Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1701: Treason truth

Ren Yingying on the side was taken aback, and hurriedly pulled Yilin aside: "Don't worry, Song Lang will save him. Don't make such a vow."

Yilin shook her head: "As long as Brother Linghu is all well, I will have a short life of 20 years."

Seeing the tears in her eyes, Ren Yingying couldn't help being speechless. After a long time, she sighed faintly. The thing of love is the most hurtful.

Song Qingshu has a weird face. Did the little nun Yilin forget that Tian Boguang was also seriously injured, and she even blew herself up for her...

However, feelings have never been fair, and they can only show sympathy to Tian Boguang.

In the end, Ren Yingying took Yilin out because she was worried about disturbing the healing. Yilin didn't hesitate to hear that it might affect Linghu Chong's treatment.

Song Qingshu finally calmed down, Yun Gong helped the two of them to dissolve the icy qi. After a few hours, he withdrew the hand pressing Tian Boguang's back. Although both of them were seriously injured, Tian Boguang was only injured because of his low internal strength. Seriously, Zuo Lengchan's attack on him couldn't be compared with Linghu Chong.

Knowing that his conspiracy against Linghu Chong was a deliberate and long-established thunder strike, because he was afraid of the opponent's swordsmanship, so as soon as he gained the upper hand, he was completely aimed at the purpose of killing. If it hadn't been for Linghu Chong to practice Yi Jin Jing, Coupled with using Dugu Jiujian to force him back at the critical moment, I am afraid it would have been cold long ago.

At this time, Tian Boguang slowly opened his eyes: "Thank you Wang Qi for saving his life." There was no joy after being saved in his voice. On the contrary, he was full of loneliness. I must have heard Yilin's words just now.

Song Qingshu replied: "I shouldn't have saved you for your early mischief, but it would be too cheap for you once you die, so you can use the rest of your life to do good and accumulate virtue to make up for the sins of the year."

Tian Boguang smiled bitterly and said, "I deserved it if I was not a man or a woman, but what is more than the harm I caused to those women before? Qi Wang rest assured that Tian Yusheng will change his mind and make up for the mistakes he made in the past."

Putting down the butcher knife to become a Buddha is light and easy to say, but putting down the butcher knife is not easy. The reason why Tian Boguang has made such a big change now is that it is a prerequisite for that thing to be cut off by Master Fujie, and then fell in love with Yilin and tasted the bitterness of love is another reason. Both are indispensable.

Song Qingshu was also a little sighed and comforted: "This is the way things are in the world. People you like don't often like you. Look a little bit more."

Tian Boguang nodded in sympathy: "Don't bother you to heal him." Then he went to the next room to rest and recuperate with a desolate expression. Song Qingshu continued to heal Linghu Chongyun Gong, and after another hour he finally resolved the cold in his body. Bing was really angry, and the sky was slightly white at this time.

At this time Linghu Chong had woken up faintly, and he hesitated for a while and said ardently, "Thank you." For a long time, he regarded Song Qingshu as his unequal enemy, but he did not expect that one day he would let him rescue him and at the same time thank him.

However, Linghu Chong was a decent gentleman, and despite his awkwardness, he still expressed gratitude.

Song Qingshu shook his head: "Brother Linghu, you are welcome."

At this time, Yilin and the others hurried over when they got the news. Seeing Linghu awakened, they couldn't help but choked and said, "Brother Linghu!"

Ling Huchong also showed a slight smile: "Sister Yilin."

Yilin hurriedly looked at Song Qingshu: "Master Song, is Brother Linghu all right now?"

Song Qingshu shook his head: "How can it be so easy? It took me a night to clear the cold and true Qi from his body. As for the internal injuries of his meridians and viscera, he has not yet started to treat."

"Huh?" Yilin exclaimed, her small face filled with worry and disappointment.

Linghu Chong smiled bitterly: "Sister Yilin, don't embarrass Song... Young Master, half of my body has been buried in the soil because of the seriousness of my injury. If it weren't for him to take action, I'm afraid it would be difficult to see you again. Zuo Lengchan's cold ice The true qi is insane and poisonous. The previous sneak attack made it penetrate into my meridians. In the current world, he can resolve the horrible cold poison in my body overnight. I am afraid that only the one who has the cultivation base and the spirit is the same." He worried that Yilin did not understand the hardship. Explained specifically to her, but when he said that he admired and lost, he always regarded the other party as an imaginary enemy. I thought that after practicing the "Yi Jin Jing" martial arts should be able to compete with him, but he did not expect the strength of the two sides to be different. Farther and farther, even now he may not even be able to see his back.

Human nature is like this. Competitive jealousy arises when the level of the two sides are about the same, but once the difference is too much, all that is left is looking up and admiring.

Yilin opened her mouth wide: "It turns out that Yilin is so good, and she has so little knowledge, so don't blame Song Song."

Song Qingshu shook his head. Naturally, he didn't care about her, but looked at Linghu Chong and asked about topics that he was interested in: "Brother Linghu, although you know you need to rest now, can I ask you a few questions?"

Ling Huchong nodded, and leaned against the head of the bed with the help of Yilin: "You can ask."

"It is said that you are treasonous and self-reliant Shu King, is it true?" Song Qingshu asked.

Linghu Chong nodded: "That's right."

"Huh?" Ren Yingying exclaimed. Before this, she had always thought that there must be some misunderstanding, but he did not expect him to admit it in person.

