Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1713: Turn from pink to black

Song Qingshu was startled, his face suddenly became weird: "The cousin in General Shen's mouth is not Shen Bijun, right?"

Shen Xiaolong was also quite surprised: "The prince knows her boudoir's name?" It's okay to know that there are women in the world. The name of the boudoir eldest lady is only known by the closest people, but after another thought, the other party is the prince , It makes sense to know this secret.

"Actually." Song Qingshu thought that I only knew her boudoir name, and suddenly remembered something, and couldn't help asking, "By the way, General Shen is from Shanyin Shen's family. Why have I never heard of it?"

Shen Xiaolong smiled bitterly: "Hey, it's all shameful when I was young. I made a mistake, and was expelled from the family for a moment. After these years, it is normal for outsiders not to know that I was in the Shen family."

Song Qingshu thought of his nickname Sanqing Taoist. I'm afraid that what happened back then had something to do with love. Most of it was his sadness, so it's hard to ask carefully.

Shen Xiaolong continued: "However, although I was removed from the family tree by the Shen family, I was born to be a member of the Shen family, and died a ghost of the Shen family. When the Shen family was glorified before, I would not be dazzled by the family's light; Now that the Shen family is ruined, I can’t just ignore it. I was going to check it out when I heard about the accident in the Shen family a few months ago, but the Northern Expedition was just around the corner and something happened in Sichuan, so I couldn’t abandon it for the sake of my family. Dayi, I can only stay here. Now that the Sichuan affairs are over, it's time to save my poor cousin."

Having said this, he suddenly said angrily: "The cousin disappeared inexplicably, and the court search and rescue operation could not be stopped. Then the Shen family was destroyed, and the court was still indifferent, which is really chilling!" He kept holding these words in his heart. On weekdays, the values ​​of loyalty to the emperor and patriotism were suppressed, but what happened in Sichuan and what happened in Lin'an were so chilling that he lost the awe of the court, and instead was completely dissatisfied. Naturally couldn't help pouring out the words from the bottom of my heart.

"General Shen's sorrow." Ruan Xingzhu on the side exhorted.

Shen Xiaolong sighed suddenly: "The deceased is dead, it's fine, but my cousin is still missing. Thinking of her beauty and beauty, she must have suffered all the hardships and humiliation, but I have to think about it anyway. The way to rescue her was just to comfort my father and uncle’s spirit in the sky!"

Ruan Xingzhu couldn't help but said: "The crown princess has mysteriously disappeared. The Imperial Secretary sent so many people and couldn't find it. Where are you looking?"

Shen Xiaolong snorted coldly: "Although I am not as powerful as the imperial staff, I have perseverance. They only search for a month and then give up, but I can look for a year or a lifetime, even if I have traveled all over the world, and I must also rescue my cousin!"

Ruan Xingzhu sighed: "But after so long, the princess is a weak and beautiful woman, and most of them have become more fierce."

"In fact, Miss Shen is very safe now." Song Qingshu suddenly interjected.

"What?" Mo said Shen Xiaolong, even Ruan Xingzhu looked at him in surprise.

"Does the prince know the whereabouts of her sister?" Shen Xiaolong asked expectantly.

Song Qingshu nodded: "Yes, I actually know the ins and outs of Lingmei's disappearance."

Shen Xiaolong hurriedly said: "I hope the prince will tell you!" Even Ruan Xingzhu, who was on the side, waited for him to explain with a look of curiosity. After all, Han Tong's intelligence network has not found out where Shen Bijun has gone. It has always been unexplained. mystery of.

Song Qingshu explained while thinking about the words: "Ms. Shen was robbed because of the Shen family's deer-cutting knife. According to legend, the deer-cutting knife hides the world's invincible secret. Those who have the deer-cutting knife will win the world..."

"The two should know that in Lin'an, the king of Yi has always coveted the position of the prince. How can he tolerate the prince holding a beautiful woman while also getting a fetish like a deer knife, so he organized a meticulous The planned killing game robbed Miss Shen, but he didn't expect a Xiao Shi Lang to appear in the middle."

"Yelü Yixin of Liao Kingdom also wanted to get the Deer-cutting Knife, so he sent Xiao Shilang over, and in the chaos, he even took a knife and took away Miss Shen.

Shen Xiaolong exclaimed: "She was taken to Liao Country?"

Song Qingshu nodded, and Ruan Xingzhu who was on the side showed a stunned look: "No wonder we haven't been able to find out about her."

"You can't find it, I don't think it is necessarily," Song Qingshu said with a smile. "Later, Xue Yiren of the Imperial City Department knew that Miss Shen was in Liao, and Jia Zhen and Qin Keqing should know that he was in Liao."

"But they didn't report to the court." Ruan Xingzhu frowned and said, thinking that behind them were the shadows of Jia Sidao, it became clear in his heart.

"There is no report, Xue Yiren even personally wanted to kill Miss Shen." Song Qingshu said lightly, "I just rescued Xue Yiren from her hands."

"What!" As a military general, Shen Xiaolong has naturally heard the name of killing gods and blood-clothed men in the army. He knew that when he shot his sword, he would never fail. If he had not known that Song Qingshu had rescued him, he believed that his sister would definitely be dead.

"Why does the surname Xue kill my sister!" Shen Xiaolong was startled and angry, more puzzled.

Song Qingshu sighed: "This is the ruthlessness of the royal family, because Ms. Shen was taken away as a princess for so long, and she was born with a beautiful country, even if she kept her ice and jade clean, how could the world believe in everything? Didn't happen? How did the royal family allow the princess to have such a stain."

Shen Xiaolong's gums were about to bite and bleed: "Our Shen family has been a country for generations, but the royal family treated us like this, first the King of Yi contended for the throne, and then the royal family abandoned it!"

Song Qingshu continued: "Actually, I happened to pass by the time the Shen family was destroyed. It's a pity that I was one step late and didn't save the Shen family..." Then he said what he saw and heard that night, of course he didn't mention it. Huang Rong accompanied.

"Who is so cruel and cruel to kill the Shen family?" Shen Xiaolong's eyes are full of bloodshot eyes, and he only hates that he was not there at the time, otherwise he must be desperate to die with the other party.

"The man wore a mask and didn't know his identity. He also came for the deer-cutting knife," Song Qingshu recalled the situation and continued, "Moreover, in order to stop me from pursuing, he used the poison of Jiujiu Wan and Lihuo Pill, these two kinds of poisons. Poison is the poison of Xia Ke Island, and that person should be from Xia Ke Island."

Ruan Xingzhu took the opportunity to add: "According to reliable information, the master of Xia Ke Island should be Jia Sidao."

Song Qingshu glanced at her approvingly. She was really a considerate woman. In fact, he told this series of secrets to add fuel to the fire at this time when Shen Xiaolong was disappointed with the court and let him completely treat the court. Hatred rises with Jia Sidao.

"This old Piff is really a country thief!" Shen Xiaolong slapped the table beside him to pieces, showing that he is now anxious.

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