Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1717: act like an absolute monarch

"Mysterious concubine?" Song Qingshu naturally knew that the lord was the famous Li Qiushui. His martial arts was unfathomable, and he often didn't see people in his true colors. Of course, he felt mysterious.

"Although there is a faint shadow of the concubine behind Xixia Yipintang, the general Helian Tieshu is still in charge, and he also controls a part of the military power, so he is also a pivotal figure in Xixia." Zhao Min continued to explain.

Song Qingshu nodded. After dealing with Xixia Yipintang so many times, Helian Tieshu is an old acquaintance: "It seems that the Xixia political arena is the division of the Prince Ningge Group and the Liangwang Li Ganshun Group."

Zhao Min added: "There is another family you should pay attention to when you come. Speaking of this family, it should be famous among you Han people."

"What family?" Song Qingshu was startled.

Zhao Min smiled slightly: "Jiangning Qin family! That is Qin Hui's family. Back then, Qin Hui fell from power. The Qin family was worried that the family would be liquidated, so the family moved to Xixia. As for why they chose Xixia in the end, outsiders don’t know why. But the Qin family can be considered to have a bit of background, after arriving in Xixia, relying on the political marriage with the Mu family, they once again stepped onto the political stage."

"The Qin family, marry the Mu family..." Hearing these keywords, Song Qingshu immediately popped Qin Hongmian in his mind. According to Mu Wanqing last time, Qin Hongmian became pregnant when he was unmarried, and the pressure on the family would increase. Because of the persecution of my brother, he reluctantly married a big family in Xixia, and now I want to come and everything is right.

"After all, the Qin family has gone abroad for such a big traitor as Qin Hui, when you go to Xixia, be careful not to be calculated by them." Zhao Min reminded.

Song Qingshu nodded, but felt a little disapproving in his heart. Although he didn't like the Qin family, but with Mu Wanqing's relationship, the two sides shouldn't be in a hostile relationship.

"By the way, I have one more thing to tell you. I've been here for so long. It's a little boring. And I've been out for so long. I feel a little homesick. Something happened some time ago. My father and eldest brother should also be worried. Me." Zhao Min whispered suddenly.

Listening to Xiange knows elegance, Song Qingshu immediately reacted: "Do you want to go back to Mongolia?"

"Well, I want to go back and see Daddy..." Zhao Min was always full of spirits, but this time he was quite unconfident and looked at him nervously.

Song Qingshu frowned secretly, knowing that the current situation in Liao Kingdom is barely stabilized by Zhao Min and Su Quan. If she leaves, it will be difficult for Su Quan to play the two roles alone.

And more importantly, she knows too many secrets now, and Mongolia belongs to an enemy country. If she leaves, there is no guarantee that she will not reveal the secrets. Once she reveals a little bit, she has been in Qing, Jin, and Liao. The layout of several countries will be ruined...

For other people, Song Qingshu has enough control, such as the Three Corpse Brain Pill, Life and Death Talisman, or common interests, but for Zhao Min alone, he did not have any checks and balances, so it is difficult to plant her with Life and Death Talisman. ?

He was suddenly shocked, what on earth was he thinking, and when did he start not believing in feelings? If even Zhao Min has to rely on these methods to control, then it is really a situation of loneliness, is this what I want, then even if I finally get Jiangshan, what is the point?

After thinking about all this, Song Qingshu smiled and said: "It is indeed a bit embarrassing for you to be in this deep palace all day long, and you should go home and see if you count the time. If I am going to Xixia Clone and lacking skills, I must be with you. Go back to visit father-in-law and brother-in-law together."

"Father-in-law and eldest brother-in-law, it is really ugly. If my father and elder brother know what you have done to me, they will take out the scimitar and hack you to death..." Zhao Min raised his chin and hummed.

Seeing her beautiful red lips, Song Qingshu couldn't help but bow her head and kissed: "The raw rice is already cooked, can they still accept it? If they dare to disagree, I will go straight to Ruyang. The palace will take you away and run away."

"Who is going to elope with you!" Zhao Min sipped, his expression suddenly changed, and he reacted, "So you agree with me to go back to Mongolia?"

Song Qingshu squeezed her face, Zhao Min's skin was very delicate and smooth, plus the goose egg face with a little natural baby fat, it was quite comfortable to pinch: "Mongolia is your home, why would I disagree What?"

On weekdays, Zhao Min would subconsciously fight back when she was squeezed in this way, and she couldn't do without a fight, but today she seems to have forgotten this, just staring at her lover in a daze: "Aren't you afraid that I will betray you?"

Song Qingshu said frankly: "I was really worried at the beginning, but I immediately thought that if you can't even believe it, who can I believe in this world?"

"Are you gambling?" Zhao Min sighed quietly.

Song Qingshu shook his head and looked at her with a smile: "This is not a bet, because I have a certainty of winning."

Zhao Min's expression is very solemn: "I suddenly regret my decision, because your heart is too soft and you are too easy to trust others. You are not a qualified high-ranking person. I am afraid it will be difficult to dominate the world in the future."

Song Qingshu suddenly became depressed: "Am I so bad?"

At this time, Zhao Min's conversation changed: "However, although this temperament is not a qualified high-ranking person, he is a perfect lover!" She had been sullen before, and then suddenly smiled, as if the ice and snow had just melted. As if the spring breeze came overnight, thousands of trees and pear blossoms bloomed.

Seeing her charming and incomparable smile, Song Qingshu couldn't help but stared blankly for a while.

"Nerdy~" Zhao Min nodded his forehead. She was born beautiful and impeccable, and after she laughed, she looked even more charming under the red candle.

Song Qingshu looked at the index finger violently, and hugged her horizontally and walked inside, Zhao Min exclaimed, "What do you want to do?"

"Yes!" Song Qingshu nodded solemnly.

"Hate!" Zhao Min was so angry that he took a bite on his shoulder.

Song Qingshu took a breath: "Are you a dog?"

"Who made you so bad?" Zhao Min shrank in his arms, a bright red oozing from his smooth and white skin, just like a layer of rouge on white jade.

Song Qingshu knows that she is radiant and generous on weekdays, but after all, she has just been in contact with the bedclothes, and is far from the age of greed. Now it is inevitable that some girls still remain shy, but the more he knows this, the more High interest: "You are going back to Mongolia soon. We don't know how long it will take when we meet next time. Of course we have to hurry up."

Thinking of the upcoming separation, Zhao Min gave birth to endless sorrows for a while, and no longer objected with a hum.

Because of the imminent separation, coupled with the fact that she will leave her with an unforgettable night, so that she will never forget what she thinks of herself when she is alone in the future, Song Qingshu worked harder tonight than others.

I don’t know how long it has been, and the girl’s soft and feeble anger came from the pink curtain: "You have to go to Sister Su Quan's side later, don’t you worry about it..." (https:)

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