Brother Tian, ​​why are you so troublesome!" Wu Xi relieved a little breath and sighed at Tian Boguang who just fell down beside him. I don't know if he regretted that he just blew himself up or said he shouldn't come to save himself. .

Yilin hurried over: "Tian Boguang, what's the matter with you?"

Seeing her look of concern, Tian Boguang couldn't help but smile: "It's okay, I can't die..." Before he finished speaking, he trembled and vomited a mouthful of blood.

Wu Xi hurriedly reminded him: "Be careful of his cold qi, and be sure to force the cold poison out."

Tian Boguang nodded. At this moment, he had no time to speak, and hurriedly began to exercise his strength to heal his injuries.

It's a pity how those people around will give them a chance: "Kill the traitor Wu Xi, kill the thief Tian Boguang!"

A group of people waved their weapons and rushed towards several people. At this time, the three of them had lost their combat effectiveness. Murong Fu, Shen Xiaolong and others had their own identities and did not participate in it.

Seeing Yilin's weak figure in front of him, Shen Xiaolong felt a little unbearable, but now a group of people are extremely enthusiastic, and he can't do anything.

Seeing that her figure was about to be submerged by the crowd, an invisible wave of air suddenly dispersed, and the group of people who rushed past were shocked and retreated one by one.

"Who?" Others still don't know what's going on. The masters in the field such as Zuo Lengchan, Murong Fu, and Shen Xiaolong have found the target, and saw a figure slowly descending from midair.


5000-character chapter

By the way, I just wrote "Yilin’s tears keep sliding down like broken pearls." At first, I wrote that "eyeballs" kept sliding down like broken pearls, and suddenly I felt something was wrong. Going back and looking at it, shit, it almost turned into a ghost story...

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