Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1714: Hi Daddy

"Who said no!" Ruan Xingzhu on the side was obviously also aroused by the same hatred of the enemy, especially when he thought of Han Tong's affairs, he wanted to frustrate Jia Sidao's bones and ashes.

The more they talked, the more indignant they became, and they almost turned out the eighteenth generation of Jia Sidao's ancestors to scold them.

I don't know how long it took before Shen Xiaolong calmed down. Realizing the gaffe he had just now, he said with some embarrassment, "I don't know where the sister-in-law is now?"

Seeing his hopeful gaze, Song Qingshu replied: "Ms. Shen is very safe now. As for the place where she is now, the safety of a series of people is involved. Forgive me for not telling General Shen for the time being, but I will definitely arrange for you to meet as soon as possible. ."

Hearing his answer, although Shen Xiaolong was a little disappointed, he understood: "Since the prince said so, there is naturally the truth of the prince, and the prince's care, presumably there is no danger to the sister, so I can rest assured to go to Lin'an."

Song Qingshu frowned: "What is General Shen going to Lin'an for?"

Shen Xiaolong replied: "The Shen family's **** hatred must be reported. Before, they were inseparable. Now that I learned that King Yi and Jia Sidao are behind all this, I naturally want to seek justice."

Ruan Xingzhu hurriedly dissuaded him: "Now that Jia Sidao has eliminated Han Xiang, he is already in power. The masters under his command do not know where he is. Not to mention that it was the unfathomable rock before, and it was General Shen like Zuo Lengchan. Is it better than?"

Shen Xiaolong opened his mouth, and in the end he could only bite the bullet and said: "There are some things even if you know you can't do it!" Although he is proud of his martial arts, he has seen Zuo Lengchan's shot before in the battle of the Shu Palace, which can be described as a fist sword. Shuang Jue did not surpass his certainty, especially the weird icy innocence, which was even more daunting.

Ruan Xingzhu said coldly: "Now that the Shen family has been destroyed, there are only you brothers and sisters in this world, and Miss Shen is destined to marry. You can only continue the incense of the Shen family. If you go directly to die, wouldn't it be the Shen family? Endless?"

"This..." Shen Xiaolong was shocked in a cold sweat. He was hurt by love in his early years. He hadn't considered starting a family in these years. He wanted to be lonely all his life, but when he was reminded by the other party, he realized that the incense of the Shen family was about to be imminent. broken!

Ruan Xingzhu continued: "Knowing that he is going to die, it is not filial to break the incense of the Shen family. As the chief of the Sichuan military, it is unwise for him to do so by himself while holding the military power. Is it possible for General Shen to do it? This is not filial or wise?"

Shen Xiaolong frowned: "But now that I can do anything, do you want me to raise troops south to Qingjun's side? Not to mention whether I can fight Jiangnan with soldiers from one place. Even if I really raise troops, there are soldiers from Sichuan. How much will follow my command is also a question."

"Also, the king of Yi sent people to kill Bijun, and the emperor acquiesced in Xue Yiren's extermination. I really don't want to be loyal to such a Zhao family anymore." Thinking of the attitude of the royal family, Shen Xiaolong's hatred is not under Jia Sidao. He was not a loyal official of the orthodox Confucianism, otherwise he would not deviate from the classics and come out of the Shen family.

Ruan Xingzhu's beautiful eyes turned slightly, and he smiled and said, "Actually, there is a clear road right now."

Seeing her talking while motioning to Song Qingshu's body, Shen Xiaolong was startled: "Maybe Madam already..."

"Yes," Ruan Xingzhu replied, "After learning that Han Xiang had been murdered, I had completely taken refuge in Song Gongzi. The Southern Song Dynasty imperial family was dark and weak. First, there was the shame of Jingkang, then the murder of Yue Fei for peace, and now I killed Han Xiang, such a royal family. Although the concubine of this kind of court is a female stream, she still looks down on her from the bottom of her heart. However, nowadays, Mongolia, Manchu, and Jin are foreign races, and it is impossible to seek refuge. The Ming Dynasty died early again. Fortunately, the son of Song was born in just two shortcomings. In three years, I started from scratch and laid down a huge territory, defeating the Qing and Jin countries several times. It is not comparable to the dim and faint Zhao Song."

Song Qingshu was a little embarrassed to be praised by such tricks, but he secretly praised her, knowing that there are some things he can't say directly, and it is much more useful to say it from her mouth.

However, with her foreshadowing, Song Qingshu can come out and express his stance at this time: "General Shen, there are irreconcilable contradictions between Jia Sidao and I. If we don't dislike it, we can work together against him who is in power."

A hint of hesitation flashed across Shen Xiaolong's face: "But I heard that the son and the two princesses have a marriage contract..."

Song Qingshu faintly replied: "In order to dominate the world, I have a marriage contract with many women, not to mention that the two princesses are the daughters of the first emperor, and they have always been very grudges about the fact that the gods do not save their fathers and brothers." He heard the meaning of the other party's words. In addition to Jia Sidao, Shen Xiaolong's enemies also angered the royal family, such as King Yi, who feared that they would not let him avenge him because of the princess in the future.

Seeing him say this, Shen Xiaolong no longer doubted that he leaned over and bowed: "Little dragon sees the lord!"

Song Qingshu hurriedly stretched out his hand to help him up: "General Shen, please get up!" He couldn't help being overjoyed. This time he came to Sichuan to understand Kai Yingying's knot and to prevent Sichuan from threatening the flanks of the Kingdom of Jin. After a series of events, Sichuan is now in his own pocket, how can he not be overjoyed?

