Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1700: Death of Wu Xi

Everyone on the scene was shocked, and the wind of fist wrinkled the faces of the three masters. What an exaggeration is this? You must know that this punch was not like a three-person blow. The three of them were just being wiped aside by the way.

This young man looked so simple and honest, how did he know that martial arts was so terrifying! Obviously, it only took a step, and it straddled ten feet to come to the enemy, and the terrifying punch seemed to **** up the surrounding air. It was obviously a force to destroy the world, but the entire compound was trapped. A kind of short-lived silence, I can only see the opening and closing of their respective mouths, but I can't hear what the people around me are saying.

Song Qingshu also has a solemn expression. It is important to know that the important basis for judging whether a person's martial arts is wise is the skill he exerts. The strength of the person with the lowest level is negligible, and naturally there is no need to discuss it; people with slightly higher martial arts, some whether it is Using a sword or punching can bring up a lot of strong wind. It may seem scary but in fact a lot of internal strength is wasted. It is not comparable to a master of the same level who can gather most of the internal strength to a point with the same internal strength; but if martial arts At a higher level, it is quite different. As the saying goes, the birth of a saint is bound to be accompanied by a natural alien. The other person's gestures can affect the surrounding environment. This is not because of his true anger, but because of his true spirit. Qi is scary enough to affect the surrounding environment!

Looking at the whole arena, there are very few who can reach this level. I didn't expect that Shi Potian was one of them.

He was clearly not so good at the Golden Snake Conference, but now he has made a qualitative leap. Why?

Song Qingshu's thoughts were like electricity, but his fist was already in front of him, and he slowly raised his hand, but came first and raised his palm to greet him.

With a loud bang, a terrifying wave of air dissipated. Murong Fu Zuo Lengchan and others were staggered by the shock, and those people farther away were even more embarrassed, falling one by one to the sky.

Song Qingshu took advantage of the situation and stepped back and stopped in front of Wu Xi and the others, dissolving the terrifying shock wave for them. After all, these people were seriously injured at this time. If they were swept away by this palm wind, they might just die.

Just now Song Qingshu appeared to stop Zuo Lengchan and others, Ren Yingying ran to Wu Xi and Yilin to check their injuries. Seeing the lover retreated here, she couldn't help but said anxiously: "They can't hold on anymore."

Song Qingshu looked back and saw Wu Xi's face was like gold paper, and Tian Boguang's eyebrows and beards were covered with ice scum, knowing that if it was delayed, even if Daluo Jinxian came, they would not be able to save them.

After pondering for a moment, he made a decision, although he wanted to know what happened to Shi Potian, but now it is important to save people first. So caught the crowd and jumped out of the Shu Palace.

"The thief stay away!" Zuo Lengchan and the others hurriedly chased after him. Shi Potian was taken aback and saw that everyone was chasing, although they were not clear, they also followed.

Although he was late to leave, a step span was several tens of feet, and he quickly surpassed the others.

Originally, seeing the mysterious person getting further and further away, Murong Fu, Zuo Lengchan and others stopped one after another, but seeing Shi Potian so vigorous, one by one gathered up the fighting spirit to follow.

With Song Qingshu's light work, even if it is carrying people, it is not a problem to get rid of people like Murong Fu Zuo Lengchan, but now that there is one more stone breaking the sky, his speed is too amazing.

Song Qingshu is not a big problem to get rid of him by himself, but now he still has four people with Ren Yingying, Wu Xi, Yilin, and Tian Boguang. Naturally, it is difficult to get rid of this tail.

However, he reacted quickly. Taking advantage of a turn to cut off the opponent's line of sight, he took a few people and jumped onto a big tree, and covered everyone's figure with the help of thick leaves.

Soon a group of people chased after them, but did not find their existence, and continued to chase them far away.

"Brother Linghu, what's the matter with you?" Yilin cried a bit in her voice.

"Hush!" Song Qingshu hurriedly stopped her, "Someone is back." At the same time, he had to sigh that the lives of people and people are really different. At this time, Tian Boguang was obviously also seriously injured, but Yilin didn't look at him.

However, this is not to say that Yilin has any bad heart, but the nature of human beings. It must be the person who cares most about her first reaction. As for Tian Boguang, just like the spare tires of later generations, it is naturally difficult to get the favor of the goddess. .

"It can be regarded as a kind of retribution for his evil a few years ago." Song Qingshu speculated maliciously.

At this moment, Shi Potian's group of people have returned, and many people bowed their heads and said dejectedly: "The dog runs really fast."

"With people running so fast, this person is really **** flimsy."

"Shi Shaoxia is also very good at light work. If it weren't because there were too many buildings in this city, that person would definitely not be able to escape."

"Shi Shaoxia is still very good, and he beat the boy out with a single punch and fled."


Shi Potian hurriedly waved his hand and said, "That man is very high in martial arts, not under me."

The others booed in a few words: "Younger, don't be humble. You punched him away because everyone saw it with his own eyes. Could there be any fakes?"

