Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1727: It’s people who are cool, and it’s me who is dead

Suddenly Yelu Nanxian sneered: "Okay, okay, Brother Song, I know you're...that's what it is."

Song Qingshu was taken aback, and said sternly, "Do you think I look like your Big Brother Song now?"

Yelu Nanxian chuckled and said, "I know you can disguise yourself, not to mention that in this world who can play the Eighteen Palms of Jianglong to that level, there is anyone besides you." She had seen it on Shenlong Island. Song Qingshu used the eighteen palms of Jianglong to fight Ouyang Feng's toad power, so he recognized it.

"The Eighteen Palms of Jianglong is a beggar gang's unique knowledge. I don't know how many people will be. Maybe one or two can reach this level, and they may not represent anything." Song Qingshu was still black.

"But there is still your sword aura. Will there be anyone else in the martial arts with this move of returning Wan Jian to the Sect?" Yelu Nanxian's eyes were like crescent moons, and his eyes were full of smiles.

"There are so many swordsmen in the arena, and there are so many swordsmanship. Do you believe it if you just scream for the return of ten thousand swords?" Song Qingshu is still very upset because he is good at disguising, so he has been worried about others impersonating him. , Seeing that Yelu Nanxian thought of a man with a different appearance as himself just by relying on such a little clue, of course he didn't feel happy in his heart.

"It's true that many, but it will not only drop eighteen palms of the dragon, but also understand the return of ten thousand swords to the sect, and also..." Yelu Nanxian suddenly began to hesitate.

"What else?" Song Qingshu was curious, what on earth did she use to judge her identity.

"You are still such a cheap person, Brother Song is the only one in the world." The corner of Yelu Nanxian's lips rose slightly, obviously at this moment in her heart with hatred and happiness.

Song Qingshu: "..."

"Well, don't be angry, do you remember that my dress was torn just now, did you put your coat on me? Actually, I was finalized at that time, because..." Yelu Nanxian's face suddenly reddened before hesitating. Said, "Because I remember the smell on you."

Song Qingshu was stunned, wondering if this is a woman's talent. It seems that many people can clearly distinguish the taste of their own men. On the contrary, it is difficult for men to distinguish the taste of women. Anyway, it is the fragrance of rouge gouache.

Then he felt pity again, Yelu Nanxian and him were actually only married for one night. That time it was a blunder. She didn't expect that she would deeply remember this feeling in her heart.

At this time, he didn't tease her mind anymore, he just took off the mask to reveal his original face: "Sister Nanxian, you have suffered during this period of time."

Yelu Nanxian said dazedly: "Originally you promised me to come and be my marrying general, but I couldn't wait for you that day. At that time, I really felt like all my thoughts were lost. I thought that since you didn't care about me, then I would simply be true. It’s fine to marry that Prince Xixia."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "I was in Sichuan before, and something happened over there that was delayed, but I have arrived non-stop, and I didn't have a rest day and night on the road..."

Yelu Nanxian couldn't help but snorted: "I really didn't scold you just now. I clearly came here, and I deliberately pretended to be a fool, even I was going to lie."

Song Qingshu looked depressed: "You don't know that I can't see my identity now, so I can only change my identity, and I want to tell you when I come, but unfortunately you didn't even see me in person."

Yelu Nanxian was also a bit embarrassed: "I was still angry with you at that time, and I thought it was not you who came to marry the general. If you are in a bad mood, naturally you won't give him a good face."

Song Qingshu gently hugged her into his arms: "Don't worry, now I'm here, you don't have to worry about anything in the future."

"Yeah." Yelu Nanxian nodded. In fact, she couldn't tell the relationship between herself and Song Qingshu. At first, she had a hint of goodwill in her appreciation. Later, she did not understand what happened that night in Yangzhou by chance. At that time, I only felt that I didn't know what kind of attitude to use to face Song Qingshu, so I quietly left in the early morning of the next day.

Later, when I met him in Liao, he felt familiar and unfamiliar. He was close to him but felt a little short of it, and he was far away but hesitated.

It wasn’t until this time to marry Xixia, when she didn’t come to Song Qingshu, the sadness and disappointment in her heart gradually made her realize what she was. The sound of heartbeat is not nervousness or fear, but a thumping heartbeat.

"Don't worry about chatting, let's get rid of the life and death talisman in your body first, otherwise I really don't worry." Song Qingshu said hurriedly, thinking that the poison in her body was a regular bomb.

"Do you really want to take off your clothes?" Yelu Nanxian's voice suddenly became quieter.

"In fact, it is not necessary, but the effect is better if you take it off." Song Qingshu smiled sullily.

Yelu Nanxian gave him an angry look: "I knew it!"

While Song Qingshu was embarrassed, he suddenly saw Yelu Nanxian pull off the thin straps on his slender waist with his hands, slowly retracting the dress from his shoulders, revealing his back like the finest mutton fat and white jade.

Her skin was exposed to the air, and she could faintly see her body trembling slightly, not knowing whether it was because the air was too cold or because she was too nervous.