Song Qingshu also frowned: "However, Brother Linghu's character should not be enough to do such a thing."

Ling Huchong sighed for a long time: "I didn't expect that the people in the world who would believe in me are you." Although he did not explicitly say, everyone understands what he meant. The whole world regards him as a treason, but only the old one. The rival believes in him.

Song Qingshu shook his head: "It's not just me, Yingying also believes in you, but also Yilin and Tian Boguang. These people believe in you."

"Thank you, Junior Sister Yilin," Linghu paused and looked at Ren Yingying on the other side, before continuing after a long time, "Thank you, Mrs. Song."

Ren Yingying's face is also a bit embarrassing, but it takes time to smooth out the scars in his heart.

After clearing up his emotions, Linghu Chong continued: "One day a few months ago, Jia Sidao's men suddenly came to the door and told me that they had found out my identity and knew that Wu Xi was a counterfeit from me, Linghu."

Song Qingshu secretly nodded his head. It was enough to hide his identity for a while, no matter where he could hide it, whether it was Han Dongzhe or Jia Sidao, both of them are scheming people and will find out his true identity sooner or later.

"Last time the matchup made the Jia Sidao group lose the election, I thought he sent someone to replace him this time," Linghuchong smiled, "but I didn't care very much. The reason why I came to Sichuan at the time. There is indeed... with the thoughts compared with Brother Song, but later learned that you have already married in court, and I know that there is no way to recover, this thought faded."

Ren Yingying said with an apologetic look: "Young Linghu, our father and daughter are indeed a bit sorry for you." At the beginning, Ren Woxing defeated the East Undefeated and regained the throne of the leader. Among them, Linghu Chong made the most important contribution. Betrothed her daughter to the more powerful Song Qingshu; as for Ren Yingying herself, putting her in the arms of other men made her kind-hearted very sad.

Linghu shook his head indifferently: "There is nothing to be sorry for. Feelings have always been like this. People you like may not like you." Obviously, he just heard Song Qingshu's words to comfort Tian Boguang and said with some empathy.

The thoughtful Ren Yingying was keenly aware that the other party wasn't necessarily referring to herself at this time. She naturally knew who Linghuchong had been unforgettable after having been with her for so long.

"Those people didn't break me down, but they asked me to make a deal with them and let me give them the seal, and they still let me enjoy all the high officials here," Linghu sneered, "but how am I that? This kind of person who is greedy for prosperity and wealth, coupled with the fact that he is a little frustrated and unwilling, of course would not agree to such an unclear handover..."

"Who knew that the other party suddenly took out the personal belongings of the junior and the younger..." At this point, Ling Huchong's expression flashed a trace of anger, which caused the injury in his body and couldn't help coughing violently.

Yilin on the side hurriedly brought a glass of water to him, and at the same time patted his back lightly to soothe his anger, Ling Huchong smiled gratefully at him, and then said: "The two things are very important I like it and keep it carefully, and I will never drop it accidentally. I was shocked and cold in my heart at the time, knowing that something must have happened to them."

"Sure enough, that person told me that the teacher and the younger sister are in their hands now. If they don't cooperate with them, they will not only be killed, but will also be inhumanly humiliated." Linghu squeezed his fist tightly, his most respected teacher and mother and How can he not be angry when his favorite childhood sweetheart encounters such a danger.

"These people are really shameless!" Ren Yingying and Yilin were filled with indignation, but Song Qingshu secretly sighed. Although shameless, they seized Linghu Chong's weakness and made him unable to resist.

Sure enough, Linghu said in a deep voice: "In order to avoid them being humiliated, I can only agree temporarily. They took my seal and put me under house arrest. There are people watching me day and night, and I am not allowed to contact the outside world. "

"It wasn't until later that they moved me to King Shu's Mansion that I faintly learned that they actually treasoned the country in my name!"

Seeing his angry look, Song Qingshu secretly sighed. Linghu is very clever and witty on weekdays. Once Yue Lingshan's IQ is not enough, his IQ will plummet. If he cooperates with each other fully, will the other party release Yue Lingshan's mother and daughter? ?

But now there is no need to criticize him anymore. Song Qingshu has to admire Jia Sidao's ruthlessness. In order to bring down Han Tong, he found out that Wu Xi had a problem with his identity and remained unwilling to say anything, and then held back such a big move. This time I am afraid it is over.

Taking the national fortune of the Southern Song Dynasty as a bet and sacrificing the lives of so many soldiers and civilians, it really deserves to be one of the most treacherous ministers in history! Song Qingshu was secretly wary in his heart, and he must be careful and careful in the future if he is an enemy.

After chatting for a while, Linghu started fighting with his eyelids. Knowing that he was seriously injured and weak, he stopped disturbing him and let him rest. Yilin volunteered to stay and take care of him.

Song Qingshu walked to the deck, Ren Yingying on the side took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his forehead: "Thanks for your hard work this evening."

Song Qingshu grasped her little hand and said with emotion: "It's still only the woman in her own family who knows that she loves me. Looking at that Yilin, I saved her lover, but in the end she only sees Linghu Chong, thank you without saying a word."

Ren Yingying was so embarrassed that she subconsciously wanted to withdraw her hand, but unfortunately she had no choice but to let him: "I feel sorry for Yilin like this, you won't have any thoughts about her too."

Song Qingshu looked speechless: "Am I so lustful in your heart? Don't worry, I'm not interested in little bald heads, nuns or anything, but I feel like a chill when I think about it. I'm not a monk."

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