Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1710: Huang Liang Yi Meng

"Just let him go?" Ruan Xingzhu asked suspiciously.

Song Qingshu smiled: "Now he is more useful to be alive than dead. This time, Sichuan's senior executives have died unexpectedly. A reasonable explanation is needed. He is the best candidate to carry him out."

Ruan Xingzhu nodded, and vaguely guessed what he was going to do. Suddenly, there was a low moan-groan next to him, which was originally from Shen Xiaolong.

"He is going to die soon." Ruan Xingzhu was about to lean over to investigate his situation, but was stopped by Song Qingshu.

"Don't touch him!" Song Qingshu looked solemnly, "He has been poisoned by Jinbo Xunhua. At this time, his body is highly poisonous. If you touch his body, you will also be poisoned."

"Jinbo Xunhua?" Ruan Xingzhu's face suddenly faded. She is the top spy. She has naturally heard of this legendary poison, and even knows that Song Qingshu had no way to go to heaven because of this poison.

"Then he is dead?" Ruan Xingzhu hurriedly asked. In their original plan, Shen Xiaolong was a target who could be wooed, but he didn't expect that he was actually poisoned now. Then the previous plan was in vain?

"I can't die." Song Qingshu squatted down beside Shen Xiaolong and quickly sealed a few points on his body.

"Be careful!" I just reminded myself, now that when he sees him directly contacting the poisoned Shen Xiaolong, Ruan Xingzhu is subconsciously worried.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "Don't worry, this poison can't poison me."

Only then did Ruan Xingzhu remember his past experience and couldn’t help asking: “It was rumored that you had been infected with this poison before. Many people saw you being hunted down in Yangzhou, and there was no news about you afterwards. Many people thought you were hunted down. I fell, but I didn't expect that it didn't take long for you to reappear. How did you solve the world's most peculiar poison?"

After her reminder, Song Qingshu's mind came up with the charming scene of leaning on Qi Fang's detoxification on the boat at the time, and a gentle smile appeared on his face: "This is a secret. The secret makes men more attractive. "

"Stingy!" Ruan Xingzhu pursed his mouth, his expression was not like a mature young woman at all, but more like a tempestuous little girl.

Song Qingshu looked around, looked at the people who were killed, and said: "Let's go back to the Jinghu ship, otherwise we won't be able to tell if we are bumped into by someone else later."

Ruan Xingzhu nodded, it was obvious that Murong Fu was the murderer, and they didn't want to give him a blow.

Song Qingshu quickly returned to Jinghu with Shen Xiaolong and Ruan Xingzhu, and then asked for a secret room to start to remove the poison for Shen Xiaolong. Jin Bo Xunhua is indeed the world's first strange poison, if not by chance, Shen Xiaolong would definitely Ten deaths but no life.

Because he had been exposed to this poison himself, Song Qingshu was very familiar with the poison. He brought up the Taixuan Zhenqi to draw out the poison lingering in the meridian of the other party bit by bit.

It's just that this poison is different from other poisons, and it penetrates very closely with the blood and flesh of the meridians. With Song Qingshu's ability, it took almost three days to clear the remaining poison from his body.

"Thank you for your life-saving grace." Shen Xiaolong was in a coma for three days before finally waking up and hurriedly thanking him.

Song Qingshu stretched out his hand and lifted it lightly, and a soft force helped him up: "General Shen is weak and weak now, so he shouldn't be polite."

"How can you not repay your life-saving grace?" Shen Xiaolong still stubbornly bowed to him, Song Qingshu was worried that he would hurt him, so he withdrew his internal strength.

Feeling his vast vigor, Shen Xiaolong was shocked and couldn't help asking: "I don't know the name of En Gong Gao?"

"In the next Song Qingshu." This time I didn't hide it from him. After all, he was a very important part of the plan, and both parties needed to establish a certain amount of trust.

"It turned out to be King Qi, it's no wonder that martial arts is so powerful." Shen Xiaolong recalled the scene of the opponent's several shots, and couldn't help but suddenly realize. He was not stupid, even though the opponent changed his appearance in the first battle of the Shu Palace, he still knew it was him.

Suddenly thinking of the reminder that the other party had robbed Yang Juyuan a few days ago, Shen Xiaolong said regretfully: "It's all because I didn't listen to King Qi's advice and ended up like this."

Song Qingshu laughed and said, "My identity is sensitive. Even if I told you the truth, you might not believe it. I can only remind you that way. Now it seems that it is a surprise."

Shen Xiaolong couldn't help but said bitterly: "I didn't expect that the dignified Gu Su Murong would be so shameless and cruel."

"General Shen knows why I wanted to save Wu Xi?" Song Qingshu said.

"It's blunt." Shen Xiaolong actually had this doubt in his mind, but since the other party was his benefactor, it was inconvenient for him to ask.

"Because Wu Xi did not treason, all this is a conspiracy that Murong Fu and his party put Wu Xi under house arrest..." Song Qingshu brought the secret agents to him one by one, and Shen Xiaolong was frightened and angry. , I didn't expect the truth to be like this.

"It's all Jia Sidao's treacherous tricks!" During this period, Ruan Xingzhu also came in with tea, showing her Han Tong's identity. Shen Xiaolong no longer doubted Jia Sidao for her own benefit, regardless of the people of the country. The behavior is quite chilling.

