Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1740: Ling Chi executed?

After chatting for a while, Qin Hongmian got up and left. She had lived in seclusion for a long time and was not accustomed to contacting people, let alone being a man. It was unprecedented to be able to talk for so long.

Seeing Qin Hongmian leaving cold and frosty, Song Qingshu couldn't help being a little bit disappointed. You must know that although he is not a renminbi lover, he has never been disadvantaged in love these years. Whether it is a fairy, a witch or a witch, it is inevitable to look at him differently. This Qin Hongmian alone would avoid him as an ordinary man.

Of course, this is not to say that Song Qingshu has any thoughts about Qin Hongmian. The essence is his vanity. After all, he is not a saint.

Soon after he recovered from this emotion, Song Qingshu smiled at Mu Wanqing and said: "Mei Wan, let's go out together for a stroll. I came to Lingzhou City for the first time, and you just happened to be a tour guide for me." I need to step on some points in advance to get acquainted with the entire Lingzhou City. Secondly, I feel that I have too little time with Mu Wanqing, so I take the opportunity to accompany her more.

Mu Wanqing raised her eyebrows, her face overflowing with happiness: "Wow, okay!"

Then the two went out of Mufu together and played around in Lingzhou City. The customs of Xixia are very different from those of Jiangnan, and they are also significantly different from the countries on the grasslands such as Liao and Jin. They also have a unique flavor when visiting.

Mu Wanqing changed her usual cold image along the way, and she kept twittering like a yellow oriole to explain to Song Qingshu the amorous feelings around Lingzhou City. Seeing her eyes smile like crescent moons, Song Qingshu's heart is full of pity: such a good one. The girl, she has endured too many things that shouldn't be endured before, and she must not repeat the same mistakes, to make her smile so sweet all the time.

After shopping for a long time, and noticing the fine sweat on Mu Wanqing's forehead, Song Qingshu took her to a nearby restaurant to sit down. When the food was served, he suddenly heard the alcoholic sitting next to him talking about Mu Yuqi.

"I heard that the King of Heaven has arrested a spy from the Southern Song Dynasty and specially escorted it to the emperor. It seems that the King of Heaven has done a great job this time." A drinker said with joy.

"You know what a shit," someone next to him interrupted him directly, "I heard that this Southern Song spy was here to recruit the King of Heaven. The King of Heaven was afraid that things would be revealed, so he escorted him to the emperor to show his intentions."

"The King of Heaven is above 10,000 people under one of us in Xixia, can it be guilty of surrendering to the Song Dynasty?" The person before was annoyed.

"Then how do I know, but the King of Heaven ran around like an ant on a hot pot in the past two days, and he didn't even have time to return home. Obviously, something tricky happened."


Listening to the discussion of a group of people, Song Qingshu lowered his voice and said to Mu Wanqing: "Your father may have something wrong."

Mu Wanqing said with a small mouth: "That talent is not my father." She grew up with her mother in Dali, and she had no concept of father in her mind, and there was a big reason why they came back to live in Lingzhou in the past two years. It was Mu Yuqi’s pressure to lose her free life. She was a little unhappy at first. In addition, when she learned that Mu Yuqi had such a nasty mind for herself, the only guilt in her heart disappeared, leaving only the extreme. It's just disgust.

Song Qingshu nodded secretly. This saved him a lot of trouble. Otherwise, he would get rid of Mu Wanqing's father for Yelu Nanxian, and this deal would be a bit uneconomical.

"During this time, you and your mother had better go out to avoid the limelight. I have a hunch that things will be difficult to deal with this time. At that time, your mother and daughter will inevitably be harmed by the fish." Song Qingshu couldn't help but reminded.

"Is it so serious?" Mu Wanqing asked with some confusion, obviously a little unbelieving.

Song Qingshu didn't explain much. After all, in everyone's eyes, how could the Heavenly King, who holds the military power, be affected by this trivial matter.

After the two had eaten, they wandered around the city for a while, and they didn’t send her home until the evening. Mu Wanqing was not so shy in the past, but she didn’t know whether it was because of the marriage or what made her special. Paying attention to these, on the contrary, he is unwilling to "overnight" outside with him.

Song Qingshu called out to lift a rock and hit him in the foot, but it happened that there was still something tonight, and he didn't care too much. After leaving Mufu, he walked directly to the prison. It was not for nothing to go shopping for a day during the day. He had already inquired about the place where Lin Pingzhi was imprisoned.

Although all this is in the plan, he still feels a little worried. It is not that Lin Pingzhi will reveal anything, but that he is tortured too severely and that his body is in danger.

Coming to the periphery of the jail, watching the heavily guarded defense, Song Qingshu frowned. Although his light work is high, but for this kind of terrain, it is useless. It is difficult to hide everyone's eyes and eyes. He could have blocked his exit. The acupuncture points of those guards made no strangeness to outsiders. But he observed this moment and found that the guards here cross patrolled quite frequently, and it won't be long before other people will come over to check if there is any abnormality, and these people who were acupuncture will not be able to hide it.

When I was having a headache, I suddenly noticed a tall and thin middle-aged man walking slowly towards this side not far away, still cursing and squeezing: "Damn, I had an appointment with a girl from Yihongyuan today. In the end, he was transferred to guard a stinky man. But I heard that the man was born with a fine skin and tender flesh, and he was more handsome than a woman. Should I try it?

But he shuddered quickly, and slapped himself: "Fuck, what's in my mind, I'm crisscrossing the flowers in the clouds, picking the beautiful daughter flowers, not some daisies."

