Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1735: Miss Xiang Gui

As mentioned before, a plan designed by Song Qingshu has been quietly unfolded. Naturally, it is an unsuccessful countermeasure in Chinese history. Lin Pingzhi was sent to pretend to surrender the Mu brothers. As for whether the brothers surrender, it is not that important. The key is A series of subsequent developments.

Song Qingshu didn't expect Sichuan to move so fast, Lin Pingzhi had come here to discuss with the Mu brothers, and his eyes were full of praise for his efficiency.

It's a pity that this is not the time to relive the past. The two exchanged glances and decided on the following steps. Song Qingshu said, "I will turn away the chasers for you."

"Okay!" Lin Ping was not at all hypocritical, he knew how high Song Qingshu's martial arts was, and there was no danger in turning away the chasing soldiers for himself.

When Lin Pingzhi left, Song Qingshu deliberately ran to the group of chasing soldiers and shook them, leading them in the opposite direction.

Moreover, not long after Lin Pingzhi returned to the room, there was a rapid knock on the door outside. Before he could respond, the door was violently knocked open from the outside, and the brothers Mu Yuqi and Mu Wangrong left directly. Come in.

"What are you doing?" Lin Pingzhi pretended to just wake up.

When Mu Yuqi saw him in the house, he couldn't help but stared at Mu Wangrong, and exchanged a look: "It's nothing, there is a thief in the house. I was worried that Envoy Song would be in danger, so I came to check it out."

Lin Pingzhi naturally knew what was going on, but on the surface he had to pretend to be grateful: "Thank you for your concern. I haven't seen any culprits here."

Mu Yuqi nodded, and looked around the room for a week. He didn't see anything unusual, and then turned and left: "Envoy Song has a good rest. Don't go out recently to avoid any danger."

"You must keep this in mind, and the two great kings must also be careful." Lin Pingzhi sent them out politely.

After the brothers left his yard, Mu Yu begged to look at his men on the side: "Are you sure that the culprit is on the other side?"

The soldier replied: "Yes, my brothers saw the culprit escape to the West Wing."

Mu Wangrong stepped forward and said: "It seems that we are worrying too much. The thief is not an envoy of the Song people."

"It's not Song Shi, who would it be?" Mu Yuqi frowned.

"Our brothers made a lot of enemies in Xixia, I think they are mostly from the emperor Li Ganshun." Mu Wangrong snorted coldly.

Mu Yuqi nodded and said, "I also think he is the most suspicious. In addition, Yi Wang Li Liangzuo also has a lot of suspicion."

Mu Wangrong suddenly remembered something and said, "Leave it alone. The thief has arrived in the West Chamber, isn't it where the family members are?"

Mu Yuqi's face changed, and then he woke up: "Go, let's go over!"

Besides, Song Qingshu took the guards from the mansion around in circles. He could easily get rid of these tails. But in order to buy enough time for Lin Pingzhi, he finally ran for a while and deliberately stayed behind to wait for the guards for a while, so that they could not catch up. But it's not going to be lost.

But after a while he felt something was wrong. Suddenly a large number of guards rushed over from all directions. Although his light power was high, he was able to get in and out of the heavily guarded palace freely on weekdays, mainly because he was surprised every time, so he was able to take advantage of his light power in the guards. He sneaked in before he could react, but now there are so many guards everywhere. With so many eyes staring at him, he can't turn into a fly and disappear no matter how hard he is.

Seeing the Mu Yuqi and Mu Wangrong brothers from a distance, Song Qingshu gradually understood what was going on. They were generals and controlled half of Xixia's military power. Most of them mobilized soldiers and rushed over.

Song Qingshu was forced to hide by the soldiers coming from all directions. In fact, with his martial arts and light skills, it was not difficult to rush out, but he was worried that he might startle the snake, and he was still chanting the machete just mentioned by Lin Pingzhi. In his plan, whether the Mu brothers really surrendered or faked surrendered, it did not affect the overall situation. The key was to make some people believe that they really surrendered. To do this, tokens were the key.

For Xixia people, the scimitar that a person carries is just like him, representing determination and credibility. If he can get his scimitar silently, then things will be at least half done.

Song Qingshu wanted to stay and steal the scimitar, but there were more and more guards around him, and his range of activities became smaller and smaller. In desperation, he could only hide in a nearby room. After all, there are so many rooms here. It is not easy to find someone hiding.

However, he frowned as soon as he entered the room, because just now he was focusing on avoiding the search by the guards, and he didn't notice that there was already a person in this room!

"Who?" The person on the bed apparently also noticed the abnormal movement, and sat up and looked at this side suspiciously.

Song Qingshu knew that if he asked the other party to call out and led the chaser over, it would be a little troublesome today. In a flash of urgency, he had already threw himself down next to that person, and covered his mouth before the other party called out.

