Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1736: Abnormal love

Song Qingshu in the bed was startled. He had indeed heard Mu Wanqing mentioned that Qin Hongmian had married to the Mu family, but he did not expect that he would directly marry the owner of the family.

Xixia people are indeed much more open about men and women than the people in the Southern Song Dynasty. They don’t care about whether a woman is a virgin or not. However, Mu Yuqitang is a prince and a general. I don’t know how many girls are willing to recommend pillow seats. Qin Hongmian Being able to become a princess shows how beautiful her appearance is, which made the other party ignore her past.

Sometimes good luck is really tricking people. Qin Hongmian did not become the princess of Zhennan in Dali, but became the princess of Tiandu in Xixia. I don't know how she felt when she was in the dead of night.

"After all, there are differences between men and women. It is always inappropriate to bring so many people into my room in the middle of the night." Mu Wanqing said coldly. She is actually quite polite. If you encounter such a thing in the rivers and lakes, just remember it. The poisonous sleeve arrow shot past.

"There are gangsters coming to the West Wing, I am also afraid that you are in any danger," Mu Yu glanced at the **** the bed, a strange light flashed in his eyes, but soon suppressed it, "You are in the room. Look around here to see if there are any traces of gangsters."

"Return to the king, I didn't find it." The room was not too big, and the Tibetan place was unobstructed. Soon the soldiers searched one.

Mu Wanqing snorted coldly: "Are you able to go out now?"

Mu Yu smiled in a begging way: "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

The sound of leaving footsteps sounded one after another. After the door was closed, Mu Wanqing breathed a sigh of relief.

Song Qingshu peeked out of the bed, stretched out his hand, and the door bolt in the distance hung in automatically from inside, "This Mu Yuqi is good for you."

Mu Wanqing looked at the automatically locked door in astonishment, apparently very surprised by his airborne controller. After hearing what he said, she nodded slightly: "He is very nice to our wife, but... …"

"But what?" Song Qingshu said strangely.

A blush flashed across Mu Wanqing's jade cheeks, and she whispered, "But I always feel that sometimes he looks at me with weird eyes, and feels like he wants to... swallow me. It's really scary."

Song Qingshu frowned slightly: "It seems that he should know that you are not his biological daughter."

"It should be." When Mu Wanqing was very young, Qin Hongmian took her away to live in seclusion near Ten Thousand Tribulations Valley, and was only found by Xixia people a few years ago. The mother and daughter were invited back to Lingzhou. Naturally, she has no deep feelings for her nominal father, whom she has not seen in more than ten years.

"Just because of his ugly appearance in the Mediterranean, a normal person can tell at a glance that he won't be able to give birth to a beautiful daughter like yours." Song Qingshu thought of Zhong Wanchou in the Valley of Myriad Tribulations. He was also ugly, but like Zhong Ling. Shui Ling's daughter, Yue Lao San, Yun Zhonghe and others knew that he was not Zhong Ling's biological father when they saw him.

"Bah, he is my nominal father after all, can you accumulate some morals?" Mu Wanqing took a sip and rolled her eyes anger.

"The key is that she thinks about you badly now, how can I accumulate her verbal morals." Although he didn't see Mu Yuqi's eyes when he was hiding in the bed just now, he got the other side to talk to his "daughter". The heartbeat has obviously accelerated a bit, and the whole body has a tendency of surging towards the lower abdomen.

"What?" Mu Wanqing was taken aback, startled by this guess.

"As the Heavenly King of the Liao Kingdom, he doesn't mind your mother's past marrying her as a concubine. I can see that he should really like your mother." Song Qingshu sighed, "but every time I see you, he will inevitably Thinking about my wife and other men, few people can stand it in the long run, that is, you are a daughter, and you are so beautiful, which makes him more tolerant."

He thought of the multiple-choice question circulated on the Internet in the previous life. If you were a father and suddenly learned that your daughter who had been raised for eighteen years was not biological, you would have one of the following reactions: A is very angry, B is ecstatic, C is relieved , D doesn't care, E has no interest.

There is a wonderful story behind every choice...

Mu Wanqing’s face changed and she had long noticed that Mu Yuqi’s attitude towards her was a little strange, but because of the nominal father-daughter relationship between the two, she didn’t think about that. Now she is awakened a little by others. Looking back on the various details before, I couldn't help but suddenly realize.

"Mother-daughter, it's a good idea to beg begging. Xixia's atmosphere has fallen to this point. It's really outrageous!" Song Qingshu was a little angry. In fact, it is not surprising that the nobles of this era do such things, but Generally speaking, it is done in secret, and Mu Yuqi happened to hit his woman with his idea. How could he not be angry?

Originally, this plan was aimed at the Mu brothers. Song Qingshu had just worried about hurting Mu Wanqing, but now that he knows the truth, there is no apology in his heart. He just wants to find something to fix the Mu brothers so that Mu Wanqing will not be able to get it right. was in danger.