Song Qingshu recognized that the other party was the crane in the cloud among the four evil men. Hearing his self-talk, he felt nauseous in his heart. Unexpectedly, the famous adulterer-thief in the world would have the tendency to be bent. Real Nima The more I live, the more I go back.

I was worried about how I went in without knowing it, but I didn't expect it to be delivered so quickly.

Yun Zhonghe was still complaining, suddenly his neck hurt, and he didn't know anything when his eyes went dark.

Dragging him to the shadows, Song Qingshu quickly became his appearance. When he left, he suddenly stopped, turned around and kicked him on the waist. This servant is notorious and picks flowers everywhere to ruin the virginity of the good girl. It's cheaper to keep him for a lifetime, and he must be confiscated if he doesn't have enough tools to commit the crime.

Of course, Song Qingshu wouldn't have time to do the things in the respect room, but directly abolished his kidney meridian, so that he could no longer be a man in the next half of his life, and naturally he couldn't commit crimes.

Then he swaggered towards the prison as Yunzhonghe. Yunzhonghe was a master of Yipintang. He was originally sent to help guard the prisoners, so the jailers along the way didn't have the slightest doubt and let him in all the way.

Song Qingshu was awkward as he walked in. This cloud crane was messing around all day long, and he had a tendency to break his sleeves. Don't get sick on your body. Isn't this clothes contagious when you wear it?

Even though he still had his own clothes inside, Song Qingshu was still nauseous, he directly transported his true energy, and covered his body with a thin layer of energy, which can be said to be invaded by all evils.

But his attention was quickly diverted, because he had already seen Lin Pingzhi.

In all fairness, although Lin Pingzhi has some male and female faces, he is definitely an outstanding handsome man, but now he is covered in blood and his hands are hung on the walls by chains. There is no whole body intact, everything is intact. Kind of blood stains and traces of torture.

If he hadn't felt his weak heartbeat, Song Qingshu would have thought he was brave enough.

"Pingzhi!" Although I had expected this situation at first, the visual impact was unparalleled when I saw it with my own eyes.

"Huh?" After calling for a long time, Lin Pingzhi only woke up slightly, raised his head with some doubts, and looked at the middle-aged man in front of him.

"It's me." Song Qingshu restored his original voice, and at the same time lost a ray of real energy.

"Big Brother Song!" Lin Pingzhi showed a pleasant surprise. He obviously didn't expect to see him in this situation. He felt the warm current in his body, and he gradually recovered some of his spirit when he was weak.

"This is the Nine-turn Bear-Snake Pill, take it quickly, it will be good for your injury." Song Qingshu handed him a yellow pill. The Nine-turn Bear-Snake Pill is the holy product of the Xiaoyao Sect, which has the effect of the flesh and bones of the living dead. , It was the spoils obtained from Tianshan Tongmao.

Lin Pingzhi did not have the slightest doubt. He swallowed the pill, only to feel a pungent air. Soon there was a flame in his lower abdomen, and then several warm air currents flowed to the limbs. He was dying. Recovered a lot of spirit.

"Really is a magic medicine." Lin Pingzhi was amazed.

Song Qingshu sighed: "The panacea is just a dead thing, but it's Pingzhi that you hurt so badly this time..."

Lin Pingzhi hurriedly said, "Don't do this with Brother Song. I came here voluntarily for this action, and these injuries are also expected."

Song Qingshu wanted to say something, and suddenly his face changed slightly: "Someone is coming, be careful." After saying that, his figure flashed, and the whole person was lying on the chair at the door of the cell, as if sleeping in a fake sleep.

Lin Pingzhi reacted quickly, and immediately lowered his head again, returning to his dying appearance before.

Before long, a beautiful figure came in with a group of subordinates. Song Qingshu's heart moved: "It's actually her!" Even though the other party has a veil mask, he has already recognized that the opposite is Xixia Kingdom's Yinchuan Princess Li Qinglu. It is the dreaming aunt of Xuzhu in the original book. Last time in the outskirts of Lin'an, she took Huang Rong to settle down on Taohua Island. It happened that she sneaked into the Southern Song Dynasty with the masters of Yipintang and led them with the brothers and sisters of Xue Yiren and Xue Baochai. The Imperial City Division had a conflict.

Song Qingshu was the identity of Yunzhonghe at this time. It was a flaw that he hurriedly got up and saluted. Li Qinglu glanced at him in disgust, did not respond to him, but walked directly to Lin Pingzhi in the depths of the cell.

He instructed his subordinates to bring clean water and pour it directly on Lin Pingzhi. After she woke up, Li Qinglu asked coldly: "I will ask you one last time, what did you do when you came to Lingzhou City to find the King of Heaven this time?"

Looking at this charming and delicate girl in front of him, Lin Pingzhi knew how cruel and ruthless she was: "I have already said that this time I came here as a gift, and the gift is also told to you, a painting of a tortoise. , It's just a box of jujubes."

Li Qinglu snorted coldly, "The King of Heaven hasn't seen any treasure, so you ran all the way to give it away?"

Lin Pingzhi replied: "No accident, Mu Yuqi should have given you the gift I gave. You can check it and you will know what I said is true."

An anger flashed in Li Qinglu's eyes: "Just because we checked, we knew that your trip would never only send those two kinds of rubbish, there must be other letters."

Lin Pingzhi replied indifferently: "Even if you tortured me thousands of times, you won't be able to ask anything famous."

Li Qinglu sneered: "In this case, there is no need for interrogation. Come, pull out Ling Chi and put him to death!"

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