Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1704: All thoughts

I saw Murong Fu say: "The Lord is thousands of miles away from here, maybe he still doesn't know the results of the Northern Expedition..."

Yang Juyuan on the opposite side interrupted him directly: "I have already said it very clearly. The grandfather told you to retreat and you are not allowed to attack without authorization. Do you not understand or what's the matter?"

Seeing that the other party's face was uncertain, Yang Juyuan took out a token and sneered: "Don't you dare to disobey the grandfather's meaning? Don't forget that you are now the deputy envoy of Xuanfu, whose credit is it?"

"Subordinates don't dare!" Murong Fu hurriedly bent over to salute.

"Forgive you for not dare." Yang Juyuan snorted and walked away directly.

After he left, several retainers walked in. Murong Fu couldn't hold back anymore, and directly smashed the teacup on the ground: "But it's just a dog under Jia Sidao. He actually dared to show off in front of me. ."

Baodi hurriedly stopped and said, "No, no, please be cautious. Now we can't offend Jia Sidao."

Song Qingshu, who hung upside down outside the window, smiled knowingly. It turned out that it was these two live treasures. Why didn't you see them in the Shu King's Mansion last time.

Murong Fu snorted coldly: "I know naturally, otherwise I won't let him leave with such a swagger!"

The storm on the side said irritably, "That Jia Sidao doesn't know what's going on. Our son's prospects for the Northern Expedition are so good. It's a good time to make contributions to the world, and he actually came out to obstruct him a lot."

"Neither!" Baodi continued shook his head, "There are two mistakes. First, our son has put down the traitor Wu Xi. He is already famous in the world, and there is no need to make contributions. Second, Jia Sidao has always been firm. The main faction of the Chinese Communist Party, Han Tongzhen is the main battle group. Now, because of the previous series of Northern Expedition failures, Han Tongzhen’s status is shaky. At this time, if the Northern Expedition in Sichuan succeeds, wouldn’t it be necessary for the Kingdom of Jin to transfer troops from the east Dealing with the Western Front? That way, if Han Tong gets a respite, he might be able to make a comeback. How could Jia Sidao give him such a chance? That's why it's strange not to obstruct."

Song Qingshu couldn't help but laugh when he heard that the bag was different. According to the popular words on the Internet, this strange flower was simply a good trick. However, his analysis just now made sense. He also cared about it and didn't follow Jia. As if thinking about the whole situation with his current mentality, it is indeed impossible for him to sit back and watch the Northern Expedition here in Sichuan help Han Tong continue his life.

The turmoil inside was extremely shocking: "Is this Jia Sidao sacrificing the interests of the country and the people to satisfy his own selfish desires?"

Baodi changed his old frivolous tone this time, and changed his tone to a bit more earnest: "For these politicians, which one is not like this? In this regard, the son should learn more like him."

Murong Fu nodded and asked in a deep voice, "Then what shall we do next, do we really obey Jia Sidao's orders and do nothing?"

"Neither!" Baodi shook his head and shook his head, "Jia Sidao wants to listen, but it's not doing nothing. In fact, it is not a good thing for Jia Sidao to stop the northern expedition of the son. The son is now pacifying Wu Xi's merits. It’s already big enough, so even if the Northern Expedition’s results are brilliant, they will face no reward; but if there are twists and turns in the war, the son will face severe punishment. So it is better to follow Jia Sidao’s instructions to retreat."

"Of course it is by no means totally listening to Jia Sidao's arrangement. The son is aspiring to rejuvenate the Kingdom of Yan, and Sichuan has been the land of abundance since ancient times and the land of Longxing. Back then, the Kingdom of Qin and Sichuan were able to sweep the world, and Han Gaozu also had the origin of Sichuan in Han The continuous support of the logistics personnel can only win the battle for hegemony between Chu and Han. Now it is God's will for the son to get Sichuan. It seems that the Murong family's hope of rejuvenating the Yan country for dozens of generations will be realized here."

Hearing his remarks, Murong Fu couldn't help being overjoyed: "Big Brother Bao really saw far-reaching views, but now I am only the highest official in Sichuan in name, and there are many people who will not listen to me, so I am afraid it is still too time to talk about Jianguo. Too early."

"Isn't there a great opportunity to clean up Sichuan's officialdom now?" Baodi smiled.

"Oh?" Murong Fu's expression moved, and even Song Qingshu outside became interested.

"Didn't Jia Sidao let the young man restrain his subordinates from sending troops, but the arrogant soldiers under him may not be obedient. The young man can arrange for them to defeat, and then use military law to dispose of a group of generals who are not direct descendants." Bao is different. Said in a low voice.

The turmoil on the side frowned, "This is not the work of a gentleman."

"Neither, nor, your kind called the benevolence of women." Baodi disapproved, "The son is in the world, and the emperors of the past dynasties are to be compared. Naturally, they cannot be evaluated by general moral judgment standards."

Fengbo opened his mouth in horror, and wanted to refute, but how could he have said that he was different, and finally realized that he was a retainer of the Murong family, he secretly sighed and stopped talking.

Song Qingshu outside the window secretly thought, this bag is different from what he usually looks at, but he did not expect to occasionally come up with one or two good ideas. If Murongfu operates as he said, he can indeed quickly establish a set of loyalty to himself. Team.