"My mother is right, you men are not good things!" Mu Wanqing's pink face was flushed, and there was a trace of murderousness between her eyebrows. She was naturally a bit extreme under Qin Hongmian's radical education since she was a child. Although he is kind and innocent, he acts like a little witch.

Song Qingshu was worried about what she would do, and hurriedly persuaded him: "Wanmei, don't be impulsive. Mu Yuqi has a lot of guards around him. Your little effort is not enough. On the contrary, it is easy to arouse the other party's evil thoughts and make him completely determined to become a beast. "

"But..." Mu Wanqing felt terrified and uncomfortable when she thought of what her nominal father thought about herself.

"Don't worry, I will solve this trouble for you, but it will take some time," Song Qingshu then took out a bell to her, "By the way, this bell is filled with Concentric Gu, and shake one within a certain range. The other one will also ring, so if you are really in danger, you can shake this one, and I will come to rescue you soon."

The last time I was going to give it to Ren Yingying, I gave Ruan Xingzhu by mistake, but the effect was really good, so Song Qingshu made a few more specially. Of course, this thing can’t really transmit sound from thousands of miles, but It can fully play the effect of a previous life BB machine within a radius of tens of miles, preventing people around you from getting into danger.

"Concentric Gu?" Mu Wanqing took the bell and gently stroked the pattern on the bell. It was obvious that the word Concentric had hit the softness of the girl's heart.

"By the way, why did you come to Xixia this time? Isn't it..." Mu Wanqing flushed, and her expression became coy.

Song Qingshu's heart jumped, and then he remembered that when he was parting in Yangzhou last time, he promised her to come to Xixia as soon as possible to propose marriage, but after a lot of things, he almost forgot about it, and this time he came to Xixia and had other tasks. ...

Of course, Song Qingshu is not a stupefied kid. Knowing what kind of **** denial is at this time, he nodded and said, "Yes, this time I came here to propose a marriage, but it is obviously not suitable for seeing him now. Your'father', find an opportunity to meet your mother and talk about it."

"Yeah~" Mu Wanqing immediately became excited, stretched out her jade arm to hook his neck, and nestled in his arms, "You are so kind."

Holding tightly to the soft body of the beautiful woman in her arms, Song Qingshu had to sigh. No wonder Mu Wanqing was so popular on the Internet in her previous life, and it was not without reason. When we first met, she was all arrogant, but once she fell in love with you, then Really turn into a soft girl in an instant, obeying you a lot.

At the same time, Song Qingshu's heart also filled with endless apologies. The two of them had actually taken the oath of the mountain alliance a long time ago, but they have always ignored her. Although there are involuntary objective factors, the main reason is that they are too bad. A bit.

"By the way, where do you live now, where do I want to see you?" Mu Wanqing asked suddenly.

Song Qingshu felt soft and replied directly: "I live in the embassy in the city now. In addition, I have an individual identity when I come this time. That is the general of the Liao State. When you come to see me in front of outsiders, remember Don't miss your mouth."

"You even told me about such secret things," Mu Wanqing was so touched, she suddenly remembered something, and said in surprise, "Are you escorting my cousin's fiancée, Princess Cheng An?"

"Your cousin?" Song Qingshu was startled, only then realized that Prince Ning's mother was the sister of the Mu brothers, and the two were indeed cousins ​​at this time.

"It's the prince," Mu Wanqing's eyes showed a trace of disgust. "This person is thinking about inheriting the throne, but at the same time he is greedy and lustful. The people in Lingzhou City know what he is, but it is a pity that Princess Cheng'an. To marry such a man."

Song Qingshu frowned and said, "He doesn't think too much of you, right?"

"He dare!" Mu Wanqing raised his wrist, only then realized that he was sleeping just now, and the poisonous sleeve arrow was not worn on his wrist, and he stuck out his tongue cutely. "He wants to get close every time his cousin is before cousin and cousin. I, but once I was beaten so hard, and he stopped."

Song Qingshu's face was weird, thinking that this prince Ning Ge was really sad.

Noting his expression, Mu Wanqing hurriedly said: "Do you think I am too fierce? In fact, I am just so... so fierce to others, but to you... and not to you."

Song Qingshu couldn't help being amused by her, and he hugged her in his arms: "How come, I hope you are more fierce to other men, the better." A few soft hair swept across his face, and there was a faint light on it. Youxiang couldn't help but feel swayed in her heart.

Mu Wanqing's heart was pounding, and she felt feverish on her cheeks in the dark, and whispered: "Song Lang, we are not yet married after all..."

Song Qingshu was startled, and then realized that she was worried about what she would do to her. It must be because Qin Hongmian had had enough of the suffering of unmarried pregnancy, so in this regard, she had been exposed to her life since she was a child.

"Don't worry, I'll leave right away." Song Qingshu naturally wouldn't force her in this regard, not to mention that he was still anxious about the matter.

"Yeah~" Mu Wanqing nodded, but she was quite reluctant, but she also understood that it would be quite wrong for a girl to stay overnight at a man in the middle of the night, even if he is her lover.

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