Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1702: Bad embryo

Ren Yingying blushed and sipped: "What's the mess, the monk and the nun are not a couple."

"Who says it's not a couple, if you become a nun, I will run to become a monk." Song Qingshu hugged Ren Yingying in his arms and said with a drooling face.

Ren Yingying's face became more and more beautiful, and she pursed her lips and said with a smile: "If you want to be a monk, go by yourself, I'm not a nun."

The two of them were on the deck like this. I don’t know how long there was a joking voice from behind: "The two gods and relatives, I really envy others."

Ren Yingying had a tender face. At this time, she was smashed by someone who seemed to be frightened. She pushed her lover away and pretended to look at the river in the distance, but her slightly undulating chest showed that her mood was not so peaceful at this time. .

Song Qingshu looked back and found that Ruan Xingzhu was standing there with a smile, and Jiang Feng moved her dress to show her graceful body curve. Weiyu Ren laughed and the whole person was still so graceful.

However, Song Qingshu was still keenly aware of the faint fatigue from her eyebrows: "Madam came back so early, is everything arranged in order?"

Ruan Xingzhu knew what he was asking, and shook his head: "Things have changed. Now Yang Juyuan, Murong Fu and others have become major heroes in slaying the rebels and rebelling. The power of the entire Sichuan is divided and controlled by them. The limelight is rising again and has the right to speak. It is not a good time for me to jump out and expose the murder of his brother at this time, and ordinary people will not believe that the newly promoted hero is a traitor."

Song Qingshu nodded: "Yes, you will probably get a bite by him now to expose his true colors."

"So I can only hide first, collect all useful evidence slowly, and ruin him at a critical moment." Ruan Xingzhu bit his lip and said bitterly.

"This is a smart choice," Song Qingshu agreed with his approach, "Wait, you just mentioned how they became the heroes of killing the rebels and rebelling?"

Ruan Xingzhu explained: "Just in the middle of the night last night, Murong Fu had already announced to the world that they had been appointed by the court to put down the rebellion and that the traitor Wu Xi had been killed."

"Sure enough," Song Qingshu nodded, "Murongfu is clever this time. He took everything to the ground. The Southern Song court had to admit his identity even if he didn't want to, and also announced Wu Xi's death. Even if he appeared alive again, the other party It can also be said that he was faked by Linghu."

"It's windy here, you two come to my room and sit down for a while." Ruan Xingzhu invited.

Song Qingshu knew that she had something to say, but did not refuse. Ren Yingying was a little hesitant to leave first, but her lover held her hand tightly, and followed her with a warm heart.

After entering the room, Ruan Xingzhu personally poured tea for them, his eyes swept over the hands held together by the two of them, and he couldn't help covering his mouth with a smile: "The two are really affectionate."

Ren Yingying's face was hot, and she hurriedly retracted her hands.

"It's probably hard to find a man who loves his wife so much in this world." Ruan Xingzhu didn't mean to flatter his wife. You must know that even in Song Qingshu's previous life, in the 1970s and 1980s, when you were in a relationship, don't talk about holding hands. You may not even walk side by side. , Often walking in tandem, for fear of any gossip.

Etiquette is prevalent in this world, and it is even more stringent in this respect. You must know that the behavior just now falls into the mainstream values ​​is ill-mannered, so few men will publicly show some affectionate behavior. But women are emotional, their love for lovers is very useful, coupled with this harsh environment, they cherish this behavior even more.

Song Qingshu thought this was normal, and said with a smile: "I don't dare to be this name. There are still many good men in this world."

"Really..." Ruan Xingzhu didn't distinguish between them, and could not help thinking of her husband who had just been killed. Although they couldn't say how deep the relationship they had between them, she still had an uncontrollable grief.

Ren Yingying saw her sadness, and couldn't help but comfort her: "The deceased is dead, my wife has changed in mourning." Originally because of her previous imprisonment, she still had a lot of resentment towards Ruan Xingzhu, but she only learned of the changes in her home. I felt the same as a woman, and my grievances gradually disappeared.

"Thank you, Miss Ren," Ruan Xingzhu gave a grateful smile. After pulling the hair from the temples to his ears, he took the opportunity to wipe off the slightly moist corners of his eyes, and quickly picked up his mood, "Is Wu Xi really dead?" After all, Wu Xi is Han Dongxuan. Pushing it up with one hand, she also came to Shu this time for Wu Xi, but yesterday she made a series of things wrong because of changes in her home.

"I rescued him, he was not dead, he was seriously injured, but now he is also dead in this situation..." Song Qingshu gave a general overview of what happened in the Shu Palace last night.

"Sure enough, everything is controlled by Jia Sidao behind the scenes!" Ruan Xingzhu's silver teeth are broken. She belongs to Han Tong's camp, and she is quite hostile to Jia Sidao. Now that she heard him is the culprit that caused her owner to be in such a difficult situation. , How can you not be angry.

Song Qingshu said with a faint smile: "Before, my wife thought I did something in Sichuan."

Ruan Xingzhu thought that he suspected Song Qingshu at first, and tried all means to get close to him in order to spy on intelligence, only to find that it had nothing to do with him, but accidentally with him... he really lost his wife and broke down.

