Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1729: Beautiful petite captive

Seeing this temperamental little maid, Song Qingshu felt a little strange: "You can sleep in my room next door."

The little maid curled her lips: "I don't want to sleep on the bed of a stinky man, and an innocent girl who ran into a man's room to sleep in the middle of the night, how can I see people?"

Song Qingshu: "..."

The little maid continued to snorted: "And by looking at your appearance, you know that you have forged many enemies on weekdays. In case someone comes to you in the middle of the night to seek revenge, I just happen to sleep there. Didn't I become your substitute? "

"The little girl is really clever," Song Qingshu was also helpless. "You can't be outside or next door. You don't want to stay in the house. Then I will make friends with your princess... You don't know what Isn’t it called no evil, no evil, no smell?"

A faint red flash appeared on the little maid's face: "After all, I am the princess's personal girl, and I have to get used to this kind of thing slowly."

Song Qingshu was stunned. Only then did he think of the customs of this world. There really is no need for a girl like her to shy away from the house, and the wives and concubines in the big house are fighting for favor. Sometimes the master’s body is inconvenient, and she will let the close girl serve her husband. Keep his mind and body...

Thinking of this, Song Qingshu couldn't help feeling stunned, and carefully looked at the maid in front of her. Although she was not all overwhelmed, her eyes were clear, her lips were red, and her teeth were white, especially the collagen on her face that showed her attractive youthful breath.

They all say that capitalism has something worth learning, and I think there are also places worth learning in feudal society... Song Qingshu thought with a weird look.

"What are you looking at?" Shangguan Xiaoxian's heart beat as he saw his eyes and took a step back with some guilty conscience.

Song Qingshu laughed dumbly. Now he is no longer Wu Xia Amen. How can he really think of a little maid like her: "Since you want to stay, stay here."

Seeing him walking into the back room, Shangguan Xiaoxian raised a small fist, what is it that I want to stay? This is obviously where I live!

Moreover, after Song Qingshu entered the back room, he suddenly felt his eyes brightened, because at this time Yelu Nanxian was actually sitting on the bed in a bright red wedding gown, and the whole person looked more bright and charming.

The candlelight in the room fell on her quiet and beautiful face, and her pure and snowy face also had a faint shadow with long eyelashes trembling, and her eyes were as clear as a spring on the stone and looked at her quietly: "You and Xiao Fairy fighting?" She faintly heard a voice coming from outside in the back room.

Song Qingshu couldn't help but laughed, "You little maid has a personality."

Fairy Yelu Nan's expression showed a hint of doting: "I blame me for spoiling her. In fact, I don't think of her as a maid in my heart, but more of her as a younger sister."

"It's her blessing to have a sister like you," Song Qingshu walked to her and sat down, lowered her head and said in her ear, "Let's not talk about her anymore, let's talk about our affairs."

Yelu Nanxian blushed with shame, and said, "What's the matter with us?"

Looking at her perfect side face through the curtain of beads hanging from the phoenix crown, with crystal clear skin and pink and rosy lips, Song Qingshu said: "Your dress should be the wedding dress prepared by Dalin Dental Hospital." As a general to marry him, he naturally recognized that this wedding gown was used when he married the prince in Xixia.

"Yes," Yelu Nanxian nodded, "but in my heart there is only one husband, and I will only wear it for him alone." She said while looking at the lover beside her, dizzy under her trembling eyelashes. The light eyes were long and charming.

"Nan Xian~" Song Qingshu couldn't help holding her little hand. The most beautiful thing in the world was the affectionate confession of a girl. Sometimes he couldn't help but sigh for how lucky he was.

"Song...Song Lang." Yelu Nanxian was a little uncomfortable at first, but after all he shouted out.

Song Qingshu held her waist as soft as a willow branch in one hand, and held her jade-like chin in the other. He lowered his head and leaned forward. Yelu Nanxian slowly closed his eyes, her long eyelashes trembling slightly, revealing the beauty of unreasonable spiritual beauty. .

The young girl's breath is always so sweet and charming, Song Qingshu was full of admiration in her heart.

Yelu Nanxian was already blank in her mind, she just responded passively, suddenly felt cold on her body, opened her eyes slightly, and found that the wedding gown on her body had already been untied, and she was full of admiration while she was ashamed: Song Lang’s Kungfu is really unfathomable, I didn't even notice how he got off...

If Song Qingshu knew that her attention was actually on this at this time, she would definitely scold her for being a martial idiot girl, even in this situation, she would still be thinking about martial arts.

