Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1699: Perfect

A group of people changed their colors and jumped into the air and then dropped. Many people here can do it, but none of them can do it as slowly as the other party. Not to mention the mysterious wave just now, shocking dozens of people charging. One after another back, this skill is too terrifying.

Everyone looked intently and saw that the other party was a young man in a blue shirt, but it was a pity that he looked ordinary and no one seemed to know him.

The person who came was naturally Song Qingshu. He and Ren Yingying saw the flames of the Shu Prince's Mansion all over the sky, and knew something was happening here, and they came all the way, just in time for a group of people to rush to Yilin, and they had to take action.

Of course, he did not show his original face. After all, the Golden Snake Camp is nominally fighting the Qing army southward. If the news of his presence in Sichuan is reported, it will inevitably cause a diplomatic disturbance.

Before revealing their identities to Yilin and Tian Boguang did not matter. After all, they were lowly identities and had no right to speak in the arena. But now there are so many official figures in the Southern Song Dynasty and Zuo Lengchan as the head of the faction.

"Who is your excellency?" Murong Fu and Zuo Lengchan thought too much. For a while, they couldn't figure out the details of each other and were a little surprised. Instead, Shen Xiaolong asked directly.

Song Qingshu faintly replied: "The mountains and the grass are not worth mentioning."

"I don't know why we want to stop us from killing the traitor?" Shen Xiaolong asked.

"Traitor?" Song Qingshu shook his head, "I don't know who the traitor is. I only saw that you are going to kill a kind little nun."

Zuo Lengchan finally spoke at this moment: "This little nun is willing to fall, and is collaborating with the traitor and the flower-picking thieves. Naturally, she is more than guilty."

Song Qingshu remained silent: "There are many strange things that happened here in Sichuan, and they still need to be investigated carefully. How can we make a conclusion casually." He was a little strange in his heart. He remembered that Zuo Lengchan had suffered a lot before. Internal injury, how could he recover so quickly? Seeing his energy and spirit, he seemed to be better than before.

Zuo Lengchan suddenly became angry: "Wu Xi treason, Tian Bo's splendid flowers, everyone knows that this little nun mixed with them, and everyone on the scene saw it with their own eyes. What else is needed to investigate?"

"Who said that the world is known?" Song Qingshu chuckled, "I don't know."

Hearing what he said, Zuo Lengchan laughed angrily: "You are here to entertain you with feelings?"

"So what?" Song Qingshu's indifferent answer almost made him faint.

At this moment Murong Fu also spoke: "This gentleman has to think clearly, you can easily become an enemy of the whole world in a moment."

Song Qingshu shook his head: "I am not in a moment of anger, and you can't represent the whole world."

Yang Juyuan also joined the condemnation team at the right time: "Your Excellency, don't underestimate the heroes of the world by relying on martial arts. There are so many people here, how many can you stop?"

"One thing is right, I really rely on martial arts." Song Qingshu almost choked him to death.

Taking a look at him, from his appearance and attire, Song Qingshu easily guessed: "Are you Yang Juyuan?"

Yang Juyuan was surprised: "Your Excellency knows me?"

Song Qingshu nodded and shook his head: "I have heard your name."

Yang Juyuan was secretly happy: "Senior, what is our relationship with the Yang family?" If the other party really has a relationship with the Yang family, with such a top master as the backer, plus the Yang family's influence, will it not be in Sichuan in the future? Walking sideways?

"It's indeed a bit related," Song Qingshu thought about how to use his words, "to a certain extent, your eldest brother and I are similar people."

It is naturally impossible for Yang Juyuan to understand the meaning of fellow people, but he understands that the other person is related to the eldest brother, and his heart sinks. This is a bit bad.

Zuo Lengchan couldn't restrain his anger at this moment, and said in a deep voice: "Since you are so confident in your martial arts, then Zuo will come to learn it." Although the skill and lightness that the other party showed just now was a bit shocking, it was also a bit shocking. He has not reached an unreachable level, and he is very confident in his own icy qi and rich martial arts experience, and does not think he will lose to him.

Song Qingshu sighed: "In the end, I still have to use my fist to speak, so why did so much nonsense in the beginning."

Zuo Lengchan snorted and directly drew out an iron sword and rushed over. He was a little afraid of the internal strength that the other party had just shown, but he didn't dare to fight with internal strength as soon as he came.

He has practiced the Songshan swordsmanship to the state of transformation. This time the sword flower is pulled out, seven points are real and three points are empty, and thirteen powerful post moves are hidden. They can attack and retreat and defend. The surrounding masters secretly nodded and thought Zuo Lengchan is worthy of being the world-famous leader of the Five Sacred Mountains, and his skill in swordsmanship is at the level of a master.

Song Qingshu secretly shook his head. When his cultivation level reached his level, most of the swordsmanship in the world was flawed. The opponent didn't know his true identity, so he attacked rashly. If he really wanted to, he could be hit hard with one move.

However, if it were displayed like that, it would be too shocking to the world. Zuo Lengchan is already a top expert in this world. If he loses with one move, even if he wears a mask, he will easily be guessed of his identity.

Of course, if he was asked to fight him slowly, he would not have the patience, so he stretched out his finger to bounce off the tip of his sword. The tip of the sword was misaligned, and all subsequent sword moves were meaningless.

