Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1728: ungrateful

Song Qingshu did not expect that he would create a famous Shangguan Xiaoxian casually, but he also knew that this was just a coincidence. After all, although the maid looked delicate and beautiful, the legendary woman not only has the wealth of the world, but also has the martial arts. The martial arts, martial arts is exquisite, at the same time, the wisdom and strategy are also top-notch, and she is also a rare beauty in the world, with wonderful temptation, enough to make most men commit crimes, and her child-like face has an indescribable charm. Innocent, her eyes are round and bright; her body like a woman, every minute, every inch seems to emit an irresistible heat. She is as beautiful as a fairy, with an extremely beautiful appearance like a fairy in a plum blossom, a fairy in the sky, and her voice is also like the gentle breeze in the spring evening...

"This is the home of Jin Shu, Gu Long's character should stand aside..." Of course, Song Qingshu knew that this maid would never be the woman in his memory, but the name reminded him of some things in his previous life, and he was embarrassed for a while.

"What's wrong with you?" Yelu Nanxian asked curiously.

Song Qingshu shook his head: "It's nothing, let's start healing."

With the episode just now, the two of them have lost their initial courage, Song Qingshu's expression has also returned to Qingming, and she has begun to remove the life and death talisman in her body one by one.

But this is a bitter to Yelu Nanxian. Song Qingshu is an old driver who can sit back and relax. She has been a jade-like young girl for more than ten years. Although there was a silly night in Yangzhou before, this did not happen. It affected her young girl's mentality too much, and now he felt the heat in his palm seeping through his skin, and his heart was pounding so fast that it reached his throat.

Especially when I felt the hot palm of the other party wandering around on my body, Yelu Nanxian's eyes were dripping with water. The night in Yangzhou was too sloppy. At that time, it was full of panic and fear, and I couldn't understand the process at all. Now it's different. Whether it's the relationship between the two parties or the mentality, she is much relaxed.

After all, she is just a teenage girl, far from the age of greedy, at this time, her heart is more of a green sweetness, mixed with a bit of ignorance and shyness.

But it didn't take long for her face to suddenly change in a strange way, because she felt warm all over, a strange and unusual sensation gradually rose from the depths of her body, and gradually turned into a mass of air as if to poke her throat out.

It turns out that removing the life and death talisman requires the use of yin and yang to dissolve it. The whole process will be like making the top horse-killing a chicken. Every cell in the body will tremble with joy, but Yelu Nanxian does not understand all this, but only It was because of her special physique that she couldn't help gritting her teeth. She was worried about making a shameful voice that would make the lover behind her think that she was the kind of watery woman. The girl's mind was always so complicated and nervous, for fear of leaving a little bit of bad impression.

It’s just that a lot of things are not something that willpower can bear. She still sees a faintly human voice from time to time between her lips and teeth... Feeling the pain of the girl’s deliberate suppression, Song Qingshu has experience after all, and quickly understands how to respond. The matter, said softly: "You don't have to endure it, it's not good for your body..." Then, I roughly said the principle of lifting the life and death talisman and told her that this is the most normal reaction of the human body.

Yelu Nanxian was already on the verge of collapse. Hearing his words, he seemed to have heard the most beautiful voice in the world, and his whole body was completely relaxed.

However, when she relaxed, Song Qingshu suffered. He had been healing her wounds from Lingtai Qingming, but when she heard her low singing voice, her whole mouth suddenly became dry.

The girl’s emotional voice is the most beautiful music in the world. In addition, because of the healing and sweating, the girl’s natural and fresh smell lingers in the tent, and the touch of youthful vitality returned by the palm of her hand. It makes people happy.

Song Qingshu persisted with great perseverance and completely removed the life and death talisman for her. At this time, his eyes were red and his body was as hot as fire. But Yelu Nanxian's eyes were blurred at this time, and he was lying in his arms as soft as boneless. , A look like Renjun picking up.

"This can be regarded as bitter and happy." Song Qingshu's thoughts flashed, and he was about to kiss the beautiful red lips of the beautiful woman in his arms, when there was a knock on the door.

"Princess, princess..." was the voice of the maid, Xiaoxian.

"What's the matter?" As soon as Yelu Nanxian said, he was shocked. At this time, his voice was not as clear as usual, but it was as sweet as honey.

Song Qingshu was also depressed. He was disturbed by this maid again and again. He was considering whether to seal her acupoint next time.

"It's dawn..." The maid's voice was also full of speechlessness. The two of them were there for such a big night. Are you really not paying attention to the time? Later, the people in the mission will gradually get up. Marrying a general to stay overnight in the princess house will definitely cause an uproar.

Hearing the maid's reminder, Song Qingshu glanced at the window and found that the outside was faintly white. Only then did he woke up to a battle with the Tianshan child grandmother at night, and then removed four consecutive life and death charms. Time really passed quickly.

At this time, Yelu Nanxian recovered the shyness and reservedness of the girl, wrapped the quilt around her body, and whispered: "Big Brother Song, hurry up, it's not good to be seen by others."

Song Qingshu looked a little depressed: "It's really depressed."