Shi Potian originally wanted to explain that the other party just stepped back because he was trying to resolve the aftermath of Wu Xi and the others, but a group of people kept complimenting him, so that he could not find the opportunity to interrupt. He was not good at talking. Later, all that was left was a smirk.

Murong Fu's expression on the side was a bit ugly. After all, his dignified Nan Murong and several other masters couldn't help but were beaten away by this stupid boy, making him really faceless.

Although Zuo Lengchan was also a little depressed, but this person is his nominal apprentice, and he is considered to be exposed, so it is nothing. As for the Taoist priests of Sanqing, he did not take this seriously and did not respond. Only Murong Fu wanted to take this opportunity to buy it. People's hearts, who knows that the limelight is all robbed by the stone.

"Wu Xi is now seriously injured and will not live long. We immediately announced that he has been punishable and purged Wu Xi's remaining party." Murong Fu knew that martial arts might be incomparable, so he could only get back from the officialdom where he was better at. One round.

"But that mysterious man's martial arts is so high, what if Wu Xi survives?" Someone questioned.

Murong Fu sneered and said, "What can we do if we survive? By that time, the situation is set. Can a traitorous traitor make any waves?"

"Young Master Murong really has a great opinion!"

"It deserves to be the Queen of Henan County."


Hearing the bragging of a group of people, Murong Fu's black face finally showed a smile: "Let's go back to the Shu Palace and arrange the follow-up!"

A group of people nodded and said yes, and soon surrounded him and left.

After everyone left, Ren Yingying said with a bit of annoyance: "These people really have no eyes. Although this martial arts is high, no one is your opponent. If it weren't for saving us, you can defeat him with one hand."

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "Why do you care about these people's gossip, and you are too exaggerated, Shi Potian's current cultivation is already among the top levels in the world, and it is not easy to beat him with one hand."

At this time, Wu Xi slowly opened her eyes and stared at the two in a daze: "Yingying, is that you?"

Ren Yingying sighed quietly, took off the mask, revealing her bright and moving face: "Master Linghu, I am now Mrs. Song."

Hearing what he said, Wu Xi coughed violently, and then smiled bitterly for a long time: "That's right, I was abrupt." Then she turned her head and said, "Then this must be Song Qingshu."

Listening to him calling his name directly, he was obviously a little bit brooding, Song Qingshu didn't mind, and took off the mask: "Brother Linghu, long time no see."

Linghu sighed: "I didn't expect to be rescued by you again."

Song Qingshu smiled and said, "Brother Linghu, don't have a psychological burden. I also have a plan to save you."

"I know what you want to ask, cough cough..." Halfway through the conversation, he couldn't help coughing violently again, the blood coughed up with chills.

Yilin on the side hurriedly said, "Master Song, can you save Brother Linghu first and then ask."

Song Qingshu nodded, knowing that his injury could not be delayed, grabbed a few people by the shoulders, and left here with light work.

The entire Chengdu city is full of people who hate Wu Xi, a traitor, and they are now under the control of Murong Fu, Yang Juyuan and others. It would be too dangerous to stay in the city. After thinking about going to the most suitable healing place, there is no better place to heal than outside the city. The Jinghu number is out.

Seeing him back, the people on the Jinghu ship immediately greeted him warmly. After all, they had a life-saving grace for them before, and in addition to the ambiguity with the mistress during that period of time, everyone had already regarded him as half the master.

At this time Ling Hu Chong had fallen into a coma. He was attacked by Zuo Lengchan, and he was more severely injured than Tian Boguang's type of frontal hitting Hanbing Zhenqi. However, Tian Boguang's internal strength was much worse than Linghu Chong's, so the last two people were in danger. The degree is half a catty.

Song Qingshu thought about saving Linghu Chong first, and Tian Boguang mostly knelt; saving Tian Boguang first...He didn't have his head.

In the end, the two people were rescued together, and they helped them to sit up on the bed, while Song Qingshu sat behind the two of them, and started to help them heal by pressing the big acupoints in their vests.

Half of their injuries were caused by the vibrations of the viscera and meridians, and half were caused by the cold zhenqi. Therefore, the cold zhenqi must be expelled from the body before they can slowly warm up the internal injuries.

Thanks to Song Qingshu's cultivation level, he has reached an incredible level, otherwise it would be easy to be frozen into popsicles by absorbing the cold air in the two people at the same time. You must know that in the original book, Ren Wo Xing was involved in Zuo Lengchan's cold calculation of the true qi. As a result, Linghu Chong, Xiang Wentian, and Ren Yingying took several hours to absorb the cold in his body. In the end, all of them became The ice sculptures are average.

Yilin was restless, fiddled with the prayer beads in her hand, muttering words in her mouth: "Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva of Great Compassion and Compassion, please bless Brother Linghu safe and sound. Yilin is willing to live a short life of ten years, no, twenty years. exchange……"

Hearing her words, Linghu, who was in a coma, twitched his eyelids slightly, as if he had heard them.

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