Zuo Lengchan only felt the tiger's mouth numb, and he almost couldn't hold the long sword in his hand. He couldn't help being shocked, but he reacted quickly. He directly used the other hand to attack the opponent with the palm of Songyang, and he was also mixed with cold. Bing Zhenqi is ready to go.

In a blink of an eye, the two played against each other, Zuo Lengchan took a chance and retreated back, his chest rising and falling sharply.

"Okay!" The crowd of people eating melons around only saw Zuo Lengchan playing swords and waving his palms for a while. He was full of his figure in the field. The person on the opposite side seemed to be sinking at any time like a flat boat in the sea of ​​anger, so one He applauded for Zuo Lengchan.

Only Murong Fu and Shen Xiaolong on the side frowned secretly. Experts like them could naturally see that Zuo Lengchan had the upper hand on the surface, but in fact, he used all his best to survive the catastrophe.

"When is there such a super master in the martial arts?" Murong Fu felt a little heavy. In the early years, he was as famous as Qiao Feng. How prestigious is North Qiaofeng and South Murong, but he lost consecutively to Qiao Feng, Song Qingshu and later Wu Xi was shocked by Wu Xi. He was originally thinking that apart from these few people who are generally against the sky, he can still rank among the top masters. Who knows that an unfathomable mysterious master has emerged at this moment.

Shen Xiaolong on the side also frowned. He didn't participate in the team attacking Yilin before, but at this time he took the initiative to step forward and said: "Your martial arts are high, but this time we are scouting for the country, even if we know we can't do it. ."

After he finished speaking, he swung his long sword to attack. Song Qingshu saw his elegant swordsmanship and couldn't help but exclaimed, "Good swordsmanship!"

Murongfu knew that Shen Xiaolong alone was not the opponent of this mysterious person. He was worried about being defeated by him, so he immediately joined the battle group: "As long as he can kill the traitor, Murongfu doesn't care about the reputation of the world!"

Song Qingshu responded sarcastically: "Your Excellency can stand on the commanding heights of morality every time."

Murong Fu's face blushed, and he didn't distinguish, he just used the Murong family's martial arts to his heart's content, and even attacked with the eighteen palms of Jianglong.

Zuo Lengchan had just fought him, knowing his horror, and joined the battle group after gritting his teeth, hoping to use the power of the three masters to win the opponent more and less.

The four quickly fought and formed a group, but soon Murong Fu and others exclaimed:

"How did you attack me?"

"He took advantage of his strength."

"Isn't this the effort of your Murong family to change the stars."

"It's not Dou Zhuan Xing Yi, it's like the great movement of Ming Jiao."

"No, I think his **** looks like Shaolin's 72 stunts."


Song Qingshu’s current cultivation has long since turned decay into magic. Even if he does not reveal his original martial arts, he has displayed some of his opponent’s skills over the years. Although he does not know the specific mental methods, he can simulate a similarity of seven or eight points, and fight the opposite three. People complained endlessly.

But these people are the top masters in the world, let alone the three of them teaming up? You must know that Murong Fu plus a You Tanzhi can make Xiao Feng feel invincible. Now Murong Fu, who has the eighteen palms of the dragon, is better than him. The master-level Zuo Leng Chan martial arts is not in You Tanzhi. Next, if you add the martial arts skills of facing the enemy, it will be far better, not to mention that there is now one more martial arts high-strength three-love Taoist?

Song Qingshu frowned secretly. It was not difficult to beat the three of them, but it would not be so easy to beat them without revealing their own skills.

At this moment, a simple voice suddenly came from the door: "Master, who is this person?"

Hearing this voice, Zuo Lengchan was overjoyed and hurriedly exclaimed: "This man is an accomplice of the traitorous traitor. Kill him soon."

Song Qingshu was startled and followed his reputation. He saw a young man with a disheveled hair and a loyal and honest eyebrow appearing at the gate of the yard. It was the one who once had a fate in the sky!

He once participated in the Golden Snake Conference. At that time, he seemed to represent the Songshan School. He heard that he was saved by Zuo Lengchan on the road and then taught martial arts, so he called Zuo Lengchan as his master.

Song Qingshu knows exactly where Zuo Lengchan's martial arts are worthy of being Shi Potian's master? It must be Shi Po's natural and simple nature, and was bought by the surname Zuo with some means.

However, it can’t be said that Zuo Lengchan is useless at all. Shi Potian’s Arhat Fu Mo Gong has been practiced to an unprecedented level. Coupled with the coincidence of Yin and Yang, the internal strength is rare in the world, but in addition to his internal strength, other martial arts. But it was vulgar, and Zuo Lengchan was able to teach him brilliant swordsmanship and martial arts skills, giving birth to a top super master in the world.

"Hey, his breath is a bit weird." Song Qingshu keenly noticed that Shi Potian was very different from what Jin Snake Ying had seen at this time, as if he was a little jealous of power.

"Master, I don't like killing people, or I will subdue him and let Master get off." Shi Potian rubbed his hair in anguish. As soon as his voice fell, the person had already appeared before Song Qing's writing. The power of the power hit him, and where the fist wind passed, Zuo Lengchan, Murongfu and the Sanqing Taoists on the side were even wrinkled!

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