Seeing his expression, Yelu Nanxian felt a little unbearable: "You can come back at night..." After speaking, he embarrassedly buried his whole person in the bed, leaving only a beautiful black hair. outside.

"Good!" Song Qingshu's mood improved instantly, and soon he changed his clothes and put on his mask and went out.

Seeing his brisk pace and the uncontrollable triumph when walking, the maid Xiaoxian was upset in her heart, gave him a fierce look, and then closed the door and ran to her side nervously: "Princess, are you OK?"

"Also... okay." Yelu Nanxian felt embarrassed in her heart, and she felt a little lack of confidence in speaking.

"This **** really doesn't know Lianxiangxiyu." Perceiving the strangeness in the master's voice, the maid Xiaoxian would suddenly mean something wrong, only when she was tossed all night.

Yelu Nanxian's face turned red and hurriedly explained: "Song...General Xiao is just healing me. Don't think about it."

"Heal?" The maid Xiaoxian sneered. Miss, do you think I'm an idiot? I stayed in the room all night. I just saw you take off your clothes and be held in his arms. He said he didn't even believe in pigs. It's better to say that they are doing your hair for you.

"By the way, the princess, you are noble. He is just a miscellaneous general who has never heard of him. Although his martial arts is better, he is not on the stage." The maid Xiaoxian couldn't help muttering.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Yelu Nanxian interrupted her, "He is the most capable man in the world, and no one else can compare to him." But there was a bit of sadness in the tone, and the two had just determined Relationship, but she is about to marry into Xixia. Although the other party has repeatedly promised that she will never really marry the prince of Xixia, as a royal family, how can she not know how little personal power is in the face of the will of the country? Very capable, but after all, people are not gods.

This is also the reason why she took the initiative to invite the other party just now. She just wants to spend this time with her lover in this limited time. The only prayer is that the road to Xixia can be farther...

When the maid on the side saw the lady's idiotic look, she couldn't help but chuckle secretly, and other men couldn't compare it to other men. No wonder the world said that the lover had Xi Shi in the eyes of her lover, and she really couldn't understand the good of the general who sent her to marry him.

Let’s say that the mission continued to set off on the second day. After experiencing the events of last night, everyone was not in good spirits. Song Qingshu suggested that today should be less hurrying and rest in a small town recently. The rest of the mission naturally agreed with joy, and they all praised. The general is sympathetic to his subordinates.

The main purpose of Song Qingshu is of course to meet Yelu Nanxian, but it's not bad to get people's hearts by the way.

From time to time, I look back at the princess’s carriage, and occasionally I happen to meet Yelu Nanxian opening the curtain to peek at him. The two of them face each other, full of tenderness and affection that they just fell in love with, but this is disgusting and bad for the maid on the side. Xian, she sees that this guy who has taken away her own lady's body and mind is always so unpleasant, but what makes her even more uncomfortable is that she has no way to stop all of this...

As for Song Qingshu, who was displeased by her, besides flirting with Yelu Nanxian, he was thinking about the origin of those people last night and why they wanted to kill Yelu Nanxian.

Yelu Nanxian has no enemies in the arena. Because of Yelu Yixin's downfall in the country, all grievances have been concluded. Those who want to kill her are mostly to destroy the marriage.

Was it the enemy countries of Southern Song Dynasty and Mongolia, or Xixia Kingdom itself? Song Qingshu naturally knew that this was not the plan of the Kingdom of Jin and the Qing Dynasty, so there were only a few possibilities left.

However, the Southern Song Dynasty is now suffering from the defeat of the Northern Expedition and the chaos in Sichuan, so there should be no time to take care of things here, and the Kongtong faction is nothing else. Tianshan Tongmao was also involved in this matter. The Southern Song Dynasty should not understand her.

Thinking of Tianshan Tong's grandmother hiding in the dark, she didn't know when she would find a chance to come out with a thunderous blow. It was really impossible to guard against. Song Qingshu had a headache when she thought of her martial arts masterpiece.

I didn’t know what was going on all the way. The mission team has arrived in the scheduled town. There is no post here. Of course, because of the lessons learned, the group of people still have lingering fears, and most of them will never go to the post. Stayed in an inn.

Song Qingshu summoned all the members of the mission and strengthened their guard. In fact, he did not need to say, everyone also increased their vigilance. It was good luck to pick up a life last night. If you do it again, no one can guarantee that there will be such good luck. .

After installing several layers of defense, Song Qingshu still set up his room next to the princess. With what happened yesterday, everyone had no objection. The only Shangguan Xiaoxian who knew the truth could only roll his eyes sharply, but could not tell the truth. other people.

Although it was early to stay in, Song Qingshu was going to marry the general, and he needed to deal with many things. Xiao Yu Duwo also came to him to discuss some things from time to time.

After finally waiting in the middle of the night, when everyone gradually fell asleep, Song Qingshu ran to the next door and knocked on the door. Shangguan Xiaoxian who opened the door saw that it was him and showed an expression like that.

After entering the door, seeing her standing there still, Song Qingshu couldn't help asking: "Aren't you going out?"

Shangguan Xiaoxian rolled his eyes: "I stayed up all night outside the door for you last night, and let me stay up all night outside today. Do you still have a conscience?"

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