Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1711: Die before leaving the school

Besides, Murong Fu went to chase Song Qingshu. At the beginning, he could catch up vaguely, but he seemed to be a little worse when he caught up behind him. He was not too stupid, and finally realized that this was a plan to turn the tiger away from the mountain, and he hurriedly changed his direction and drove back.

Finally returned to the Xuanfu Ambassador’s Mansion. As soon as he was about to enter, he was stopped by the different bags on the side and the storm rushing out. He couldn’t help but be inexplicable: "What are you stopping me for?"

Fengbo Evil said angrily: "You are really confused today, son, how can you personally admit that you killed Liu Changguo and Yang Juyuan in front of so many people?"

Murong Fu was confused: "Where did I admit it?"

"Just now we saw it with our own eyes. The son was so careless. He was taken in by Shen Xiaolong. I didn't expect that he was so cunning that he invited officials from various parties to hide next door in advance." Bao Different said, shaking his head and sighing. When they were the closest to the restoration of the country, they didn't expect it to fall short.

"I haven't seen Shen Xiaolong just now!" Murong Fu was also anxious.

Seeing that he didn’t look like a fake, Baodi and Fengbo looked at each other wickedly, and then he explained what happened just now. Murongfu also summed up his encounter with the mysterious person. Only then did several people know that they had fallen into the trap of the other party. in.

"Fuck, who is so wicked!" Fengbo couldn't help cursing after learning what was going on.

Murong Fu was in a daze, knowing that he was still at the peak of his life a moment ago, but he fell into an endless abyss the next moment. Looking at the whole world, few people can do it indifferently.

At this time, Baodi was calm enough and said hurriedly: "My son, the matter has reached this point, we should leave quickly to avoid the limelight."

Murong Fu suddenly became furious: "Seeing me can rejuvenate the country of Yan, you let me leave like this?"

Baodi sighed: "My son, the rumors that you killed Liu Changguo and Yang Juyuan were flying in the air some time ago, but because there is no evidence, it's not a big deal, but this time the person pretended to be "unknowing" and confessed in person. Hearing it by almost everyone in the officialdom of Sichuan, there is already solid evidence. Now the military and civilians in Sichuan are passionate. Even if the son jumps out to explain the reasons, no one will believe your words."

Murong Fu was unwilling to say, "Don't you give up without even trying?"

"My son, don't you be afraid of not having firewood if you stay in Qingshan." Seeing that he still couldn't recognize the situation, he was a little anxious.

At this moment, a group of people appeared at the corner of the intersection. Someone saw them sharply and immediately shouted: "The dog thief Murongfu is here, kill him!"

Hearing these words, the whole surrounding streets seemed to be boiling, and people kept running out. Seeing this, Murong Fu finally understood that the situation was over, and had to gritted his teeth and led his retainers to start fleeing.

In the next few days, Sichuan’s impeachment memorials flew to Lin'an like snow flakes. Shen Xiaolong had the work of pacifying Wu Xi, and now he has revealed Murong Fu’s true face to correct the chaos. In addition, he was originally a prestigious veteran from Sichuan. Being pushed as a temporary leader by a group of officials, he just waited for the official appointment document of the court to be justified.

"Does the prince think that Jia Sidao will issue this appointment document?" On the Jinghu ship, Ruan Xingzhu asked while peeling grapes and feeding them to the man lying on the couch.

This man is naturally the Song Qingshu who turned his hands for the cloud and the rain during this period. Ruan Xingzhu changed his name. On the one hand, he admired that he actually managed Sichuan in a short period of time, and on the other hand, his King Qi was a court division. Yes, there is no lack of Han Yong's credit. She took this to comfort herself that this is also considered to be doing things for Han Xiang, not betrayal.

Grape juice in his mouth-water is flowing, Song Qing Shushu-is about to scream out, this day is really corrupt, you must know that the previous TV dramas portrayed an obscene tyrant, most of which was this scene, lying lazily on the couch , And then there are all kinds of beautiful women entwined around the side, delicate hand peeled grapes one by one and delivered to the mouth...

The question from the beautiful woman beside him interrupted his memory and replied: "Since now, Sichuan has gone through several chaos in just one month, and can no longer withstand any toss. Even if Jia Sidao is reluctant, he can only admit it. The status of Shen Xiaolong, not to mention the emperor would not allow him to mess around. The entire Lin'an court could not risk losing Sichuan again by parachuting a high-ranking officer to take over. For the time being, it must be stable."

"Of course," Song Qingshu smiled. "The Lin'an court will definitely send some officials over. In two or three years, Sichuan may fall under the control of Lin'an again, but it seems that the top official in Sichuan is none other than Shen Xiaolong. "

Ruan Xingzhu also smiled happily: “Now the power in Sichuan is firmly controlled by Shen Xiaolong and our Ruan family and Yang family. Our son Yang Jiawei from the Ruan family is looking forward to the horse, and the son has a life-saving grace for Shen Xiaolong. Now The son is the real master of Sichuan."

Song Qingshu smiled faintly, and did not take her deliberate flattery to heart. To say that he can influence the situation in Sichuan to a certain extent is okay. To say that he has complete control of the entire Sichuan is completely nonsense.

The Ruan family, the Yang family, and themselves are currently in the honeymoon period, but they have not completely returned to themselves. As for Shen Xiaolong, let alone subordination, they are still far away from controlling Sichuan, unless the key departments in Sichuan, military power, and personnel power are still far away. , Financial rights, etc. are all controlled by their subordinates, and they can be called complete control.

"Shen Xiaolong is also a main battle group. During this time, we are looking for an opportunity to expedition to the north, hoping to alleviate the crisis of Han Xiang." Ruan Xingzhu continued to outline the future plan, a pair of star eyes glowing, and his emotions were extremely high.

Song Qingshu secretly frowned, and now Sichuan’s army northwardly expedition to the Kingdom of Jin is a side he does not want to see, but Ruan Xingzhu is loyal to Han Tong, and it is not easy to stop Han from her heart, and Shen Xiaolong is dedicated to the country, so naturally he also wants to. The Northern Expedition fought for more benefits for the court.

Thinking of the problems he was about to face, Song Qingshu couldn't help but feel a headache.

At this moment, emergency information came. Ruan Xingzhu was inconvenient in peeling grapes for Song Qingshu, so he asked the person to speak directly outside the door, but the next news made her grapes fall to the ground. I don't know:

Xia Zhen, the former official of the Chinese military commander and the former official of the Palace of Quan Guan, suddenly attacked during Han Tong's dynasty, killing him within the wall of Yujin Garden. Although the emperor was angry, he was done, and he could only maximize his benefits, so he acquiesced in Jia Sidao’s men cut off the heads of Han Qi and Su Shidan, and sent envoy Wang Nan to the Jin Dynasty, and all accepted the conditions proposed by the Jin Dynasty-the age-increasing coin was 300,000 yuan, and Shi Yin (indemnity) was 300 yuan. In tens of thousands, the Jin army withdrew from the invaded land. The Southern Song Dynasty once again bowed its knees and lowered the gold, which can be regarded as the completion of the "peace discussion."

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