Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1705: Broken incense

Ruan Xingzhu was a little puzzled: "Why?" The reason why she postponed her revenge was that she hadn't found decisive evidence to bring down Yang Juyuan, but a big reason was that he is so popular now that he has become one of the top leaders in Sichuan. One, now he is at the peak of his life, why does he have no chance to avenge him?

Song Qingshu then told her some of the things he had been silently paying attention to Murong Fu during this period of time. Of course, he didn't tell her all about it, just let her know that Murong Fu had decided to get rid of Yang Juyuan.

"It deserves them to bite the dog!" Ruan Xingzhu said bitterly. Whether it was Yang Juyuan, who killed her husband, or Murong Fu, who was a runaway Jia Sidao, she didn't have a good impression.

"But let Yang Juyuan die like this, it's really too cheap for him!" Ruan Xingzhu suddenly gritted his teeth, thinking of her husband treating this younger brother so graciously, but the other party not only killed him, but also plotted against her sister-in-law.

"Murongfu invited Yang Juyuan to a banquet in the suburbs today. I think he intends to do it today." Song Qingshu said, Yang Juyuan is now considered hot, and the defenses around him are also tight on weekdays. What is not good about Murongfu's banquet to him. He chose to be in the outskirts. This is not a deliberate deployment of his guards.

After his analysis, Ruan Xingzhu also deeply agreed: "It seems that Murong Fu can't be restrained. You can't let Yang Juyuan, a dog thief, die so easily! But now Murong Fu is so powerful, we still have to avoid direct conflict with him. ."

"Don't worry," Song Qingshu smiled, "He won't be so stupid as to do it at the banquet, so he is unknown if he is the murderer? In my opinion, he will most likely choose to go to the banquet on the way to the banquet by Yang Juyuan or return to the city after the banquet. On the way."

After that, the two ambushed Yang Juyuan's only way to the banquet. Song Qingshu was extremely accomplished, and even with Ruan Xingzhu, he did not disturb his accompanying guards in the slightest.

The two followed him to the banquet venue on the outskirts of the city. Nothing happened along the way. The two looked at each other and understood that the killing would probably be on the way home, so they continued to hide.

A few hours later, Yang Juyuan, who was full of food and drink, said goodbye to everyone, got on the sedan chair drunk and began to return to the city.

"It seems that this time I took refuge in Jia Sidao. It was a good bet. Although it was not bad before, there is no chance to cross the top officials of the entire Sichuan officialdom like this every day." Yang Juyuan can be said to be proud of the spring breeze at this time, thinking that he can take the Yang family. Take it to an unprecedented height.

"The only regret is that Ruan Xingzhu didn't know where he was." A haze flashed across Yang Juyuan's face. After Wu Xi was dealt with that day, he ran back to Yang Mansion anxiously. He originally planned to go to Wushan with his long-awaited sister-in-law to enjoy it. Fan, when he came back, he found that the other party was missing!

This shock is no small thing, if you let her shake things out, then everything is over. It's a pity that he sent countless people and didn't find out the other party. In addition, during this period of time, the other party did not jump out to accuse him, he finally relieved.

"I think she is afraid of my current power." Yang Juyuan can be said to be unable to stop when he tastes the taste of power. Now he is not afraid of the other party saying anything nonsense, because he has enough confidence to control public opinion, and instead label the other party a licentious. Woman label.

"I hope you can understand the current affairs. Now Han Tong's downfall is a foregone conclusion. The Ruan family you rely on will also be destroyed at any time. If you come to serve me well, I can protect your Ruan family." Because of the upsurge of wine, Thinking of some excitement, Yang Juyuan only felt a fire surge in his lower abdomen.

Thinking of the beauty, suddenly the screams from outside awakened him from his fantasy. Just as he was about to ask what had happened, the sedan chair rolled to the ground. He knew that he had mostly met an assassin. He was drunk and awakened instantly. Pulled out the waist knife and broke the sedan chair.

To his surprise, there was only a black-clothed masked man outside. He originally thought Ruan Xingzhu had come to assassinate him for revenge.

"Who are you?" Yang Juyuan held his waist knife tightly, his eyes swept over the nearby corpses, his pupils tightened instantly, and the other party eliminated his accompanying guard in such a short period of time. He was obviously a master. .

The man in black did not answer, and he stabbed him directly with his sword. Yang Juyuan hurriedly mobilized twelve points of spirit to deal with him. He also has a good martial arts, but he is not too afraid of the other party, thinking about the time he needs to support. The longer, when other officials pass by here, they will be saved.

However, the opponent's swordsmanship is like a tarsal maggot, and it is extremely spicy. It didn't take long for him to have several **** scars. In addition, he drank alcohol after all, and his martial arts was greatly reduced compared to the past. It was an oversight. The sword is in the wrist, where the blood is rushing to hold the waist knife?

"Sanqing swordsmanship, you are the **** Shen Xiaolong!" Even though he lost his fighting power, Yang Juyuan suddenly became clear, and he cursed when he thought of something.

Seeing that his identity was seen through, the man in black no longer concealed it and pulled off his mask. As expected, it was Shen Xiaolong, the Taoist priest: "The surname is Yang, today is your death date."

"Where did I offend you?" Yang Juyuan was shocked and angry, cursing while dodging back.

"If you don't know what you can do, you can make amends to Sun Zhongrui when you get to Jiuquan." Shen Xiaolong snorted coldly, and he was about to stab him with his sword.

