Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1715: Wedding eve

Knowing that Ruan Xingzhu was pregnant, Song Qingshu changed his previous mind and continued to stay with her for a while. Although Ruan Xingzhu didn't say anything, he was very moved in his heart. After all, women after pregnancy are more emotional than before.

Getting along with him during this period of time gave Ruan Xingzhu an illusion, as if he really lived happily with her husband. This kind of family feeling was something she had never experienced in previous years.

Sometimes in the middle of the night, she even thought of using some means to keep this man by her side forever. Of course, such thoughts just passed away. She is no longer a ignorant girl, she is a mature enough woman who can distinguish the pros and cons. And emotions, knowing that the two are destined to have no ending, but she quickly figured it out. Since there is no ending, she must enjoy the process and cherish every day with him.

A few days later, news suddenly came that Xixia had originally agreed with the Southern Song Dynasty to attack the Kingdom of Jin. Now that he learned that the Southern Song Dynasty was defeated and sought peace, he also sent envoys to express his goodwill to the Kingdom of Jin. Not willing to waste food and the like, he planned to switch the gun and attack Liao instead.

Just before the Liao Kingdom, Yelu Yixin was killed, and the prince Xixia had a marriage contract with Yelu Yixin’s daughter Cheng'an Princess. He used this as a pretext to say that Yelu Yixin was murdered by a treacherous man. Prepare to attack Liao.

Knowing that Liao was in danger, and worried that Su Quan and Zhao Min would not be able to cope with it, Song Qingshu hurriedly said goodbye to Ruan Xingzhu, confessed to Shen Xiaolong and Lin Pingzhi, and rushed to the direction of Liao.

Because he was worried that once the war started, it would be difficult to stop. Song Qingshu was a race against time. He didn't even have time to meet Daiqisi and Gobi when passing by the Kingdom of Jin. He just let them pass a letter to them and let them bury Han Tongyou. .

After all, the two were friends in a sense at the beginning. Now that Han Zong has ended up like this, he is also very sad. Of course, doing so can make more people disappointed with the Southern Song Dynasty court and deepen their dissatisfaction and anger towards Jia Sidao.

Although it’s all day and night, it’s so easy to get there thousands of miles from Sichuan to Liao. Song Qingshu can’t help but regret knowing that he shouldn’t indulge in Gentle Country, but Ruan Xingzhu was just pregnant, and she should stay to take care of her for a few days of……

On this day, when he entered Liao State and was resting in a tea house on the roadside, he suddenly heard the comments from the surrounding tourists:

"I heard no, the emperor told the world that Yelu Yixin was pretended to be by Murong Jingyue before, and Murong Jingyue did all the messy things done over the years, and the court restored Yelu Yixin's reputation."

"It's true or not, is it because Xixia came to attack, so I used this to block their mouths."

"Well, it's not impossible."

"I feel that such a major event shouldn't be groundless. If it is false, the court can find another reason for it, so why is it so detailed?"

"Yes, you have heard that there is nothing happening in Sichuan not long ago. Murong Fu's various conspiracies and scheming to exclude dissidents, wanting to take the entire Sichuan as his own and revive the country of Yan hundreds of years ago.

"Tsk tsk, Murong Fu and Murong Jingyue belong to the Murong family. It seems that the Murong family is hidden deep enough. I don't know if other countries have the Murong family's manpower."

Hearing these people’s talk, Song Qingshu’s heart moved. Now the Murong family’s thoughts on restoring the country are known to the world. The Murong family may be struggling in the Southern Song Dynasty. Hearing that Murongfu dare not return to Yanziwu, and now he doesn’t know where to hide. , As if suddenly disappeared in this world.

"By the way, I heard that after the restoration of Yelu Yixin's reputation and title, the members of their family were also restored. For example, Yelu Nanxian was re-appointed as the lord of Cheng'an, and soon he will be sent to Xixia for marriage."

"Hey, the state of Liao is really not what it used to be. It is sad to think that other countries sent women to Daliao to marry for peace, but now it is Daliao who sent the princess to ask for peace in Xixia."

A few old people who were obviously from the Liao Kingdom sighed over there while mourning the glory of the past, but Song Qingshu was shocked. If he came one step later, Yelu Nanxian would still marry into Xixia after all.

In fact, whether it is to restore the title of Yeluyixin or marry Xixia, it is the established plan before, but the plan is one thing, and hearing what happened is another.

Thinking that he had promised to be her marry general, Song Qingshu drank the tea and immediately started on the road. Then he gave up riding and switched to light work. Although he was tired, his speed was faster than horses.

Finally in the night of the same day, he rushed to the palace and saw him out of breath. Zhao Min and Su Quan, who were playing chess in the harem, couldn’t help but laughed: "I said he heard Nan Xian The news that my sister will marry into Xixia will desperately rush over, you still don't believe it."

Song Qingshu propped his hand on the pillar, panting heavily, "Give me some water soon, I'm dying of thirst."

Su Quan smiled sweetly, brought a cup of tea and handed it to him: "Slowly drink...I haven't seen you so embarrassed since I knew you. It seems that Sister Nan Xian is really extraordinary in your heart."

"If you arrive here from Chengdu day and night, you will get tired," Song Qingshu rolled his eyes, drank the tea, and finally calmed his breath. "In fact, if something happens to you, I will do it too. I came here desperately."

Zhao Min also got up at this time and sighed after hearing the words: "It's really glib, I don't know how many girls have said this."

Song Qingshu smiled wryly, and hurriedly changed the subject and said, "By the way, I haven't encountered any problems with the restoration of Yelu Yixin's reputation before." You must know that "Yelü Yixin" has killed a lot of people over the years. He has fallen, and telling others that he did not do it by "Yelü Yixin", there will definitely be many people dissatisfied.

Zhao Min replied: "If it is definitely not going well at other times, but the Xixia army is suppressing the border, in order to avoid the war, most people will naturally not say anything, and a very small number of people who have opinions can deal with it."

"Then Xixia is really willing to retreat?" Song Qingshu continued to ask.

"How could it be so simple," Zhao Min shook his head. "After some mediation, Xixia reluctantly agreed to temporarily stop advancing. Now that the army is stationed on the border, our side will naturally not be focused on seeking peace. We have already dispatched troops. Shifting the army to the west, Xixia didn't have the confidence to win when he saw this situation, but it was a bit embarrassing to have Mingjin retreat. All the decisions to let Princess Cheng'an marry it would end up personally."

"When will the marrying team leave?" Song Qingshu asked with concern. After all, no matter what, he has the need to care about Yelu Nanxian.

"The marrying team will start tomorrow, so Sister Zhao said just now that you came back just fine." Su Quan's laughter was full of joking and coquettishness.


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