Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1741: Emperor's Heart

Song Qingshu's heart was stunned. If things were really out of control, then he would have to rescue Lin Pingzhi even if he revealed his identity.

The soldiers under Li Qinglu stepped forward and were about to take Lin Pingzhi down, when Lin Pingzhi suddenly looked up to the sky and sighed: "I have failed the general's kindness and cannot accomplish this great event."

"Wait!" Li Qinglu raised her hand and prevented her subordinates from taking it down, then came to Lin Pingzhi and said condescendingly, "Did you figure it out?"

Lin Pingzhi’s face changed from cloudy to sunny, and she was obviously undergoing a fierce psychological struggle. Li Qinglu took the opportunity to say: “No matter what, you have to say it after all. It’s better to confide it earlier and avoid the suffering of flesh and blood instead of being tortured late. I won't treat you badly."

Lin Pingzhi finally spoke: "Will you keep my life if I recruit you?"

"Of course." Seeing his tone loosened, Li Qinglu couldn't help feeling happy, and finally let you speak.

Lin Pingzhi then asked: "I need a guarantee."

Li Qinglu frowned, and finally snorted, and raised the gold medal in her hand: "I am Princess Yinchuan of Xixia, and I am directly controlled by the emperor. If you see this order, you are like seeing me! As the saying goes, the king has no joking. With so many people agreeing to it, how can I go back and shame the emperor’s reputation? And I can promise you that as long as you make one move, I will not only save you a life, but also protect you for the rest of your life. Wealth."

Lin Pingzhi breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the soles of his feet: "There is a letter sewn into the sole of the shoe."

Li Qinglu waved her hand. Someone stepped forward to take off his shoes and took them apart, and then took apart the needle and thread of the sole, and there was a letter hidden inside.

Li Qinglu was about to pick up the letter paper sent to him by her subordinates, but she realized that it had just been taken out from the soles of the feet of a stinky man, she couldn't help showing a hint of disgust: "You open the letter paper, take it away and let me take a look. "

After her subordinates unfolded the letter paper, Li Qinglu took a closer look at it more than three steps away. After seeing the writing on it, her face changed a lot, and she hurriedly said: "Put the letter away and wait for me to enter the palace to meet the emperor."

It turned out that there was a paragraph on the letter paper: "I have settled well with the few people you sent. I have received the important information they sent. I fully understand your intention to send them here. In view of your opinion of Song Ting I have reported to the court to appoint you as the Xiazhou Jiedu Envoy, with a monthly salary of 1,000 yuan. At this time, the appointment letter has arrived. I hope that you will return and leave as soon as possible. Now I am giving you a picture of a tortoise. I hope you can understand the meaning of his early return and return to Song Court as soon as possible."

Li Qinglu knew that the matter was not trivial, so she had to rush into the palace with a secret letter.

"What about this person?" A soldier pointed at Lin Pingzhi.

Li Qinglu paused, and then said: "Give him a different room, and find a doctor to treat him, so we must not let him die." After speaking, she quickly left with a scent of fragrance.

Lin Pingzhi was held off by the guards, and when he passed Song Qingshu, he blinked without a trace, his eyes full of pride.

Song Qingshu also smiled slightly. Now it seems that Lin Pingzhi is holding on to this life, and he doesn't need to worry anymore; and all the current trends are as expected in the plan, which is perfect.

Let’s say that Li Qinglu entered the palace and reported it to Emperor Li Yuanhao. Li Yuanhao had a gloomy expression: "Go back early and return early. It turned out to be the meaning of sending tortoise pictures and dates."

Li Qinglu couldn't help but said, "Could this be Song Ting's countermeasure?"

Li Yuanhao faintly replied: "I have my own discretion. I have sent someone to contact Shen Xiaolong in Sichuan as a messenger for Mu Yuqi a few days ago. I think it will take a few days to know the result."

Let’s say that Song Qingshu came out of the prison, awakened the crane in the cloud, and used the soul-shifting method to make him forget what happened today. As for his inhumane from then on, let him guess the reason for himself.

After returning to the embassy, ​​Song Qingshu found Yelu Nanxian and told her that things had progressed and that there should be results in a few days. Yelu Nanxian finally showed a smile on his face: "Even the prince and the others haven't stopped. I ran to this side, mostly because I heard some wind."

Song Qingshu gently hugged her waist and smiled slightly: "Next, we don't need to do anything, just a word, wait!"

This waiting lasted for three days. After three days, something that shocked the ruling and the people suddenly occurred in Lingzhou City: King Tiandu, King Yeli, and the generals of the left and right Mu brothers colluded with the enemy and treason. They were deprived of their military power and arrested and imprisoned. , And then executed the two brothers that night.

The entire Lingzhou City didn't react. The two great kings, the Mu brothers who were in charge of half of the military power, died like this?

Yelu Nanxian apparently had the same doubts. He pestered to ask Song Qingshu what was going on, and Song Qingshu told her some of the details: "Not long ago, Li Yuanhao sent his henchmen to disguise as Mu Yu beg messengers to Sichuan to find the Southern Song ambassador Shen Xiaolong. After investigating his mouth, Shen Xiaolong tried his best to scold Li Yuanhao in front of the messenger. He praised the Mu brothers for their righteous deeds of surrendering to the court and abandoning the secrets to the bright. He also presented many valuable gifts to the messenger. Before leaving, he personally gave him a good trip and said to the messenger:'Please Bring words to your master, make a quick decision and don’t hesitate anymore.” The messenger returned to Xixia and immediately reported the above situation to Li Yuanhao. Naturally, Li Yuanhao was furious, so he immediately dealt with the two brothers by thunder means, but did not give them. It takes a little time to react, so the military power under their command is too late to change."