Of course, he is sober enough, knowing that such control is still very fragile. At present, he can only indirectly control Sichuan through Shen Xiaolong and Ruan Xingzhu, and Sichuan military and civilians believe that the Lin'an court is Zhengshuo. Once a sign of independence is revealed, This kind of control no longer exists.

It can only be imperceptible, and it will take a few years to slowly infiltrate the forces in every area of ​​Sichuan, so that in the future, we will be able to get Sichuan's complete submission.

The next few people often met to discuss some details of controlling Sichuan. Of course, everyone agreed that the relationship between the two parties should not be announced for the time being, so as not to cause thunderous reaction from Lin'an. The enemy will compromise and seek peace as much as possible, and will resort to the bloodiest suppression of peasant uprisings and official rebellion that threaten imperial rule. Now the time has not come, and Lin'an cannot be smashed.

To Song Qingshu’s surprise, these days he actually found Lin Pingzhi, who had been missing for a long time. After some inquiries, he learned that Wu Xi had rebelled. He jumped out of the chaos and went to Qingcheng Mountain to find Yu Cang’s posters. It’s just that despite his martial arts skills, However, Qingcheng sent a large number of people, and his two fists were hard to beat four hands. Although Yu Canghai was seriously injured, he was unable to take his life, so he was seriously injured.

Fortunately, the martial arts taught by Song Qingshu allowed him to escape and ascend to heaven. Then he hid in the mountains and raised his injuries for more than a month. Hearing that so many things had happened in Chengdu, he came into the city to investigate. Here comes Song Qingshu.

Just as Song Qingshu was short of manpower here, Lin Pingzhi was arranged to assist Shen Xiaolong and Ruan Xingzhu here. Lin Pingzhi lived up to expectations and took care of things in an orderly manner.

"Do you really leave Miss Yue?" Song Qingshu couldn't help asking one day.

Lin Pingzhi's eyes moved, but in the end he said faintly: "It's okay if Linghu rushed to save him."

Song Qingshu knew that his top priority now was revenge, and other things could be set aside. The reason why he did his best to do the tasks he arranged this time was mostly because he killed Qingcheng Mountain alone before and saw the benefits of a large number of people. He planned to make a name for himself in the officialdom, and then use the power of the officialdom to kill Yu Canghai's minions.

After hesitating again and again, Song Qingshu finally made up his mind. Originally, he didn't want to intervene in the enemy and Yu Canghai's feud, only to provide some necessary help, but now this hatred has become a demon in Lin Pingzhi's heart. The incident broke the overall situation of Sichuan, so one night he took Lin Ping Zhilu to the Qingcheng Mountain, and arrested Yu Canghai and the disciples who had attacked the Fuwei Escort. Lin Pingzhi finally reported. Fuwei Escort's enmity to kill the door

Although the Qingcheng faction is a big faction in the martial arts, it has been in decline in Yu Canghai's line. It is far inferior to the famous Emei faction. In addition to the recent chaos in Sichuan, the Qingcheng faction can only be regarded as A wave that couldn't be smaller, and Yu Canghai was always shameless, and there were no friends in the martial arts to stand for him, so this incident was quickly forgotten.

After the revenge, Lin Pingzhi knelt before Song Qing's writing with red eyes and knocked his head a dozen times, but he couldn't stop him. In the end, he swore an oath to be effective and loyal to the other party to repay this kindness.

Seeing that his heart knot was finally untied, Song Qingshu was naturally so happy, and at the same time, he also proposed that he would inquire about Yue Lingshan's whereabouts, and if he had a chance, he would save people for him, so he was completely relieved.

It seems that he was aware that Song Qingshu was about to leave. Ruan Xingzhu was busy reorganizing the Yang family during the day, planting staff to the Sichuan officialdom, and pestering Song Qingshu to carry out her borrowing plan at night as soon as he was free.

Song Qingshu naturally enjoyed the gentleness and amorous feelings. He also understood that he still had a lot of things to do and couldn’t stay here all the time. He worried that Ruan Xingzhu’s words to the Yang family were discovered by the Yang family as a lie, so he could only work harder. .

Finally, on a certain day, Ruan Xingzhu blushed and told him that she hadn't come this month. Song Qingshu was not an aboriginal who was extremely lacking in physiological knowledge in this world, so he immediately realized what was going on.

"Really?" Song Qingshu was in a daze.

"Yeah." Ruan Xingzhu nodded inaudibly, and gently stroked his lower abdomen, his face glowing with happiness, "I can feel it."

Song Qingshu naturally knows that it is impossible to feel any changes so quickly after pregnancy, but the mother's nature has a magical sixth sense, and she can often feel whether she has become pregnant.

"I'm going to be a father?" Song Qingshu hasn't recovered for a while. You must know that he has been in this world for so long. He has always had a lot of confidantes around him. Although he has refined his qi before, he has always been a woman. Nothing happened, which made him feel a little embarrassed. Could it be that he lost his fertility just like his old predecessor Xiang Shaolong because of his crossing, but now he finally feels relieved of a boulder in his heart.

Then he laughed bitterly again. The wife he was marrying and his confidante were so many. He never expected that the first child to be pregnant was Ruan Xingzhu, who was unable to fight with him. If Zhiruo and the others knew about it, they would have to die. Peel off a layer of skin.

"Actually, she may not be the first..." Song Qingshu's mind showed the image of Huang Rong's bulging lower abdomen, but Huang Rong denied it when he asked the other party.

"Really, whether it's one or two, they are all other people's sons in name. It's really a fool!" Thinking of the previous promise, Song Qingshu couldn't help but feel very depressed for a while.

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