Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1706: Not the way

After about an hour, Yang Juyuan’s screams were full of breath again, and gradually became low and sinking, and finally quietly, after a while, Ruan Xingzhu slowly walked out, with red eyes, apparently just crying, no I know whether I am happy to avenge my grievances or I am sad when I pay homage to my husband.

Seeing patches of blood stained on her dress, Song Qingshu asked with concern: "Madam is okay?"

Ruan Xingzhu shook his head and smiled reluctantly: "It's okay, it's that person's blood."

Song Qingshu shuddered, thinking that she should never provoke a woman. The woman's revenge was too cruel. Just now, Yang Juyuan was probably tortured no less than Lingchi.

Ruan Xingzhu took out the oil barrel he had prepared and poured it around the small hut, and then took out the fire book to light the house: "When someone notices a fire here, Yang Juyuan should be burnt to ashes, and no one knows that it is dead. It's him."

Song Qingshu said in a deep voice, "It's better to let people know his identity, so seeing him tragically die at his elder brother's grave, maybe it will cause people to guess that Zunfu's death is strange."

Ruan Xingzhu shook his head: "No, it's easy to make people doubt me. Nowadays, if the Yang family is in conflict, it will take a long time to judge the truth, but I don't have so much time. I need to take over as quickly and smoothly as possible. The Yang family, therefore, cannot disclose Yang Juyuan's crimes, and can only continue to maintain his reputation as a loyal minister."

"You are really loyal to Han Tong, and you can't forget to do things for him at this time." Song Qingshu naturally knows that her purpose of taking over the Yang family is mostly to support Han Tong. In addition, she can't help but feel unwilling to hear her voice center. , It's no wonder that Yang Juyuan was tortured like that just now, obviously she was thinking that she could not ruin her and she could only vent her anger like that.

"Han has a great favor to our family and can only repay it with death." Ruan Xingzhu sighed, as if her destiny was set at this time.

"Let's go, now the fire is shining into the sky, it is estimated that someone will come to check it soon." After speaking, Song Qingshu took her out of here.

After returning to the Jinghu ship, Ruan Xingzhu said to him: "The concubine is covered in blood and needs to go back to the room to take a shower and change clothes..."

Song Qingshu nodded and asked her to leave. At this time, even when he heard the shower, he didn't have any fascinating thoughts in his heart. After all, they had just returned to pay homage to their husband, and they were in extreme sadness. He was not a beast, so how could he touch other things? idea.

"I don't know where Yingying is now." Looking at the bright moon outside the window, Song Qingshu thought to himself that it's no wonder that the ancients write poems at every turn. There is no phone, no video chat, and the isolation between people is something that people in the previous life can't understand. By the way, sentimentality is the easiest to be sentimental in the dead of night.

But soon he settled up and started thinking about taking on his own schedule. Originally, he planned to enter Sichuan with Ren Yingying to find out what happened to Linghu Chong. Now that Linghu Chong is gone, but Sichuan is in chaos. He is keenly aware that this side is full of great opportunities.

It is a pity that he is still not sure how to seize these opportunities, mainly because he has almost no foundation of power here, which makes many of his plans impossible to implement.

"Fine, now these human snipes and clams in Sichuan are fighting, I will be a fisherman sitting on the wall and watch, and see if there will be any good opportunities next." Song Qingshu thought for half a day, and finally could only order one. Method.

Just then there was a knock on the door outside: "Master, have you rested?"

"No." Hearing Ruan Xingzhu's voice, Song Qingshu was a little surprised. He got up to open the door. The woman at the door was dressed in plain clothes, her oval face was as white as snow in the hazy moonlight, and her eyes were under the brows of Chunshan. The son seems to be shining like a mist, with a smooth and straight nose, pink and seductive lips, a slender and white neck, and her charming temperament reveals infinite charm from time to time.

Song Qingshu's heart trembled, but he restrained his mood very well. After all, the other party is now wearing a white filial uniform, and he really shouldn't have any other thoughts.

"Madam takes a bath very quickly." Song Qingshu is telling the truth. In his impression, a woman can't finish her bathing without an hour or two.

Ruan Xingzhu smiled lightly: "The son didn't invite me in. Instead, he started discussing bathing with his daughter's house. Don't you think it's a bit frivolous."

Song Qingshu was startled, and smiled bitterly: "It's my fault. We don't have so many rules in our hometown. I'm used to not covering up my mouth." As he spoke, he opened his body and invited her in. When the other party walked by his side, he was holding a A scent of fragrance, but this fragrance is not the smell of rouge gouache, but the fresh and natural smell after bathing.

"The troublesome son will close the door." Ruan Xingzhu put the wooden plate in his hand on the table, and took out a few plates of fine wine and dishes inside.

Song Qingshu was weird, wondering if she was suggesting something?

As if seeing his thoughts, Ruan Xingzhu sighed faintly: "Although we are both beautiful and beautiful, we can't stand up to the fear of others. It is always a bit bad to be seen in the son's room."

