Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1709: Go to Huangquan together

Shen Xiaolong reacted quickly. He immediately used his internal force to force the poisonous wine out, but his head was still dizzy. He thought that the toxicity was so fierce, he didn't hesitate at all, nor stopped confronting these people or something, and directly slammed into it. The broken window escaped.

Liu Changguo, Zhang Ning, and Zhu Bangyi were also at the banquet. They were planning to show their fangs after Shen Xiaolong was poisoned, but they didn't expect that he would notice the problem with the wine so quickly, let alone his reaction. Sluggish.

"Chasing!" Several people were not sure how much poison he had drunk. They knew that he had an elite army under his command. If he were to escape, there would be a terrible disaster, so they took out the weapons hidden under the table and chased them. Going out, even Murong Fu is no exception.

As for the personal soldiers that Shen Xiaolong brought to the banquet, they had already been led to a quiet place by the personal soldiers of several other people.

Shen Xiaolong had no love for war, and desperately carried his light work to the direction of the barracks where he was stationed. As long as he could run back to the barracks, no matter how powerful the other people were, he couldn't help him.

However, he felt that his eyes were getting more and more blurred, and he knew clearly that it was because of the movement that caused the poison to penetrate deeper into the body. If the poison gas attacked the heart, then the gods would not be able to save it.

But he couldn't slow down, knowing that once he stopped and was surrounded by those people, it would definitely be a dead end. If he ran desperately, there would still be a slight chance of escape.

"I've heard of drinking poison to quench my thirst before, but I didn't expect to experience it personally today." Shen Xiaolong smiled bitterly, and at the same time remembered that the mysterious person had reminded him, secretly regretting it, if I believed it earlier, it would be fine.

I don't know how long he has been running. He feels that the speed is getting slower and slower. He has to run more than a dozen steps in the distance that he can cover in one step.

He just woke up to this thought, and the sky remembered the sound of his clothes being broken, Murong Fu had already jumped in front of him, kicked him, and Shen Xiaolong hurriedly blocked his chest with his crossarm, and he vomited out like thunder. A mouthful of blood, fell to the ground slumped.

"General Liu, this poison is really powerful. The martial arts surnamed Shen is not under me. I didn't expect that a bit of poison would become so unhelpful." At this time, Liu Changguo and others had already caught up, and Murong went back to their direction. go with.

"This is the world's most poisonous Jin Bo Xunhua that my sire gave me, just to deal with some emergencies." Seeing that Shen Xiaolong fell to the ground dying and had lost his combat effectiveness, Liu Changguo couldn't help laughing.

"Jin Bo Xunhua?" Murong Fu was shocked. He had heard that Song Qingshu's martial arts was almost destroyed by this poison. Now Shen Xiaolong is the same. What would happen if he encountered it.

"This kind of strange poison has been known for a long time, but I have never seen it before. I wonder if General Liu can let me see it." Murong Fu felt jealous and decided to take a look at the future and be prepared for it.

Liu Changguo looked embarrassed: "This poison is extremely precious. Jia Xiang only bestows a small amount on the humble post, and has all used it on Shen Xiaolong."

Not far away, Shen Xiaolong faintly heard their conversation while he was in a semi-coma. He couldn't help but smile again and again. It turned out to be Jin Bo Xunhua. No wonder he had already vomited out all the poisoned wine and was still poisoned. Speaking of dealing with me, I actually used the legend The most strange poison in the world is really a sledgehammer.

"That's really a coincidence." Murong Fu's heart was stunned. He didn't know whether Liu Changguo really used it up or faked it, and when he thought that Jia Sidao had given him this strange poison instead of himself, it was obviously. Just let yourself go and think along this line of thought, then who was this poison intended to be used against in the first place?

The more Murong Fu thought about it, the more frightened he became. Zhang Ning on the side said: "Or we should solve Shen Xiaolong first and talk about other things. If someone passes by here and leaks the news later, it will not end well."

"Not bad!" Several people nodded. Shen Xiaolong is a heavyweight in the Sichuan army. If it is reported that he was poisoned by several other officials, it will cause an uproar.

But after a while, a few people look at me and I look at you. No one did it. It turned out that Sun Zhongrui and Yang Juyuan died strangely some time ago. Now it’s Shen Xiaolong’s turn. They are all worried that if they kill him by themselves, in the future, What is exposed will be pushed out by others as a substitute for the dead to calm public opinion.

Eyes flashed on everyone's faces, Murong Fu naturally guessed their thoughts, secretly contempt, but said: "It's better to do it together, and one person will give him a knife. Even if there is something in the future, we will be honored and insulted together. "

"Master Murong said it is quite true. He is indeed the Queen of Henan Province. He has a broad vision. It is not comparable to us vulgar people." The other people were overjoyed, thinking that this was a perfect solution, and they began to compliment them.

Murong Fu smiled politely, and asked a few people to sharpen their swords, Huo Huo, and walked over to Shen Xiaolong. At this time, Shen Xiaolong had only half his life left. When he saw the opponent come to kill himself, he had no power to resist. , Can only close his eyes in despair.



A few screams sounded, Shen Xiaolong's expected death did not come, he opened his eyes confusedly, and was shocked to find that Liu Changguo was lying in a pool of blood, with blood flowing on his back, screaming at Murong Fu.

It turned out that at the moment when he raised the knife, Murong Fu did not slash at Shen Xiaolong, but at the other three people around him. His martial arts was already a few people higher, and he used a sudden cold arrow. Where did the other three resist? Yes, he was seriously injured and lost his combat effectiveness in an instant.

"Are you enough scolding?" A cold smile appeared at the corner of Murong Fu's mouth.

"Why is this?" Zhang Ning asked in shock and anger.

Murong Fu smiled faintly: "Zhilan is in charge, so I have to get rid of it."

Liu Changguo hid behind and shouted: "You kill us, Jia Xiang will not let you go, and my army will not let you go!"

Murong Fu snorted: "I will declare to the public that you were killed by Shen Xiaolong's dying counterattack. At that time, the court will follow your achievements and go on the road with confidence."

The few people are really desperate now. You must know that in order to get rid of Shen Xiaolong, they were worried that the news would cause political turmoil. The few people did not bring soldiers over. They wanted to join forces with Jin Bo Xunhua. Shen Xiaolong was in a catastrophe, but who knew that Murong Fu suddenly fought back.

With a flash of snow, Murong Fu raised the sword and fell, and Liu Changguo and the others had already fallen to the ground. Before they died, their eyes were still wide open, and they couldn't squint at all.

Murong Fu took the sword and walked towards Shen Xiaolong: "It's up to you next."

Shen Xiaolong laughed and said, "It's worth having these people on the road with me!" At this time, he had already accepted his fate. He had witnessed this scene. The other party would never allow himself to live. What's more, even if the other party didn't do anything, Jin Bo Xunhua He will soon be killed.

Murong Fu stabbed him with a sword, and suddenly a stone flew from the ground, hitting the tip of the sword. He only felt that the tiger's mouth was shaken, and he almost couldn't hold the long sword in his hand.

He was quick to react, and he ran away with light work. He knew that the opponent could beat his sword with a stone so far away, and he could almost let go of his sword. Wugong was definitely not his opponent. Anyway, now Liu Changguo and others are dead. His plan has been completed. As for Shen Xiaolong, he was poisoned by Jinbo Xunhua, and he was destined to die. It didn't matter whether he was killed or not.

At this time Song Qingshu and Ruan Xingzhu appeared nearby, looking at his disappearing back and couldn't help laughing: "I have always heard that Murong's family moved to the martial arts by fighting the stars, but I never thought that Qinggong could be so powerful."

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