After listening for a while, Song Qingshu quietly retreated when he could not hear anything of value. He originally came here to control the experience of imitating Linghu Chong and control the recurrence of Murong and give orders to solve the hidden dangers of Jin Guo's western frontier line. But now Knowing that Jia Sidao had intervened, the Northern Expedition of the various troops in Sichuan would definitely end without a problem. Naturally, he didn't need to control Murong Fu, so he planned to watch the show first.

Sure enough, the situation in Sichuan changed within two days. Shen Xiaolong asked Qin Long to take advantage of the victory to contain the Jin army who invaded the Huaihe River. Murong did not allow it, and his morale was greatly frustrated. On the same day, the Dasanguan was taken back by the Golden Soldiers because of the late support.

Guard Sun Zhongrui was furious. After returning, he had no time to take off his blood-stained shirt and went straight to Murongfu's mansion, cursed him, and then left angrily.

Soon Murong Fu called Yang Juyuan to discuss and pointed out that Sun Zhongrui was a descendant of Han Tong, and he was thinking of making achievements in the Northern Expedition and reducing the pressure on the east front for Han Tong. Now although he is temporarily held down, the ghost knows what he will do next. What to do in case of a bad grandfather.

Not long ago, Yang Juyuan changed his door and took refuge in Jia Sidao from Han Dong's subordinate. He has been a little uneasy about this, thinking about establishing a contribution to gain a firm foothold in front of the new owner.

So he agreed to Murong Fu's arrangement and sent troops to pretend to be a golden soldier, and killed Sun Zhongrui on his way to the new place.

This incident caused an uproar in Sichuan officialdom. After all, the place where Sun Zhongrui was killed was within the control of the Southern Song Dynasty. How could there be a golden soldier? Because of the fierce quarrel with Murong Fu just before, many people suspected that it was his black hand.

Unlike other people's secret guesses, Shen Xiaolong, a Taoist priest, went directly to Murongfu's mansion to question him. He has military power under his command and his martial arts is strong, so he is not worried about what Murongfu will do to him.

Facing his repeated questioning, Murong Fu showed a hesitant expression, as if there was something unspeakable. Finally, Shen Xiaolong stepped back and went to the secret room to discuss with him. Murong Fu hesitated to come up with a document. It records the roster of those soldiers mobilized by Yang Juyuan the previous day, as well as the details of all operations, saying that this is the result of his investigation these days.

Learning that the murderer was Yang Juyuan, Shen Xiaolong was shocked, and at the same time expressed incomprehension and doubt, then Murong Fu half-truth informed him that Yang Juyuan was a subordinate of Jia Sidao, and pointed out that he also wanted to conquer the Central Plains by the Northern Expedition. But he couldn't hold back Jia Sidao's will, and Yang Juyuan was Jia Sidao arranged to monitor his chess pieces.

Before saying this, Murong Fu investigated Shen Xiaolong in detail and knew that he had always been neutral, and he had neither taken refuge in Han Tong, nor was he under the command of Jia Sidao. He was one of the few people in the officialdom who was devoted to the country.

Sure enough, Shen Xiaolong was filled with outrage after learning the whole story. In his opinion, power struggle is the same thing, but it would be totally intolerable to gamble on national movement and the lives of soldiers and civilians for the sake of power struggle.

Murong Fu took a look at his expression, and continued to say that if he were not worried about the turmoil in Sichuan, he would definitely get rid of him by himself. After listening, Shen Xiaolong left thoughtfully.

Let’s say that after Song Qingshu eavesdropped on Murongfu’s conversation with Yang Juyuan, he let Ren Yingying go down the river and went to Jianghuai to inform Daiqisi not to mess her up because of the Sichuan West Front. The problems here are all to be dealt with. Solve it for him.

This is thousands of miles to Jianghuai. If Song Qingshu has the choice, he doesn't want Ren Yingying to run all the way, but this time he is handing over with Daiqisi. The relationship is too important to be leaked, and only the closest person can be sent there. Fortunately, this trip went straight down the river, which saved a lot of rushing.

After Song Qingshu asked her to notify Daiqisi, she continued to Yangzhou to inform Zhou Zhiruo to send troops westward, pretending to cooperate with the Song army to put pressure on the Kingdom of Jin and promote peace talks between the two sides.

After all, this time the Southern Song and Northern Expedition Golden Snake Camp had agreed to participate, but kept playing soy sauce, which has caused dissatisfaction among many people. In order to avoid losing people's hearts, the posture should be done.

After Ren Yingying left, Song Qingshu has been silently observing Murongfu's actions. On this day, he suddenly found Ruan Xingzhu: "Madam, let's avenge you today, right?"

"Today?" Ruan Xingzhu was a little surprised, saying that during this period of time, her mood fluctuated greatly. Originally, she was very happy to see the Sichuan army's northern expeditions victorious, but what followed was a wave of defeat. Recently, the army has even died down, as if not People mentioned the Northern Expedition.

At the moment of depression, she didn't react to Song Qingshu's words for a while.

Song Qingshu said meaningfully: "If you don't report today, I'm afraid there will be no chance of revenge in the future."

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