It’s so beautiful and beautiful. Song Qingshu closed the door while secretly complaining. In his mind, the two people had been on the river when they hadn’t arrived in Chengdu. I wondered, Madam, if you have any misunderstandings about this term, but she didn’t mention it. , Thinking of her loss of husband these days, it is naturally inconvenient for him to say anything.

"The son, in order to help me avenge me, spent a day in ambush in the suburbs without much food, so I specially asked Peer to prepare some wine and dishes." Ruan Xingzhu said glutinously while placing the plates. Her voice was originally delicate and tender. Like a young girl, listening softly at this time is extremely comfortable.

Ruan Xingzhu poured two glasses of wine, and slowly presented it to Song Qing before writing: "This big grudge is paid, it really depends on the son!"

Song Qingshu noticed that the section of her wrist exposed in her sleeve seemed to be fairer than the filial dress on her body, and he secretly admired that the woman bred in Jiangnan Water Village was really like water.

"Now that you are heavy filial piety, will it be too good to drink?" Song Qingshu hesitated.

Ruan Xingzhu smiled bitterly: "Zhen Zhongquan knows, I definitely hope that I will toast you a glass of wine.

"In that case, I am not hypocritical." Song Qingshu gently touched the glass with her and drank the wine, but she was a little weird in her heart, thinking that if your husband knows well, he probably won't thank me...

Next, Ruan Xingzhu poured another glass of water and wine and toasted: "Now the situation of Han Xiang is very dangerous, and our Ruan family is also precarious. After today, I don’t know what tomorrow will be..."

Hearing the weakness and exhaustion in her tone, Song Qingshu replied: "Have you forgotten our agreement, Madam? I can seek refuge in the Golden Snake Camp in the future, and I can provide shelter for your Ruan family."

Ruan Xingzhu shook his head slightly: "Naturally, I haven't forgotten it, but whoever wants to change the door, if possible, I still hope Han Xiang can tide over the difficulties."

The two of them were drinking and chatting like this. After a while, Ruan Xingzhu's delicate and white face gradually became intoxicating red, and the beautiful star eyes glowed with a vague and inexplicable look: "I have one thing I want to ask the son to help. "

"Madame, as long as I can do it, I will try my best." Song Qingshu was also a little bit drunk, and the relationship between the two was a little weird, as if the enemy was like a friend, and like a lover for a while and a stranger.

Ruan Xingzhu didn't immediately say what he was asking for, but just stared at him inexplicably: "The son will definitely be able to do this, and it can only be regarded as a simple effort."

"Then there is no reason to refuse." Song Qingshu also became interested and looked at her curiously.

"Just in front of Zhenzhong's grave, did Yang Juyuan scold me, did you hear those words?" Ruan Xingzhu still did not answer, but instead mentioned the previous matter.

Song Qingshu didn't understand what she meant by mentioning this, and subconsciously replied: "It's nothing more than the bite before the mad dog is about to die. Why should Madam care about it."

Ruan Xingzhu slowly shook his head, and said in an inexplicable tone: "It's nothing more than what he said, I just treated it as the wind, but one of his words hit my weakness."

"What?" Song Qingshu looked at her suspiciously.

"He said that the Yang family is the only one left. If you kill him, the Yang family will cut off the incense. Even if your eldest brother knows about it, he will not agree to kill him." He drank the wine and then continued, "He also said that I would be cursed by the ancestors of the Yang family because I cut off their Yang family's incense." After speaking, there seemed to be a chill, and he couldn't help holding his hands. Hold your arms.

Song Qingshu took off his coat and put it on her, and couldn't help but frown, "Why do you care about these crazy things? If the ancestors of the Yang family were really alive in the sky, how would they watch him kill his brother and sister-in-law?"

Ruan Xingzhu shook his head: "The son doesn't understand the way of thinking of our big families. We don't discuss right or wrong when we do anything, but we start from the interests of the family. It is said that unfilial piety has three consequences, even if Yang Juyuan does more. The wrong thing is not as serious as causing the Yang family to cut off the incense."

Song Qingshu nodded. This world concept of clan and obsession with incense is indeed incomprehensible to future generations. You must know that in his time, giving birth to a daughter was gradually more popular with young people than giving birth to a son, and it didn't matter how much it would cost in the future. It is still the caring degree after adulthood, sons are far less than daughters.

"Actually, this is not impossible. In a big family like the Yang family, there are always a few distant relatives. It's okay to find someone who is the right age to come over." Song Qingshu thought of an idea.

Ruan Xingzhu said, "How can it be so easy? The Yang family is already thin. The other distant relatives don’t know how many generations have passed. They are no longer in our line. What's more, I don’t want to work hard. The family business is cheaper than an outsider who has no blood relationship!"

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly and said, "There is no other way..."

Ruan Xingzhu suddenly said, "In fact, there is another way, you only need the help of the son."

"What?" Song Qingshu was taken aback.

Ruan Xingzhu stared at him in a daze. After a long time, he bit his red lips and said, "I want a child and inherit the incense of the Yang family." (https:)

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