Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1703: The situation reversed

Linghu arched his hands: "Brother Song, but said it's okay."

Song Qingshu came to the window and opened the window, looking at the surging river in the distance: "The mountains and rivers are full of mountains and rivers.

Linghu Chong's heart moved, and he opened his mouth, but in the end he said nothing.

Song Qingshu continued: "I know that you have always been in love with the little junior sister in your heart, but Luohua deliberately flowed ruthlessly. People just treat you as an older brother, and others like you. On the contrary, Yilin has been by your side and silently accompany you. Guarding you..."

Linghu Chong smiled bitterly: "I always treat Yilin as a younger sister, not to mention that she is a buddhist person, so how can I ruin her practice."

Song Qingshu shook his head, "Why do you deceive yourself? Yilin's fate is not over, as long as you say a word, she would have been vulgar ten times a long time ago."

Linghu stayed silent for a long time, and finally sighed quietly: "Emotions cannot be forced after all. People you like may not necessarily like you." Obviously, hearing Song Qingshu's words to Tian Boguang resonated deeply. .

When Song Qingshu left the room, he faintly left a sentence: "Humanity is like this. When you have it, you don't cherish it. You can't regret it when you lose it."

Linghu Chong sat by the window, and suddenly thought that when she was with Yingying, it was the younger sister in her heart that she couldn't forget. As a result, Yingying was robbed by Song Qingshu, and she realized what it is to be heartbroken; now Yilin is taking care of me, and I am the same. Thinking of Junior Sister, if someone else takes it away again, will I regret it again when that happens?

Early the next morning, Linghu Chong resigned to Song Qingshu and the others because he was going to save his sister and his younger sister. It was hard for everyone to stay. However, because his injury had not healed, Yilin offered to walk with him to take care of him. Everyone thought he had always taken care of him. His temperament would refuse, but to everyone's expectations, he actually accepted it in one fell swoop.

Compared to Yilin's overjoyed joy, Tian Boguang on the side was naturally depressed, frustrated and rejected Linghu Chong's invitation, and decided to return to Hengshan lonely.

Seeing the three people leave, Ren Yingying sighed quietly: "I hope they can have lovers and finally get married."

Song Qingshu naturally knew that they did not include lewdness. Thief Tian Boguang said with a smile: "Is this because you want to make up for Linghu Chong because of your guilt?"

Ren Yingying did not deny: "After all, our father and daughter are sorry for him. If he can be with Yilin, I will feel less guilty." As she said, she couldn't help raising her head and glaring angrily. He glanced at him: "Speaking of all, it's not because of you."

Song Qingshu smiled, and put her in his arms, feeling quite proud of the love he had done this time with a sword in his heart.

"Cough cough~" There was a light cough not far away, and Ruan Xingzhu said with a smile but a smile, "The two are so affectionate, I really envy others."

During this time, Ren Yingying was also used to her ridicule, and she smiled when she heard the words: "Madam, if you like, you can also come and hug him, I don't mind."

Ruan Xingzhu’s cheeks blushed. She ridiculed the other party on weekdays. She didn't expect the other party to fight back like this. He was caught off guard for a while, and hurriedly moved away from the subject: "There is new information in the city."

"Oh?" Song Qingshu was also very concerned about this. After all, Ruan Xingzhu counted as half a snake here, so she went around to inquire about intelligence on weekdays.

Ruan Xingzhu continued: "Murongfu declared that Wu Xi is dead, and the court appointed him as deputy envoy of Sichuan Xuanfu." The forgery of edicts by Jinshi Yang Junyu and others was to appoint him as the envoy of envoy. Now the official imperial decree is changed to a higher level. The reason why the deputy envoy of Xuanfu is deputy is because Song Ting customarily serves as the minister of Xuanfu. Although Murongfu has made great contributions, he still lacks seniority, so he can only serve as deputy envoy.

Song Qingshu frowned: "This edict came too soon." You must know that it takes less than ten days for a group of them to raid the Shu Palace, and Sichuan is thousands of miles away from Lin'an, waiting for the news to reach Lin'an. , Lin'an will react again, and the news will come back. It will take about a month to come and go, but the reality is that the official edict will arrive almost immediately.

Ruan Xingzhu nodded: "I also think it's a bit weird. The whole thing went as if... as if it had been arranged long ago."

Song Qingshu thought of what Linghu Chong had said before, and suddenly realized: "Presumably Jia Sidao has prepared everything. He was planning to close the net these days. It just so happened that middle-level officers like Shen Xiaolong were also planning to punish Wu Xi, and hit a piece on both sides. ."

"Yes, I heard Yang Juyuan mentioned earlier that he seems to have taken refuge in Jia Sidao," Ruan Xingzhu folded his arms, she was originally Han Tongxuan's most ace spy, and she was good at analyzing this information, "and from the whole thing. Most of Murong Fu had already known about it. The only people who were kept in the dark were Shen Xiaolong, Jinshi Yang Junyu and others. They were passionate but unknowingly they became Jia Sidao's pawns."

Ren Yingying on the side said with emotion: "I thought the storms in the rivers and lakes were already curious enough, but compared with these political veterans, they are completely insignificant." No wonder she has such emotions, like Zuo Lengchan. A scheming person can already be regarded as a confidant of the Sun Moon God Sect, but now he is just a dog under Jia Sidao.