Yang Juyuan hurriedly yelled: "Wait a minute, Murong Fu's idea was to kill Sun Zhongrui, and it has nothing to do with me."

Shen Xiaolong sneered: "You dare to plant the blame until now! I went to check it carefully. The soldiers who attacked Sun Zhongrui were all personal soldiers under your command, and even though Murong Fu is nominally your chief, you have The Yang family sits on the backing, who wouldn't be afraid of you three points, how could he make you move? Say no more, just die!"

I have been delayed for a lot of time here. I was worried that other officials would pass by with his entourage later. Shen Xiaolong was worried that Ye Changmeng would have many dreams, so he pierced his throat with a sword.

Seeing that he was about to get justice for Sun Zhongrui, a small stone suddenly flew over and hit the tip of his sword. Shen Xiaolong felt his mouth tingle, almost unable to hold the long sword in his hand, and couldn't help but look aside in amazement.

I don't know when there is already a man and a woman on the side. The man is tall and straight, and the woman is graceful. It can be seen that they are not old, but both of them are veiled and can't see their appearance.

"Who are you?" Shen Xiaolong was terrified.

This pair of men and women are naturally Song Qingshu and Ruan Xingzhu. Pointing to Yang Juyuan who was scared to death, Song Qingshu said in a deep voice, "I want this person."

"You were the one who rescued Wu Xi that night!" At this time, Shen Xiaolong finally felt a familiar breath from him.

Song Qingshu smiled faintly: "Since you recognize me, then you should be clear that it is not my opponent."

Shen Xiaolong's complexion changed, and he was obviously undergoing a fierce psychological struggle, but in the end he bowed his hand and chose to leave. Although he wanted to avenge Sun Zhongrui, he was not stupid. He knew that it was not his opponent that made senseless sacrifices.

"Wait a minute!" The voice suddenly coming from behind made him startled.

"What else can you advise?" Shen Xiaolong was about to stand up all over his hair.

Noting that his hands holding the sword were a little white, Song Qingshu laughed blankly: "Don't be nervous, just want to remind you, be careful of Murong Fu."

Shen Xiaolong was startled: "What do you mean?"

Song Qingshu shook his head: "No matter how much I tell you now, you may not believe it, you can only say it all. You just need to remember this sentence." This Shen Xiaolong is a loyal man, and I don't want him to die in vain. Murong Fu's hands.

Shen Xiaolong frowned, suddenly thinking of what Yang Juyuan had just said, a shadow in his heart was inexplicably cast, and finally left with full of doubts.

Seeing him leaving, Yang Juyuan on the side breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly got up to salute Song Qingshu: "Thank you En Gong for your help. Dare to ask En Gong Gao's name? Yang must be a good return."

"Gongong?" Song Qingshu laughed dumbly, too lazy to talk nonsense with him, pointed him at his sleeping acupoint, raised him and left the scene.

When Yang Juyuan woke up, he was shocked to find that he was in a wilderness. When he looked up, he saw a stone tablet with the words "Yang Gongzhen Zhenzhong's Tomb", and he couldn't help being frightened.

"This, this..." A few days ago, he personally buried his eldest brother, how could he not know where this is?

Standing not far away, Song Qingshu said to Ruan Xingzhu: "This person will be handled by Madam."

Ruan Xingzhu's eye circles were a little red, and he pursed his lips: "Thank you, son!"

At this time, the two took off the face towels, and Yang Juyuan finally saw her appearance, and couldn't help being frightened and angry: "Bitch, it's you!"

Ruan Xingzhu sneered and said: "Last time I said that you would be retributed for doing such a thing that violates moral principles. You still don't believe it. I didn't expect it to happen so soon, right?"

Yang Juyuan's face changed, and he quickly squeezed out a smile: "Sister-in-law, I was joking with you last time, you must not take it seriously."

"Are you kidding?" Ruan Xingzhu sneered again and again.

"Yeah, it's just a joke," Yang Juyuan explained hurriedly, "Big brother treats me with such kindness, how could I harm him? If you don't believe me, you can open the coffin for an autopsy now to see if he committed suicide or killed him."

"Want to take this to procrastinate?" Ruan Xingzhu snorted, "Why did you treat me wrongly before then?"

"Sister-in-law, it was because I was so fascinated that I was shocked when I saw you the day you married into the Yang family. But you are my sister-in-law. I can only suppress this emotion in my heart. Later, my elder brother unfortunately passed away. , I thought I could finally pursue you, so I was confused for a while. I drank some wine that day, so I said some nonsense... "It's a matter of life, Yang Juyuan's brains are now many times faster than usual.

"What a clever tongue is like a spring, wait for you to explain it to Zhenzhong under Jiuquan." Ruan Xingzhu said on his collar, dragging him to the tombstone of his husband like a dead dog.

Yang Juyuan finally realized that he would not be spared today, so he scolded: "Who is that man just now? Is it your concubine, you sorrowful girl vixen, you found a wild man just as soon as your eldest brother died."


At first he screamed hard, but later he screamed with pleading:

"Don't kill me. Killing my Yang family will be the end. Even if there is spirit in the sky, the eldest brother will not agree with you to do this."

"Bitch! When the Yang family breaks the incense, the ancestors of the Yang family will curse you!"


Song Qingshu in the distance sighed, "I knew this before, so why bother in the first place."

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