Thinking of the beauty of that period of time, Ruan Xingzhu's heart swayed. In order to conceal his expression at this time, he hurriedly apologized to the two of them: "Before, the concubine used the heart of a villain to treat the abdomen of the gentleman, which offends the two, especially Miss Ren, I am here to make amends for both of you."

Ren Yingying hurriedly helped her up: "Madam please hurry up. It is understandable that each person uses some means for his master. If I change places, I will probably behave like a wife."

Ruan Xingzhu sighed: "It has long been heard that the Sun Moon Church has always controlled its subordinates with high-pressure policies. Hundreds of thousands of religious people are afraid and afraid of the high-level people in Heimiya. The only exception is that they respect and love the saints. , I finally understand the feelings of those people now."

The two women quickly started a commercial mutual blowing model. After a while, Ren Yingying noticed that she was holding back the yawn, and then stood up and said: "Madam’s house has changed suddenly, and after a long and tiring trip, we didn’t close our eyes. Excuse me, Madam, take this opportunity to have a good rest."

Ruan Xingzhu smiled and said, "Miss Ren didn't have a rest all night, if you don't mind, just rest here."

Ren Yingying's face was stunned, but Song Qingshu hurriedly said, "That won't work, Yingying's body is weak, I have to warm her meridians for her."

When they heard the word Wenyang Meridian, the two women's faces were red. Whether it was Ruan Xingzhu or Ren Yingying, they all knew what he said about Wenyang Meridian. Even Ruan Xingzhu had personally experienced how he "warmed". of.

"If the son is reluctant to be the eldest lady, he can stay here and rest." Ruan Xingzhu looked at her meaningfully.

Song Qingshu's heart swayed, thinking what she meant, there was only one bed in this room, could it be... Thinking of the scene where countless men yy yy, some blood spurted, but he didn't show anything on his face, on the contrary it was. Said embarrassedly: "I'm afraid this is not so good..."

Ruan Xingzhu chuckled: "What is the son thinking? I'm joking with you. If I leave you here, I'm afraid I won't have the face to see people when it spreads out? What's more, Miss Ren is still here..."

Until coming out of her room, Song Qingshu still looked depressed, thinking that this woman just ran out of things, and actually dared to molest me. Ren Yingying on the side said with a smile, "I don't mind if you want to stay there." Although Song Qingshu never explicitly stated the relationship with Ruan Xingzhu, Ren Yingying already knew it.

"Then let's go back together." Song Qingshu raised her eyebrows, and when he finished speaking, he took her hand and wanted to return.

Ren Yingying was so ashamed that he hurriedly threw away his hand: "If you want to get back to yourself, who wants to be with you."

Song Qing laughed. He just said that on purpose, just to pierce her pretending to be magnanimous. Seeing her shy look, she couldn't help but feel pity, and she hugged her up in her exclamation, and quickly walked back to the room.

"You had a good luck all night last night, so let's take a good rest." Feeling his rapid pace, Ren Yingying didn't understand anything, her heart thumped and said blushing.

"You didn't know that I was beaten with iron." Kung Fu had already rolled her onto the bed while he was speaking.

After the next sorrowful voice, Ren Yingying seemed to be a delicate rose, biting her lips and groaning: "There are still people next door." After rescuing the people back to the boat before, they were rescued for the convenience of treatment. Arranged to live in a few rooms next door.

"Are you trying to say that Linghu is rushing next door, that's just right." Song Qingshu chuckled, and lowered his head again.

Although Ren Yingying has always been pure, but with Song Qingshu for so long, he naturally understood the careful thoughts of some men. Water waves flowed in his eyes, and faintly groaned: "What a bad embryo!"

However, despite the irritation in his tone, he gently stretched his arms, and the man hugging him gently accepted him...

In the next few days, Song Qingshu used Yiyang Zhi to treat Linghu Chong's internal injuries. His current cultivation has already reached an incredible level. Therefore, using Yi Yang Zhi to save people will not produce the serious sequelae of Master Yi Deng. Linghu Chong also has a body-absorbing star ** and a body protector of Yi Jin Jing, and his internal strength is also very profound. Therefore, with his help, the injury recovered much faster than expected.

Song Qingshu gave Linghu Chong the last treatment and said: "Next, Brother Linghu exercises his energy and adjusts his breath every day, and he should be healed in one or two months."

Linghu Chong sighed: "Brother Song really has great skill. With your help, I have not only recovered a life from such a serious injury, but also recovered so quickly. It is really incredible." He is an open-minded person. Some care, but during this period Song Qingshu has always spared no effort to help him continue his life and heal his injuries. In addition, seeing Ren Yingying’s sweet appearance with the other party during this period of time, knowing that this is her willingness and not being persecuted, so she also I was convinced of the loss, and the grudge was gradually put down.

Song Qingshu smiled and said, "Brother Linghu, you don't have to be polite. To a large extent, it is because you have a good foundation in your internal skills and you can recover quickly.

The two chatted for a while, and Linghu Chong said: "I will report Brother Song's life-saving grace again, but now the life and death of the younger sister and the younger sister is uncertain, I must leave to save them."

Song Qingshu pondered for a while and replied: "Young Master Linghu, I don't know if I should say something inappropriate." (https:)

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