"But it's normal for him to kill me. Why do you want to kill Liu Changguo, Zhang Ning, and Zhu Bangyi? They are all Jia Sidao's confidants. After that, how can Jia Sidao let him go?" Shen Xiaolong still has a lot of doubts. .

"General Shen didn't know something. The Murong family passed down a last wish from generation to generation, and that is to let the descendants of the family recover Dayan. The father and son Murong Bo and Murong Fu have been struggling with this matter for decades. Now there is such a godsend opportunity in Sichuan , How could he let it go?" Song Qingshu explained.

"Is he crazy, reviving the country of Yan that perished hundreds of years ago?" Shen Xiaolong couldn't help but exclaimed. Ruan Xingzhu also felt the same way. She only knew about this not long ago, and she couldn't help but sigh the Murong family. It's all neurotic.

"This has become the heart demon of the descendants of the Murong family." Song Qingshu also sighed. If it hadn't been overwhelmed by this legacy of the country, Murong Fu would be a properly rich and handsome man. How could he fall into the original work? To that situation.

"No, Sichuan has been easy to defend and difficult to attack since ancient times, and it is also a country of abundance that can be self-sufficient. If Murong Fu is allowed to sit here, then the whole Sichuan may really be split into a new country in the future." Shen Xiaolong said hurriedly.

Ruan Xingzhu said softly: "We have been thinking of ways to prevent this. Now as long as General Shen gathers some important officials in Sichuan's officialdom, Murongfu's actions will be exposed and he will no longer be able to stay in Sichuan."

Shen Xiaolong frowned: "But Murongfu may not admit it by then, and we have no evidence that he killed Sun Zhongrui, Liu Changguo and others. If he bites back, we might be in danger instead."

"General Shen don't have to worry, we have made a complete plan, Murong Fu is doomed." Ruan Xingzhu said with a smile.

Shen Xiaolong hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded and said, "Okay, anyway, my life was saved by two of you. The big deal is to die with Murong!"

Because the longer time dragged on, Murong Fu's seat became more stable, and Shen Xiaolong ignored the obstacles and left Jinghu with his weak body, and sneaked into Chengdu to contact officials everywhere.

Song Qingshu couldn't help asking Ruan Xingzhu, "What is your perfect strategy?" He didn't even know this.

Ruan Xingzhu smiled sweetly: "This is a secret. The secret makes women more feminine."

Song Qingshu's breath was suffocated, but she didn't expect that she would return the body so quickly.

Seeing him deflated, Ruan Xingzhu giggled, "Okay, I won't make you anymore. I'm not as stingy as you. Just tell you. In fact, just let Murong Fu admit his crimes in front of others. ."

"How could he admit it?" Song Qingshu frowned. Although Murong Fu had many shortcomings, he had to admit that he was arrogant. Even if he was tortured, he would not necessarily admit it. Should he use the Soul Transfer Technique? However, the sequelae are too great to be a last resort, so it is better not to be used.

Ruan Xingzhu smiled sweetly, leaned half of his body directly on him, and whispered in his ear on tiptoe: "Did you forget my housekeeping skills?"

"Housekeeping skills?" Song Qingshu subconsciously looked at her perfectly round and slender legs.

Ruan Xingzhu was still smiling, but noticed that his face suddenly turned red, and said: "Where do you want to go, I mean disguise!"

Song Qingshu slapped his head. It's really not to blame him. Who made the two of them look like glue during this period of time, he was suddenly confused.

In order to save his face, he hurriedly coughed, pretending to be serious and said: "When the time comes, remember not to be too deliberate, otherwise it will cause suspicion, and let the person Shen Xiaolong find hear it by chance."

"Don't worry, I'm not stupid. I often do such things." Ruan Xingzhu raised his chin proudly.

Song Qingshu grabbed her soft waist and hugged her, and said with a smile: "I almost forgot that Madam is the most cunning vixen."

"You are a vixen," Ruan Xingzhu took a sip, and quickly realized something, and said anxiously, "Quickly put me down, what is it like to be seen in broad daylight."

"Who doesn't know the relationship between us on the Jinghu ship?" Song Qingshu laughed and hugged her into the room and kicked the door.

In the next few days, Chengdu began to circulate that the violent deaths of Sun Jinzhong, Yang Juyuan, Liu Changguo and others were all because of Murong Fu’s behind-the-scenes man. However, despite the rumors, Murong Fu remained motionless. Although the others didn’t say anything on the surface, But the seeds of doubt have been planted unknowingly.

Until this day, Song Qingshu led Murong Fu out of the city, and then Ruan Xingzhu appeared in the restaurant that had an appointment with Shen Xiaolong in the appearance of changing his face into Murong Fu, and faced Shen Xiaolong who came to "question", he confessed to his behavior. He then tried to use his martial arts superiority to kill the opponent. As a result, Shen Xiaolong opened the next room, and important officials from various departments in Sichuan looked at him in amazement. A mysterious person appeared and rescued "Murong Fu", but the incident spread. After learning that all things were planned by Murong Fu during this period, the whole Sichuan was exploded!

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