Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1734: Exploring Mufu at Night

In fact, the easiest way to get rid of this marriage is to kill the prince Ning Ge, but this kind of simple and crude behavior is really not Song Qingshu's style of acting. Of course, he is more concerned about the sequelae of the prince after his death.

After much deliberation, the most stable way is to let the Xixia people have their own problems. According to the information, Ning has been the prince for many years, but Li Yuanhao's body is getting tougher and harder, and there is no sign of death. This situation has been like this since ancient times. Both are prone to problems; there are also the emperor's uncle Li Ganshun, and the king of Yi Li Liangzuo staring at him. Ning's position as a prince is not stable.

Just a light push, and the other parties will help themselves to complete the next thing.

But if you want to get rid of the position of prince, simply molesting the princess of Liao, the weight is far from enough. After thinking about it, Song Qingshu focused on the prince’s mother clan.

Zhao Min explained in detail before that Xixia’s military is a joint system of tribal leaders. Half of the army is in the hands of the leaders of various tribes. The Yeli family is the largest tribe. At the same time, the Yeli family is the mother clan of the prince. As long as they have a problem, the crown prince's position will inevitably not be kept.

Moreover, using this opportunity, not only to destroy the prince and destroy the marriage, but also to bring down the first man in Xixia's military. The whole Xixia will be greatly injured and will inevitably be powerless. At the same time, the power structure will be reorganized, which means countless opportunities.

He has made a plan, and the plan has been launched silently, and now everything is ready, but the wind is left.

Song Qingshu finished calming Yelu Nanxian and was about to leave, but was held by a pair of small hands. Looking back, she found that the girl was looking at him pitifully, "Don't go."

I thought that there is Prince Xixia with people now, and it is not convenient for me to be too close to her, but seeing her appearance at this time, I know that because of the appearance of Prince Ning today, she is in fear and helplessness for the future. In the middle of it, suddenly she didn't care about anything else, and just sat down: "Okay, I am here to accompany you."

What responded to him was the girl's soft body and sweet red lips...

Next, the delegation and the prince's team rushed towards Lingzhou. After having learned the painful lessons of the previous few times, the prince Ning went back a lot, but from time to time he looked at Song Qingshu from a distance with resentment.

Song Qingshu didn't take it seriously, but Shangguan Xiaoxian was a little excited: "I didn't expect your men's sixth sense to be so accurate. Prince Ning seems to know that you slept with his fiancée and loathes you from the bottom of my heart."

"What nonsense!" Yelu Nanxian gave her a violent shudder. She was sensitive to this matter and was teased by her maid, but she couldn't bear it no matter how rough her nerves were.

Song Qingshu was also speechless. He had just mentioned the term Sixth Sense two days ago. This little Nizi has learned to use it so quickly, and her head is really brilliant. It would be a shame to be a maid.

The team went all the way to Lingzhou City under the circumstances of this kind of ghost. Xixia sent a grand welcoming team, but Emperor Li Yuanhao did not come, and Ye Li Yuqi (Mu Yuqi) did not come. You can watch. What is Xixia’s true attitude towards this marriage?

However, Song Qingshu was very happy to avoid a lot of red tape. Then the family sending team was placed in a hotel in the city. Originally, the Xixia side had to take over the defense work, but Song Qingshu stood up and said strongly that there is no official marriage, the princess Naturally, it must be protected by the samurai of Daliao.

Xixia had no choice but to compromise in the end. Xixia's guards protected and managed the periphery, and the Liao warriors protected the mission inside.

After setting up Yelu Nanxian, Song Qingshu said to her: "I want to visit Mu Mansion at night. After all, the backer behind the prince is Mu Mansion. I will investigate their intelligence and see if I can find anything that can be used. "

Yelu Nanxian nodded. This matter is related to her happiness. Of course she will not stop her, but she is still a little worried and said, "What if the prince comes to the door again?"

Song Qingshu handed her a ringing arrow: "Don't worry, I have already explained that the warrior of the mission will not let him in. If he forces you to stop, you will release the whistle arrow, and I will rush out immediately when I get the signal. Coming back."

"Okay." Yelu Nanxian finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing her nervousness, Song Qingshu couldn't help but laughed: "Did you forget that you are also a master of martial arts? Although the crown prince Ning is not a master, he is definitely not a master. You have one hand. I can beat him, so what are you afraid of."

Yelu Nanxian was startled, and then laughed: "It's all to blame for you, making them look like those boudoir ladies in Jiangnan who fall down when the wind blows."

"Why do you blame me?" Song Qingshu's heart moved, thinking that although he often tossed you out of bed, he wouldn't make you so weak.

Noting that his ambiguous eyes kept sweeping on him, Yelu Nanxian reacted immediately and couldn't help but groaned: "What are you thinking about? I mean you and Tianshan Tongmao are too high in martial arts. I am in front of you. It’s like not being able to martial arts, which made me lose confidence and never changed roles for a while."