Song Qingshu continued: "However, the Mu family is quite large. In order to avoid any changes between them, Li Yuanhao deliberately moved the family members of the two brothers and the children of the Mu family to the Jietan Temple to support them, implying that he was only condemning the first evil. They will not rush to kill them all. Of course, these people are also considered hostages, so that other members of the Mu family dare not act rashly."

Yelu Nanxian still has some doubts: "This is obviously an anti-judgement of the Song people, how could Li Yuanhao's generation of heroes be so easily fooled?"

Song Qingshu laughed: "You only know one thing and don't know the other. Do you really know that this is a counterintuitive strategy when you are Li Yuanhao? He just needs a legitimate excuse to get rid of the Mu brothers, and the Song people just provided him with this. Excuses."

Shangguan Xiaoxian on the side was confused when he heard it, and couldn't help but interject: "What do you mean, since Li Yuanhao knows this is a counterintuitive strategy, why bother to get rid of Brother Mu?"

Song Qingshu explained: "Before I came to Xixia, I carefully investigated the situation here. As the founding emperor of the country, Li Yuanhao is also considered a magnificent talent, but now he is very old, and he has a son who has been a prince for many years. But the bad thing is that Li Yuanhao is still in good health, and the prince can't see the hope of succession in a short time, and the prince has already grown up, and a large number of his own team has gathered around him. How can Li Yuanhao not be afraid?"

"The royal family has no father and son. The lessons learned from Li Yuan and Li Shimin back then are there. How can people like Li Yuanhao end up in confinement like Li Yuan for the rest of his life? The most useful way to solve this hidden danger is to abolish the prince and replace him with a younger one. His son came to power, so he had a buffer opportunity for many years."

"Huh?" Although Yelu Nanxian was born in the royal family, he was not from the royal family. At first I was shocked by such a thing, but when I thought about it, it was a matter of course.

As for Shangguan Xiaoxian, his mouth opened wide when he heard it, and he never recovered.

"That's why I have always been confident that you can get through this difficult time," Song Qingshu smiled while holding Yelu Nanxian's hand, "I want to come to Li Yuanhao just to use the big marriage to paralyze the people of the Prince Group. He will do it soon after marriage. I just let him move ahead of time, and it is not so easy to move the prince, the first thing is to get his two uncles who hold the military power."

The Immortal Queen Yelunan stuck out her tongue in fear: "If it weren't for you, I would really be a waste of the rest of my life." I thought it was painful enough to marry someone who I didn't like to be a princess, but I didn't expect it to be more painful. The thing, that is to be a waste princess...

Song Qingshu gently stroked her hair, and said softly: "Now you can rest assured, the two uncles will not get married in a short time."

"Yeah~" Yelu Nanxian had been worried during this period, and the big rock in his heart was finally put down. Shangguan Xiaoxian on the side also let out a sigh of relief, and finally didn't have to be worried by the bald king.

Song Qingshu went on to say: "If what I expected is good, it won't be long before Li Yuanhao will take action against the prince, and then you will be completely free."

"I used to think that the prince was a bit hateful, but now it seems that he suddenly feels a little pitiful." Yelu Nanxian couldn't help but sigh.

"The royal people are involuntary." Song Qingshu also sighed. He was able to figure out Li Yuanhao's psychology so clearly this time. For one thing, after watching so many historical dramas in the palace battles in the previous life, he is already familiar with these routines. Secondly, since he arrived in this world, he has now secretly controlled Qing, Jin, and Liao, and the height of the problem is no different from that of the emperor, so he can better understand the so-called imperial heart.

Yelu Nanxian suddenly said to the maid next to her: "Xiaoxian, go out and guard, no one is allowed to come in."

Shangguan Xiaoxian curled his lips, and mumbled as he walked out: "Why don't you allow anyone to come in? Isn't it just to push me away, miss, you have learned badly with that big lust-devil."

Yelu Nanxian: "..."

Song Qingshu: "..."

After she left, Song Qingshu looked at the beautiful woman on the side with great interest. To be honest, he was also surprised. It has been rare to see her take the initiative for so long.

Noting his aggressive eyes, Yelu Nanxian flushed, and hurriedly explained: "Don't get me wrong, Brother Song, I just have something to ask you."

Song Qingshu was startled, seeing her clear eyes, knowing that he wanted to make a difference: "What's the matter?"

"Big Brother Song, why are you so clear about what happened in Sichuan, and this time the Southern Song Dynasty countermeasures, I always feel that all of this is dominated by you." Yelu Nanxian looked at him quietly with a pair of beautiful eyes. Full of some inexplicable expectations.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "Of course I was in charge of the counter-intermination this time. Have you forgotten that I am still the king of Qi under the emperor of the Southern Song Dynasty."

Yelu Nanxian wrinkled Qiong's nose and snorted: "I don't know what happened to you, King Qi, it's just a fictitious name thrown by Zhao Gou. Shen Xiaolong is now the master of Sichuan, how can it be? Will you listen to it?"

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