Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1716: Mysterious Toffee

"Tomorrow?" Song Qingshu was taken aback, not expecting such a hurry.

"There is no other way," Su Quan said. "The two countries are facing each other at the border. If they are not careful, it is easy to cause friction and war. Once the war starts, blood will flow into a river. It is not so easy to think of a truce, so the bride should be brought as soon as possible. Send it over."

Zhao Min on the side seemed to have guessed what he was thinking, and giggled and said: "Don't bear it anymore. Peace can be brought about by a woman. Whether it is Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty or Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty, or even us, Da Khan will choose this without hesitation. On the contrary, only Song died to save face and almost never married."

"What's more..." Zhao Min continued, "You and I know that this marriage is just a formality. With you, the general, is it true that Sister Nan Xian will suffer."

Seeing her smiling like a flower, Song Qingshu said grimly: "Prince Xixia is not an eunuch, how can he marry a wife and go back to confess? I heard that Prince Ning of Xixia has always been lustful, and seeing Nanxian look so beautiful and moving. How can it be indifferent."

Zhao Min chuckled: "Anyway, I only have to deal with the dangerous situation in the Liao Kingdom. As for the safety of Nanxian's sister, only Duke Song is the only one who has moved the world over the past few years. I want to come this time. Not to mention it, let alone going to Xixia by the way to stir up the situation, it is simply killing two birds with one stone."

Song Qingshu had a black thread, knowing that she was gloating here, and she was still mixed with dissatisfaction with her everywhere, so she hurriedly changed the topic: "How is Xixia's politics now?"

Most of what he paid attention to was the situation of the Jin, Qing, and Song countries. After all, Xixia was far away from Zhongyuan, so he didn't understand that much.

At this time Su Quan yawned: "You guys talk slowly, I'll go to sleep first."

Hearing what she said, Zhao Min, who has always been generous, rarely blushed, and couldn't help but sigh: "What are you doing now?"

"Oh?" Su Quan turned around and looked at her with a smile, "Does the princess want me to stay and play a game of Yilong and Erfeng?"

Zhao Min used to be with Zhou Zhiruo mostly because she molested each other, but in this respect she was so embarrassed by her words that she hurriedly said: "Hey, Shenlongjiao is regarded as martial arts. Sure enough, the evil way is not injustice."

"Giggle~" Seeing her shriveled appearance, Su Quan was very proud, leaving behind a string of coquettish laughter, and walked out. When passing by Song Qingshu, he stopped and hummed in a low voice, "Save a little bit." , Remember to come to me in the second half of the night!" She always looks like a smoky look, but she deliberately did not hide her thoughts. After all, she is very prosperous, and the two have been separated for so long, and the lover is destined to be too. I can't stay, I will leave for Xixia tomorrow, and it can be expected that there will be a long time to stay alone.

Song Qingshu originally thought about how she was so generous today. He couldn't help but smile when he heard her words. He thought about the various yy Sannomiya and Six Institutes in the past, but in practice, how could so many women-like men be able to take care of them, if not practice by themselves. After the supreme magical skill of Huanxi Zen, I am afraid that it has already been absorbed into medicine dregs...

After she left, Zhao Min came over, her face blushing like a blooming rose: "This fox Meizi, dare to say anything."

Song Qing smiled: "Otherwise, what should I do, let you wait until the middle of the night, she guessed that you have always been arrogant, and probably won't accept it, so after applying for it, she is really a big woman..."

Zhao Min was so angry that he pinched him severely: "You are not so beautiful, what do you think of us!"

Song Qingshu hugged her in his arms and hurriedly brought the topic to the Xixia political arena before successfully diverting her attention.

"Since Li Yuanhao was founded, Xixia has been standing to the west for the past few years, and the domestic situation is considered stable." Zhao Min cuddled in his arms, and gently fiddled with the little braid between his temples. "Li Yuanhao led the party members to establish their own The country has no more prestige in the country. However, Xixia has established a country by military force. In the past few decades, there have been wars between Liao, Song and Jin. The royal family needs to rely on the support of many tribal chiefs. Yeli and beggars are the representatives."