"Hook-thief punishes and country-stealers, this has been the case since ancient times," Ruan Xingzhu gave a wry smile, and then continued, "After dealing with Wu Xi's surviving party a few days ago, the generals headed by Sanqing Taoist Shen Xiaolong asked to take advantage of the situation. Four states. Murongfu quickly agreed, and then Shen Xiaolong sent troops to recover Xihezhou in one fell swoop; **, Li Jian recovered Chengzhou; Liu Changguo recovered Jiazhou; Zhang Yi recovered Fengzhou; Sun Zhongrui recovered Dasanguan. Now Shen Xiaolong marched to Dutouling and joined the local militia to attack the Golden Army. Jin general Wanyanqin fled. Shen Xiaolong marched into the city. The soldiers and people cheered. He asked to take advantage of the victory and enter Qin Long to contain the Jin army that invaded Huaihe River." The people who arrived were all middle-level military officers in Sichuan, who had been suffocated for a long time, but now they have been released, all of them like tigers.

"What!" Song Qingshu was shocked. Before, the biggest headache for him in Jinting was all enemies on all sides. Finally, thanks to Wu Xi's rebellion, the northern expedition army in Sichuan ended without problems. He sent the Loyalty Army to the west and fought a series of victories to guard all of Sichuan. Only after leaving the pass of Sichuan, can the main force of the Kingdom of Jin be easily mobilized to the Huainan area to deal with the main force of the Song Army's Northern Expedition.

But I didn’t expect that the Jin Army left behind in the west would be defeated. If the war burned to Guanzhong Qinlong, then the defense on the west of Jin Guo would collapse, and the main force from the east would inevitably be drawn. Then there was a series of chain reactions. The original situation The great east side may be counterattacked back by the Southern Song Dynasty, especially now that the Jin Army can be regarded as deep into the territory of the Southern Song Dynasty. If it can’t keep the soldiers supplemented to give it continuous pressure, when the Southern Song Dynasty court launches a siege from all over the country, the main force of the Jin Kingdom wants to retreat. Can't go back.

Song Qingshu naturally did not want to see such a situation happen. He thought for a while and said, "Does Madam want to avenge her husband?" He intends to uncover Wu Xi's treason plot and make Sichuan confuse himself, but he has no evidence in his hands. Planning to start from Yang Juyuan.

To his surprise, Ruan Xingzhu shook his head and said: "I naturally want to avenge my husband, but it is not now. The time is not ripe and I don't have enough evidence. Second, now they are going north to attack the Kingdom of Jin, which can just alleviate Han Xiang. pressure."

Song Qingshu realized that all the other party's actions represented Han Tong's interests. Although she hated Yang Juyuan, she was happy to see the Sichuan army marching northward to attack the Kingdom of Jin.

Song Qingshu didn't say anything anymore. After all, it was impossible to tell her about his relationship with Jin Guo. After chatting a few words at random, he went back to the room with Ren Yingying.

"It seems that we can only figure out a solution by ourselves, but now we have no foundation in Sichuan, and there is nothing we can do if we want to intervene." Ren Yingying said worriedly.

Song Qingshu laughed confidently: "In fact, the method is very simple. In the face of complex and sophisticated conspiracy, the most direct way is to break the game with force."

"Use force to break the game?" Ren Yingying was a little puzzled.

"What do you do with your husband and my abilities?" Song Qingshu said proudly, "It's a big deal, just like what they did to Linghu Chong, and put Murong directly under house arrest, and then just follow his orders." Before Jia Sidao's layout was completed by the joint efforts of many henchmen, although he has only one person now, it is not difficult to achieve the same effect with absolute martial arts.

"Look at you." Although Ren Yingying said so in her mouth, her eyes were full of worship and admiration...

After night fell, Song Qingshu quietly left Jinghu and sneaked into Chengdu City, all the way to Murongfu's mansion. During this time, he had already investigated the relevant information clearly and naturally knew where his mansion was.

After Wu Xi's rebellion, the whole Chengdu city seemed to be overwhelmed with an atmosphere of silence, and a curfew was imposed at night, but this could only stop ordinary people. It is rare to live in the martial arts.

When he arrived at Murongfu's mansion, Song Qingshu couldn't help being cautious. Now that the other party, as the deputy envoy of Xuanfu, can almost be regarded as the first military and political person in Sichuan, the guards at the house are naturally heavily guarded.

Cautiously touching his study all the way, Song Qingshu wondered that he must subdue the other party in the shortest possible time, otherwise his next plan would not work if he alarmed others.

If the people on the rivers and lakes know that someone plans to subdue the famous Murong Fu with a trick, he will subconsciously think it is a fairy tale, but Song Qingshu is now able to pass the sky and the earth, coupled with the enemy's light and the dark, he has full confidence .

"Hey, why are there other people in the study?" The candlelight in the room printed the reflections of two people. Song Qingshu frowned slightly and hid quietly under the eaves by the window, planning to figure out the situation first.

"The situation is very good now, why should they be allowed to retreat?" Murong Fu's roar soon came from inside, obviously very emotional.

"It's useless for you to yell at me, this is what the master meant." Another voice rang, and it was Yang Juyuan!

"It's actually him." Song Qingshu was secretly surprised. The grandfather in the other party's mouth was obviously Jia Sidao, and he hurriedly looked in through the gap in the window.


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