Song Qingshu came to understand, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, there are not many masters like the world, you are not so coincidental to get it."

"Look at you proudly." Yelu Nanxian snorted, "You have to teach me kung fu well when I get through this difficult time. I don't want to be protected by you all the time."

Song Qingshu knew that she had some martial idiot attributes, and couldn't help teasing her: "Didn't I already teach you kung fu?"

Yelu Nanxian was confused: "When did you teach me?"

Song Qingshu leaned to her ear, smelled the fragrance of her hair, and whispered: "Isn't kung fu on the bed counted as kung fu?"

Yelu Nanxian’s white jade skin instantly burst into a blush, and he was about to hit him, but it was a pity that Song Qingshu escaped quickly, and soon disappeared outside the door: "I'm going to do something..."

"I hate it!" Yelu Nanxian bit his lip, but the charm of the previous days appeared unconsciously in his mind, and his small face became more and more red.

Besides, Song Qingshu had already discovered where the Mu family was during the day. In fact, it was easy to find even if you didn't, because the Mu family was the largest building in the entire Lingzhou City apart from the imperial palace.

Mu Yuqi was the great general of Xixia, and the guards at the mansion were naturally quite strict, but it was a pity that when he encountered Song Qingshu's open existence, it was in vain.

Like an owl, it sneaked in silently. Song Qingshu was mainly looking for places like the study or bedroom, because these two places are often the easiest to find information.

While searching, he thought secretly. He heard Mu Wanqing mentioned that her mother, Qin Hongmian, seemed to have married to the Mu family, and he didn't know who was married to the Mu family.

No wonder he was curious, knowing that the concept of family in this world is often different from that of future generations. It’s almost the same as how many brothers and sisters there are in future generations. The family in this world is synonymous with a huge clan. Brothers and descendants don’t know that there are. There are many, few tens to hundreds, and many even thousands of people.

The Mu family is the most powerful family in Xixia with a large population. Naturally, it is not clear which room and line Qin Hongmian married to.

"Forget it, let's get busy with the marriage first." Song Qingshu has found the study room at this moment, and the candlelight inside shows that there are people in it now.

"It came just right!" Song Qingshu was overjoyed and hurriedly hid under the eaves. With martial arts to the point of his level, there is no need to peek or put his ears against the wall anymore. The people inside can't hide his words from him.

"Second brother, why did you agree to that Song ambassador?" An anxious voice sounded in the room.

Song Qingshu's heart moved. Hearing the tone of the person inside, it should be Mu Yuqi's brother Mu Wangrong. The two brothers respectively commanded the left and right Xiang army and were awarded the title of Great King.

Of course, it was not him that made Song Qingshu care about, but the emissary of Song mentioned by the other party. Could it be that his plan had already worked?

"Why should my eldest brother be so flustered? I promised him to surrender just to lie to him. Song people are rich. Wouldn't it be okay to get more money from them? Don't lie to Bai or lie." Another mocking voice sounded, it should be the general. Mu Yu begged.

"But I always feel that something is wrong." Mu Wangrong's voice was a little worried, "The Song people are cunning, it is impossible to guarantee that there will be no moths inside."

"Are you worried about being known by the emperor? Don't worry, I'm not stupid. Who has admitted that he promised the Song people after going out of this door, and he has no evidence," Mu Yuqi said triumphantly, "Speaking of which I am also You sighed for your eldest brother. A few days ago, you sent your confidant to lie to the Song Dynasty to deceive the people of Song Dynasty. The people of Song Dynasty were found out, and the people of Song Dynasty were killed. This time, we lied to Song people. , Isn't it happy?"

Mu Wangrong also laughed: "It's still your kid who has a scheming!"

Song Qingshu was eavesdropping, and suddenly there was a thief's voice in the yard in the distance. Mu Wangrong suddenly exclaimed: "It's not that Song ambassador is doing the wrong thing, right?"

"Let's go to his room and see if he is still there!" Mu Yuqi obviously had the same concern, and soon two big men with "Mediterranean" hairstyles hurriedly walked out of it.

Song Qingshu's heart moved, and he hurried to the noisy place from the other side. He saw a dark figure hiding from the chasing soldiers from a distance. Song Qing's bibliographic power was so good, with the faint moonlight, he recognized Lin Pingzhi.

The figure came to him in a flash, and grabbed his shoulders: "What are you doing?"

Lin Pingzhi was originally about to fight back, but he was overjoyed when he saw that he was overjoyed, and quickly explained: "Big Brother Song, I came here to pretend to surrender the Mu brothers according to your plan. They really agreed, but there was no actual action. So I planned to steal their personal waist knives as tokens. I didn't expect that this mansion was heavily guarded and was soon discovered."

"Do those guards see you clearly?" Song Qingshu hurriedly asked.

Lin Pingzhi shook his head: "No, I have been covering my face just now."

Song Qingshu nodded: "Okay, go back to the house and pretend that nothing happened. Brother Mu is looking for you. I will turn the chasing soldiers away for you." (https:)

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