Hearing the three words of Li Yuanhao, Song Qingshu couldn’t help sighing that the butterfly wings were really big enough. The emperor of Xixia in this chaotic world was actually him. According to history, it has been more than ten years since the changes of Jingkang, and Li Yuanhao has already turned into a dead bone. I don't know how many years it has been.

"Ye Li begs?" Another name also caught Song Qingshu's attention, and he vaguely remembered where he seemed to have heard of it.

Zhao Min explained: "You Han people may not be very familiar with the surnames on these grasslands. Just like Li Yuanhao, he was not originally named Li, but the last name Tuoba, but later the party members surrendered to the Central Plains dynasty and changed their surname to Li. These years, the party names People have also accepted the advanced culture of the Han people. Many people changed their names to the Han surname for convenience, and the Yeli clan changed the Han surname to Mu, so it can be called Mujia."

"Surname Mu?" Song Qingshu's mind flashed, and suddenly he thought of where he had heard this name. When I met Mu Wanqing some time ago, she seemed to have heard her mention that she seems to be at Xixiamu's house now.

"It's a coincidence." Thinking of Mu Wanqing, Song Qingshu couldn't help feeling full of emotions, knowing that the other party was almost one of the women he first met after he came to this world, but the two of them had no idea until now.

Zhao Min didn't notice his abnormality, and continued: "The Mu brothers and the whole family controlled almost 30% or even half of Xixia's army."

Song Qingshu frowned and said: "Just as the so-called side of the couch can not allow others to sleep soundly, Li Yuanhao is also considered a generation of heroes, and how can he tolerate this kind of situation that is too big."

"You only know one thing and don't know the other," Zhao Min explained with a smile, "because the sister of the Mu brothers is the queen of Li Yuanhao, the current Xixia prince Ning Ge is the nephew of the Mu brothers."

"Prince Ning..." Song Qingshu was quite upset when he thought that Yelu Nanxian wanted to marry him. "Does he have any kind of brothers, half-father ambitious." For Yelu Nanxian, he naturally Can't let this Ning Ge sit as a prince.

Zhao Min covered his mouth and smiled: "I know what you are thinking, but I am afraid I will disappoint you. Ning Ge does have a lot of brothers, but most of them are mediocre people. The only king of Yi, Li Liangzuo, is somewhat talented. However, it is said that he has been asking immortals and asking questions over the years, and he has even been practicing in Kongtong for a while, obviously not interested in politics.

"This is troublesome." Hearing this situation, Song Qingshu couldn't help feeling irritated.

"But although he doesn't have any brothers who are fighting for position, he has an uncle that should not be underestimated." Zhao Min didn't sell him, and said directly, "Li Qianshun, the king of Liang, is the younger brother of Li Yuanhao, who has always loved Li Yuanhao."

Song Qingshu frowned: "How can the younger brother be more favored than his son?"

"That's not necessarily," Zhao Min smiled. "There has always been a tradition of brothers and brothers on the grassland, and there is also a country where Zhao Guangyi won his brother Zhao Kuangyin from the founding of the Song Dynasty. This is all traditional. And Li Ganshun's mother is Xixia harem. A certain mysterious concubine in Zhong, it is said that Yipintang was formed by her alone, so whether Li Ganshun is political capital or military strength, it should not be underestimated."——

In order to meet some of the clues, I made a certain adaptation of the royal family on Xixia’s side. For example, Li Ganshun is not Li Yuanhao’s younger brother, but a figure of his great-grandson generation. The main reason for this change is to join the concubine Li Qiushui. In Baidu Encyclopedia, it is stated that Li Qiushui’s son is Li Liangzuo. This is obviously wrong, because it is clearly mentioned in the original work that Li Qiushui’s son is Li Ganshun. In addition, some plots require that the current Xixia Emperor is Li Yuanhao, so he played Arranged in chaos, I hope you readers don’t be serious


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