Of course, Song Qingshu’s attention at this time is impossible to think of other things, but is all attracted by the girls' legs with no gaps. Because they grow on the prairie and practice martial arts since childhood, these legs are not only well-proportioned and slender. , And full of bodybuilding and youthful breath, Song Qingshu has always admired Yelu Nanxian’s tall and well-proportioned figure. It has long been speculated about how perfect her body is under her dress, but it’s a pity that Yangzhou was too chaotic last time and can only be regarded as a wholesome. He didn't have time to appreciate it carefully, and naturally he would not miss it again this time.

Tong Shiner's sentence can be played for a year. It is too classic. Song Qingshu found that he couldn't find other words to better describe the feeling at this time.

"Tsk tusk tusk, the marrying general actually guards and steals himself, if the prince Xixia knows that his prince has been played by other men, I don't know how many times, how would you say he would react?" Suddenly a joking voice sounded.

The two of them were so scared that they hurriedly followed the prestige, and saw a beautiful and charming little girl sitting on the window with a playful smile on her face, and a pair of calves swaying leisurely there.

"Tianshan Tongmao!" Song Qingshu secretly blamed himself. Just now, his attention was focused on Yelu Nanxian, so that the enemy did not find it at such a close distance. Of course, this is also because the Tianshan Tongmao's martial arts are too high. If it is an average master, even He can't concentrate, and he can find it quickly.

Yelu Nanxian pulled the quilt against her chest, her eyes were full of shame and anger, and she was hit by this person again and again, and her mood was not much better.

"Don't rush to do it, I have something to say." Seeing Song Qingshu's momentum, Tianshan Tong said hurriedly, showing a solemn expression at the same time. A pair of swaying calves were also retracted to the window, ready to get ready at any time.

Song Qingshu didn't bother to listen to what she said, and he had already attacked her in a flash. After all, the relationship between himself and Yelu Nanxian was of great importance, and if it was leaked out, it would be very troublesome.

"Don't you understand the smelly boy?" Tianshan Tong's grandmother yelled angrily, but soon she didn't have the energy to speak distractedly, so she could only cope with the unpredictable attack from the other party.

Song Qingshu's direct attack this time was Jian Qi, because he knew that other fist and kung fu could easily be restrained by the opponent's Tianshan Zhemei hand, so he directly sacrificed the strongest attack method, and coupled with his peerless light work, the whole person suddenly improved. Suddenly down and left and right, it was completely 360 degrees to attack the opponent without a dead angle.

Tianshan Tongmao’s heart is turbulent. With the experience of last night, although the opponent’s sword aura is difficult to deal with, it is not impossible to resist. I thought that the gap between the two sides was not much, but now that the other side can move her feet, she realized that she was able to move her feet. How ridiculously wrong, his body style is really terrifying! The last moment was clearly in front, and the next moment she appeared behind or above her head. Even if she exhausted her eyes, she didn't see how he moved, as if the other party was teleporting.

If it weren’t for her ninety years of cultivation and experience, I’m afraid she’d be defeated as soon as she met her face, but she knew that she wouldn’t be able to support it for long, so she hurried to the corner. She made up her mind, as long as she used the wall to cover it. The back and side attacks are gone, just concentrate on facing the attacks that are already above the head, and the pressure is instantly reduced several times.

After finally retreating to the corner, the corner of Tianshan Tong's lips rose slightly, deflating the opponent's offensive several times, and she was ready to find a chance to fight back.

Who knew that the other party's body suddenly disappeared, Tianshan Tong Grandma didn't rush to attack, because she shrank in the corner where the two walls intersect, and the other party only had an attacking position above her head.

It's just that the smile on her face suddenly froze, because when she looked up, she found that the other party did not appear on top of her head!

"Where did he go?" Tianshan Tong Grandma felt a sense of erect hair, but before she had time to react, suddenly the wall behind her suddenly shattered, and the force of her fingers was directly sealed. She has big holes on her body.

"How is it possible!" How could she not understand that the other party appeared directly outside the room after disappearing just now, and then tapped her acupuncture points across the wall.

Because she instinctively thought that the sides and the rear were safe, she didn't take any precautions, causing the opponent to hit with a hit.

But he still can't figure it out. There are two thick walls near here, and even the windows are in the distance. How did he appear outside in an instant?

Song Qingshu reappeared in the room, looking at the dumbfounded Tianshan Tongmao, he couldn't help but laughed: "I finally caught you." In fact, if the Tianshan Tongmao hadn't been clever and hid in the corner, he completely gave up the defense behind him and the side. With her martial arts, even if she does her best to shoot, it will take a lot of effort to win.

"What kind of martial arts are you, why can you teleport out of the house?" Tianshan Tongmao was still a little dazed, but after all, she was very knowledgeable, and soon realized that this is a superb martial arts, not a **** of herself. Up.

"This trick is called Zhi Chi Tian Ya." Song Qingshu replied faintly, this is also his greatest confidence in the world, because no matter how high martial arts masters in this world are, they are just the ones in the painting; and he has already jumped outside the painting.

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