"Huh~" Song Qingshu suddenly smelled an elegant fragrance, and his hands were all soft-tender and smooth, and he couldn't help but startled. The voice of the other party just said that was a little distorted, and he didn't even tell that she was a woman.

"Don't say anything, don't worry, I won't hurt you." Song Qingshu is not the kind of person who embarrassed a woman. He felt her trembling body and hurriedly comforted him, and then focused all of his attention on the guards who were gradually approaching outside.

To his surprise, most women were not so sensible in such a situation, and often reacted fiercely. But after hearing what he said, he quieted down instantly without crying or making trouble, which made him feel a little bit for a while. There is no response.

Of course, his attention was mainly on the guards outside. Originally, he thought that with the help of the house of the female family members, the guards could throw rat-traps. After all, the men and women were different in the evening, but he did not expect that the group of guards rushed directly to the West Wing without hesitation. , And are now inspecting the premises from house to house.

"Xixia's atmosphere has opened up to this point?" Song Qingshu was a little dazed. Such a thing was absolutely unimaginable in the Southern Song Dynasty. No one would allow his soldiers to break into the house of the female family to search for people in the middle of the night. , What if you see something you shouldn’t look at, isn’t there a burst of green light on the male host’s head?

"Search one by one, don't let go of each one. In addition, the archers outside are preparing to send out thousands of arrows as soon as the opponent tries to break through!" Not far away came the commanding voice of the Mu brothers.

"It's really troublesome now." Song Qingshu wryly smiled. He wanted to take a trick, but he didn't expect to be stuck on the ground. Now surrounded by so many soldiers, it is not easy for him to leave.

These two men really deserve to be Xixia's famous generals. Many years ago, they defeated the army of the Northern Song Dynasty.

"Boom, boom, boom!" It wasn't long before there was a knock on the door, "Miss, some gangster broke into the West Wing, are you okay."

"Miss?" Song Qingshu was stunned. He didn't expect that he was so lucky. He broke into the room of the girl's daughter directly. Although she didn't know if it was Miss Dafang or Miss Erfang, he thought of the Mediterranean style of the Mu brothers and the three big fives. The crude appearance, such a gene-born daughter, should not be overestimated.

At this time Song Qingshu obviously felt that the other party was poking him with his finger, as if he wanted to say something to him. Song Qingshu simply let go of her. Now that she screamed, it seemed that she could only win and rush out.

Who knows that the woman didn't scream and ask for help as she imagined, but instead said in a dissatisfied tone: "What is the noise, this lady is asleep, go search other rooms."

Song Qingshu was startled, not to mention her unusual words and deeds, her voice alone seemed familiar.

Just now the other party was covered with his mouth and blocked most of his face, and the whole person was shrunk in the quilt. He did not pay attention to her appearance for a while, and now he looked sideways under curiosity. Although there was no light in the room, he commented He could also see the other person’s appearance from the fire through the window: the crescent moon was clear, the flowers and trees piled up with snow, his face was beautiful and exquisite, his chin was pointed, his face was white and greasy, and his face was smooth and shiny, and a cherry with small mouths and dexterity. Correct, with thin lips, two rows of thin teeth like broken jade, she is really a stunning beauty.

"Mu Wanqing!" Song Qingshu did not expect to encounter her in this situation.

Mu Wan glanced at him innocently, as if complaining about why he recognized herself at this time. Although she was far less powerful than the other person and could not see things like day in the dark, the natural sensitivity of a woman made her hear the voice of her lover. The familiar feeling on your lover.

The guards outside obviously didn't give them a chance to reminisce, and continued to pat the door saying: "Miss, the king has passed the order, and every room must be searched. I hope the lady will not embarrass us."

Mu Wanqing wrinkled her good-looking eyebrows. She heard resoluteness from the other party's words, so she pulled the quilt away and said to Song Qingshu in a low voice, "Hurry in."

Song Qingshu was startled. He wanted to use martial arts to make a **** road, but now that he has a more trouble-free way, he naturally won't refuse, not to mention that the two have already agreed, and he is not Liu Xiahui who would be pedantically in this situation. Talk about the incompatibility of men and women.

There was almost no hesitation, he got into the bed all of a sudden, only to feel a sweet smell coming, he couldn't help feeling that a woman's bed was indeed much more attractive than a man's bed.

Because she was just asleep, Mu Wanqing's body under the quilt was a bit cool. When the two of them were so close together, they could almost touch her skin with a single movement. Song Qingshu couldn't help but feel tenderness and greasiness. Ripples for a while.

Mu Wanqing was obviously much shyer than him. When he was touched by his body, she shrank back like a frightened rabbit, and her breathing was a little short.

At this moment, the door of the room was suddenly knocked open by the soldiers outside. Mu Wanqing exclaimed, pretending to pull up the quilt to block her chest, in fact, in order to better cover the lover next to him: "Bold, you are What are you going to do?"

"Wan'er, Dad made them hit the door." Mu Yuqi strode in.

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