Song Qingshu held her shoulders and said softly, "Don't be nervous, just leave it to me next."

"Yeah." Feeling the heat in his palm, Yelu Nanxian nodded slightly. Yangzhou was confused that night, but this time he took the initiative to withdraw his clothes in front of this man. How could he not be nervous?

Song Qingshu paused and reminded: "That's right, because the acupoints of the life and death talisman in you are Zigong, Lingxu, Guanyuan, and Futu. Later, my palm may move to the corresponding acupuncture..." Several acupuncture points correspond to the chest, lower abdomen, and thighs. If it is not a close person, it is indeed not convenient to treat. This is another reason why Song Qingshu just chose to suppress in the backyard, rather than immediately remove the life and death talisman.

Seeing Yelu Nanxian kept silent, Song Qingshu asked again: "Sister Nanxian?"

Yelu Nanxian finally spoke, but there was a bit shy and annoyed in his tone: "My clothes are all taken off, and you keep asking me about this..."

Song Qingshu was startled, and couldn't help but laugh. Now it was Yelu Nanxian's turn to be embarrassed: "I... Am I too rude."

"You are a beautiful rouge horse that grows on the grassland. It would be inappropriate if you are as coy as a woman from the south of the Yangtze River." Song Qingshu gently arranged her waterfall-like hair and said softly.

"You said I'm a horse?" Yelu Nanxian turned around so angry, Mei stared, "Horse is used to ride..."

Having said that, she suddenly realized something and sipped: "Rogue!"

Song Qingshu looked down at her and couldn't help but wipe the nosebleeds from her face: "Ahem, don't you make people become a gangster like this?"

"Huh?" Yelu Nanxian was at a loss, followed his gaze and lowered his head. Only then did he realize that he had taken off his clothes. The moment he looked back, wouldn't it be...

"Ah!" Yelu Nanxian really screamed this time, as if the frightened rabbit hurriedly turned around and threw the pillow on the man behind, "Go out, I'm dead."

Of course Song Qingshu wouldn't be stupid. Knowing that she was tender, she couldn't pull her face down for a while, so he leaned over and hugged her in his arms: "Let’s stop making trouble, let’s start healing, lest we wait until dawn. ."

Before Yelu Nanxian had time to answer, suddenly there was an exclamation from the door. The two followed their reputations and saw the maid standing at the door staring at them dumbfounded.

The maid was almost crazy at this time. She took the big risk to let this general as a marrying officer into the princess’s room. She was always worried. Unfortunately, she didn’t know martial arts and couldn’t hear what was said inside at the door, so she could only be there. Anxious and silently prayed for the general to come out soon.

It’s a pity that God seemed to ignore her request. The marrying general never came out. She couldn’t help but put her ear on the door of the room to hear what was going on inside. At this moment, the princess’s tip came. Called, she instinctively pushed open the room and rushed in, just in time to see the princess sitting naked on the bed, and the marrying general was holding her with his arms.

"Bold Xiao Beishen, how dare you offend the princess!" The maid's mind was blank at this time, and the thing she was most worried about finally happened. If the princess had any problem that affected the marriage between the two countries, she would definitely die without a place to bury her. Because she was so flustered, she didn't realize that the general sent to marry her had changed appearance at this time, but when she saw his clothes, she subconsciously regarded him as the **** of Xiao Bei.

Yelu Nanxian couldn't help strangling the man behind her, causing herself to be so ugly in front of the maid, but now that she has no other way, she can't let the maid alarm other people in the mission.

"Xiaoxian, go out." Yelu Nanxian ordered.

Song Qingshu was startled. It turned out that this maid was called Xiaoxian, and she must have been named after Yelu Nanxian, but she won't be renamed Shangguan.

The maid named Xiaoxian said anxiously: "But the princess..."

Yelu Nanxian yelled: "I let you out, just... don't talk to anyone about what you just saw!"

Now, how can the maid fail to understand that it is not that the general forced her to marry her. This is clearly what you want... adulterer-women!

It's no wonder she has such a big resentment. After all, it is the other person who is cool, but it is likely that she will lose her life in the end. It is a loss-making business no matter what.

However, she was rescued by the young lady in the slave market since she was a child, and she grew up with her. Although the two are called masters and servants, they are in love with sisters, and now she can only cover up the matter for the young lady.

He glared at the man fiercely, but the other party seemed guilty and didn't dare to look back at her. In desperation, Xiaoxian could only go out sadly, planning to go outside to let the two of them out.

"I really don't have the face to meet people now." Seeing the maid going out, Yelu Nanxian's face was like a cloud of fire.

Song Qingshu didn't care about it: "She is your personal maid. We have kept things from her for a day or two. Can we still keep it from her? Let her know now. By the way, she won't be surnamed Shangguan. ?"

Yelu Nanxian didn't expect him to ask this question suddenly, and replied doubtfully: "She doesn't have a surname, Xiaoxian is still the name I gave it, but it's pretty good to have her surname Shangguan, so I'll call her Shangguan later."

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